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Mays (DayZ)

So why do people refuse being held up?

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Personally, I'm going to treat it the same way I did in real life... If you feel taking on an even match isn't worth your time or the possible consequences, so you prey on those you feel are weaker than you for your personal gain and their personal loss, and it's me you come across... Pray you're more intelligent than I am, because I will use everything at my disposal to make you feel what you apparently enjoy making others feel. If I lose, it wont be because it was even, and I'm ok with that, you'll still be weaker than me where it counts.

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Better to die on your feet, than on your knees.

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I'm done trying to explain it to you. You seem incapable of understanding anything that you don't agree with.


Yeah, read back a couple of pages to my first post and see just how well you explained anything to me. First response to me was an insult and a denial. Second was you telling me to stop acting like a hero.Third was a link to your story thread about holding people up and not killing them. I fail to see any explanation, meanwhile I've explained why people would rather try to defend themselves than let you tie them up for their can of soda and half a can of beans. I've also told you what 90% of holdups result in, as have the majority of posters in this thread. I've also explained why people would rather die in a video game than play along someone that is PROBABLY going to kill them after wasting their time and acting like a douche-bag. Like I've said before, statistically and from personal experience with friends, that is what is going to happen and most people feel the same way.


You asked why, I said why. You've given nothing but dead ended insults or rebukes. You're right, we're done with this conversation, but it isn't me that has a problem with understanding.

Edited by Hells High
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None of you played ss13.

Quite sure.

At least not on Bay.

Whatever then, die, respawn and go back to whatever boring you always do when you spawn, throwing character interaction down the drain.

Remember that you can survive after eating rotten fruit if you manage to get to a pond or water pump. A little mlre tricky is the disinfectant, true.

It still adds to the game and you guys are a bunch of idiots. Just saying.

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Are you arguing that playing as a character that is helpful to other players isn't a "hero" character? Are you delusional or just trying too hard?


I'm not saying my way is the right way to play DayZ, I'm saying that my way is different and changes the way people play. The way YOU play is the same as every other asshat that ties someone up, steals their gear, then shoots them in the head. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/165282-to-my-guardian-angel-with-a-high-powered-rifle/


You should actually be thankful, if the character I'm playing right now (I change my characters each time, maybe next spawn I'll be a bandit) is helpful and kind, other players are more likely to comply to your "friendly banditry" because they'll see that not everybody gets their giggles from virtual torture and murder.


he's not a very bright cat. I lol at your attempts to reason with him

Edited by Highlander007
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It's because gear > life at the moment. If people loose their gear, they don't care if they die.


The only one's i've been able to hold up are people who were completely new to the game, and basically shit themselves while i was handing them food, water and weapons.


If someone were to hold me up, i'd listen, just because life > gear for me. If i die, i fail at the game. Simple as that.

I wish everyone would play like this, cause it'd stop a lot of senseless killing.


This may have been discussed before, but wouldn't a Death Counter in the main menu solve a lot of people killing themselves/people being careless? 


That way you can measure your skill by number of deaths & hours played.

Edited by Greaves
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None of you played ss13.

Quite sure.

At least not on Bay.

Whatever then, die, respawn and go back to whatever boring you always do when you spawn, throwing character interaction down the drain.

Remember that you can survive after eating rotten fruit if you manage to get to a pond or water pump. A little mlre tricky is the disinfectant, true.

It still adds to the game and you guys are a bunch of idiots. Just saying.

LOL kinda a narrow and very short sighted answer there. I agree i wish the rp was bigger peoples want for staying alive was bigger but as the game stands and the mentality of the player base is what it is.


The problem also as pointed out in the thread that surrender usually results in death so we go back respawn ya da ya da the difference is there seems to be alot of well non rp douche people playing i have been held up and had some great rp done i was like that was great (even though i did die in the end) the interaction was great .


But i have been held up by what sounded like a 14 year old boy whos idea of a hold up was to scream how good he was and suck my cock bitch then hit me with an axe. the experience was somewhat less satisfying lol .


When i respawned i went back to my 14 year old bandit ( a guess at age by pitch of voice) and again he tried holding me up this time i played along silently just long enough for him to get close then bam bam bam 3 punches your out i cuffed and robbed him then proceded to scream at him what a newb he was and suck my cock bitch he logged they seem to like to give it but not take it......


These days i have still allowed a hold up but BUT it depends greatly on what they say to start the hold up if it sounds like some nervous kid or well a complete douche i either run or attempt to take them out fists axe what ever........


I am here to have an experience a little rp some intense hardcore fun not endure some mindless twat ......

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I'm not surprised that there are people who refuse to surrender, but I am surprised at how many people have this latent homophobic explanation for why you refuse to submit. Wow.

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Better to die on your feet, than on your knees.


