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Seriously noone encourage bobo , he's been plaguing the forums with the same request for vehicles ... Bobo. The reason why vehicles aren't in yet is because the dev team knows the people who played the mod won't need vehicles because they understand the true meaning of the game : just having fun . And unfortunately if you need to roam around a huge map in a vehicle to be content then dayz isn't the game for you ,YET . It will have vehicles but they (devs) cannot just take any request and run with it , they have plans and in my opinion they are doing pretty damn good with the execution of the alpha release . So please bobo we don't hate you but we hate your constant nagging , it's like my wife is in my damn ear .. Love you honey;) good thing she won't see this . Listen to fisheye haha . ^^^

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Then do it by creating your own thread under the suggestions heading: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/128-suggestions/


That's what it's there for. This isn't the "shout from the mountaintops" thread. 

Well it's a forum about the update and I'm talking about what isn't in the update. By the way, I already did.


i posted this in the experimental patch thread but ill post it here again:

i don´t really get the " WE NEED VEHICLES QQ" kids...

do they think that they will spawn, see a car, hop into it and drive around ???

did they ever play the vanilla mod ? do they have ANY idea how hard it was and will be to find a car AND repair it ??

i remember when we (3ppl) found our first car and tried to repair it. it took us HOURS to get the parts to the car and repair it.

when we did repair it we were shot after driving it for 5mins because everybody hears you from miles away.

the tears when cars are introduced to the SA will be hilarious. i am so looking forward to the rage / QQ threads :)

That's exactly what I want, difficult to attain cars just like in the mod, that are fuel-hungry. It gives players something to work towards other than straight up banditry once they have full loot.


Yes, that's where all garbage ideas go. Unfortunately, forum admins aren't doing their job and keeping patch update topics clean of it, so out of 128 pages in this thread there are like 100 pages of irrelevant spam.

So everything on there is garbage? Great member of the community you are. And if you can't discuss what was in or not in the update, what is this thread even for?


Oh wow, so cool with the "overcompensating" statement; because font ALWAYS means you're overcompensating for something.


Alas, if you're going to resort to "spell correctly" due to one short letter, then here you go. *Color, *game-play, *developers.


Overall, the point is that what everybody is asking for is to fix some core bugs when they might very easily break again in the future with content.

Now, why don't you become mature and construct a sentence without talking about penis sizes and forgotten spelling..


Also, completely wrong with my statement, I am not saying they should or are holding content off until beta.


Skip fancy physics? Don't be an idiot.

Yeah it does. Everybody else manages to get by without bumping up the size to 69, you can too. Colour isn't incorrect, gameplay is a word, and devs is an abbreviation, but nice try.  I'm only asking for a little content which will last us for a lot more entertainment. And if you aren't talking about content being held off, then what's the problem with vehicles being added and their bugs being fixed earlier? Why are they not important compared to berries? How is what you said even relevant then?

I'm serious. What I have been told is that vehicles are going to take some time because they will be implemented along with thrown objects in a physics architecture, so that they can do realistic crashes and stuff. But having a car that for now just turns and hugs the ground, and can't go up steep slopes, rather than tipping over and stuff, will be a lot quicker to chuck in and worth it for the testing which can be made easier with it around. 


Seriously noone encourage bobo , he's been plaguing the forums with the same request for vehicles ... Bobo. The reason why vehicles aren't in yet is because the dev team knows the people who played the mod won't need vehicles because they understand the true meaning of the game : just having fun . And unfortunately if you need to roam around a huge map in a vehicle to be content then dayz isn't the game for you ,YET . It will have vehicles but they (devs) cannot just take any request and run with it , they have plans and in my opinion they are doing pretty damn good with the execution of the alpha release . So please bobo we don't hate you but we hate your constant nagging , it's like my wife is in my damn ear .. Love you honey;) good thing she won't see this . Listen to fisheye haha . ^^^

You're condescending, but no reasons to back yourself up. Wise words there-- the true meaning of the game is having fun. That is indeed most games, although the devs also strive for reality. Adding a car into the game adds to the fun by eliminating boring running for ages and giving quicker exploration of the map, as well as realistically adding in cars that would be there in real life. Actually, they can take a request and run with it if they so choose-- they take suggestions and comments from the community frequently, which is a major reason of the forums to even exist. The plans, at the moment, are making us wait for very basic features of the game we could have so much sooner.


I don't see what your problem is, we're getting to play alongside what would most likely be a closed testing period for the DayZ team, why is it so difficult to understand we are currently playing the Alpha build? 

I for one am VERY VERY VERY content with just being able to play the standalone version even in its very early stage. If you can't accept that go on play the mod or take a break until whatever you're waiting for is implemented, good day sir.


But they could do it sooner and then I wouldn't have to wait months on end, with the constant risk that the game will flip and do a WarZ. I know it's a bloody alpha, and that things won't get here instantly. But really, I feel like a guy being given socks by the Salvation Army when he just wants food. My friend and I were really looking forward to the update, thinking "here comes the first cars, maybe zombie loot". Open it up and WOW! NOW YOU CAN SPRAY PAINT GUNS! ISN'T THAT GREAT????? So I checked out the experimental build. WOW! MORE TYPES OF PANTS! BURLAP BAGS ON HEAD! BEST OF ALL, SPRAY PAINT WEAPON MAGAZINES! Look, most of the changes are fun and interesting. But I just want them to do the basics first.

