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Mays (DayZ)

Any piece of clothing you associate with bandits?

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big guns

Yeah, why would any innocent who wasn't a mass murderer be holding a weapon in a zombie apocalypse in a land where so many people are KOS'ing. Can't imagine why, must be a deadly murder...


@OP: I've met many friendly guys wearing payday masks, so in my experience, there are no indicators and none of the violence is explained properly via lore/story or in any way other than people killing each other for fun.

Edited by Thane

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Number one  has to be those payday(?) masks (what they have to do with a candy bar is beyond me)


A very close second is a female avatar.

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1) Motorcycle Helmet. Never met anyone wearing one who didn't try to kill me or my companions.


2) Payday Mask.


Anything else is circumstancial.

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Yep, kill anything protecting himself from the others KOS'ers and zombies. Great thinking. Oh, and keep on killing me in my camo gear/M4/scoped Mosin while protecting other survivors in Cherno, etc. Great job.



Edited by Thane

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I am very wary of people with payday masks, although I did meet a really friendly person who had one and spotted me at the airfield lol


This is what is great about this game, the players create the in-game 'rules' of what apparel is 'bandit clothing', nothing is dictated by the devs or 'rules' handed out.  The community creates its own mini pseudo fashion which determine who players are and this spreads through the community.


I did/do like the idea of attaining something if you help people or rob people x number of times, but I think in terms of cosmetics, the community decides that themselves which is cool.

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While the interesting Social Experiments thread points in the direction that the majority of KoS and general unfriendliness is caused by teams of players in full military gear, I will on principle regard anyone wearing a clown mask as an enemy. If sagging trousers or bell bottoms were in the game, these would also be included in my list of clothing objects that would make me KoS.

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@nickH85 ,I like the way players determine in game rules on everything, at anytime,in every situation.


@ all : yes i have been punched out when fully geared bandadging somebody, now i know to drop them on the floor and move back. 

i have been longshotted whilst standing in the middle of a field like an idiot in a group, i wont do that again.


the list goes on, and yet the appeal and dare i say addiction to this game/alpha, IS that it is wide open. Anything goes. One day i may have a charming warm glow gaming experience doing and playing the game my way, but then the next day i could come across a different group playing it their way. adaption and learning is the key. as the game adjusts closer to where it wants to be, the player base adapt it to where they want it to be. i have no qualms on dying, i lose nothing but pixels. and my journey starts again. 


but the continuing need for people to have someway to tell foe from friend is ( in my eyes) false. Dayz (again IMO) is a survival game. not everybody that survives a zombie attack wants to sit around a camp fire signing folk songs with fellow non infected. 


which is why i dress to NOT be seen easily if i have to hightail it into woodland, i have a mosin to shoot zombies and bandits that might hinder my helping of others. 


im also guilty of being a military dressed chap that runs in a group to electro/cherno/NWAF to get loot , and to find a challenge when i have had a few ales. does that make me a bandit?


sorry to rant(ish). good wine in spain and its late :P .salut :)

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Bandits. heros, and survivours all wear the same things lol you honestly cant tell jack from what they are wearing i wear ttsko pants jacket green beret aviator glasses a dust mask ( its ment to be air born infection that zombied the population so i rpg carefull.


Im rocking a mosin LRS fnx sawn off shot gun hunter back pack .


Am i a bandit nope i often try make contact and well guys in any type of cloths have a tendancy to start shooting this is how i decide bandit. i will move to an advantage and declare my presence if they turn and try shoot bandit they die if they run and find cover i wait continue to talk from cover if they fire they are bandit. If there is long breaks in there communication to me when we talk they are usually talking in steam team speak skype to a team mate so i warn them to maintain vocals cause if you go quite for more than 5 to 10 seconds on initial talk i am going to shoot you .


If they dont cant speak at alll eg have no mic or just wont speak i shoot them cause if you dont talk your generally not playing to be friends lol .


Is this a fool proof method no but it is a hell of alot closer than trying to pick clothing items to base bandits off lol , i am pretty sure i have killed some innocent people but i have my rules they usually keep me alive.


Honestly the list of what people will KOS for in regards to cloths basicly means you just want to KOS and feel like your not a bandit well sorry if you have made no attempt to find out in interaction ( yes its dangerous thats half the fun you have ya gear if you fail you fie start again no biggie) then you are just another KOS player paint it any way you want but them is the facts KOS= kill on sight you SEE there wearing .... and shoot thats KOS lol .

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Exactly what I was going to say.


Mosin with long range scope = KoS


M4 with ACOG = KoS



Anything that resembles camouflage clothing.

* The only reason your trying to blend with the terrain is to be invisible to other players, thus hunting and killing at will.


But if your wearing bland color clothing, you're not trying to hide but your trying to attract attention from other players.




UK Vest

Gas Mask

Hunting Backpack

Those are the bandits 100% of the time.



And here we show a perfect example of leaping to conclusions. 

Lets start with the first one. Hate to tell you this, but scopes are used to allow you to shoot targets accuractely from further away, no matter what that target may be. As DayZ:SA doesn't have binoculars in yet scopes also allow people to scan an area before moving into it. So you can't assume someone has the intent to shoot other players from a scope alone. When I do play with a group I tend to be the "overwatch" and using a scope not only lets me deal with threats that are all the way over where my team is, but also spot and call out possible threats for me team ahead of time. 

