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Grimey Rick

I'm now killing on sight.

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No, not killing on sight does not make you a carebear. However, acting like everyone else should play like you and that because you find this play style more rewarding that everyone will find it so does make you a carebear.

Your posts are two-faced. You claim that you're not trying to tell people how to play or argue for a certain play style, and then you immediately turn around and call people who play differently than you "neanderthalish" and "mouthbreathers" and "tryhards." Sorry, but that's arguing for a certain style of play. You can't say you're open to different styles and then viciously insult people whose style differs from yours. You either support all play styles or you don't. You can't have it both ways.
Here, again. Play how you want, but it's "not smart" to play differently than you. You're the one who has it all figured out.


Right, right. It's only suitable for smart people who aren't mouth-breathing neanderthal tryhards, right? Jesus, dude. Make up your mind. You either support other play styles or you don't.


Rather than dissecting my post and getting mad about things I said that you disagree with, probably due to lack of reading comprehension, why not try to look at it objectively.  My opinion differs from yours.  Neat.  That tends to happen.  Get over it.


I'm not making this personal, and everything I said was my opinion, so why get personal at me and get mad like any of this matters anyway?  I already said if you wanna KoS fine.  So what's the problem?  I never said to anybody that there is only one way to play.


My posts are not two faced and in none of them have I said that there is a right or wrong way to play.  Killing on sight takes no brain power or skill in anyway.  Try and dispute it if you want, but I feel like there is a lot more skill involved in assessing a situation and responding to it accordingly rather than going in guns blazing shouting "HURR DURR" on the mic like you're about to hit level 10 prestige in CoD.



Edited by Mdogg2005
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Rather than dissecting my post and getting mad about things I said that you disagree with, probably due to lack of reading comprehension, why not try to look at it objectively.


I'm not mad, and it's not a matter of "disagreement." I am simply pointing out that you cannot claim on one hand to support different play styles and then in the next sentence call people with different play styles than you a variety of insulting names. You either support people or you don't.
I'm not making this personal
There's nothing personal about calling people neanderthalish, mouthbreathing tryhards? That's really your assertion?
why get personal at me
What are you talking about dude? Nothing in my post was a personal attack against you.
I already said if you wanna KoS fine.  So what's the problem?  I never said to anybody that there is only one way to play.
If KoS is "fine" then why all the name calling? It doesn't make any sense. You either think it's fine, or you think people are neanderthalish mouthbreathers. It can't be both. You're not making any sense.
My posts are not two faced and in none of them have I said that there is a right or wrong way to play.
Yes, it is absolutely two-faced to say that a style of play is "fine" in one paragraph, and then hurl a bunch of insults at people who play that way in the next paragraph.
Killing on sight takes no brain power or skill in anyway.
That obviously depends on the target. If killing you on sight doesn't take any skill, then that says more about you than it does about me. I've faced down plenty of people who were very difficult to kill on sight, because they were aware of their surroundings, had partners around, and defended themselves effectively.
Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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You're gonna need people that PK. You dont have Player Killers, everyone will end up fully geared, holding hands in a big circle pulling each others meat bats bored to shit. AI doesnt cut it. Its not unpredictable enough, we all know this, thats why the good players even get a kick out of helping newbies. They dont know what the other person is thinking, thats the thrill. Walk into the apartment blocks NE of Balota, whos waiting in just one of those rooms out of the 20 odd buildings with sevrel rooms each? A zombie? A person? Are they armed? Are they friendly? If you knew they were friendly, you'd just walk on in un matched, bored. Then back to Solitare we go!


Seriously? This is an argument for or against something? In what world would u have a game that u are able to kill players in and that the majority of low IQ players wouldn't just kill players since they can't come up with anything better?  There will always be PK, even if the made consequences (hopefully never) for it. 

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I dont think its very hard to be a Hero...just listen and watch what the other person does....the in game "body language" meaning movements, can tell you a lot. For example, last night I was scanning the factory between Nizhnoye and solnichniy because me and a buddy saw a fresh killed bambi. Sure enough, a guy with a burlap sack on his head and a mosin in his hands showed up on the top of the building. He was killed. We went to see if he had any ammo for no other reason then curiosity. 2 mins later another player shows up, armed only with a fireaxe. We tell him to put it on his back and kneel. He does so and even puts his hands on his head. We took all of the ammo, but left the gear for him. As we were leaving the guy we shot respawned and showed up(while whistling "winter wonderland", along with a couple of bambis not too far behind. We killed him again, and left the building. As we were leaving I turned around to see that the guy we helped was joined by another on top of the building we didnt recognise wielding a splitting axe. Another death. After the suspected spawnkiller returned and took strange pleasure in asking me to murder him, we found a safe place to log. I promptly sent a message over steam to the player we thought we helped. We met up in game, gav him 100 rounds for his new mosin, and spent the next few hours patrolling for bandits. Eventually we were engaged at kamyshovo by a group of 4. After an unfortunately timed server restart I was killed and my new friend and old friend (and rando bambi that got a mosin) got 3 of them before the last one either logged or ran. I returned to the town, and the guy I gave the gear to offered to give me back all the gear I let him have. I, being awesome, of course said that I gave it to him, so it was his and logged off for the night. Its not hard being a hero, but it is harder then being a kos bandit. As long as youre smart about how you move around you wont be spotted, and even if you are most bandits are terrible shots anyway.

