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We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

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I see people continuously arguing about the size of said indicator which is completely besides the point. The point is that the interactions will be dumbed down to finding said indicator rather than actually having to assess each interaction on a case-to-case basis. (Aka, it takes player interaction OUT of the game) We don't need to label players. That's silly. Players and clans can label themselves using the clothes they find but should never be forced to wear something based on play style.


KoS will die down as the game develops by introducing more things to do, more zombies, OTHER mechanics, etc.

Edited by solodude23
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Severely flawed system.  Most of these guys play on different servers all the time.  So I'm supposed to catalog and rate the actions of 1,000,000 other players that I could possibly come into contact with.  Chances are in a week I might run into 1-5 guys I previously catalog'd.  So the other 20-30 players I see would be completely without info.


So try to survive for longer than a week, mate. The longer you're alive, the more people you would recognize. I survived for over 50 days in the mod and would have had hundreds of players cataloged.


Better still, it gives you a reason to group up with others as they might recognize people you do not. You can share information and become stronger through your teamwork and cooperation.


So you've got a reason to stay alive longer and a reason to cooperate with others. Two things that people are constantly clamoring for. As opposed to your system which basically encourages nothing. You spawn on the beach and know everything you need to know about how naughty or nice everyone on Earth is like some kind of zombie apocalypse Santa Claus who lost his sleigh on the way to deliver presents to the boys and girls of Chernarus. No thank you.


Play on a smaller subset of servers to increase the likelihood of running into the same people while growing your group of trusted friends, and one day you might actually be able to make some informed decisions on your own. I'll take my "severely flawed system" that actually relies on real human senses and judgment over your "magical sky faeries make bad guys wear colorful armbands" circus act any day of the week.



It is a small, I repeat small, small, small (in case you're mentally slow) indicator of hero or bandit status, that you have to get CLOSE to people or use OPTICS to see.


Right. Use "OPTICS" that basically everyone in the game is going to have in some form once there are more in the game. So, it's basically godsight. I don't give a shit what color it is, you will be able to see it from hundreds of meters away with any decent scope or pair of binoculars so stop trying to pretend like you will have to be halfway up my ass to see it.

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People seem to be forgetting that this is an MMO, so the avoid people part is just stupid, the game is meant to have social interactions, rocket and his team always wanted there to be this fear if you went and befriended someone they can betray you for your shiny new gun or cool shades. Of course, people are inherently stupid and assume this means kill everyone, which isn't what he wanted either but wcyd. So just like everything in life there has to be moderation, i believe there should be sudle hints to indicate a bandit using your system, perhaps bloodied hands, or a crazy look on your face so that if people take the time to watch survivors they could tell, and at the same time satisfy all these realism fan boys.


Oh ya and everyone saying "get shot bandit, if not hero" should really stfu its already been said 20 times, get some original material and add something useful to the convo :).


I'd be fine with blood on the clothes too for bandits.  There'd need to be something to mark heros.  Maybe dirt on the clothes?  Then civilians have nothing on the clothes?


Good idea man!

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I see people continuously arguing about the size of said indicator which is completely besides the point. The point is that the interactions will be dumbed down to finding said indicator rather than actually having to assess each interaction on a case-to-case basis. (Aka, it takes player interaction OUT of the game) We don't need to label players. That's silly. Players and clans can label themselves using the clothes they find but should never be forced to wear something based on play style.


KoS will die down as the game develops by introducing more things to do, more zombies, OTHER mechanics, etc.


Right now 90% of the interaction is already OUT of the game.  Players kill on sight.  Our entire clan wanted to be heros, but the stupid lack of a humanity system forced us to change to kill everyone without warning.  Don't talk, don't offer help, just murder every single person you see...........aka NOT how we want to play the game.


Are you slow or something?  KOS is the primary method of play for every server we've ever been in.  Mod, Standalone, all of them.  What type of fairy princess server did you find that everyone sat around and talked before blowing eachother's heads off?

