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people need to understand that DayZ is Zombie apocalypse GAME and not PVP deathmatch

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It's pretty obvious DayZ is supposed to be a Zombie Apocalypse game, and it probably will be. But this is an alpha and there just aren't that many zombies around. Which means that zombies do not really impact the gameplay that much yet. Another reason is that this game doesn't have an end game, such as getting your own vehicle or fortification. That is why this game as it is right now is actually a PVP deathmatch, and people shouldn't be expecting it to be any different at this point in time.

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Sorry for the OT but is your profile picture from Jacksons Bad Taste?


as so many years have past since I created this profile I cannot confirm or deny if that is a still from arguably the greatest zombie flick ever - Braindead! right director wrong film


edit : I think.. not sure though..

Edited by Calibre

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I wouldn't waste my time debating the meaning of DayZ, or where Rocket got his inspiration.


I will say I wasn't originally attracted to the mod for the PVP though, really there isn't a single thing PVP-wise that makes it better than PVP in vanilla ArmA.


If all you want is a deathmatch why bother collecting gear, eating/drinking and the rest of the shit that makes DayZ what it is, instead, you could just whip together a DM in Arma2 and guess what, it will fill your DM needs much better than DayZ will. Shoot it would actually be balanced like a DM should be.


The ONLY thing that attracted me to the DayZ mod originally was the fact it was called a zombie survival mod, period. I can't help it, I'm in my mid-40's and have been an all out fan of the zombie genre since I was about 12 years old. Sure I tried left for dead and some other forgotten zombie games, but they are FOTM mainstream garbage, would have been better off giving my money to some poor sod living in the street downtown.


I'm NOT trying to say PVP doesn't belong here, because it does and it can be great at times, I just hope he does a helluva job fixing the broken features that the game is actually advertised as.



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I agree. I can't stand these people that play DayZ like an army game!

I mean Jesus Christ man it's not Arma or Battlefield, it's a zombie survival game lol

All these 1st person players do my head in.

Go play a real PVP game.

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as so many years have past since I created this profile I cannot confirm or deny if that is a still from arguably the greatest zombie flick ever - Braindead! right director wrong film


edit : I think.. not sure though..


Hm, i think i have seen braindead a gazillion times, cant remember that scene... guess i have to watch it again :)


edit: Ha http://www.horrorpilot.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Bad-Taste-1.jpg :)

Edited by okami
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I hope that people understand that DayZ WILL (hopefully...) be zombie apocalypse, survive against the environment game and not a PVP deathmatch. This is an alpha so there's not much to do for now so get used to PvP deatmatch.

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Yes it has some aspects of pvp but you need to understand that this is zombie Game not battlefield not cod...lol

that is why i only play on more or less empty servers,cant wait for private hive and lock it down,PvE is alot more fun, cba these Killhouse CoD kids

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How do people know that in a real zombie apocalypse I or others wouldn't go around shooting first asking questions later?

Not that I do in dayz I haven't even found a gun yet. But I would like some proof of how people behave in a zombie apocalypse, becuase there seem to be some experts here that suggest everybody would be friendly and not kill each other.

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I agree with OP. All I'm going to add is I think the Dev's didn't really want it to be a co-op or team game. There are no advantages to working as a team (besides sharing loot). Sure everyone can play DayZ how they want but because of a lack of goals it's like a GTA game without missions. The lack of direction by devs is why the game is played the way it is.

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Zombies encourage co-operation. i always thought twice about killing on the mod because you'd have a swarm on you within 10 seconds. I usually kos any armed player, but thats all there is to do once you're sorted gear wise.

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But it is a pvp smash.


Anyone trying to fool themselves into thinking its not is dumb.


Dayz right from the beginning was just a large scale sandbox pvp mode with some survival aspects.

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Come on now Zolli, zombies have been a thing since the 50's as a genre, made even more so during the 60's.  I am in my mid thirties.  I loved the Romero films of the 80's and the walking dead has simply expanded the concept to a serialized television show.  It all plays off similar tropes.  DayZ brings that into an open world setting of multiplay.  The zombies are ALWAYS secondary to the human element and interaction and they do a good job of showing that in Dayz.


I will argue with none of that, except for some of the more modern pulp that focuses on thirty different "zombie types" with ridiculous abilities (newer Resident Evils and Left 4 Dead). Those kinds of titles treat zombies like Halo treats weapons.

And this might not be important at all, but the huge recent mainstream zombie craze came before the Walking Dead (for those who think otherwise).


Number of zombie movies in each given year, with notable milestones:

2013 - 7

2012 - 12

2011 - 16

2010 - 15 -- The Walking Dead TV series premiers

2009 - 22 -- Zombieland

2008 - 27 -- Diary of the Dead (Romero 5)

2007 - 21 -- Resident Evil: Extinction (last big one); Planet Terror; I Am Legend; 28 Weeks Later

2006 - 22

2005 - 21 -- Land of the Dead (Romero 4)

2004 - 19 -- Shaun of the Dead; Resident Evil: Apocalypse; Dawn of the Dead [remake]; This was the year capitalism caught up.

