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Hicks_206 (DayZ)

Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

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Im not gonna complain about new features coming out every week.  What i am gonna complain about is not being fast on repairing game ending bugs.  You have hundreds of ppl who cannot even play because of this desync issue caused by your latest patch.  Vacation or no a professional would make that top priority over everything imo.  Dont lose your loyal fanbase imo.

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He deserves 3 weeks?  Tell that to all the people in the world that work 5-10 times harder than Rocket, and in far more dangerous jobs that don't get a week of "paid vacation" for the company they have worked for for 10 years.  In today's world, especially in the game industry, there is no "deserved" break time, especially not 3 weeks.


I am not bashing Rocket or the Dev team at all because I love the holidays and being with my family but I also am not a creator of a game that is going through early stages of testing.


Well, shit, I guess the other guys should have asked for more holydays... Jelly because Rocket has a better job than you? :D

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Your on a first person server

Funny wasn't that when i spawned on it.

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First: it's against the forum rules to promote your own youtube channel (...and with bullshits..);

Second: these contents are in the game (pbo's) from the beginning, if you noticed them only now you must be born yesterday (that is a possibility considering your voice pitch in the video);

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Stuck in 1st person. i press enter on numpad but to no avail.



HAAHAHAHA, yah might be in a 1st person server dude. 



First: it's against the forum rules to promote your own youtube channel (...and with bullshits..);

Second: these contents are in the game (pbo's) from the beginning, if you noticed them only now you must be born yesterday (that is a possibility considering your voice pitch in the video);




Whata hater! First time I saw it. I bet less than 30 % of DayZ players fuck about in DayZ program folders to have know/seen this. First time I saw it was on his video. Yah he is young, so what? I am a 26 year old NCO in the military. I must have been born yesterday. 

Edited by VictorM

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I am a 26 year old NCO in the military. I must have been born yesterday. 


Is that supposed to mean something.... no one cares, we all have jobs.

Edited by Takkow
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Is that supposed to mean something.... no one cares, we all have jobs.


McDonalds?? How prestigious! 


What a douche, I wasn't trying to show off, he is hating on this guy because he is young and making it out like he has to grow up because "everyone knows that those models are in PBO's" so he must of been born yesterday. NO! I didn't know about those models and it has nothing to do how young you are, COD player or not, job, no job. Nice troll attempt. 


Some people get upset because they have the personality of a slug and couldn't hold any subscribers on youtube even though they long to be popular. It's sad really, so they hate on streamers and youtube channels. 


I don't understand why people are obsessed with streamers but I don't understand the stream snipers and haters either. At least they are trying to make something of themselves. Unlike these cheeto eating fat haters living in moms basement. 

Edited by VictorM
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McDonalds?? How prestigious! 




A job is a job .... typical ass hat trying to do people down whom you think are below you! if only you knew.

Edited by Takkow
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And some of you think its strange the devs don't respond to this topic?


Look at all the offtopic B***S*** being posted. I wouldn't waste my time either to wade through this mud looking for one single line of importance.


So please, unless you have a real issue with the latest update, keep this list clean. 

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Look at all the offtopic B***S*** being posted. I wouldn't waste my time either to wade through this mud looking for one single line of importance.

Word! I'll gladly be their "Off-Topic-Clean-Up-With-a-Warning-then-BAN-Moderator".


...Fuck, now I did it myself! :<

Edited by Wh1spY
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Im not gonna complain about new features coming out every week.  What i am gonna complain about is not being fast on repairing game ending bugs.  You have hundreds of ppl who cannot even play because of this desync issue caused by your latest patch.  Vacation or no a professional would make that top priority over everything imo.  Dont lose your loyal fanbase imo.


All the people complaining and raging on the forums are not the fanbase. The fanbase is patiently waiting for fixes and report bugs instead.

