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We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

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they did give them cape's only the hero wears plaid, the villain a clown mask.. it couldn't be any simpler, yet its simply amazing that people don't grasp that..

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Seems a little hypocritical to me that you accuse 'bandits' of not wanting such a system due to their supposed fear, yet you want this system in place to alleviate your own discomfort.


For the record, I think visual identifiers for this stuff are toxic to the elements that make this game unique, interesting, tense, and fun. And I'm not a bandit, I play friendly or avoidant for the most part, although I also accept that if I want to go to the places where the guns are to get a gun, there might be someone with a gun there, and he might think that I want to get myself gun so I can shoot people with it, so naturally a gunfight may happen.

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So if a clan of heros wants to wear the clown masks to be funny, they should get shot for it.  Gotcha.


Yeah, pretty much exactly that bud. This is the  end of the world and we're struggling to survive infected hordes and sadistic murderers in a harsh and unforgiving wasteland, so if you and your band of witless idiots thinks it's "funny" to put on a bunch of scary clown masks and dance around in the woods like it's all a big goofy joke, then, yes, a bullet to each of your heads is a well-deserved reward. Perhaps a motivation to take survival a little more seriously next time around.


Free speech bud, love it, or move to a communist dictatorship.  Your choice  :)   I'm staying right here.


Hang around as along as you want. The more time you spend here the more people will show up to tell you how inappropriate your idea is. Maybe after another 17 pages you will get the message.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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there should not ever been any distinctions visabily between friendlies and bandits.


thats a console type addition and thats the last thing this game needs.

The "console type addition" is also then the unrealistic, unbelievable and all too often un-immersive murdering. Putting a label to the people who habitually kill others, such as military/mercenary "sterilizing" the area makes the killing realistic,believable and the game more immersive in my opinion. The only realistic killing in when people surprise each other in door ways with both their guns up and even thats a stretch.




Im sorry but i disagree with this idea. It makes the game too easy and takes away the tension of an encounter. If you dont know someones intentions then talk to them. But make sure your in a position to shoot them if they are hostile. It is indeed a console idea and we (meaning the gaming community and companies) need to get away from catering to the masses all the time.


Some games it works, because they were built for the masses. But this is DayZ, it was not built for casual folk. So lets not try to change it. This game has been a breath of fresh air from the constant yearly releases.

Um, the VERY POPULAR mod called DayZ had bandit identification. It had it in the form of a head scarf. The Origins mod for DayZ had a series of pretty cool full re-skins and was a breath of fresh air to be able to protect survivors and fellow "heros" and it great to hunt bandits down from afar. In SA it is next to impossible to make a positive identification unless you just sit over watching new spawns (fuck that).

Edited by Thane

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This is still going? some people are really bad at this game if they "NEED" help figuring out whos a bandit or not.

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This is still going? some people are really bad at this game if they "NEED" help figuring out whos a bandit or not.


Everyone is a bandit

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they did give them cape's only the hero wears plaid, the villain a clown mask.. it couldn't be any simpler, yet its simply amazing that people don't grasp that..

The hero/villain thing should be taken out IMO. Just make the habitual murderers the military, trying to cleanse the virus from Chernerus. Re-name the heros "the resistance". With the survivors inbetween.


Also, from this a more balanced form of PvE than the total PvE some servers have, as you could turn off friendly fire, encouraging the social realism that PvE adds while retaining a lethal military antagonist. All realitic, enhancing believability and immersion...

Edited by Thane

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This is still going? some people are really bad at this game if they "NEED" help figuring out whos a bandit or not.

How do you identify a bandit in a non-boring way?

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I didn't read all the postsbut I agree with both sides here to an extent. As far as a visual thing goes,I'd say nameplates within 10m and only if they are facing you,and for 300m or less bring back the heartbeat mechanism from the mod. The lower their humanity the faster it beats.

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 In SA it is next to impossible to make a positive identification unless you just sit over watching new spawns (fuck that).