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Right now 90% of the interaction is already OUT of the game.  Players kill on sight.  Our entire clan wanted to be heros, but the stupid lack of a humanity system forced us to change to kill everyone without warning.  Don't talk, don't offer help, just murder every single person you see...........aka NOT how we want to play the game.


Are you slow or something?  KOS is the primary method of play for every server we've ever been in.  Mod, Standalone, all of them.  What type of fairy princess server did you find that everyone sat around and talked before blowing eachother's heads off?

So you just want karma system to accomodate your playstyle because you couldn't be arsed with actually putting some effort in it? I see.

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Right now 90% of the interaction is already OUT of the game.  Players kill on sight.  Our entire clan wanted to be heros, but the stupid lack of a humanity system forced us to change to kill everyone without warning.  Don't talk, don't offer help, just murder every single person you see...........aka NOT how we want to play the game.


Are you slow or something?  KOS is the primary method of play for every server we've ever been in.  Mod, Standalone, all of them.  What type of fairy princess server did you find that everyone sat around and talked before blowing eachother's heads off?

I don't reply to insults. And from what I've seen in this thread, that's all you throw around at those who disagree with you. Not an efficient way to get your point across.

Edited by solodude23

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 I would love to see Rocket getting chased for 20-30 minutes by some 12 year old with an axe.


I laughed hard at that part! :D


I'd rather we keep things as they are in the sense that players would remain anonymous to classifications like bandits and heroes, so you need to be careful with anyone and everyone you meet.


Also, more realistic. Which is good.


I think a true Hero would have some way of identifying himself just like a Bandit would pretend to be a Hero.

Edited by WilsonWoebeck

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I can see special skins maybe or something similar, but in real life, do the bad guys stick out from the norm in anyway other than their actions?  No.

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I can see special skins maybe or something similar, but in real life, do the bad guys stick out from the norm in anyway other than their actions?  No.

But the good guys have badges and capes lol

Edited by WilsonWoebeck

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Our entire clan wanted to be heros, but the stupid lack of a humanity system forced us to change to kill everyone without warning.


I absolutely adore the image of an entire clan of so-called "Heroes" who just so desperately wanted to be good, but had to give it up because it was a little tiny bit difficult.


Like "Gee, we sure did want to feed that poor old lady, but her apartment was all the way on the other side of town and gas is expensive. So we let that old bitch starve."


Some heroes. Truly men of myth and legend. Doubtless songs and poems will be written in your honor.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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Mods will be in the game when its done, wait till then make your sissy armband mod and play it? this is early alpha and nothing like this should be worked on for a long ass time. They have a ton of more important things to deal with.

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I think a true Hero would have some way of identifying himself just like a Bandit would pretend to be a Hero.



You know how I identify myself as a hero? I don't kill the person. I approach, cautioning them, and then they cooperate (120 hours of gameplay and I've never been KOSed). The simple fact is, if you play well, you can be a hero. A hero is hard difficulty. If you play as a bandit, you're on easy mode. 

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I know the answer! Do not put back on hero and bandit statuses! :D

Seriously, the guys that are saying that they should look different are oblivious of the SA clothing system. People can put on whatever they want. It would look arcade-ish if they put a text up the players saying that they're either a bandit or a hero.


Now we can't tell for sure if the person that is standing in front of us a threat, or somebody that actually wants to help and will not backstab you. And that, for me, is really, really good. 

Edited by AntonioAJC
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This is a death match game. There is no humanity system. Nothing will change unless murderers are identified.

Murderers don't want skins. They want to kill with impunity. Some players like to play Sherlock Holmes and

decide who is a murderer, then murder the other player for some perceived "hostile" action.

Like a new spawn running away, or refusing to raise his hands.

We've seen it all explicated here. Many excuses. But they are murderers with no accountability.

"The new spawn is a danger to my team." "He looked suspicious."

Murder with impunity, then whine they don't want to be identified for their conduct.

It's a death match game. With the ability to communicate.

Quit or get used to it.

Its not a game with any morality. Don't pretend it is. It's totally amoral

When nobody is identified as a bandit, everybody is a bandit.

You can decide how you want to handle it.

