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Grimey Rick

I'm now killing on sight.

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Don't give up Rick. This game is brutal when you play on your own. Trust me, I know. But if you keep searching, sooner or later you will find a player you can trust. Then you will realize that finding that survivor who will have your back no matter what was worth all the deaths that lead you to him.

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Dont become part of the Problem. Be part of the solution. Also..you trusted a fully armed Group ? really ? If they dident talk ingame after inital contact something had to be fishy.


They talked. In both instances I had pretty good conversation with both groups. As someone mentioned above, I wouldn't say I too easily trust people. It's more that I want to believe most people are good. I believe this game is a fairly direct representation of the type of person you are in real life; it might not be to the extreme of killing someone, however, it's a little sadistic to play a game where you try to form amiable relations with people you don't know and then kill them.


EDIT: I think the problem stems from people thinking they have to shoot others simply because they have a gun. I've gone a week with a pristine M4 and two sixty round mags without firing a single bullet. If you want to kill on sight (which I'm not going to do, I was having a bad run and needed to vent) then go play any of the plethora of first person shooter games where eliminating the enemy team is the main goal. I am willing to bet a lot of the people who kill on sight wouldn't do so good in a good old fashioned Counter-Strike/Call of Duty match. ;)

Edited by Grimey Rick

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If it's hostile - kill it.


You don't know the other survivor: he's hostile...



secondly, you don't wanna waste your ammo on zombies either, so KoSing is the only thing left. it's basicly the only thing to do in this game.

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fight fire with fire... always works since begining of time.

Also start cheating cause other do it as well and all get better. *THUMPUP*

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I've been trying to have fun with the "hold 'em up, rob 'em, and let 'em go" mentality of this game, but as of late, I've been screwed one too many times. Last night, I joined a group of "bandit hunters" only to be led into a trap of two snipers on a building. I figured out it was a trap when my "friends" all hung back and then began to laugh. Black screen, with a dash of "You are dead."


Tonight, I gave it another go and joined up with some guys who seemed very mature initially. I played it a little more catty this time and held back, keeping the three chaps of my group in view. I was watching for any kind of twitchy movement, or obvious baiting. We were attacked by what I assume to be a "bandit" upon entering Kamyshovo; I ended up putting a .357 bullet through his chest, but not before he took down one of my allies. I attempted to resuscitate the fallen friend, and as I was digging through my pack to get my defibrillator from my safe box, I heard a couple of shots and my screen went black, which was followed by the mocking laughter and baiting of the aforementioned "mature players".


Anyway, I'm getting really sick of this type of behaviour. I would rather play the role of the hero, but it seems that lately I've been playing the role of the jackass. From now on, I'm killing anyone I see with a gun. I don't care at this point. I've come to realize you really can't trust anyone other than yourself and maybe a personal friend or family member playing with you.


Thanks for listening.


#bitter #angryface #rawr


This is what happens when you let those shitty fucking CoD kiddies use their mics on some other program and team up with their friends online and go against the normal players who mostly play alone. And then they think they are actually skilled (LOLOL) for killing 1-2 barely fresh spawns with 5 fully geared friends. This is what happens when you let immature kiddies under the age of 18 make there own decisions (Cough GTA).


And for those of you who completely bitch and soil their filthy pussies about 3PP or other "exploits", using mic to talk to your other identical douchebags on another program is even worse.

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I would rather be killed by 10 Idiots than risk killing one nice guy.


In other words, you want to be a Hero. Part of heroism is risk and sacrifice. If your reaction to betrayal is to abandon your commitment to good, then you weren't that good to begin with.
If you want to kill people, that's fine; but please don't pretend you were "forced" to be a bad guy. Man up and admit that you're doing it because you want to and because you're unwilling to commit the time and effort necessary to be a good guy.
The life of a Hero is hard. That's why it's something to be proud of.
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 I've come to realize you really can't trust anyone other than yourself and maybe a personal friend or family member playing with you.



Oh so its like real life then...I find it odd that players rage about being betrayed by strangers...what the hell did u expect??


U dont trust strangers 100% in real life do u? U trust u friends...the ppl uve known for some time. Ppl u meet random arent ur friends just because uve exchanged names and had a chat.


Yea u are really a jackass


My best advice is to stick to one server...get to know the regular players there. Maybe u meet some...he dosent KOS u, wave and be off...maybe next time u meet u have a chat. Still not friends...but its a start. And now u trust this stranger more that total strangers.


