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Do you combat log?

Do you combat log?  

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  1. 1. Do you combat log?

    • I do.
    • I don't.
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No it's shameful, stupid, cheap and i hate the ones that do it. I must admit however that I did once combat log in the mod but not really for myself, me and my friends were going to meet up and a guy started shooting at me so i logged out so that our whole game night wouldn't be ruined ( they were starving and i had food and weapons). I don't really regret it that much but it was still kind of cheap but i felt that the consequence of me dying would be to big for my friends so that's why I did it. However if I am playing alone I don't mind dying, it feels refreshing lol. Hope you won't spit out hate on me for this lol.

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No, if I am going to die, I accept my fate, but don't go down without a fight if I have the chance to fight back!

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't  you lose all your stuff if you combat log? What's the pont? To ensure your enemy can't get your stuff? 

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't  you lose all your stuff if you combat log? What's the pont? To ensure your enemy can't get your stuff? 


Unfortuantly no you don't

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't  you lose all your stuff if you combat log? What's the pont? To ensure your enemy can't get your stuff? 

Not sure if you know about the new patch, and the meaning of combat logging, they fixed it so bodies now stay behind like they should, but that has nothing to do with combat logging, it cannot be considered combat logging after death.

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you guys are lying sacks of shit. you wanna know how i know? 99% of the fuckers i run into combat log at the sound of a bullet being shot even

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you guys are lying sacks of shit. you wanna know how i know? 99% of the fuckers i run into combat log at the sound of a bullet being shot even

Who combat logs also probably doesn't care about the gane itself, hence they don't browse the forums, likely.

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Who combat logs also probably doesn't care about the gane itself, hence they don't browse the forums, likely.

This, I have seen so many people on the forums complaining about combat logging, yet people I run into always tend to combat log in game, however I now play on 1PP servers and have not noticed as many on those servers.

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Yesterday, my two friends and me met a group of 3 people that just spawned, we pointed guns at each other, but since they screamed "don't shoot don't shoot", we let them pass.

Then after a while they teamed up and attacked us, but since they failed, they cowardly combbatlogged and ghosted to our flank.

2 minutes and 20 mosinshots later, we had 5 m4s and some injuries more.

So, no we do not combatlog.

We had a lot of fun..what would it have been when logging out..what feeling of success..?


I can not understand the point of it.. nore of the ghosting.

I never did it in the mod and never will do it in the sa.

Because the feeling of being proud of you and your crew that we survived a hopeless fight, plus that rush of adrenalin, is unbeatable.

If i'll die, i either deserved it or the player is a glitchusing scum.

Edited by dawud

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Did you learn your lesson? 


If you see something, exterminate it quickly no matter what it says to you. 

Edited by HCHellCaptain

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Did you learn your lesson?

If you see something, exterminate it quickly no matter what it says to you.

Nope .. not my style.

I am more of a "first talk, then shoot" person.

Even i might risk a higher chance of getting killed if i am not stealthy enough.

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No it's shameful, stupid, cheap and i hate the ones that do it. I must admit however that I did once combat log in the mod but not really for myself, me and my friends were going to meet up and a guy started shooting at me so i logged out so that our whole game night wouldn't be ruined ( they were starving and i had food and weapons). I don't really regret it that much but it was still kind of cheap but i felt that the consequence of me dying would be to big for my friends so that's why I did it. However if I am playing alone I don't mind dying, it feels refreshing lol. Hope you won't spit out hate on me for this lol.


I can appreciate that. Yes, it's a survival game but it's also a GAME. Played for it's entertainment value. I wholeheartedly agree that combat logging is one of the most despicable actions someone could take in any game, and if I were the guy shooting at you I'd probably hate your guts, but I can't deny your logic, and I can't say I wouldn't do the same myself.

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As long people consider KoS a legit playstyle, i consider Combat log as a legit defence strategy. Get rid off those douchebags and probably the combat log "problem" will solve itself. And don't even think of starting an argument like "butbut it's realistic, it's zombie apocalypse blahblah". No it's not. DayZ is as far from a Zombie apocalypse like Kerbal Space Program from NASA. People always will rely on each other when it comes to survival.