Talk with other players, or KOS.

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Right now 90% of the interaction is already OUT of the game.  Players kill on sight.  Our entire clan wanted to be heros, but the stupid lack of a humanity system forced us to change to kill everyone without warning.  Don't talk, don't offer help, just murder every single person you see...........aka NOT how we want to play the game.


Are you slow or something?  KOS is the primary method of play for every server we've ever been in.  Mod, Standalone, all of them.  What type of fairy princess server did you find that everyone sat around and talked before blowing eachother's heads off?



How about you stop killing everything you come across?

Would that not be a start to "stop the KOS"?

You even said it yourself... 


aka NOT how we want to play the game.

So play the game how you want to...................

Listen mate, its all about the aproach. Aproach someone directly, you are sure to be killed, aproach them from a safe position and talk to them and something magical could happen :)

Basicly what you want is a system, so people get forced into specific roles, based on how they play.

How is that sandbox? How is that "My Story"?

Its not.

I understand you want to deal with KOS, but you know what? Forcing cosmetic changes onto people, based on a point system, is not the way to do it.

It wont change a thing, bandits will be bandits, murderers will be murderer and heros will be heros, regardless of how they look, the only thing you will accomplish here is taking away the tension in player interactions, because you already know the outcome, based on this wierd cosmetic change.

Humanity have been played with for almost 2 years in all of the DayZ mods, and nobody got it right, that must be a sign that the mechanic doesnt belong in the game.

Let people play the way they want, without forcing anything on to them, we need the tension, we need to "Ohh shit who the fuck is this guy and what does he want" mindset, not "ahh ok, he has a Hero wrist band, he must be friendly" or "FUUUU a bandit, he has the famous red bandana".....

I truly hope the devs will stay away from anything like this, it does not belong in a sandbox game, where the game slogan is "your story" tbh.

Edited by Byrgesen
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This is a death match game. There is no humanity system. Nothing will change unless murderers are identified.

Murderers don't want skins. They want to kill with impunity. Some players like to play Sherlock Holmes and

decide who is a murderer, then murder the other player for some perceived "hostile" action.

Like a new spawn running away, or refusing to raise his hands.

We've seen it all explicated here. Many excuses. But they are murderers with no accountability.

"The new spawn is a danger to my team." "He looked suspicious."

Murder with impunity, then whine they don't want to be identified for their conduct.

It's a death match game. With the ability to communicate.

Quit or get used to it.

Its not a game with any morality. Don't pretend it is. It's totally amoral

When nobody is identified as a bandit, everybody is a bandit.

You can decide how you want to handle it.

Talk with other players and get killed, or KOS to live for another day.

Edited by AntonioAJC

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We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.  


At a bare minimum this should be an easily implemented mod for future private servers.  We're paying for it, it should be our choice.

You don't like it, don't play on my server.....lol


1.  Some of you like to be a KOS bandit.  Got it.


2.  Some of us would like to be Heros.  But we can't do it with the way the game currently is, unless you like being a bullet / axe sponge.


Something to identify heros and bandits "at distance" is needed to enable 2 to happen.  Something visible if you can actually SEE the person.  It could be an armband, face wrap, mask, whatever.  Don't care what it is.



Just your eyes = maybe see it at 50-100 meters

Short range scope = see it at 100-200 meters

Long range scope = see it at 200-400 meters


I really LOVE that Rocket's videos all have a bunch of friendly players that he meets in a private locked server.....lol  I would love it even more if he went into a full public server and ran around Electro or Cherno for a couple of hours.  It would be a shit video and not a good advertisement for the game, because he'd get KOS'd over and over and over.  I would love to see Rocket getting chased for 20-30 minutes by some 12 year old with an axe.


Having something visual that would tell the difference between Hero and Bandit would NOT ruin your gameplay.  You can STILL KOS.  It will NOT prevent KOS style gameplay or ruin the game.  However it would ENABLE people to be Heros if they wanted to.  YOU get to play as a KOS bandit, but we can't play as a Hero unless we want to eat bullets or an axe in 90% of player interactions.