2003 - 10 -- The Walking Dead comic premiers

2002 - 3 -- Resident Evil (movie); 28 Days Later; This was the year that gave birth to the modern zombie phenomena.

2001 - 7

2000 - 6

1999 - 3

1998 - 2 -- Resident Evil 2

1997 - 2

1996 - 1 -- Resident Evil

1995 - 2

1994 - 2



The only real cultural impact zombies had before that were Romero's movies, the hundreds of B/C/D movies it spawned, and arguably the Return of the Living Dead series. It's pretty telling that he didn't release anything between 1985 and 2005.

Edited by Zollicoffer

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But it is a pvp smash.


Anyone trying to fool themselves into thinking its not is dumb.


Dayz right from the beginning was just a large scale sandbox pvp mode with some survival aspects.


Well if it has been from the beginning what's with the games description?


"A 225 km2 open world post-soviet state and one of the areas hit by a new and presently unknown infection which has wiped out most of the world's population. You are one of the few who have survived and now you must search this new wasteland in order to fight for your life against what is left of the indigenous population, now infected with the disease."


They need to change their description on the webpage then. Because they aren't marketing it as a pvp sandbox. It clearly says you will be figting the infected.

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Well if it has been from the beginning what's with the games description?


"A 225 km2 open world post-soviet state and one of the areas hit by a new and presently unknown infection which has wiped out most of the world's population. You are one of the few who have survived and now you must search this new wasteland in order to fight for your life against what is left of the indigenous population, now infected with the disease."


They need to change their description on the webpage then. Because they aren't marketing it as a pvp sandbox. It clearly says you will be figting the infected.


Their page is about what the game is supposed to become, not what it already is.

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Yes it has some aspects of pvp but you need to understand that this is zombie Game not battlefield not cod...lol


Actually, Rocket has previously said zombies aren't meant to be the primary threat or point of the game.


It's a sandbox survival game.  You can't really tell people "You're playing it the wrong way."

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I'd love to see some changes to the Zeds that would actually add more difficulty to the pve aspect.


Say, like in the movies, only head shots could kill them. A bullet in the leg would reduce them to walking speed only, bullet in both legs make them crawl. Bullet in the torso make them pause/step back for about a second, before continuing after the player.


Sure head shots on zeds are easy, but when/if the zed count is increased enough, head shots become more difficult. Picture having to head shot a swarm of 20-40 zeds in a few seconds, things would change drastically. Suddenly the zeds are a threat instead of a mere nuisance, especially in 1PP.


Of course then all the pure DM PVP guys would probably complain, but I personally think the game would be much better.



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Zombies are boring to me now. Would rather it be a nuclear or biological war apocalypse complete with areas of deadly radiation and/or areas contaminated with the remnants of biological warfare. This style of game in a STALKER style would be amazing. When I look at DayZ as a whole, the game itself is pretty bare-bones. It's the player to player interactions that make the story and give it depth. Otherwise you'd gear up with food/water, maybe a winchester for hunting and go out in thr woods and stare at trees. What's so fun about that? To appease the PvE only people there should be more environmental challenges. Off the top of my head - Hypothermia, in my nuclear/chemical warfare scenario - pockets of radiation and biological hazards, mutants like the STALKER series (some of those were terrifying). Meh, I'm just brainstorming.

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Its not very creepy either. Cherno is about the only place i can think of that is a little creepy during daytime. Interiors are brightly lit and there is very little sign that anything happened at all. (in alpha...)

Edited by Thane

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sounds like another person bitching about being KOS'ed...My thread gets closed for being pro KOS'ed then people complain to get it closed. I demand this thread get's closed as well. Another repeat...

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the zombie survival aspect of the game is so easy that all that's left is the PvP shooting

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This hasn't been discussed before..

"In the future, please use the search function"

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One thing I think should be implemented is servers where it's strictly killings zombies and not Pvp. It could be where poeple(survivors) could group up to defend against the zombies. There would have to be hella zombies though.

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PVP is an integral part of DayZ. KoS is the thing the majority doesn't like. It takes no skill, no courage, no thought, just to pull the trigger. PVP, proper PVP, is robbing, torturing, slavery, and kidnapping. But no one does that. It's  case of gear up and go snipe everyone or shoot everyone who has their hands up. That is Dayz, now. The zombies aren't even like the 28 days Later Infected Zombies, they're basically joggers who shsmble when they're up close. This is one of the reasons why they aren't a threat. 

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 people still don't understand that this is mmo zombie GAME lol


And you base that statement on what exactly?

Edited by RamataKahn

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