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here is my 7 sin for standalone IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER ;)
#1 combat logging
#2 server hopping
#3 gamma exploiter
#4 ghosting
#5 script/hack cheater
#6 gear duping
#7 admin loot cycle restart player kick abuse
all this is unacceptable for me and if you doing any of this i hope you feel maximum shame :blush:
so what you think about when you seeing this list?
is possible for devs to make fix every one? :)
is some we need to accept is here for ever never stop? :|
do i miss some? :huh:


what is worse thing for you guys?

Edited by KoS
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Seeing zombie bodies disappear is more immersion breaking than the rest of these, but if i had to choose, combat logging.

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The only one the devs can't and shouldn't address is the fresh spawn killing. It's awful, cowardly, etc but it's not something that should be "fixed."

Everything else, I believe, will either be wiped out completely to a very large extent.

I would add zombie glitching, in general.

Edited by Machiavelli09
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Well, I'll admit that I've performed #2 both accidentally and deliberately. It's hard not to turn back when you clear the whole airfield then get disconnected. And until they do something about it, it's too tempting. But I've read that a new server filter (or something) is being added soon to address combat logging and server hopping.


#5 I've done, oh yes! New spawns be crazy mang. I've been torn to shreds by groups of savage new spawns in kamishovo. 


Also, will never need gamma cheating, since it's pointless. Until they add night-vision there's not much reason to play them.

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here is my 7 sin for standalone IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER ;)


#1 combat logging


#2 server hopping


#3 gamma cheating


#4 ghosting


#5 shooting fresh spawn


#6 gear duping


#7 admin loot cycle restart player kick abuse



all this is unacceptable for me and if you doing any of this i hope you feel maximum shame :blush:


so what you think about when you seeing this list?


is possible for devs to make fix every one? :)


is some we need to accept is here for ever never stop? :|


do i miss some? :huh:


what is worse thing for you guys?


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#5 I've done, oh yes! New spawns be crazy mang. I've been torn to shreds by groups of savage new spawns in kamishovo. 

This. It took just one single punch KO to stop ee from trusting new spawns. I generally don't KOS freshies, but I sure as hell will point my gun at 'em and tell 'em to get the hell away/on the ground/ buck naked.

Edited by Hefeweizen

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The only one the devs can't and shouldn't address is the fresh spawn killing. It's awful, cowardly, etc but it's not something that should be "fixed."



#8 Hackers

agree both what you saying and swap hacking for fresh spawn killing ;)

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Good list. A few of those are game breakers keeping me from playing ATM.

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#1 combat logging - will be solved by logout delay
#2 server hopping - will hopefully be reduced by a consecutive login delay
#3 gamma cheating - can be tackled, but i doubt its a real issue
#4 ghosting - will hopefully be reduced in conjuction with server hopping
#5 hacking - can be massively reduced by limiting client priviledges and access to world data, but probably never completely go away
#6 gear duping - can be easily tackled
#7 admin loot cycle restart player kick abuse - admin abuse will remain as a trade off for community-hosted servers

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Yeah, it's pretty upsetting seeing that three big problems in the Mod (loot farming/server hopping, combat logging and ghosting) were not addressed during the MMO redesign stage as fundamental issues and migrated unmolested into the SA. 

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 admin abuse will remain as a trade off for community-hosted servers


Ugh, that's bullshit. Admins shouldn't be paying for the right to abuse the rules. Allowing it is just going to encourage it; the more people see admins getting away with whatever they want, the more they're going to want to rent a server so they and their friends can turn around and be abusers. It will be a vicious cycle and have long-term implications for the health and integrity of the title.


Admin abuse is easily managed; there's no reason we should let admins just run rampant across the game as a "trade off" for their hosting. There are plenty of honest, rule-abiding hosts willing to put servers up without the intent to use their position for an advantage.


First of all, loot should not be tied to server restart. Servers should restart completely empty as I suggest in my thread "Loot: Mysterious and Unpredictable." There should be no advantage gained by a restart. In fact, it should be disadvantageous (i.e., loot should take longer to spawn at first than it does on subsequent cycles).


Second, all kicks, bans and restarts should be tracked by the hive and audits should be conducted occasionally on servers which come in high above average for any one of these categories. Some servers probably have 5-10 times the number of restarts as "normal" servers, so they would be easily identified and isolated and if abuse is found, hive access should be suspended and eventually revoked. Same with kicking. Most servers should kick a few players each day, maybe a dozen tops. Servers that come in with 100+ kicks are obvious abusers.


All the team has to do is show a little balls and stand up to Admins.

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby
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Concerning server hopping.


Since currently there is no way to see the the ingame time of a server, I sometimes need ten attempts to find a server that is not pitch black and thereby unplayable.


(Many people just don't like playing at ingame night which can be seen by the population distribution. A server with less then ten players has most likely night time. The daytime servers are the crowded ones.)