Honestly I think all the hate (and I'm sure troll posts below) from the KOS guys is because they are scared to death of groups of Heros leaving other Heros alone, and hunting them down.


If you're not scared, why hate on the idea?  Can't up your game to deal with a few Heros?




Followup Post:


Yep, arguing realism doesn't work.  If this was real, you wouldn't have to eat every 3 minutes to survive, or die from not eating for 1 hour.  Loot wouldn't respawn magically at a certain time.  The cities like Cherno and Electro would be hellholes full of millions of zombies you wouldn't even go near.  Not everyone is trained on weapons, and those that weren't "should" have bad accuracy.


This game is not real, while they want to strive for realistic gameplay, some things need to happen to facilitate gameplay (respawning loot, everyone having equal accuracy while shooting, etc).


You can make the humanity system relatively unexploitable by issuing different points for kills:

Kill a hero = -1000 humanity

Kill a civ = -500 humanity

Kill a bandit = +250 humanity

* No humanity gain or loss from any other actions.  No healing points, zombie killing points, etc, etc.  Just strictly based on player kills.  You'd have to kill 4 bandits for every hero killed if you wanted to stay positive.

* Maybe add a double penalty for killing 2 heros or civs in a row.  That would definitely fix people farming humanity, just so they could KOS later.


Right now approaching another player is the easiest way to force the KOS issue.  Of every player I've ever approached, 90% of them have tried to kill me if they at least had a melee weapon.  So if you want to be a bullet / axe sponge, keep doing that.  I'd rather have a way to IDENTIFY that someone is a hero, so I don't necessarily have to shoot them.


I want to play as a Hero without playing a Hero Bullet / Axe sponge.


If we had some way to identify Heros, Civs, and Bandits, you could stop raging at the crap tons of KOS topics because 75% of them would stop overnight.


Otherwise you can keep saying NO NO NO NO NO to every possible solution and put up with a million more KOS topics in the forums.  Your choice.......lol

Did you even read what you said?

Kill a hero = -1000 humanity

Kill a civ = -500 humanity

Kill a bandit = +250 humanity


The only way to become a bandit is to kill other people and rob them. The only way to be a civ is to never kill another player which means that it is impossible to be a hero without being a bandit, did you even think about what you posted? And maybe you need to play with better people I have had plenty of non violent interactions it's just all of you only remember the bad ones.

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How about you stop killing everything you come across?

Would that not be a start to "stop the KOS"?

Listen mate, its all about the aproach. Aproach someone directly, you are sure to be killed, aproach them from a safe position and talk to them and something magical could happen :)

Basicly what you want is a system, so people get forced into specific roles, based on how they play.

How is that sandbox? How is that "My Story"?

Its not.

I understand you want to deal with KOS, but you know what? Forcing cosmetic changes onto people, based on a point system, is not the way to do it.

It wont change a thing, bandits will be bandits, murderers will be murderer and heros will be heros, regardless of how they look, the only thing you will accomplish here is taking away the tension in player interactions, because you already know the outcome, based on this wierd cosmetic change.

Humanity have been played with for almost 2 years in all of the DayZ mods, and nobody got it right, that must be a sign that the mechanic doesnt belong in the game.

Let people play the way they want, without forcing anything on to them, we need the tension, we need to "Ohh shit who the fuck is this guy and what does he want" mindset, not "ahh ok, he has a Hero wrist band, he must be friendly" or "FUUUU a bandit, he has the famous red bandana".....

I truly hope the devs will stay away from anything like this, it does not belong in a sandbox game, where the game slogan is "your story" tbh.



The funniest thing I find is that all the people who make these hyper anti-KOS threads always reveal at some point or another that they have been "forced" to KOS everyone they see. Take OP, for example. Plays with a "clan" or what I can only guess are bad players, who basically gun down every single person they find. Then they come to the forums and bitch about themselves. It's really strange. I haven't KOSed once in game, in 130 hours, and I've never been KOSed either. I think there might be a trend here. Also, in a map this huge with server sizes so small, it really isn't difficult to spend 97% of the current gaming experience surviving very nicely (with mil gear and all) without ever encountering another living soul.