Sounds like you don't have what it takes to bring justice to the mean streets.  :P

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Everyone is a bandit

Including me, I killed about 15 armed guys (bandits? who knows...) today and a few last night, mainly in Electro, trying to pass through, pick up a good set of gear and head to Cherno. I did it out of shear boredom. In my normal playstyle, no one would have died. Thing is, I don't mind killing the PVP'ers, but i do not want to kill the guy exploring/admiring the view and playing realistically, as if they were there. Nor do i want to kill the 2 guys in the armed group of four i killed last night if they aren't PVP'ers, splitting them up, and making them wait for others etc.

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How do you identify a bandit in a non-boring way?


Fun is subjective, I don't think you understand this

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Fun is subjective, I don't think you understand this

Um, but figuring out who is a murderer and who shot in self defense is not. So, any tips? (on the thing that i spend the majority of my time doing in SA and in the mod)

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How do you identify a bandit in a non-boring way?


Start by realizing that what is "boring" is entirely subjective and perhaps evaluate your priorities. If you're not willing to take some time to observe people from a distance and gauge their behavior, then maybe you don't deserve to know people's intentions.

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Start by realizing that what is "boring" is entirely subjective and perhaps evaluate your priorities. If you're not willing to take some time to observe people from a distance and gauge their behavior, then maybe you don't deserve to know people's intentions.


And what if I bump into someone from surprise in military building?


Should I press LMB or caps lock and says: "Friendly?"

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This is stupid. There will never be a 100% efficient way to identify a 'hero' or 'bandit'.


I can dress however I want and do whatever I want. I can dress or get the skins you're suggesting and be a hero visually and go around and be a bandit. What stops me?


This is the apocalypse. It's not a dress up game, it's a roleplay game to an extent, and good on you for wanting to have some system implemented, but there is never going to be a way.


What could they do? If you initiate combat with someone you get flagged in some way? Does that mean you have to wait to be shot at when someone has a .357 pointed at your face? Or someone in clearly full military gear (camo, combat helmet etc) runs up to you. Do you mash your capslocks and scream friendly? What if they don't have a mic? Or don't know how to type in chat (I don't hehe)? There's no time to do the retarded friendly dance thing to signal their alleged side. No one has that time.


Further, even if that was the case, if you made it an unwritten law that everyone has to say if their friendly or not, it goes back to playing dress up. I can say friendly and wait for you to turn around and axe you a question you can't avoid.

-----edit: jk not done-----

Kill a hero = -1000 humanity

Kill a civ = -500 humanity

Kill a bandit = +250 humanity


What do you consider a civ? Someone who just spawned? What if that person starts punching you? Don't even say it doesn't happen. What if you're a hero and you go to shoot a zombie and a bambi runs out, presumably a civ, and gets clocked by an m4 bullet to the head? What if that bullet kills him? You turn into a bandit for trying to be a hero?


It's flawed no matter what you want to imply/say/suggest.'


And if you're wondering why I've gone on for so long, this thread made it to 18 pages. It shouldn't be a thread in the first place to be honest.

----edit again i'm mad again----

You're trying to suggest something to put an end to KOS threads, let's keep it the fuck real here boys, KOS threads are retarded. What are you going to do with a KOS thread? Okay guys - he's on this specific server wearing a combat helmet, camo top bottom and a chest holster with an axe on his back, a hunting backpack and a mosin.


Spoiler alert - half the server is probably wearing that because no one wants to run around in default character gear with a mosin. You stick out if you're not blending in. KOS threads should just be deleted, if anyone posts or suggests that someone goes to a specific server to look for someone blindly, the thread should be deleted. There you go, better suggestion for you. You're welcome.

Edited by PityLovesYou

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And what if I bump into someone from surprise in military building?


Should I press LMB or caps lock and says: "Friendly?"


Personally I would kill them just to be safe, because I don't like to take chances on strangers. But of course you can do whatever you want. It's your story.


What you shouldn't do is immediately gain magical knowledge of their intentions as soon as they walk through the door so you have nothing to worry about and can rest easy knowing they're a "Hero" or open fire and feel justified knowing they're a "Bandit." That's not a real decision. That's the game engine basically telling you what to do. Want to be a good guy? Shoot people with red hats. Want to be naughty? Shoot people with blue hats. It takes all the drama out of the game and turns it into a shooting gallery.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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Until there is a real punishment for death in a videogame(which wont happen anytime soon) then there has to be a system of sorts that seperates the good from the bad. That's why we need hero/bandit skins.


