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Alias Mias

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About Alias Mias

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Alias Mias

    Panic Logging...

    The problem I see with this is, how does the game distinguish between someone you were shooting at and someone who just happened to be in the area at the time? Consider this: Player A is friends with Player C. Player C is being held up by Player B, so Player A shoots and misses at Player B, who then proceeds to run away. Since the game can't tell who Player A was actually trying to hit, Player A and Player C are now forced to distance themselves from each other so that they may safely log out. Other than this, it seems like a viable solution. If there was a way for the game to distinguish between targets then it would probably work.
  2. Alias Mias

    Ultra realism Vs Balanced game design

    Most of us would like to see the game develop into something more realistic, but there is a line to be drawn. I put the following scenario to you: You are looting a barn, accidentally fall off of the upstairs area and break your legs. Would you be happy to wait several weeks in real time for your legs to be mended, hoping that you don't starve to death, or would you prefer to reach into your backpack and apply that morphine so that you can continue playing the game. Seriously, things like item degrading is a great addition to DayZ, but people need to remember that it is still a game, and if every design decision was made in the direction of realism alone, not many people would enjoy the game anymore.
  3. Alias Mias

    Combat Loggers and Ghost Warriors

    The problem is, how do you distinguish between someone that has combat logged/server hopped, and someone that has simply lagged out? This happens a lot on Australian internet, so I know for a a fact that I wouldn't be happy if i had to wait 5 minutes every time I lag out. Combat logging is a problem though, the other day I got the drop on 2 guys outside the Elektro hospital. I headshotted one of them with my mosin and before his body even fell over he vanished from the server. This tells me that the bastard has done it before, his automatic reaction to being shot at wasn't to run for cover, but to alt + f4. I'm sure the problem is being worked on, But there's not think there's really a simple solution.
  4. Alias Mias

    every server is dark

    This is one of the most important things to fix, imo. Currently on Australian servers the sun doesn't come out until about 7pm irl, which means darkness all day, during the prime playing time. It's incredibly annoying, the dark was fun for the first 20 minutes. Now its just a pain, its not the best environment to be learning all the new mechanics. If you can't sync the server time to the real life time zones, then I would honestly prefer it if night was disabled entirely until it can happen. Its simply unfair otherwise.
  5. Alias Mias

    Sweet Screenshot!

    Holy shit, a server where it isn't pitch black all day? Teach me your ways. The pic is pretty badass, though.
  6. Does your 3D resolution match your regular resolution in the video settings?
  7. I would probably go insane. Very slowly. I mean, all those episodes of supernatural have taught me to stay away from any abandoned buildings but in the apocalypse thats the best place to loot, right? That and I would have trouble killing another man unless my life was in danger. I could never execute anyone.
  8. Alias Mias

    30 pieces of lead

    I loled. A lot.
  9. Alias Mias

    5-10 FPS HELP!

    If you want to get a good FPS then join a server with under 100 ping. Also, just curious but do you also get such crappy framerates in normal Arma 2 servers?
  10. Alias Mias

    Looking for a good headset!

    You definately want a Logitech G35. I picked mine up for about $120 AUD. Best decision ever. It blocks out most outside sound, as well as including surround sound for that immersive experience. Mine broke the other day after about 2 years, left me in tears.
  11. Alias Mias

    Social Experiment, Neat Idea

    I really hope you record this, it could be a really cool series. The only problem being that the camera man can't die. That would make things awkward. I also don't think getting kitted out should be a part of it, since it's so easy to die on the cost. I think you should all start at say, Elektro, and have a "meet here in an hour" kind of thing. Before you all meet somewhere people should be allowed to die as many times as needed.
  12. Alias Mias

    Adding .50s Back In

    Ever heard of Wolfteam? That was a fun game, once. By the time I was done with it I was convinced that I was the only person left that refused to spend IRL money on it. It started out slow, a few new guns were released for IRL money only. They were OP as fuck, but I trusted that they would get patched. This didn't happen of course, instead a whole new range of broken weaponry was introduced. This was followed by new character models and eventually their worst idea ever, body armour. The body armour made it virtually impossible to kill someone unless you had one of those broken guns. It got to the point where if you weren't spending cash on the game, you couldn't win. I was constantly 1 shotted by someone from across the map with his BS rifle, if I managed to land a shot it didn't do anything because of the body armour. The most annoying part is that Aeria Games knew about this, they made a post saying that people were complaining due to the lack of new guns that could be purchased without cash, and said they would fix it. Never happened. My point is that human beings are greedy bastards, and unless the company is being run by a saint then the sale of in game items for real money is the worst decision they could ever make. So long as the money keeps coming in from the people that are buying these items, they wont stop.
  13. Alias Mias

    jerry can + match + player = human torch

    I thought that created The Joker?
  14. Ok, how about you show a struggle on the bots as the intro. You could have someone being shot, this angers John so he gets into a fight with the executioner and the brawl results in him being punched and falling overboard. He wakes the next morning on the beach. I'm imagining this being done at the crack of dawn, the sun is only just rising. Everyone is a shadowy figure, you can't really make out any faces, just shapes. Of course, this idea requires a reasonable sized boat, I don't know if you have access to one since their so expensive.
  15. Alias Mias

    jerry can + match + player = human torch

    I really hope this doesn't turn into an "I'm more violent than you are" contest. I don't think this idea is necessary, this would be done in a real life situation to get information, and you would only get a response from the individual because they are afraid of the pain. This is a game, because there is no pain torture shouldn't be considered because it simply wouldn't work.