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Talk with other players and get killed, or KOS to live for another day.



Pretty much sums up the game.


And there is no turning back from KOS.  Some idiots said the Standalone would be different, then they said "when they implement item damage" it would be different, now they're on to some fantasies about "be careful when you approach people" and it will be different.


Everyone we've met, that had access to a weapon, has tried to kill us.


Standalone = KOS


Forums = Full of people that want to do nothing but KOS, the simplest easymode there is.


Not a very dynamic game.  Loot, hide, KOS.  Loot, hide, KOS.

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The funniest thing I find is that all the people who make these hyper anti-KOS threads always reveal at some point or another that they have been "forced" to KOS everyone they see. Take OP, for example. Plays with a "clan" or what I can only guess are bad players, who basically gun down every single person they find. Then they come to the forums and bitch about themselves. It's really strange. I haven't KOSed once in game, in 130 hours, and I've never been KOSed either. I think there might be a trend here. Also, in a map this huge with server sizes so small, it really isn't difficult to spend 97% of the current gaming experience surviving very nicely (with mil gear and all) without ever encountering another living soul.

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The funniest thing I find is that all the people who make these hyper anti-KOS threads always reveal at some point or another that they have been "forced" to KOS everyone they see. Take OP, for example. Plays with a "clan" or what I can only guess are bad players, who basically gun down every single person they find. Then they come to the forums and bitch. It's really strange. I haven't KOSed once in game, in 130 hours, and I've never been KOSed either. I think there might be a trend here. Also, in a map this huge with server sizes so small, it really isn't difficult to spend 97% of the current gaming experience surviving very nicely (with mil gear and all) without ever encountering another living soul.


My point exactly, he is contradicting himself lol.


Its a very good example of "this game is to hard to play, because we cant see if people are good or bad"....

DayZ is not easy-mode, it was never ment to be a walk in the park and it sure as hell wasnt ment as an arcadish MMORPG, with forced systems like this.

I have to admit ive been KOS'd a couple of times, but it has always been because of my own stupidity, running the wrong place, not paying attention to my surroundings, etc.

BUT ive never been forced to KOS somebody yet, always found another way to either loose them or make them someone elses problem.

Just as OP says slightly higher on the page, he actually doesnt want to play it like this, well news flash, stop doing it lol.

It would be the same as saying "i need my car to NOT go faster then 80 km/h, because i cant control my self and i will go faster if it can".....

Grow some balls and change the way you play, if you really want to :)

We dont need the devs to make up some EZmode indicator system, simply because people dont know how to not kill other people.

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Pretty much sums up the game.


And there is no turning back from KOS.  Some idiots said the Standalone would be different, then they said "when they implement item damage" it would be different, now they're on to some fantasies about "be careful when you approach people" and it will be different.


Everyone we've met, that had access to a weapon, has tried to kill us.


Standalone = KOS


Forums = Full of people that want to do nothing but KOS, the simplest easymode there is.


Not a very dynamic game.  Loot, hide, KOS.  Loot, hide, KOS.


Hahahahaha. You are not a good player. Full stop. You guys must be awful if everyone you meet with a weapon has tried to kill you. Really awful. I very rarely get seen first, and if I do, I'll duck into cover. I still haven't been KOSed. Let me just say that if you KOS then you deserve to get insta raped. You're annoyed by it, so why do it? It's SO easy to control a situation and let someone go than just kill them. The fact that you don't let them go tells me you haven't had the chance to, because you haven't got the drop on them. You have no power. I REALLY want to play with you to see how you play this game. What is your favourite loot run? Where do you hang out on the map?


At the end of the day, this game is about skill and power. Whoever has the skill has the power. A skilful player always makes sure he has the upper hand. He sees people before they see him. He is merciful because he's in a position to grant it. You guys just aren't good at the game.


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We dont need the devs to make up some EZmode indicator system, simply because people dont know how to not kill other people.

*how to not kill other people that don't kill other people.


And yes, we need devs to help with that.

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