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Panic Logging...

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Hmm... dunno. Is there a way to tell a Alt-F4 from a crashing application? Sometimes you just have to Alt-F4 or kill the game via the Task Manager. So I'd rather not promote that.


I think we have to be tough here - collateral damage is unfortunate but for the greater good.


(Unless it's me)

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Anyone who Alt-F4's should automatically respawn when they re-enter the game.

i think the logout timer should just apply there. your character would remain in game for X time (let's say 30 sec) before automatically logging out. you wouldn't want to do that in combat then...

Edited by komadose

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Anyone who Alt-F4's should automatically respawn when they re-enter the game.


a bit harsh as people do hang / crash for a myriad of reasons, they should lose all their ammo.

Edited by Calibre

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What about not being able to log out as long as you got a weapon in your hands?


Additional to one of the logout-timer-solutions. 

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Anyone who Alt-F4's should automatically respawn when they re-enter the game.

What if it crashes? O_O


They should just stand freezed as long as the timer would last. 

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e: wrong thread....

Edited by komadose

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I think a logout timer where you cant move for the logout time is the best option.  Nice and simple.


Think of this.  If you based it on combat, say bullets fired, player A fires at another group of players.  Players B,C and D are within a set radius of the bullet or what not.  The game has to compute all this information regarding bullet path, hit location, determine who is in the set vicinity, and apply timers.  Now, get two groups of 3-4 people shooting at each other with M4's in a fast intense firefight.  I dont know alot (read none) about game programming, but could this have a negative affect on the optimization of the game?

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Combat loggers are shit and unfortunately they were everywhere in the Mod. Hopefully they will be less of a problem in SA. I like to have a positive outlook on everything, so until this gets fixed, do what I do. Find a cozy spot and wait for about 10 min. You will usually catch them coming back in and it is all worth it then.


Oh, and be sure to send them a nice message over the mic before you light em' up, it soothes the soul...

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I was tempted to post every single "oh look this thread again meme" that google would puke at me.


Combat logging and server hopping are known and acknowledged issues by the Development team.


I know you think your idea is awesome but they are already working on their own solution.


Last I heard they where having a bitch of a time getting the most recent patch live on the experimental servers. They will be busy with that even after they get it working properly on the experimental server and prepare to roll it out live to the masses, once out to the masses they'll chew their nails hoping that it's running as intended.


Then they'll start tackling the next set of issue's in preparation for the next patch, will combat logging be in there? only they know.



27 topics tagged "combat logging" http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/tags/forums/combat%2Blogging/

18 topics tagged "combat log" http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/tags/forums/combat%2Blog/

38 topics tagged "server hopping" http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/tags/forums/server%2Bhopping/

9 topics tagged "Penis" http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/tags/forums/penis/

Edited by Window Licker
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Whats so bad about combat logging?


I don't understand all the hate....





Its just another honorable military profession. Sure, its not the god almighty blessed INFANTRY, but where would they be without combat loggers?

without combat loggers, the combat engineers would have no lumber to use to build bridges the infantry uses to cross rivers. Without lumber, no barracks buildings. No construction PERIOD.

The military NEEDS brave men and women willing to risk their lives to enter the forests under fire and bring back felled trees...



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I was tempted to post every single "oh look this thread again meme" that google would puke at me.


Combat logging and server hopping are known and acknowledged issues by the Development team.


I know you think your idea is awesome but they are already working on their own solution.


Last I heard they where having a bitch of a time getting the most recent patch live on the experimental servers. They will be busy with that even after they get it working properly on the experimental server and prepare to roll it out live to the masses, once out to the masses they'll chew their nails hoping that it's running as intended.


Then they'll start tackling the next set of issue's in preparation for the next patch, will combat logging be in there? only they know.



27 topics tagged "combat logging" http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/tags/forums/combat%2Blogging/

18 topics tagged "combat log" http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/tags/forums/combat%2Blog/

38 topics tagged "server hopping" http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/tags/forums/server%2Bhopping/

9 topics tagged "Penis" http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/tags/forums/penis/


Your whole post.. omg lol... but lmao at the last line.  Have my beans.

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all that is needed is a 10 second timer, but during the timer you only see a black screen and you can't move in game.  Even logging out behind hard cover will be a risk.  and if you manage then kudo's, but seeing people dissapear while they are in your scope is not cool.

