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Hey guys new masks for game would be cool.

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People who have something to hide or are up to no good are the ones who cover their faces.

Nope. To quote the Dread Pirate Roberts, they are terribly comfortable.

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Nope. To quote the Dread Pirate Roberts, they are terribly comfortable.

True i Hear everyone in the Future will Be wearing them

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True i Hear everyone in the Future will Be wearing them

Indeed, indeed.

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Nope. To quote the Dread Pirate Roberts, they are terribly comfortable.

Alright, exceptions being I like to wear a balaclava when I'm in the bush during winter.

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Dude you got your priorities all out of whack man. Next you'll tell me that oh I should eat some dinner before i sexy time my lady friend rrriiiggghhttt not gonna happen.


To be serious though I am always well feed and armed to where I am not worried about anything in life other than...HIGH FASHION!


Also I so want them to add peeing and pooping to the game. See once they add infections to the game it would make for some serious repercussion if not wiped and washed proper. Also toilet paper would be THE hot commodity can you imagine seeing bandits holding people up for TP? You would hear on direct "HEY FREEZE! You got any TP mother fluffer? GIVE ME THE TP NOW! I got a turlte head poking out man make it snappy!" it would be so much fun. Then you could say "no just kill me man I'm cool with it BUT you willl ruin the tp so eff off." Then you walk away as he shits his pants lol good times, good times.

lmafo...omg...having the issues when you eat to much bean its to fart,and when you drink a cola you burp !!prout and burp addition plz ...lol

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Just add this mask:



This is Guy Fawkes mask, it's worth to add it. And still it's pretty cool :>

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Just add this mask:



This is Guy Fawkes mask, it's worth to add it. And still it's pretty cool :>

was just about to suggest this one. this needs to be top priority

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No, please do not add this, honestly leave this to modders, I do not want some anime mask ruining my serious and gritty dayz experience. 

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This is DayZ.... If you want autistic hats, go play Team Fortress II...

Let's let the devs focus on functionality first, rather than bogging them down with requests for stupid and largely autistic masks...

Edited by t3h_kgb

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I think a human skin mask like the texas chainsaw massacre villain would be cool... just like pelts but you harvest a human.. and it looks all dank and rotten and after a while flies start buzzing around (well the flies is probs asking a bit much :D)

Anyway, i see this topic is rather old.. i would like to see some very rare masks so when you see them you are like " WOW LOKK DAT UBER RAREST MASK"


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On 7/18/2017 at 10:46 PM, liquidcactus said:

Anyway, i see this topic is rather old.. i would like to see some very rare masks so when you see them you are like " WOW LOKK DAT UBER RAREST MASK"


What's the point? If you see another player in DayZ, you're probably about to die anyway, why bother trying to look at their mask when you should bother with relocation and engagement...

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17 hours ago, t3h_kgb said:

What's the point? If you see another player in DayZ, you're probably about to die anyway, why bother trying to look at their mask when you should bother with relocation and engagement...

It was somewhat of a joke.. i would just like to see some more masks for role plays sake. We each have our version of dayz as we would like to see it.

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im 101% sure that all your crazy, silly and stupid mask needs will be satisfied once the modding comes.

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