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I dont think its very hard to be a Hero...just listen and watch what the other person does....the in game "body language" meaning movements, can tell you a lot. For example, last night I was scanning the factory between Nizhnoye and solnichniy because me and a buddy saw a fresh killed bambi. Sure enough, a guy with a burlap sack on his head and a mosin in his hands showed up on the top of the building. He was killed. We went to see if he had any ammo for no other reason then curiosity. 2 mins later another player shows up, armed only with a fireaxe. We tell him to put it on his back and kneel. He does so and even puts his hands on his head. We took all of the ammo, but left the gear for him. As we were leaving the guy we shot respawned and showed up(while whistling "winter wonderland", along with a couple of bambis not too far behind. We killed him again, and left the building. As we were leaving I turned around to see that the guy we helped was joined by another on top of the building we didnt recognise wielding a splitting axe. Another death. After the suspected spawnkiller returned and took strange pleasure in asking me to murder him, we found a safe place to log. I promptly sent a message over steam to the player we thought we helped. We met up in game, gav him 100 rounds for his new mosin, and spent the next few hours patrolling for bandits. Eventually we were engaged at kamyshovo by a group of 4. After an unfortunately timed server restart I was killed and my new friend and old friend (and rando bambi that got a mosin) got 3 of them before the last one either logged or ran. I returned to the town, and the guy I gave the gear to offered to give me back all the gear I let him have. I, being awesome, of course said that I gave it to him, so it was his and logged off for the night. Its not hard being a hero, but it is harder then being a kos bandit. As long as youre smart about how you move around you wont be spotted, and even if you are most bandits are terrible shots anyway.

dat wall.............

hitting enter

every now

and again

may do


some good



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There is a special kind of joy I get when I kill someone I met outside of the game.

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The main reasons why I don't like KoS, is because:
1. It is highly contagious, especially for the younger fellas. I actually seen many friendlies get KoS'd, and immediately arise as one of them! This is the real zombie virus in DayZ.
2. I really love reading nice stories (keep posting them, I've got :beans: ^_^ )
KoS players have no stories to tell other than "Saw a player, killed him, had nice/no loot" and "Saw a player, he killed me, he's a fuc***g noob piece of s*** tard f***" (I'll never understand that logic)
3. I know anyone can do MUCH better than just acting like any random NPC. Player interaction is gold in this game and I think it sucks to see 90% of possibilities being limited to the most basic possible. KoSers are basically zombies with guns and stuff wasting all their potential. Being scared of dying is no reason to kill and will never be, but that is nothing but my humble opinion.
I'm not complaining, KoSers are what makes that dreadful surge palpable when you see a player, and wonder what will happen next. I guess someone (not everyone though) has to do what the zombies seems to be unable to do.

Edited by Humansteak29
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I've been trying to have fun with the "hold 'em up, rob 'em, and let 'em go" mentality of this game, but as of late, I've been screwed one too many times. Last night, I joined a group of "bandit hunters" only to be led into a trap of two snipers on a building. I figured out it was a trap when my "friends" all hung back and then began to laugh. Black screen, with a dash of "You are dead."


Tonight, I gave it another go and joined up with some guys who seemed very mature initially. I played it a little more catty this time and held back, keeping the three chaps of my group in view. I was watching for any kind of twitchy movement, or obvious baiting. We were attacked by what I assume to be a "bandit" upon entering Kamyshovo; I ended up putting a .357 bullet through his chest, but not before he took down one of my allies. I attempted to resuscitate the fallen friend, and as I was digging through my pack to get my defibrillator from my safe box, I heard a couple of shots and my screen went black, which was followed by the mocking laughter and baiting of the aforementioned "mature players".


Anyway, I'm getting really sick of this type of behaviour. I would rather play the role of the hero, but it seems that lately I've been playing the role of the jackass. From now on, I'm killing anyone I see with a gun. I don't care at this point. I've come to realize you really can't trust anyone other than yourself and maybe a personal friend or family member playing with you.


Thanks for listening.


#bitter #angryface #rawr


Yep, DayZ Standalone = KOS


Kill everything that moves, even if it's an unarmed fresh spawn.


Maybe if there was an actual HUMANITY system like the one described in my sig below............we could actually interact with other players.

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I've been trying to have fun with the "hold 'em up, rob 'em, and let 'em go" mentality of this game, but as of late, I've been screwed one too many times. Last night, I joined a group of "bandit hunters" only to be led into a trap of two snipers on a building. I figured out it was a trap when my "friends" all hung back and then began to laugh. Black screen, with a dash of "You are dead."