In other words...its takes time to build friendsship, like in the real world.

Edited by svisketyggeren

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You want to find players that you can trust don't meet them in-game go onto the clan recruitment forums and hop in their TS/Skype if they let you in there i don't see any reason why they would just turn around and shoot you.

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I don't kill unless I'm given damn good reason to.


Anyway, not everyone is a dick. I met a friendly group of about five in Cherno the other night. It was most amusing, actually, because I overheard them in the building next door and one said "Check out my new glasses". I was going to stay where I was and let the pass but decided to see who was about anyway as they sounded friendly enough. I opened the door of the building I was in as they ran past in the street. One guy, wearing a combat vest, helmet and carrying an M4 no less, stopped and looked at me, then turned away and said "Ahh, there you are", and then turned away before asking thr rest of the group if I was with them. For the next minute or so, there seemed to be some confusion as to whether I was part of their group or not! He then asked me directly if I was part of their group, to which I replied "I could be". He then said "Ahh, another Brit! Hello!", to which I replied "Tally Ho!", or something else suitably British. They laughed and then he asked if I would like to be friends and not shoot each other, to which I agreed. We stuck together for a while, moving about the buildings and gathering loot, before taking sniper fire whilst making our way out of the town. I got tagged a few times by Mosin fire but didn't die. Then, whilst I was crawling to cover, someone ran past that I thought was the M4 guy but it turned out it wasn't and they shot me. Several lessons to be learnt there.


Either way, he added me on Steam and I now have another person (possibly the rest of the group too) that I can hook up with should I need/desire to. Not killing anything that moves on sight can sometimes reap great rewards, and all of those times dying before it are worth it. Also, if you meet me around Chernarus, you're more than welcome to tag along.

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Oh so its like real life then...I find it odd that players rage about being betrayed by strangers...what the hell did u expect??


U dont trust strangers 100% in real life do u? U trust u friends...the ppl uve known for some time. Ppl u meet random arent ur friends just because uve exchanged names and had a chat.


Yea u are really a jackass


My best advice is to stick to one server...get to know the regular players there. Maybe u meet some...he dosent KOS u, wave and be off...maybe next time u meet u have a chat. Still not friends...but its a start. And now u trust this stranger more that total strangers.


In other words...its takes time to build friendsship, like in the real world.


In a real-life situation, I think you know within the first five minutes of chatting with someone whether or not they're friend material. In DayZ we don't have the luxury of body language, looking into someone's eyes, etc. Despite its attempt at realism, this is still a completely anonymous video game. Despite said anonymity, you can either trust people and try to work together with others, kill on sight or skulk around in the bushes completely avoiding interaction with other players.


All three are viable play styles, however, the third is fairly pointless as once you're geared and running around Chernarus, there's not a whole lot else to do but group up with others in an attempt to add people to your friends list or run around killing people.

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To me it sounds like someone just doesn't have the patience or savvy to play hero. Enjoy you're slow transition to KoS bandit, bro.

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I am paranoid and keep my gun on a guy.  I will generally trust people though.  I have been bite in the past, but it is fine, I would rather not become part of the problem.


I generally get very nervous around people armed with guns.  My friends and I will generally shoot first if we are in a confined space and meet an armed player.  If there is room to move we will watch and shoot only when needed.  If in doubt though, we will shoot armed players. It is a matter of survival.


I rarely team up with a group of armed players.  I'll let them move on or I will shoot if I think they are bandits.  Trusting a group of players you haven't added to Steam for any sort of long term action is welcoming an attack or ambush.

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In other words, you want to be a Hero. Part of heroism is risk and sacrifice. If your reaction to betrayal is to abandon your commitment to good, then you weren't that good to begin with.
If you want to kill people, that's fine; but please don't pretend you were "forced" to be a bad guy. Man up and admit that you're doing it because you want to and because you're unwilling to commit the time and effort necessary to be a good guy.
The life of a Hero is hard. That's why it's something to be proud of.


it's just a game for f***s sake...

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I (90% of the time) will never shoot on sight. Yes i've been the butt of some bullshit, but I've also had great moments, funny moments, etc during times ive trust people. I had 2 guys hold me up at a firestation. they inspected me, gave me a gun, and simply said "You can loot the station, just dont shoot us when we leave. Have a nice day"

You lose the experience when you lose humane trust

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Welcome to the common sense train. Enjoy your stay, we have hot coffee. 