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Penalize combat loggers?  Can this be done?  Rather than a timer, if they log out in a scenario that the game recognizes as active combat, when they log back in all their weapons are walkie talkies and all their stacks of ammo become batteries.  Make them fight with insults.  Isn't this game too violent anyways?  Let's just replace all guns with working walkie talkies.  Instead of firing bullets at anyone running around you, you fling insults about the person's mental stability, or sexual orientation, or intellectual ability, or your mom and her orifices that have been violated by me, your new step-dad!  Think of meeting up after an intense battle in Elektro.


"Jesus, I barely made it out of there.  How many 'Your Mom' insults exist?  They even brought my penis size into it."


-Do you need therapy?  I can bandage you up, or cuddle with this teddy bear, I looted an extra.


"I'm fine, thanks.  But you better go find Jim.  He stood up once we got clear and he got hit with an insult about him being a Jew and he is sobbing inside the grocery store."


-Damn't, these sick people.  Better get the milk and cookies.

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I am with all you guys on combat logging and its annoyance, but I want to make one small correction to the OP.  There absolutely IS player interaction.  To suggest that there is almost zero interaction is entirely false.  I have had many humorous, tense, violent and friendly interactions with unknowns throughout my 60 hours of in game experience.


To the OP's content, he is correct, combat logging does need to be addressed.  If you combat log at first moments notice of a shot fired, then what is the point of logging in at all?

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Yes it does need to be fixed! 


Although I still laugh when someone combat logs on me.  



^ Combat logger ^ 

Not quite. They drop their gear for you, Most CLers don't do that. This must be something new.

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Combat logging, or panic logging as I like to call it, should really be the next thing to be fixed. And fast.


I'd never combat-log, but I did panic-log a few nights ago. I spawned into a radio tower at night. On the ground floor, under the stairs. Within seconds I heard footsteps and voices outside and saw the light of a torch. I would have had the 'jump' on the guy, and I had a gun. I also had the cover of the stairs so I was heavily advantaged. What did I do? Why heart pounded like hell and a crapped my panties and quit.




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Not quite. They drop their gear for you, Most CLers don't do that. This must be something new.


The nut is a metaphor for their testicles. They drop their balls (courage) and run. Boom! 

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... I have to get this off my chest.


Combat logging, or panic logging as I like to call it, should really be the next thing to be fixed. And fast.


It simply breaks the the game at the moment.


Yesterday we decided to be dicks and camp the north east airstrip, waited for quite a while, four guys trample along, not even trying to be sneaky and carefull. As soon as we open fire from 300 m with our shitty Mosins, all of them combat log instantly, even with hardcover just meters away.


And the story count goes on and on.


 It didn't break the mod, but you probably didn't play that. Bro, if your having problems with bambi's combat logging its your own damn fault.


Don't miss, play smarter, get better.


You and your boys should have waited for the shot to be right and all fire on one target (or split the boys into groups of two w/each group firing on on separate targets) so the likelihood of missing shrinks. By the time they know what hit them your group will be on their secondary target. This can be done swiftly.


We kill people all the time and if we miss, its our fault. If we miss and they combat log, its our fault. Actually, we have a no-miss policy because of combat loggers hypothetically relogging on our 6. If we miss, we deserve to die.


This is called adapting to our environment. It might not be ideal, but it makes your and yours a better team in the long run.


Don't hate the game, hate yourself.


Missing targets at 300 meters in a group is unacceptable. Ya'll need to get back to the drawing board.

Edited by Bennet
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Work on queued login has begun. This is our combat logging/server hopping fix. Hope ton have more info soon, not a big task. #DayZDaily


Queued login?? Because after 1 million sales, they just can't implement this....





That is a cool idea! Realistic. Queued login seems too arcade-y too me. 

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Dean Hall ‏@rocket2guns  5 sa.

Work on queued login has begun. This is our combat logging/server hopping fix. Hope ton have more info soon, not a big task. #DayZDaily


Queued login?? Because after 1 million sales, they just can't implement this....



LOL. that made me yawn...

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Whats so bad about combat logging?

I don't understand all the hate....

Its just another honorable military profession. Sure, its not the god almighty blessed INFANTRY, but where would they be without combat loggers?

without combat loggers, the combat engineers would have no lumber to use to build bridges the infantry uses to cross rivers. Without lumber, no barracks buildings. No construction PERIOD.

The military NEEDS brave men and women willing to risk their lives to enter the forests under fire and bring back felled trees...


*raises finger and inhales....*








*lowers finger*

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