The utter randomness of being able to log on all new despite what you have done in a past life has ruined standalone to the point that I went back on the vanilla mod, where bad guys get hit with a bandit skin for killing, and good guys get a hero skin for trying not to. Dayz is the anti-game, I understand that. However, without punishment for being a cunt time and time again & with no reward for playing nice, whats the point of being the good guy? I only bought Dayz to be the good guy in a bad world, and the standalone seems to go against everything I loved the mod for.


& hero/bandit skins isn't as simple as it sounds, cos playing dayz mod vanilla I met a bandit who swore he had turned good, and followed me around despite me telling him politely to fuck off. He stuck with me though, and he seemed a good bloke. He was unarmed though, & I had a choice to make. Trust a bandit who said he had turned the corner? Or kill him cos he had a bandit skin. In my eyes, he was waiting till I got into trouble to betray me and steal my gear.


So I killed the unarmed bandit fella, and to this day I wonder if he really was a bad guy turned good, or a bandit opportunist.


Compare that to the standalone where its just a bunch of thugs on a server killing friendlies without any comeback? I am sure you will agree that goodguy/badguy skins are needed.


Either that or its axeguy weirdos running around for the next few years ruining everyones game with no penalty.


Skins are good in a world where death isn't a true penalty.

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Can we also get a 50-50 chance of killing someone while giving them any injection - Blood, saline, morphine or otherwise? Or are we all ex-medical students who know how to insert lines without air bubbles?


Unless you put it in blood traveling to the lungs, it doesn't matter.

You can, literally and for sure, inject yourself with 3cc of open air in your arm and be just fine.


Furthermore, the only thing that isn't an intramuscular injection in the game is saline/bloodbags, and if any person is too dumb to not put it in the big throbbing fucker on the other side of your elbow, you shouldn't have handed it to them.

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So I killed the unarmed bandit fella, and to this day I wonder if he really was a bad guy turned good, or a bandit opportunist.


If he turned good then he should lose bandit skin before interacting with players.


Punishment for sins.

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I think the prevailing issue with the hero/bandit system is that, say, I walk up to you and point a pistol in your face. Just... stand there clearly aiming at you.

I'm probably going to kill you right?


But I haven't pulled the trigger or actually engaged with you in any way. Without a system built into the game's core to identify when players are doing things that aren't friendly, such as aiming at another individual, either you're going to get killed or going to lose humanity in self defense.


I haven't been with this game too long, but it seems to me in the mod anyone with a hero skin was either lucky enough to meet friendly people most of the time, or they farmed it through various means. Likely the latter.


I fear that, due to the system in place, you'll have to use your imagination to help identify to other players you're a good guy (dress in all white somehow?)


Identifying bandits is a terrible idea, because people then just lie to get around it. Not one day went by in the mod where someone asked "do you have a bandit skin" and the reply went "yeah but a hacker gave it to me." First guy's dead 10 minutes later.


I understand that guy got baited, and fell for it like a sucker as well, but with that becoming a common practice it might as well not even be a factor. 

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Until there is a real punishment for death in a videogame(which wont happen anytime soon)


There's already a big punishment for death in DayZ, and it will get bigger as high-end military equipment gets more rare. Once the loot system is more sophisticated, you're going to be losing items that require days' or weeks' worth of effort to acquire. You lose your position on the map, which is an enormous detriment when you're playing with a squad of friends (often it means your play session is basically over for the night). In the future, you're also risking the loss of vehicles and equipment which represents a massive team effort.


Plus, most people I know actually care about their characters survival. Death alone is a punishment insofar as your "time alive" gets reset.




However, without punishment for being a cunt time and time again & with no reward for playing nice, whats the point of being the good guy?


It's supposed to be its own reward. If you're being good just to get a cookie, then you're not really being good. You're just being a cookie whore.




 I am sure you will agree that goodguy/badguy skins are needed.


No, I promise I will never agree.

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WOW. That's actually a REALLY good idea. I actually REALLY like that. Adds a honor system rather than a humanity system, yaknow? I still feel like there needs to be a system for TRUE heroes to be known as heroes. The ay it is currently makes it extremely hard and infuriating to play as a hero, as most people will KoS you. I think the wanted poster idea makes sense for bandits.

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