So you're a bandit that's complaining about being killed by other bandits?

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So you're a bandit that's complaining about being killed by other bandits?


No, it was an attempt to assuage the idea of banditry. Banditry isn't a bad thing. It's a good thing. You don't have to kill the people you rob. It makes the game fun. Imagine if no one committed banditry or shot anyone else. That'd be pretty fucking lame.


Anyway, being a supreme prick by luring someone into a trap who was legitimately trying to help you was what I was complaining about. Not banditry.


EDIT: Also, I've never met so many people with such shitty reading comprehension as I have on these forums.

Edited by Grimey Rick
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EDIT: Also, I've never met so many people with such shitty reading comprehension as I have on these forums.


lol'd at this

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EDIT: Also, I've never met so many people with such shitty reading comprehension as I have on these forums.




1. shitty reading comprehension

2. that fuckin "its alpha" comments from ridiculously stupid fanboys

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His character is not a human. It's a piece of software code. Everyone should KOS strangers in this alpha state of the game

Mindset of a lemming.

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I would rather be killed by 10 Idiots than risk killing one nice guy. I have met many nice people by risking to trust them and I don't really want to murder anyone nice. I have traded and helped and been helped many more times than I have been murdered.


I don't care if an idiot kills me, it's not real and all of my best experiences of the game so far have been related to trusting people who didn't betray me. Don't get me wrong, I know you have to be careful and that there are a lot of griefers and noobs running around but don't give up on your humanity.


that experience even though it ended bad sounds awesome thats quite a story. you guys that decide to KOS all the time rob yourselves of those experiences as do server hopper(yes i mentioned them again LOL).I'm not hating i'm just stating an opinion of course and by the way now that you KOS get rid of your rick picture please don't stain his image with your ways hahahahahha.

^^ These are pretty much spot on!


You were always a bandit Grimey Rick, you just didn't know it yet.  Blaming others for your banditry is waek.  To be a hero you need to be like a crazy evangelistic Christian type.. and always turn the other cheek and come back for me.  Pffft you take to two and turn!  Shame on you :P


(ps I'm neither hero or bandit.. I just skulk around in bushes!)

I consider my play style to be like the DayZ mod hero, and dresses like it as much as possible too. But honestly I'm not the "crazy evangelistic Christian type". I hunt down bandits, and kills whoever engages me. To each his own.

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Mindset of a lemming.


// shrug //


It's currently the only end-game.

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// shrug //


It's currently the only end-game.


The end game is death? but Grimey, it's not even the beginning... You kill for food, shelter, water, or just to do it?

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The end game is death? but Grimey, it's not even the beginning... You kill for food, shelter, water, or just to do it?


Okay, here's the scenario:


You have full pristine gear with the maximum amount of slots possible. You have a Mosin/M4 with a more than sufficient stockpile of ammo. You have plenty of food and water. You have medicine for every situation, even the ones that require you to find a buddy to use. Your character status is "healthy". Even all of your ACCESSORIES are pristine.


Your options:


1) Kill yourself and start over.

2) Help others, even when most of the time they just attack you or log off immediately upon you greeting them.

3) Go look for some new spawns to help, even though they generally try to attack you as most of them have been playing as long or longer than you and are probably just PVPing anyway.

4) Explore the map, even though you have the whole thing memorized and never get lost.

5) Stop playing a game you really like due to the fact that there is currently a very shallow end-game. Boo! 3:

6) Attack other players at airstrips/fields and cities for fun. Eventually one of them will kill you or you'll get sniped and you'll get to start over! (Which is really all you want...) Yay! :3


Number six-achu, I choose you! pokeball_small.gif

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@grimey rick

now you start beeing annoying.


first you're whining that you will start to kos because bad bad world

then on page 3or5 you're telling us it was only because it was soooooo late and blaaaaaa and you're a hero all along

and now you're killing other people again because endgame


get your shit together son. make up your mind, stay away from the drugs and most of all ...



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@grimey rick

now you start beeing annoying.


first you're whining that you will start to kos because bad bad world

then on page 3or5 you're telling us it was only because it was soooooo late and blaaaaaa and you're a hero all along

and now you're killing other people again because endgame


get your shit together son. make up your mind, stay away from the drugs and most of all ...




Uh, no, I started this game wanting to play it the way I've seen it advertised.


Welcome to the thread. Welcome to my transition.


The exit is to your left. <3

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Welcome to my transition.




Gratz for no spine whatsoever.

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Gratz for no spine whatsoever.


Says the guy tough-talking over the internet about a guy who shoots people in a video game.



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I know how you feel, majority of the players on the game are absolute dicks. I've met a couple of good guys and we've teamed up killing anyone on sight with a gun, giving them a chance to speak on mic. If they don't speak or stand still the have a bullet to the head. But I'm friendly I only kill when absolute neccassary, and that's the truth. I'm geared up now standing ontop of one of the mountains looking down to keep the town of Electro/Cherno and kamyshovo safe! I am the guardian angel of newbies!

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