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Anyone on these here forums heard of the word "patience" its a magical thing.

This is for those asking for tents, base building and cars when they are still working mainly on bug fixes to stop the other winers saying this game is unplayable.

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Seriously noone encourage bobo , he's been plaguing the forums with the same request for vehicles ... Bobo. The reason why vehicles aren't in yet is because the dev team knows the people who played the mod won't need vehicles because they understand the true meaning of the game : just having fun . And unfortunately if you need to roam around a huge map in a vehicle to be content then dayz isn't the game for you ,YET . It will have vehicles but they (devs) cannot just take any request and run with it , they have plans and in my opinion they are doing pretty damn good with the execution of the alpha release . So please bobo we don't hate you but we hate your constant nagging , it's like my wife is in my damn ear .. Love you honey;) good thing she won't see this . Listen to fisheye haha . ^^^


Grapefruit is right. Vehicles will seriously clog this game up. Maybe Bicycles could be good though! Imagine the trying to find the puncture repair kit spawn!

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I imagine vehicles will be introduced when they implement fatigue and stop the I can sprint forever mechanic that's in at the moment.


until then I am happy being THE FLASH




Wish they would add the Suit to the loot though :P

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I would rather they fix the problems with the existing game(play) rather than taking a huge leap like adding vehicles. Vehicles are for private hives and people who have a lot of time to get and maintain (hoarde) said vehicles.


Because everyone gives a shit about what i think here is a small list of very broad issues that i think need to be addresed.


1. sound "issues"

2. better / more / respawing zombies. (I like the fact they all spawn when the server restarts though)

3. loot "issues"....im not even sure where they are going with this, are they going to keep it so loot only spawns on server restart or are they going to a respawing loot system?

4. fix issues with broken attachments ie. silencer, compensator, bipod, handguards, stocks.  (just a few balance issues to sort out here)

5. hunting and cooking

6. improved sickness / health / fatigue system

6. add stupid amout of different gunz / attachments (Im talking like at least 4 different gus that are going to be similar to the m4, cos variety is the spice of life)

7. more hats

8. weather effects, night time fixes (torches not going thorugh buildings)

8. general networking performance (what ever that means, less lag and connection issues i guess)


then when it starts to get really serious you bring out the big gunz...


9. Private hives, *mind explosion* will fix server hoping/combat log (i can wait)

10. Tents / stashes / undergound lair

11. Vehicles

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I imagine vehicles will be introduced when they implement fatigue and stop the I can sprint forever mechanic that's in at the

until then I am happy being THE FLASH


Wish they would add the Suit to the loot though :P

Lootable fancy dress shop???

Edited by Luc1fer

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Even though everything is pretty much a placeholder still; go eat as much as you can, and now push yourself to eat more, see what happens.



Everything's placeholder is it? 

A) You have no idea whether it is or isn't, so I have no idea why you are acting like some sort of alpha gaming guru

B) Pull your tongue out of the game's arsehole dude, stop this incessant need to defend the game blindly, and might I add, with wrong/false information. like 'everything's placeholder' hahah... please.. 

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Yes theres really no point to cars at the moment cause of running only real reason i would use is fir party bus ir transpirt of heavy items

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No. Most likely they won't be wiped out. It occured only once, when they changed servers' security measures.

Edited by fisheye

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Well it's a forum about the update and I'm talking about what isn't in the update.



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Seems to me that we moderators and admins can't win.  If we delete all your whining we're evil but if we go easy on the whining we're just as evil and neglectful too.  How about you get a grip and try a little self-control, guys.  Some of you act like you don't know how to behave in front of a lady!

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Seems to me that we moderators and admins can't win.  If we delete all your whining we're evil but if we go easy on the whining we're just as evil and neglectful too.  How about you get a grip and try a little self-control, guys.  Some of you act like you don't know how to behave in front of a lady!

I agree beeing an admin for the mw2 forums many years ago was not fun, and hopefully these guys save there whining for the forums and are polite in real life.

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Eagle eyes? lol


Nice kill

Thx  :) .He is moving and wearing a little red backpack :rolleyes:  hiding lvl -1.

Btw SKS sounds good but the new magnum shooting sound is a little weird.I like the old one. <_<

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Yes theres really no point to cars at the moment cause of running only real reason i would use is fir party bus ir transpirt of heavy items

It's not about what only you would use it for.



Okay, let me explain it more clearly for your simple mind. I'm talking about what should be in the update and isn't. Also, stop stalking my posts, you disgusting AIDS-transmitting pervert.

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Lootable fancy dress shop???

I can't believe cunterinos tell me off for requesting vehicles, and then when people want trivial and game-ruining shit like this nobody says anything.

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Central Hive is now down for maintenance.. Nice!  Maybe we'll have the new patch in a bit.  Well, 3 hr downtime maybe.


The Central hive will be coming down momentarily for maintenance.

Edited by Antykain

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