More like... its better to die and respawn a fresh body than live through the robbery only to spend the next hour looking for antibiotics, vitamins, and charcoal pills because you are sick from being force fed rotten fruit and disinfectant, winding up in the same place you would have been an hour earlier.... dead. 

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AngryOfficer.....Japanese girls are not ugly....what is wrong with you? Please do ME a favor and jump off of Kamyshovo's Water Tank. LOL

but they are

weird faces fat legs and shit

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To people suggesting death timers to give people an incentive to stay alive, you're fucking stupid, stop trying to keep people outside of the game because of your ideas of how the game should work. *~realism~*


And like most people say, why get held up and waste time getting forcefed poison or getting robbed of all your stuff which basically makes you have to start over any way, it's the same as dieing and getting a new spawn.


Regarding those that talk about roleplay, we're not all interested in nerding out in a computer game, I'm here to loot stuff and shoot people.

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I'd be interested to know how many "bandits" would let another bandit hold them up and handcuff them?


serious question.

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I'd be interested to know how many "bandits" would let another bandit hold them up and handcuff them?


serious question.


If they get the drop on me and could kill me anyway I do and I have, sometimes with good results and sometimes bad. That's life.


My friends and I like to stick people up and try to get them to sing God Save the Queen down the mic. We handcuff them and look through their gear but they never have anything we'd want anyway, so we end up letting them go without stealing from them or harming them.

The people who have co-operated usually run off saying something like "thanks guys!" when we cut them loose. About half of the people we approach co-operate, the ones that don't mostly being psychopath newspawns who figure they should just try to hit you with a wrench or their fists because they have nothing to lose.


The people who refuse to co-operate or try to run, and end up with 5.56 in the back of their head, probably run here posting about being KoS.  :rolleyes:

Edited by Ulfhedjinn

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So why do people refuse being held up?


Becouse their life is worth nothing.


They can pick up loot in ~30 minutes.


So it does not matter how long your character live becouse you really don't get anything more then you can get in ~30minutes.


So mostly character life is worth ~30minutes.


Maybe if we get beards growing over time then character life will go up a bit.

Edited by Frosti
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It is all about time efficiency, if I am held up in Novy Sobor , Chernogorsk or Zelenogorsk there is no point in dying when I can get back most important gear in 5 minutes, bud sadly no one ever tried to holed me up, my encounters with other players are mostly friendly. Also dont understand why all geared people server hop to farm military bases when they have everything? I killed few of them and they always had everything they needed

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I will take the death, before being robbed.


Death before dishonor!

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Guy with a pistol tried to rob me once. Just ran around a corner, he followed up.. the nerdy voice screaming "omg I have a gun asshole!!"


Took one sprint around him which was enough to have our poor-shot friend empty his clip with only 1 treatable hit. Now the prey became the hunter. The whole affair ended with a quite nasty encounter between him and my fireaxe. Happy dayz ^_^


So yeah screw being held up, it's a videogame and I couldn't care less if I died and lose a sweater and a fireaxe...

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To people suggesting death timers to give people an incentive to stay alive, you're fucking stupid, stop trying to keep people outside of the game because of your ideas of how the game should work. *~realism~*


And like most people say, why get held up and waste time getting forcefed poison or getting robbed of all your stuff which basically makes you have to start over any way, it's the same as dieing and getting a new spawn.


Regarding those that talk about roleplay, we're not all interested in nerding out in a computer game, I'm here to loot stuff and shoot people.


It's a survival game. Dying is failing. If you get held up and comply, there's a chance you might not fail. Fighting back is failure for sure.

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It's a survival game. Dying is failing. If you get held up and comply, there's a chance you might not fail. Fighting back is failure for sure.


Getting killed is part of the game, killing is part of the game, getting held up is a waste of time, maybe once everything is in its worth staying alive.

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There's currently no reason to surrender. Gearing up again takes five minutes, while being force-fed rotten fruit/having your backpack looted probably takes longer. And there's no disadvantage to dying, nor any reward for staying alive, so why not just take your chances?

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Add 5 minutes respawn timer and people start to comply more eagerly. Problem solved.

People don't care about their DayZ "lives" because you can just start over right away. Timer would effectively eliminate freshspawn kamikaze -types, too...

If you die...tough luck. Go get a cup of coffee so you can keep your eyes open.

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Add 5 minutes respawn timer and people start to comply more eagerly. Problem solved.

People don't care about their DayZ "lives" because you can just start over right away. Timer would effectively eliminate freshspawn kamikaze -types, too...

If you die...tough luck. Go get a cup of coffee so you can keep your eyes open.


Stopping people from playing your game is the easiest way to drive people away from your game, I highly doubt BI would ever approve something as absurd as death timers that causes people to stop playing.

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They lose players every time they crank up difficulty. Timer would be just another part of the game... DayZ isn't about fast respawns and pvp at Balota. It's about surviving hours, days and weeks. What is 5 minutes compared to that? Unless you want to treat DayZ as a regular FPS.

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