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people need to understand that DayZ is Zombie apocalypse GAME and not PVP deathmatch

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Ok so basicly you are saying that the story Dean has given, over a year ago, is BS?

Cmon, nobody can be that stupid mate.

And yes, he started this ALONE, the mod was his work, it all started with him writing it and testing it with a couple of friends and one server lol.

Why do you think his name is all over the place? Just for the fun of it?

Its very clear to see you havent been around for a long time mate,

And again, DayZ has nothing to do with Walking Dead...... Dunno where you come up with this stuff.

We are actually trying to tell you "the story of the game" and all you can say is:

Buhu its BS.....


Jeez..... Some people.


Im out, this is a way to advanced form of stupid for me.


For someone who has such a poor grasp of the English language you sure accuse others of stupidity a lot. 


I never said it was complete bullshit I said it was ignoring other influences in favor of the exotic 'person overcomes hardship, becomes inspired' story that is common in journalism, DayZ has a lot to do with the walking dead, in the very least it probably would have never become popular if it weren't for the re-emergence of the zombie genre inspired by the success of AMC's TWD. 

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For someone who has such a poor grasp of the English language you sure accuse others of stupidity a lot. 


I never said it was complete bullshit I said it was ignoring other influences in favor of the exotic 'person overcomes hardship, becomes inspired' story that is common in journalism, DayZ has a lot to do with the walking dead, in the very least it probably would have never become popular if it weren't for the re-emergence of the zombie genre inspired by the success of AMC's TWD. 


Because you say stupid stuff mate, and how does language skills have anything to do with this? No its not my first language, but you understand it fine.....

Its like talking to a door lol, read up on stuff and we will talk later, coz you got absolutely no kind of evidence to support what you are saying.

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Anybody who has played this game for longer than 3 seconds should know that the zombies are an afterthought to the experience. They may be the backstory's plot device as to why you're running around shooting other people over canned beans, but they are not and never have been the main threat to the player. Other players have always been.


This doesn't mean that zombies can't be used as a gameplay mechanic to promote grouping with other survivors, exploring the environments carefully and actually finding a use for non-long ranged weapons, but they're hardly a relevant threat when compared to the true threat that's always lurking around the corner--other players whom want that pristine can-opener of yours.

Edited by Areos

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Neither is it my first language.


I already provided two examples:

1. Dean's near death experience had nothing to do with Zombies, so the 'official story of the game' clearly skims over a central detail. Where did the zombies come from?

2. Helicopter crash sites in a zombie context are highly suggestive that someone in DayZ's dev team did read TWD comic books.


Here are two more:

3. The fact that they're now adding a big prison might also be an indication of TWD influences.

4. The fact that survival has always been trivial in DayZ indicates that perhaps the mod didn't become popular because it tried to mimic Dean's near death experience

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Holy crap, stop.


A) This is a survival game, not a zombie game. The zombies were added as a backdrop, because it was something people would understand as an active environmental threat, without the need to add simulated human NPC's.


B) It isn't even remotely based on the Walking Dead, and the Walking Dead didn't popularize zombies at all, it just capitalized on the incredibly popular and annoying hipster fad at the time. Which sucked, because I was totally into zombies before it was cool.

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Hipster fad = not popular. 13 million weekly viewers, cable show with the highest rating in history = Popular.


Simply math. 


The Zombie's as backdrop thing might have been a more compelling argument if the game wasn't called "DayZ", the Z is for zombies. 

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Helicopters exist outside of the Walking Dead.


The prison idea is being taken from one of the mods, which may have been influenced by the Walking Dead originally.


Survival has always been the emphasis of DayZ. Surviving other players is part of the experience.

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Well you remember wrong. 


Rick, Michonne and Glenn spot a helicopter in the sky, the drive after it in their jeep and when they arrive they find no survivors but they find tracks, they follow the tracks and it leads them to Woodbury where they meet the governor who had taken the survivors from the heli-crash captive and killed them.


Apologies, you were totally right with this. As for the rest i think your statements are a bit too strict for a good discussion but i get your point. I agree that there might have been some inspirations here and there but i think Deans story was the basic inspiration for the mod. But as everything in human culture he might have been influenced by other forms of art including twd graphic novels or tv show.