As for camoflage and military gear. Sorry... Ballistic helmets protect your head. I would be stupid to run across one and decide that I wouldn't want the extra protection. Gas Masks have almost no use right now, but I shall assume that they, like the smaller white face masks, might make you less likely to catch an infection from someone else who is infected. Later they will add in chemical agents you won't want to breath in. So the gasmask is smart if you find one. 

Camoflage is something for both predator and prey. You don't think zebra are stripped because they are going to pounce on other zebra, but that is why tigers have stripes. I wear camouflage to blend in, not so I can snipe others, but so that they hopefully have a harder time spotting me and snipping me. Then again when I do end up in a combat it is nice to be able to change position and not have them spot you immediately because you have on a bright orange raincoat with a pink hat. 

Now, the military UK vest HOLD MORE GEAR. In a game or world where a can of beans can be the difference between your character dying or not it might be a good idea to have room to carry as many as you can. While I like some of the realism in the game I also think we need some non-military alternatives that carry as much as the military gear if people are going to assume you are unfriendly based on the fact you are carrying something that gives you more storage. 

How stupid is someone to go, "Oh he decided he wanted to be able to carry 2 more water bottles, a box of matches, a can opener and some canned food by picking up a vest. That means he kills people."  <_<

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Oh dear... you shoot mosins with attachments? People in Green clothing? Because clearly anyone who is not an evil KOS'er would always prefer a bright yellow rain jacket and a blue mountain backpack?

UK vests??

Hunting backpacks??


I find this very funny since you seem to be describing exactly the setup I had when I was horribly KOS'ed just recently. I, who have not fired first a single time. Ever.

If this is how you try to spot bandits, I really wonder how many innocents have fallen to your glorious and rightful purge of Chernarus...

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I don't KOS, I have a grand total of  I believe 3 PK's to my name. One attacked me with an axe after I dropped a magnum and some ammunition for him, another asked me and my buddy if we wanted to kill some french kids, when we said no he came at me with a crowbar, the third, well I feel a bit guilty about that, the guy wasn't doing anything, all he was wearing was a clown mask and a crowbar, but he wouldn't respond on voicecoms or in chat, and I had just got decently geared after a character wipe.


Right now I am in full mill gear helmet and gasmask, with a loaded M4 and a hunter backpack, the backpack and the camo combat vest are both full of BOOKS dangerous dangerous BOOKS!


I have given away more guns than I have shot bullets at other players.




Yet many of you would shoot me because you think my helmet, mask, M4 and camo means I'm a bandit? I wear that gear becasue it helps me blend in with the environment and NOT GET SHOT BY BANDITS. I have a M4 with a suppressor becasue its better versus zombies than a Mosin, Even so I do not belive i have fired more thna 30 rounds total in dayz, I prefer the silent axe take down on zombies because like my camo it helps me NOT GET SHOT BY BANDITS.

Edited by Franchi
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@ mercules i totally agree with your post, but as i have had a few bevvies, ill pull up the nerd voucher i got with steam.


the zebra stripes (black/white) effect (not affect) airflow. the black stripes attract heat, the white repel heat. thus little cyclones of air flow over its body creating cooling 


but your right , nothing to do with pouncing on other zebra  . . or other animals for that matter

Edited by Audiofly

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The gas masks. I despise em. I want them wiped. D:

The only thing i trust is a newspawn with a spankin new fleshlight.

Edited by Konna

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A very close second is a female avatar.


Why?  :(


I shoot anyone in a Payday mask, but that's my only real prejudice. Anyone else is judged on their behaviour and ability to listen to warnings.

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Why?  :(


I shoot anyone in a Payday mask, but that's my only real prejudice. Anyone else is judged on their behaviour and ability to listen to warnings.


You ask why I associate female avatar with banditry?


Logic and probability based on empirical as well as statistical evidence


It is a fact that way more males play gams like this than females. perhaps as high as 85%male/15%female


There are always way more female characters than the previous statistic can support. 


Males play female characters for a variety of reasons, nearly all to gain some type of actual or perceived advantage.


It has been my experience that younger males are more likely to play a female character than older more mature males


The younger males are more likely to get their kicks from what I call "cheap" pvp (KOS, griefing, ect)


I always assume there is a male looking for an advantage behind every female character until proven otherwise.


I just realized I have spent way to many words on this reply, im sure you get the gist.


It is also possible that I am just all wrong on this. Am I sexist? If I am it isn't due to the above.

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The string of newbie ears around their necks?


Remember how in Diablo 2 you could collect the ears of the people you killed in PVP? That would be an interesting, gory feature to DayZ. :P

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buttless chaps and dog collars. maybe some black football pads too. cant think of any other bandit clothing, will have to watch mad max movies  some more i guess.

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Males play female characters for a variety of reasons, nearly all to gain some type of actual or perceived advantage.

It has been my experience that younger males are more likely to play a female character than older more mature males


I'm pretty old and I use the female skin, it adds variety. Please don't kill me.  :P As for the "actual or perceived advantage", this is a view I encounter a lot when the topic comes up. Have you considered that it might be you who is applying that attribute to the skin and not the person using it?

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Can we leave the casual racism out please. It's not funny and we don't tolerate it here.


That isnt casual racism, choosing a black character is done for concealment purposes as you blend in very well with the environment / floor (when you have camo clothing). Ive always played a black char along with alot of the 'hardcore' players. Sacriel is a prime example of this

Edited by Easy_Tiger

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