Back to topic: I hope the game will differentiate between people who are hopping and those just looking for a playable one. Maybe the hopping prevention should come into effect only one minute after having joined a server (i.e. one minute after being actually ingame).

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Since currently there is no way to see the the ingame time of a server, I sometimes need ten attempts to find a server that is not pitch black and thereby unplayable.


The intent is not to allow you to avoid night servers, so I seriously doubt they're going to give you a way to do so.


In fact, I suspect the new server queuing system is going to make it quite difficult to keep playing the game like this.


My question to you is are you logging out immediately upon joining a server?


Night time is far brighter now than it ever was in the mod. I have not seen ANY "pitch black" servers.


However, you must give your eyes time to adjust. After logging in it can sometime take 5-15 seconds before I can see properly, but it always comes around and it's never inky black anymore.

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I hope the game will differentiate between people who are hopping and those just looking for a playable one.


It won't, and it shouldn't. You're both doing the same thing. One person is hopping for loot, one is hopping because they're too scared to play at night.


Neither of these practices should be allowed or encouraged.


(Sorry for double I thought I was editing).

Edited by ZedsDeadBaby

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here is my 7 sin for standalone IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER ;)


#1 combat logging


#2 server hopping


#3 gamma cheating


#4 ghosting


#5 hacking


#6 gear duping


#7 admin loot cycle restart player kick abuse



all this is unacceptable for me and if you doing any of this i hope you feel maximum shame :blush:


so what you think about when you seeing this list?


is possible for devs to make fix every one? :)


is some we need to accept is here for ever never stop? :|


do i miss some? :huh:


what is worse thing for you guys?

Combat logging is the worst offense. Cheaters (you called them hackers, they don't hack they cheat) are annoying but will be caught soon enough and be banned. But combat loggers are the worst, they wont be punished at all and are literally breaking the only point of the game. Ghosting is just as bad but at least you get another chance to own the bitches.

Gamma "cheating" isn't really cheating. It's a setting in your game. You can edit it at any time. If we are going to consider this cheating then we need to also accept FOV changers and anyone who re-keybinds. Darkness is something the game developer can lock, I have seen TRUE darkness in servers that no matter your settings you cannot see anything without a flashlight. They could easily lock the darkness to that.

Just my 2 cents.

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Cheaters (you called them hackers, they don't hack they cheat)

Gamma "cheating" isn't really cheating.

you make fair points :)

hacker/cheater is true what you say, hacker have some coding skill for create some tool is pussy guys who use are cheater not hacker I edit OP for this ;)

gamma is maybe not cheat but is exploit so for me is still sin for give advantage over other honest player, I edit also from cheat to exploit :thumbsup:


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I bet server hopping would be greatly reduced if the server browser provided a lot more info. Starting with displaying the time of day so people will know for sure if it's day or night. Also show if there are any lock downs like "first person" only. At least you give the legit hoppers a way to reduce their hopping and then focus on the illegitimate ones.

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I bet server hopping would be greatly reduced if the server browser provided a lot more info. Starting with displaying the time of day so people will know for sure if it's day or night.


Read the thread. We literally just got done talking about why that's not going to happen.

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Ugh, that's bullshit. Admins shouldn't be paying for the right to abuse the rules. Allowing it is just going to encourage it; the more people see admins getting away with whatever they want, the more they're going to want to rent a server so they and their friends can turn around and be abusers. It will be a vicious cycle and have long-term implications for the health and integrity of the title.


Admin abuse is easily managed; there's no reason we should let admins just run rampant across the game as a "trade off" for their hosting. There are plenty of honest, rule-abiding hosts willing to put servers up without the intent to use their position for an advantage.


First of all, loot should not be tied to server restart. Servers should restart completely empty as I suggest in my thread "Loot: Mysterious and Unpredictable." There should be no advantage gained by a restart. In fact, it should be disadvantageous (i.e., loot should take longer to spawn at first than it does on subsequent cycles).


Second, all kicks, bans and restarts should be tracked by the hive and audits should be conducted occasionally on servers which come in high above average for any one of these categories. Some servers probably have 5-10 times the number of restarts as "normal" servers, so they would be easily identified and isolated and if abuse is found, hive access should be suspended and eventually revoked. Same with kicking. Most servers should kick a few players each day, maybe a dozen tops. Servers that come in with 100+ kicks are obvious abusers.


All the team has to do is show a little balls and stand up to Admins.

If someone pays money to host a server, they should be allowed to admin their server their way. End of story. If you don't like that server's admins, don't play there. This is how video games have worked in the past and how they should continue to work going into the future. Let the players decide what they do and don't like from their admins, if an admin is abusing their power then the players don't play on that server. You may not have experienced this if you are a new gamer, past 5 years really. PC gaming in the past has been controlled by the admins of each server and you could always tell when servers had good admins because those were the popular servers. Not to say ALL dead servers had bad admins, but servers DON'T survive with bad admins.

Let me be clear, I am not trying to attack you as a gamer either, I don't know your history, I am just telling you my experience from my 18 years of gaming history.

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