But i do strongly disagree this was by any means meant to enter the twd hype train

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while i'm really not a fan of the crowd that only wants to spawn at balota, cherno and electro and then shoot each other, and while i'll spend quite a bit of time explaining why their fast paced shooter suggestions are shit on the forums - as long as they keep their dumbcuntery in game i don't care.


tbh i'm not sure if OP's vague post is complaining about KoS or the shitcunts that want DM on the coast, but i'm certain that - OP's post won't stop them, i won't stop them, dean won't stop them and trying to stop them only fucks up the game. Leave them to it, either style of play is a perfectly acceptable style of play in an open world, and it makes my game more interesting (or it would if more than 10 people in a server were north of mogilevka). 



the only things that need to be stopped are - 

private servers with spawn loadouts, extra loot and cars


shitty ez mode suggestions designed to aid in DM gameplay


and those are only bad because it takes an original survival game concept and then shits in the originality pool. 

Edited by Capo

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to add to my above post, i'd like to say that i want more zombies, who are faster and more deadly. 


fast and deadly enough to warrant using actual bullets on them for more than just sport, because the zombies should be a part of the survival experience, not just scenery. 

Edited by Capo

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Hipster fad = not popular. 13 million weekly viewers, cable show with the highest rating in history = Popular.


Simply math. 


The Zombie's as backdrop thing might have been a more compelling argument if the game wasn't called "DayZ", the Z is for zombies. 


What does the name of the game in question have anything to do with how the game has, does and always will function? Zombies have never been the main threat against players, as by design. Other players have always been the premiere threat against your well-being, and this has remained 100% true since the first day this mod came out.


Besides, "DayZ" is a lot more catchy than "DayMurderedOverCannedBeans".

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Holy crap, stop.


A) This is a survival game, not a zombie game. The zombies were added as a backdrop, because it was something people would understand as an active environmental threat, without the need to add simulated human NPC's.


B) It isn't even remotely based on the Walking Dead, and the Walking Dead didn't popularize zombies at all, it just capitalized on the incredibly popular and annoying hipster fad at the time. Which sucked, because I was totally into zombies before it was cool.


Come on now Zolli, zombies have been a thing since the 50's as a genre, made even more so during the 60's.  I am in my mid thirties.  I loved the Romero films of the 80's and the walking dead has simply expanded the concept to a serialized television show.  It all plays off similar tropes.  DayZ brings that into an open world setting of multiplay.  The zombies are ALWAYS secondary to the human element and interaction and they do a good job of showing that in Dayz.

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Yes it has some aspects of pvp but you need to understand that this is zombie Game not battlefield not cod...lol


 O shit fire, you mean I have been playing the wrong game? Here I thought this was a survival game with infected (or Zombies if you will) as the main NPC antagonist.


Suppose BI will refund my $80?

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i didn't say u shouldn't kill anyone, I actually encouraging pvp but what I'm saying is that people still don't understand that this is mmo zombie GAME lol

Do you say lol after every sentence? The intelligence of this community is starting to become a concern of mine. A lot larger concern than KoS which PvP is a part of the fucking game. If you want a lvl 99 zombie survivor hero then stop playing dayz and go find another game.

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You guys confused me now idk wth I'm playing lol that guy up there said it's survivor pvp game , other guy said it's just sandbox and everything you see inside was droped and it's up to you just to loot, other guy says it's actually just pvp...and I think I'm playing zombie game lol

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Yes it has some aspects of pvp but you need to understand that this is zombie Game not battlefield not cod...lol

People need stuff to do once they are fully geared, have any better ideas? I'm not supporting KoS but hey.

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to clarify for everyone who is confused, the aim of the game is to stay alive for as long as possible. 


in between spawning and dying you can do what you want though, so if you don't want to pursue the noble enterprise of not dying, that's your problem. 

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to clarify for everyone who is confused, the aim of the game is to stay alive for as long as possible. 


in between spawning and dying you can do what you want though, so if you don't want to pursue the noble enterprise of not dying, that's your problem. 

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the idea came about in 2010? pretty sure I was playing Zombie missions in Arma years before that..

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the idea came about in 2010? pretty sure I was playing Zombie missions in Arma years before that..


Sorry for the OT but is your profile picture from Jacksons Bad Taste?

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What YOU need to understand is that this is a SANDBOX SURVIVAL game, with zombies as the backdrop for the circumstances. People can, and will, do whatever they want. If that includes shooting to kill everyone in sight, so be it.

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Dayz, sandbox survival game, AKA you can do whatever the fuck you want in order to stay alive.

"Not a PvP deathmatch" Wait, what? Then how come we can kill people?

Edited by AntonioAJC

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