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Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

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Also...No. Deal with it.

Lol that's great man and this has never been suggested before.

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Don't mind me, just hoarding some loot.

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Lol that's great man and this has never been suggested before.


Actually, bicycles have been suggested/requested for the standalone many, many times already.


Sidenote: If this is the first time you've heard this song, then you need to set a day aside to do nothing but listen to Queen and Freddie Mercury. 

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set a day aside to do nothing but listen to Queen and Freddie Mercury. 


And browse Reddit?

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fuck off you lazy cunts, It doesn't take that long to get around the map. 


Bikes will be added, but they will not be numerous, so please pull your head out of your asses, because you're going to be running most of the way anyway. 


I'm not gonna waste half an hour to get from Berezino to Elektro only to get shot in Komashyevo. Not only bicycles would make the game more bearable but actually would benefit the alpha and testing. Less time spent on pointless travelling = more time spent on actual testing.


OBVIOUSLY if you don't want to waste your time, don't die. In order to do that, i would suggest not running through kamyshovo like a gimp, because that's where all the freshies are, and obviously bandits. Surely it's not that hard to recognize where the hotspots are, so if you don't want to die (IE waste your time) don't fucking go there. 


There is no such thing as pointless travelling, because pointless travelling would imply that you aren't going anywhere, OR that you aren't planning on surviving long enough to make the time invested worth it. 

If your lives only last 30 minutes, and the only part of the map you visit is electro/the coast, then you aren't really testing much of the game are you? 


Also the fact that berenzino is mostly packed with gear, and electro is mostly packed with freshies and bandits, implies that you're in the mood for some pvp. So if you get shot, it sounds to me like you found what you wanted. So stop complaining, and get better at the game. 

Edited by Capo
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I wanna ram that freaking zombie with my bicycle!! hahaha

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Bikes will be in the game but not right now...now stop being lazy and keep running

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Bikes will be in the game but not right now...now stop being lazy and keep running

It's not a matter of being lazy. Not everyone has 5 hours to spend on the game. Let them add bicycles and you can continue running, no problem with that.

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bikes are one of the most balanced in game modes of transportation, on the one hand they're faster, and on the other they leave you completely defenseless and vulnerable. I mentioned roller shoes here http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/166640-roller-blade-shoes-as-vehicle-holdover/ just because they could be done with even less coding. but I agree that something to move us faster in game should be implemented asap. I'd rather it be buggy and there then not have it at this point.

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bikes are one of the most balanced in game modes of transportation, on the one hand they're faster, and on the other they leave you completely defenseless and vulnerable.

Are you sure about that ?



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It's not a matter of being lazy. Not everyone has 5 hours to spend on the game. Let them add bicycles and you can continue running, no problem with that.


No, you're wrong. They ARE going to add bicycles, as everyone has said, multiple times, what you aren't understanding is that they aren't going to be everywhere. They aren't going to make your repetitive electro run ANY quicker. 


So, if you don't have time to play the game, why are you playing it? 

Edited by Capo

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bikes are one of the most balanced in game modes of transportation, on the one hand they're faster, and on the other they leave you completely defenseless and vulnerable.



Canada disagrees

Edited by Pandema

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No, you're wrong. They ARE going to add bicycles, as everyone has said, multiple times, what you aren't understanding is that they aren't going to be everywhere. They aren't going to make your repetitive electro run ANY quicker. 


So, if you don't have time to play the game, why are you playing it? 


They are going to be everywhere, actually, Dean is going to make one bicycle spawn with me everytime I die. You jello?

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They are going to be everywhere, actually, Dean is going to make one bicycle spawn with me everytime I die. You jello?


I will only be jello if you spawn with unicycle. Imagine a guy with a clown mask on a unicycle wielding a axe coming after you terrifying(especially if they added clown horns).

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Even once vehicles are implemented I think bicycles will be pretty rare. I'd get used to walking if I were you. xD

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Even once vehicles are implemented I think bicycles will be pretty rare. I'd get used to walking if I were you. xD

rare bicycles + rare cars + rare helicopters + rare trains + 150 player servers = common vehicles in general

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Most definitely, OP.  Bicycles need to be the first vehicles that they implement prior to vehicle patches.  And they need to be EVERYWHERE.  MOAR, MOAAAR!!!!  *Insert Zoidberg Voice*

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Here's my plan for making bikes not always the best option for transport, when they're implemented, when you find them, over the repair-intensive, fuel-intensive cars and helicopters.

  • Bikes cannot be ridden while wearing any backpack with more than 25 items in it. [also, prevent player wearing backpacks while sitting in a car seat-they have to put it in the car inventory before getting in]. If the player tries to get on a bike wearing a 25+ item backpack, they overbalance.
  • Bikes need repair just like cars, getting flat tyres, wrecked gears and broken chains. They will rarely break chain or pop a tyre mid-ride, which can leave you stacked in the centre of a zombie horde.
  • Bikes use up Energy almost as much as sprinting- pedalling periods burn Energy per second.
  • Bikes have a finite "sprinting" [pedalling] period, 30 seconds of pedalling max [works on an unseen "overheat" gauge]. You can cruise on gained speed, but zombies will start to catch up.
  • Bikes have a chance of randomly crashing.
  • Make them a little rarer than Cars, maybe having 40 Bikes on the server all up, and increase their concentration inland.

Of course, we keep the huge advantages-- no fuel needed but Energy, fewer parts required, and still able to outpace a zombie or full sprint player while pedalling for less fuss.

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  • Bikes cannot be ridden while wearing any backpack with more than 25 items in it. [also, prevent player wearing backpacks while sitting in a car seat-they have to put it in the car inventory before getting in]. If the player tries to get on a bike wearing a 25+ item backpack, they overbalance.
  • Bikes have a chance of randomly crashing.
  • Make them a little rarer than Cars, maybe having 40 Bikes on the server all up, and increase their concentration inland.



Why weight restriction? I could understand it if you were carrying around 100 kg, but not with 25 items in your backpack.


Random crashing? Why? Do you crash randomly in real life? No, then it shouldn't be added.


Rarer than cars? 40 per server? There should be loads of bikes! They should be around every corner as they are in real life!



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Rarer than cars with 40 per server? There probably won't be 40 total vehicles per server...

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i think this is a goos idea except the max capacity you can carry , it would make thing interesting also as in you cycle into a gun fight and freaking peddle your life away lol cuz your conna be one funny target practice

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Some good ideas there. But, I have been riding bikes for about 34 years now, and I have never "randomly" crashed! What is that supposed to be? Sounds a bit like the heart attack thingy, if you ask me.

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