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Yes and no, i don't combat log in the sense that i log out when in combat but there has been several accounts where i log in and can't access my gear/interact with the world, so i have to switch server.

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Never once combat logged in over a thousand hours of playing the mod/Standalone - it defeats the entire purpose of DayZ for me, which is player interaction.


If you combat log, you're shit at the game and and some dumbed down single player zombie game would suit you far better.

Edited by Nocturnal

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you guys are lying sacks of shit. you wanna know how i know? 99% of the fuckers i run into combat log at the sound of a bullet being shot even


This is what I thought.


30% I guess are certainly not telling the truth.

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As long people consider KoS a legit playstyle, i consider Combat log as a legit defence strategy. Get rid off those douchebags and probably the combat log "problem" will solve itself. And don't even think of starting an argument like "butbut it's realistic, it's zombie apocalypse blahblah". No it's not. DayZ is as far from a Zombie apocalypse like Kerbal Space Program from NASA. People always will rely on each other when it comes to survival.

Except for the fact that most of the KoSers I have run into, have been the combat loggers, combat logging is an issue, because it is not part of the game mechanics, KoS is an issue, but it IS part of the game mechanics, there for it is acceptable, if you don't like it, DayZ isn't the game for you. I am hoping however, once zombies are finished to become an actual threat, and get attracted by gunfire, and there is no easy/quick way to escape them(with the introduction of anti-combat logging mechanics), KoS should be less then it is now, it will still exist, because there is players out there that just treat this as a PvP game with loot grinding, among other more legit reasons to KoS, not to mention finding ammo for a particular gun will be harder then it is now, so you would have less of it, along with anti-server hopping mechanics.


It will make more people consider the risk and cost involved with firing their guns, and at the very least they will want to evacuate the area after shooting.

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Yep i combat log on occassions.


and why...


This game is about interaction with other players , not PvE, not PVP , but interactions with other players.

I ussually try to communicate with people who i meet, if they then decide to fight me , i'll fight back, if they decide to rob me no problem iether.

If i am minding my own business, rifle lowered or no weapon equipped and someone from somewhere suddenly empties his m4 in my general direction, i go around a corner and i indeed combat log, because that person is trying to ruin my experience and gains nothing from my death , because he most likely has every item at pristine.

Thats not PvPing , thats griefing.


I did it today to be precise , i was scavenging for items , no weapon drawn (not even melee) and suddenly someone fires at me and hitting me, i  escape and combat log.

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I only combat log when I encounter someone who's obviously hacking. If they won't play fair, neither will I.

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Yep i combat log on occassions.


and why...


This game is about interaction with other players , not PvE, not PVP , but interactions with other players.

I ussually try to communicate with people who i meet, if they then decide to fight me , i'll fight back, if they decide to rob me no problem iether.

If i am minding my own business, rifle lowered or no weapon equipped and someone from somewhere suddenly empties his m4 in my general direction, i go around a corner and i indeed combat log, because that person is trying to ruin my experience and gains nothing from my death , because he most likely has every item at pristine.

Thats not PvPing , thats griefing.


I did it today to be precise , i was scavenging for items , no weapon drawn (not even melee) and suddenly someone fires at me and hitting me, i  escape and combat log.

What is there to experience? elohel

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Never! if you want my gun, you can take it from my cold dead hands. No seriously... take it.

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What is there to experience? elohel


Sorry but thats a non argument and also the excact problem currently with the game in its current state.

"There is nothing more to do, lets go kill other people, trying to ruin there day" , I encountered the exact same thing at the start of online gaming in a game called UO: players who had nothing to do started to annoy and grief the roleplayers, because they where having fun doing what they do.


But to answer your question: i was trying out stuff, to see if Dean had added other things to combine other then the butane tank and the lamp/gasstove.

I was also trying to hone my skills with the mosin at range at zombies.

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