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Panic Logging...

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... I have to get this off my chest.


Combat logging, or panic logging as I like to call it, should really be the next thing to be fixed. And fast.


It simply breaks the the game at the moment.


There is almost zero interaction between players right now, except of shooting-from-ambush-one-shot-kills. Most players just log off as soon as they see other players. I run along the coast as a fresh spawn. I raise my hand to high-five. Player panic logs.


Yesterday we decided to be dicks and camp the north east airstrip, waited for quite a while, four guys trample along, not even trying to be sneaky and carefull. As soon as we open fire from 300 m with our shitty Mosins, all of them combat log instantly, even with hardcover just meters away.


And the story count goes on and on.


Breaks the game... :(


I hope this gets fixed very soon. (and I´m confident it will)

Edited by dayzjarhead
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Yes it does need to be fixed! 


Although I still laugh when someone combat logs on me.  



^ Combat logger ^ 

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Whats so bad about combat logging?

I don't understand all the hate....

Its just another honorable military profession. Sure, its not the god almighty blessed INFANTRY, but where would they be without combat loggers?

without combat loggers, the combat engineers would have no lumber to use to build bridges the infantry uses to cross rivers. Without lumber, no barracks buildings. No construction PERIOD.

The military NEEDS brave men and women willing to risk their lives to enter the forests under fire and bring back felled trees...

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If hardcover was just few meters from them as you say, they could just take the cover and then combat log meaning any countdown timer wouldn't stop them.

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If hardcover was just few meters from them as you say, they could just take the cover and then combat log meaning any countdown timer wouldn't stop them.


 Perhaps this could be a solution. 


Player A fires a shot at Player B. Player B is now in combat with Player A and vice versa. Player B and A can't disconnect (without repercussions) until they are far away enough from each other. Would that be annoying? You wouldn't need to be a certain distance from any player...just the one that fired at you. In a realistic sense it would mean you have "escaped". 

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If hardcover was just few meters from them as you say, they could just take the cover and then combat log meaning any countdown timer wouldn't stop them.

>Bullet hits a 100m radius near you

>3 Minutes Log out timer


Problem solved. 

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>Bullet hits a 100m radius near you

>3 Minutes Log out timer


Problem solved. 


Like this?

> Player A fires a shot at Player B.

> 3 minute timer begins 

> Player B hides for 2 minutes

> Player A fires another shot 

> 4 minute timer begins


Or would Player A have to wait until the timer ends to fire again so the timer starts again? Just curious if it would be compounded or not. 

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>Bullet hits a 100m radius near you

>3 Minutes Log out timer


Problem solved. 


...and a 20 sec logout timer/animation so you know when someone is doing it in front of you but you havent fired yet.

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Like this?

> Player A fires a shot at Player B.

> 3 minute timer begins 

> Player B hides for 2 minutes

> Player A fires another shot 

> 4 minute timer begins


Or would Player A have to wait until the timer ends to fire again so the timer starts again? Just curious if it would be compounded or not. 



not sure if you ever played WoW? they managed it without any dramas. if you tried to log, you got a "cannot log out whilse in combat message". The only way to logout was to put distance between each other then wait 2 minutes (i think) without any obvious activity

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Like this?

> Player A fires a shot at Player B.

> 3 minute timer begins 

> Player B hides for 2 minutes

> Player A fires another shot 

> 4 minute timer begins


Or would Player A have to wait until the timer ends to fire again so the timer starts again? Just curious if it would be compounded or not. 



>Another shot

>Reset to 3 Minutes.


Otherwise 30 shots fired would start a 90 minutes timer xD

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>Another shot

>Reset to 3 Minutes.


Otherwise 30 shots fired would start a 90 minutes timer xD


Facepalm. Don't know why I didn't figure that out! Thanks. 


However... What about melee combat? What if I'm shooting at someone then run out of ammo. I couldn't restart the combat timer! 

Edited by The_Man

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Agreed. This should be a top priority. Rocket wants to make the game less shoot on sight centric, but when players can combat log instantly, that's all there is to it. You can't hold people up, handcuff them, or basically interact in any way because 9 times out of 10 other players just log out. The trend is being set now, and that trend is reversion to good ol' shoot on sight anarchy like the mod was. Combat logging is helping to ensure this.


I think the best fix would be to have combat detection, like the mod eventually had, and if a player logs out while in combat, their body is still visible and interactable for 30 seconds or more, and the player is unable to join new servers in this time. That way combat logging will be pointless as you will die and lose your stuff anyway.