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To me it sounds like someone just doesn't have the patience or savvy to play hero. Enjoy you're slow transition to KoS bandit, bro.


I've been playing as a hero since I started the game, "bro". As of late it just seems that everyone is out to commit to banditry en masse. Last night on a random hardcore server I connected to there was literally a genocide of new players at the coast beating each other to death with their fists. I've never seen that before. I'm hoping it's just a wave of people trying the game out. Hopefully they head back to Call of Duty sooner than later.

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I've met a few nice people because luck was with me. Most of the time however it's just somebody looking to get an easy kill when you turn your back. DayZ players are truly products of their environment.


I try to avoid others to gather my own supplies and be left alone. I initially looked for "friendly" players but since only 1 out of every 50 were actually friendly I gave up on that and had to develop a set of rules.


I don't KOS if I can get away clean. I shoot on sight anyone that is armed and may have me at a disadvantage. I shoot anybody who is armed and runs when I call out. I shoot anybody who fails to answer a verbal greeting quickly. I don't care if you can't speak English just reply in a friendly tone that's a start. If you see me and you have a weapon out, it's already a gun fight. I've been caught behind the 8 ball too damn many times trying to talk to people on equal terms. The only chance at parley is if I am more heavily armed and they have a melee weapon or none at all. If I am given the opportunity to talk to people I'll see if they need anything. I drop item and leave. Even if I only have a flashlight I don't want anybody else's stuff. As long as I'm allowed to go my own way I'm perfectly capable of getting my own kit.


Because I have a thing about being restrained I do NOT lay down my weapons. I'd rather get shot standing and armed than let some asshole have the pleasure of executing me after taking what little I have. I can always re-spawn.


I don't want to play this way, never did. But, those are the rules as defined by others and no amount of discussion will stop the seemingly endless supply of assholes. As long as the zombies are only a minor annoyance I don't see "strength in numbers" becoming important to most. It would be really great if PVP (which is important and enjoyable at times) would be for specific high traffic areas where fighting over known resources makes sense (not as game rules that bring penalties from admins, just civility). Coming across a person or a small group could lead to cooperation while travelling through the smaller towns to those larger areas. But, nobody seems to want cooperation and are apparently content to just wantonly cause as much misery as possible.

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I've been trying to have fun with the "hold 'em up, rob 'em, and let 'em go" mentality of this game, but as of late, I've been screwed one too many times. Last night, I joined a group of "bandit hunters" only to be led into a trap of two snipers on a building. I figured out it was a trap when my "friends" all hung back and then began to laugh. Black screen, with a dash of "You are dead."


Tonight, I gave it another go and joined up with some guys who seemed very mature initially. I played it a little more catty this time and held back, keeping the three chaps of my group in view. I was watching for any kind of twitchy movement, or obvious baiting. We were attacked by what I assume to be a "bandit" upon entering Kamyshovo; I ended up putting a .357 bullet through his chest, but not before he took down one of my allies. I attempted to resuscitate the fallen friend, and as I was digging through my pack to get my defibrillator from my safe box, I heard a couple of shots and my screen went black, which was followed by the mocking laughter and baiting of the aforementioned "mature players".


Anyway, I'm getting really sick of this type of behaviour. I would rather play the role of the hero, but it seems that lately I've been playing the role of the jackass. From now on, I'm killing anyone I see with a gun. I don't care at this point. I've come to realize you really can't trust anyone other than yourself and maybe a personal friend or family member playing with you.


Thanks for listening.


#bitter #angryface #rawr


Back in the 70's, on UK TV there was a wise, sage-like cat that offered advice to us kids via his interpreter.

meow, meow meowmoew, meow meow, purr... Charley says "you shouldn't go off with people you don't know"


Charley prepared me for DayZ, hopefully these words of wisdom will now help you.



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If it's hostile - kill it.


You don't know the other survivor: he's hostile...

Oh man, memorable Metro 2033 reference! Ranger time, B)

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Everyone that does these "now I'm KoS'ing threads" are just giving up on themselves and not willing to get better at being a hero/survivor. The less control of the situation you have, the more likely you will become bullet food. Heros don't run around with strangers and follow their plan, heros MAKE the plan and strangers follow them.

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I've been trying to have fun with the "hold 'em up, rob 'em, and let 'em go" mentality of this game, but as of late, I've been screwed one too many times. Last night, I joined a group of "bandit hunters" only to be led into a trap of two snipers on a building. I figured out it was a trap when my "friends" all hung back and then began to laugh. Black screen, with a dash of "You are dead."


