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Non-permadeath server option in the future?

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So there already are options to turn off corsshairs, force 1rst person perspective and full game will probably have more.

Why not have non-permadeath server option for people who like to roleplay and not let it ruined by some KOS kids? I and many others (especially streamers who are the main attraction) would love to go around hunting and camping and enjoy the scenery without the fear that some hacker or KOS kid can just take it all away instantly.


People who like non-permadeath could rent their own server. It will hurt nobody as people can still play on classical permadeath ones, just like 1pp/3pp people can play on their servers.

Edited by myshl0ng

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That's a really dumb idea.


"...ho like non-permadeath could rent their own server..."


My idea :


People who like non permadeath servers can go play San Andreas or Sims.


Or just go to PvE with 1 player.

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No. Removing permadeath defeats any sense of fear at all when playing which is where the excitement comes from.


There are alternatives to what you want but it goes againts the core principle of the gameplay.

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Or you could just go play something else?


Hello Kitty is quite a thing these days, or so I have heard.


If you do not want permadeath in this game you're not right for this game. It's part of the game. It makes the game. Without there's nothing left of DayZ.


There are other ways to prevent being killed by scripters / KoS - for example being cautious about what you're doing. That's the problem streamers / YouTubers have. They need to provide content to their watchers. If they don't, nobody watches them. That's why they're taking risks nobody would usually do.


I am perfectly fine sitting in the middle of nowhere right next to my campfire doing absolutely nothing but hunting and drinking from a pond. That's my DayZ experience, not running in to a town like a headless chicken - and that's how I managed to survive >200 days on Publichive DayZ - even though I was playing regularly.

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I can't ever see this happening, because permadeath is such a HUGE part of what DayZ is. Without that fear of death and having to start over from scratch again, you lose the 'survival' aspect of the game, which is pretty much what defines DayZ, even more so than the zombies. If I'm in the woods and not really paying attention to where I'm going and fall and break my leg, I want to have to make the decision between crawling for hours to try and find medical supplies in order to keep going or just giving up and starting again and having to gear up from scratch again.


Permadeath is a defining aspect of the game - DayZ without permadeath isn't DayZ any more.

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But it won't be forced on you. There will just be a few servers and whoever likes it, can join it. You can still keep playing on classical servers that will surely be majority.

Not allowing it because you think it will ruin the game (when it will not affect you in any way) is kind of selfish.


I will try and ask Rocket about this on e-mail or twitter with my buddies. What he thinks about this and the reasoning.


Edit: And the amount of new players this would bring would also be good. They would first come for non-permadeath and maybe discover that classical is better and go over to that. Everybody wins, including Rocket and BI. Why cut out potential buyers who could come in and integrate with the rest.

Edited by myshl0ng

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I read this as "non-DayZ server option in the future?"

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No, its a direct violation of the DayZ spirit. HEATHEN!!!!

DayZ without permadeath is.... *cough* WarZ *cough*

Edited by Byrgesen
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There are already non-permadeath servers. You are looking in the wrong place if you can't find them. Try a server not running DayZ. :thumbsup:

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Create a server that has 500 people in it, you have 1 life and when you die you can't respawn or rejoin. Last man wins! :D (thirst and hunger will slowly kill ya)

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There was actually servers a little like this for the mod, upon death you would respawn fully geared, they were PvP servers.

Edited by Fluxley

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If you setup your own RP server and invite your friends to play, have your own forums etc, if it's separate from the public hive I don't see why anyone else would give a turduckin about what you do there.

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N       N     EEEEE   V         V    EEEEE    RRR             !!!!!!

NN     N     E             V       V     E            R    R             !!!!!

N  N   N     EEE          V     V     EEE        RRR                !!!

N   N  N     E                V  V       E            RR                    !

N     NN     E                 VV        E            R  R

N       N     EEEEE         V         EEEEE   R    R               !!!

Edited by elLoCo
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Just create an invite only private hive server on the mod?

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There was actually servers a little like this for the mod, upon death you would respawn fully geared, they were PvP servers.




There were plenty of crappy servers that you spawned fully kitted.


I'm sure there will be more once private hives are allowed.



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Private hive would split the playerbase too much. It will only remove the initiative for RP players to try out classical servers and classical servers will lose out on potential players. I see no reason why this option shouldn't be in the game if it will not affect anybody in any way who does not like it.


Or maybe something in between. Permadeath only when killed by zombies. When you get KOS then you will respawn with your gear or some of your gear, but if you get killed by zombies (that will be very deadly in future releases) then you will respawn with nothing. And again, it will not affect people who do not like it in any way.

Edited by myshl0ng

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People have to realize, that the things they hate about DayZ actually are the things they love. 

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People have to realize, that the things they hate about DayZ actually are the things they love. 

What about the things we love? :D

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If you setup your own RP server and invite your friends to play, have your own forums etc, if it's separate from the public hive I don't see why anyone else would give a turduckin about what you do there.

I gotta feeling people would lol. Everyone takes shots at anyone who isn't into the "hardcore" playstyle that DayZ was meant to be. But that doesn't mean that it's a bad thing imo, I play games my own way all the time, its about having fun and thats all. if Im not having fun, im not going to continue a game.

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What I really don't get:

How does non-permadeath improve roleplay?


Roleplay does not mean that you are walking around Goldshire presenting your pretty clothes and /emote all the time. Roleplay means that it literally means: "play a fuckin role". The more realistic and sandboxed it is, the better for any serious roleplayer. If you don't want people who KoS, get some people together, create a private hive and set up a set of rules that disallow killing people without a roleplay reason (eg: the rules on most Altis Life servers). Clearly state in your rules that "I am a maniac bloodelf ghost paladin lone wolf shadow killer dragon who slays everyone he sees" is not serious roleplaying and thus still not a reason to KoS.


Edit: Oh, btw: wrong forum

Edited by Baarn
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What I really don't get:

How does non-permadeath improve roleplay?


Roleplay does not mean that you are walking around Goldshire presenting your pretty clothes and /emote all the time. Roleplay means that it literally means: "play a fuckin role". The more realistic and sandboxed it is, the better for any serious roleplayer. 

For a lot of people, that is exactly roleplay is. And non-permadeath fixes the problem of no matter how realistic a game is, it is still a game. So frequent merciless KOS with zero consequences which wouldn't happen not even half as often in real life as it does in a game (because it is a game) would be somewhat fixed. Yeah, you will die and people can still KOS with zero consequences but you do not have to suffer just because it is a game.

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So, what are you asking for exactly? You have a mosin with a long range scope and a hundred rounds, a tactical vest, hunting backpack, TTsKO clothing, canteens, compass, food, med-kit, etc. Then you get shot, and you respawn on the coast with all that gear except for the bullets and supplies you used in the fight? What happens to your body? Does it still have all that gear? Is the gear damaged from the firefight? Does this mean your friend can just shoot you in the face and duplicate all your gear? Will everyone just be fully geared all the time? Do you even spawn on the coast or is there a death timer before you wake up again?

There are so many incompatibilities with the DayZ gameplay. People are going to rage at you, but I'm just wondering if you've really considered what you mean?

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I think its a good idea. I also would recommend removing hunger/thirst systems and spawning in a pink icecream truck which shoots heart-shaped laserbeams. Of course when you get hit the whole server gets a message with your location so that everybody can come and give you free hugs!




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And non-permadeath fixes the problem of no matter how realistic a game is, it is still a game. 



Is that even a problem lol?

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