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once upon time I used to interact sometime


not no more >:(


I see player with gun only thing on my mind is kill without him know I am here ;)


I am sick of pussy logger


I don't like word 'combat' logger because it assume shots are coming but most times is from only see player or hear voice these pussys logging


Panic logging suggest is some reaction they don't have control of what they doing  :huh:


these bitches know exact what they doing so for me is PUSSY LOGGING >:(


If you doing this you are a no honour no balls no backbone bitch :thumbsup:  ;)

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 Perhaps this could be a solution. 


Player A fires a shot at Player B. Player B is now in combat with Player A and vice versa. Player B and A can't disconnect (without repercussions) until they are far away enough from each other. Would that be annoying? You wouldn't need to be a certain distance from any player...just the one that fired at you. In a realistic sense it would mean you have "escaped". 

The problem I see with this is, how does the game distinguish between someone you were shooting at and someone who just happened to be in the area at the time? Consider this:

Player A is friends with Player C. Player C is being held up by Player B, so Player A shoots and misses at Player B, who then proceeds to run away. Since the game can't tell who Player A was actually trying to hit, Player A and Player C are now forced to distance themselves from each other so that they may safely log out.


Other than this, it seems like a viable solution. If there was a way for the game to distinguish between targets then it would probably work.

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well, simple solution: if someone shoots, everyone in 400m radius get logout timer. if he shoots again, guys who already have been marked are fine, new guys who just arrived get logout timer.

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The problem I see with this is, how does the game distinguish between someone you were shooting at and someone who just happened to be in the area at the time? Consider this:

Player A is friends with Player C. Player C is being held up by Player B, so Player A shoots and misses at Player B, who then proceeds to run away. Since the game can't tell who Player A was actually trying to hit, Player A and Player C are now forced to distance themselves from each other so that they may safely log out.


Other than this, it seems like a viable solution. If there was a way for the game to distinguish between targets then it would probably work.


Good point! I don't think the game would able to distinguish between targets. Seems improbable to myself but I'm not a developer. Perhaps it could be used in conjunction with a timer. Player A and C could just wait it out. Say 3-5 minutes. People shouldn't be engaging in combat if they don't have the time to dedicate to it right? My radius idea would make people either enter or exit an invisible combat arena. Might be too confusing. I imagine the timer solution would be a case of keep it simple, stupid. Better in your scenario! 

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Little combat log story since its going to be use to make my point.

Me and my buddy were meeting up in Elektro. I was already there just derping around axing zombies, my buddy apparently gets threatened by this random guy who apparently tried to kill my friend with a .357 and a FN 45, both which didn't fire. My friend lures him too me and I ax him once, didn't kill him but as we were chasing him he combat logs while bleeding which really pissed us off since later on we figured he ghosted because he came back a few minutes later to which i killed him after he got me, he bled out haha.


What they need to do is have a 10 second log out timer in general while keeping your character still in order to log you out, and if you log out with a bleeding effect should be forced to spawn in as a bambi again. And then to prevent ghosting have a timer, maybe like 2-5 minutes, if you server hop and try to rejoin the other with no way to get around it.  

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Combat/Panic/Pussy Logging... well I regard it as extremely dishonourable and lazy. When we camped NEAF and got shot at, my mates logged instantly and I got really mad at them.


What we need:


1. A general 10 sec logoff timer, whatsoever

2. 30 sec logoff timer after player fired shot/entered meelee

3. 1 min logoff timer after being shot at, determined by a 30-50 m bubble around impact of bullet.


Since all of this is now determined server-side, implementation should be no problem. Dedicating time to implement it is a mere project planning issue.


But as I pointed out in the OP, I have no doubt that this will be fixed soontm.

Edited by dayzjarhead

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I play as a sniper and it's funny to see 3 bandits instantly log out when I kill just one of their mates. Meanwhile, they also apply no skill at covering ground. They run like headless chickens on the road....Game is funny in its current state

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30 sec logoff timer after player fired shot/entered meelee

i think 30 sec logoff timer no matter what. when loggin out legitly, your character would be on that spot for another 30 sec at the server. you would just need to find a safe spot to log out. you can either wait that time (to observe that you really are safe) or insta-logout and leave your character unattended for that time (showing some "logged out" status in menu when ready).


i think 30 seconds is more than enough to prevent combat logging. you could kill anyone in 30 sec even with fists. longer timer would be an annoyance when you want to join another server with your friends. well maybe a minute wouldn't be that bad either...

Edited by komadose
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Anyone who Alt-F4's should automatically respawn when they re-enter the game.


Hmm... dunno. Is there a way to tell a Alt-F4 from a crashing application? Sometimes you just have to Alt-F4 or kill the game via the Task Manager. So I'd rather not promote that.

Edited by dayzjarhead

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Just keep the player in the world for 2 minutes after he logs.


Most simple, less flexible solution. But it would be a quick fix.

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