Tonight, I gave it another go and joined up with some guys who seemed very mature initially. I played it a little more catty this time and held back, keeping the three chaps of my group in view. I was watching for any kind of twitchy movement, or obvious baiting. We were attacked by what I assume to be a "bandit" upon entering Kamyshovo; I ended up putting a .357 bullet through his chest, but not before he took down one of my allies. I attempted to resuscitate the fallen friend, and as I was digging through my pack to get my defibrillator from my safe box, I heard a couple of shots and my screen went black, which was followed by the mocking laughter and baiting of the aforementioned "mature players".


Anyway, I'm getting really sick of this type of behaviour. I would rather play the role of the hero, but it seems that lately I've been playing the role of the jackass. From now on, I'm killing anyone I see with a gun. I don't care at this point. I've come to realize you really can't trust anyone other than yourself and maybe a personal friend or family member playing with you.


Thanks for listening.


#bitter #angryface #rawr

Being a hero is hard, or everyone would be one. Usually means self sacrafice of some kind or another. Killing on sight is easy mode so I choose to be helpful and only fire unless threatened etc. You are going to die a lot playing this way that goes without saying. Personally I wouldn't run with random people I don't know for the reason stated above, but I will help them, heal, trade etc.


Edit - Oh god grammer. Also I've run into over 20 people now and only the first three were hostile. Helps if you don't point your gun at people too.

Edited by Azurestorms

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LOL, similar experiences here.  I would see somebody and try to be friendly from a safe location.  Everytime, the guy would approach closer, and closer.  I would warn him, and tell him he's making a bad decision, but he would keep moving closer and closer to the sound of my voice.  Finally when he's too close, I would tell my bro to shoot him in the back.  There ARE friendly Day Z players, but they are very few and far between.

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Everyone that does these "now I'm KoS'ing threads" are just giving up on themselves and not willing to get better at being a hero/survivor. The less control of the situation you have, the more likely you will become bullet food. Heros don't run around with strangers and follow their plan, heros MAKE the plan and strangers follow them.


I've bandaged people. I've fed people. I've defibrillated a guy. I've even given a new player a gun, left the ammunition for it in the top level of a house, and then left the area. I do help people. It's not hard. It's just frustrating. I don't play video games to be constantly frustrated. When you're killed by someone who betrays you after helping them, I'm willing to drop $100 on a bet that you don't smile and re-spawn without dropping a few choice words. Don't act like a saint. It's fucking aggravating. I understand there are going to be bandits. I don't expect or really want anything to change. I'm just adapting my play style to fit the environment. In a zombie apocalypse I'd act the same way. I wouldn't be prancing around with a white flag singing hymns and taking stupid fucking risks to help people. If I could, and it was safe, I'd help. If not, survival of the fittest!


I'm already a cynisist when it comes to society; this game is just setting the bar lower.


P.S: Please understand this thread was created at around 6 o'clock in the morning after a ten hour session. I was cranky, irritable and ready to put my fist through my monitor when these guys stabbed me in the back. My wits weren't at 100%; I was practically a zombie myself.



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I've bandaged people. I've fed people. I've defibrillated a guy. I've even given a new player a gun, left the ammunition for it in the top level of a house, and then left the area. I do help people. It's not hard. It's just frustrating. I don't play video games to be constantly frustrated. When you're killed by someone who betrays you after helping them, I'm willing to drop $100 on a bet that you don't smile and re-spawn without dropping a few choice words. Don't act like a saint. It's fucking aggravating. I understand there are going to be bandits. I don't expect or really want anything to change. I'm just adapting my play style to fit the environment. In a zombie apocalypse I'd act the same way. I wouldn't be prancing around with a white flag singing hymns and taking stupid fucking risks to help people. If I could, and it was safe, I'd help. If not, survival of the fittest!


I'm already a cynisist when it comes to society; this game is just setting the bar lower.


P.S: Please understand this thread was created at around 6 o'clock in the morning after a ten hour session. I was cranky, irritable and ready to put my fist through my monitor when these guys stabbed me in the back. My wits weren't at 100%; I was practically a zombie myself.



Rick would not surivve in Day Z.

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Rick would not surivve in Day Z.


Shane would have punched Rick to death as soon as they hit the coast in DayZ.

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