Edited by weedmasta
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Am I the only one who is absolutely disgusted by the lack of progress on the stand alone? I've heard numbers like 20 million, 38 million, and still they refuse to hire additional staff? I understand this game is an Alpha, but with that money I don't think that's a valid excuse, I honestly believe they should feel embarrassed and ashamed. Also why charge so much money for this piece of shit?

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The problem about this is that a buiseness works different from what you might think it does. Rocket already saif that the huge success has a positive effect on the roadmap and that it will be finalized in the next days.

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dont like it then leave, even is had added another chunk of helpers check how many bugs are there reported in the bug tracker, besides from working on fixing current they are also working on adding other stuff maybe.....i am not programmer but common sense dictates some patches might take longer then other to comes. You knew what you were buying, and that was to test 

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Not sure if they have a big update in store for us, but I sure they are working on it. I bet key issues will be fixed. 


Also it was up to you or anyone else who wanted to pay and play the game. There was a cost clearly stated, with a warning indicating the flaws. Not sure why you're this upset. 

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Oh c'mon, just go away already... Would you like to work on holidays?

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They took 2 weeks off over christmas and new years after a year of hard work. They would have only got got back stuck into it a week ago. That's barely enough time to add anything at all. Be patient young one.

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Some people must think hiring skilled staff is like going to walmart, buy 2 coders, get one 3D-artist for free.
You need to check portfolios, have interviews etc etc...

The alpha is out for a month now? The sales numbers went this high 1, maybe 2 weeks ago? Give them 2 months, and maybe
then they will have upped their staff a bit.

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Am I the only one who is absolutely disgusted by the lack of progress on the stand alone? I've heard numbers like 20 million, 38 million, and still they refuse to hire additional staff? I understand this game is an Alpha, but with that money I don't think that's a valid excuse, I honestly believe they should feel embarrassed and ashamed. Also why charge so much money for this piece of shit?

You're not the only one; these forums are rife with unreasonable people incapable of reading text that stares you in the face each time you launch the game. You're not paying for this game, you're paying for the full game. In buying it NOW you are granted access. It's in early development. Don't like it, don't play. Due to buying it early, you'll be able to get it at any point in its development including full release.

It being an alpha is not an excuse. It is a reality. Deal with it. You're not the first and surely won't be the last to jump on the forums to whine about something because you clearly did not understand what you were getting into.


Thank you for participating in the DayZ Early Access! This game is in Alpha, and will be so for some time. This means you will experience bugs, unfinished features, problematic design decision, and many more things that disrupt your game experience. We will be working with the community to fix these, to help us please visit dayzgame.com for development information.

Above all, please understand this game is not finished, and is a work in progress.

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Am I the only one who is absolutely disgusted by the lack of progress on the stand alone? I've heard numbers like 20 million, 38 million, and still they refuse to hire additional staff? I understand this game is an Alpha, but with that money I don't think that's a valid excuse, I honestly believe they should feel embarrassed and ashamed. Also why charge so much money for this piece of shit?


I think you should feel embarassed and shamed for not being able to comprehend what an alpha entails.  There are alot of other thigns ready, content is slowly brought out as the bugs with the current content is worked through, thats how the game will develop.  It's much easier to gather information from 100,000 players vs 20.

Edited by Phantasm

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is bohemia staff list public and daily updated?

Edited by Felthat

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Am I the only one who is absolutely disgusted by the lack of progress on the stand alone? I've heard numbers like 20 million, 38 million, and still they refuse to hire additional staff? I understand this game is an Alpha, but with that money I don't think that's a valid excuse, I honestly believe they should feel embarrassed and ashamed. Also why charge so much money for this piece of shit?

Haha, EA with millions of dollars and one of the biggest companies on the market fail with their games and throw them out to fast and people complain about unfinished games. Now someone actually do it slow and tries to do it the right way, people just complain anyways. The simple fact is, shut the fuck up and enjoy what is here or go somewhere else in the meanwhile.

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