DropBearChick 1217 Posted January 6, 2014 (edited) Ellas standalone guide by dropbearchick at Jan 6, 2014 4:22am WIPSo here is everything I can think of to guide players in the ways of the survivor.I know it is a big wall of text so i've divided it into different sub sections for fairly easy navigation.i apologize for any out dated advice in this post1.Starting out guideso, you've bought the game? well then lets get started.firstly change your character to your liking, this is the character creation and will be improved later on, once youve done this set the chracter as default and go to the main menu, now to find a server and Play!, so go to the change servers bar and if no servers show up make sure your in the internet section of the server lists, and if that doesnt work go to search options and change ping to 0, or a firewall could be blocking dayzso youve got the list up? good, now you'll want to select a server with either, a low pup to loot and gear up quickly, or a high pop for lots of player interaction, remember, theres a night/day cycle so for day serrvers there between 8:00 and 17:00 night time is the opposite, and there are trhe two hives hardcore and regular, hardcore has no 3rd person. once youve found a server, join it and you will spawn in shortly:on the coast: the coast is dangerous but does have fairly good loot, yopure going to want to get off the coast as soon as possible but first you need to know were you are then use the dayzdb map to navigate around so spawn points:Svetlojarsk: youll spawn either facing a cliff face next to docks or with forests on one side with docks on the other, this is the northern most townBerenzino: you'll spawn either facing containers (LOTS) or in a field on the coast with a dock to your right and nothing close on your left, and infront youll see sandly hills witha large construction sight slightly inland, this is berenzino babyrifty: you'll spawn between berenzino and a very large container ship wreckElektro: youll either spawn on the coast in a town or at a very small pier with a town to your right, or at drakon a small warf to the right of elektro this warf has one crane.Kamysho and surrounding islands: youll spawn on an island with a tiny body of water between you and land this is kamyshovo to the right of elektroNovy sobor; this is an inland spawn, in a small country town, near Stary sobor.Cap Golovka, youll spawn facing an island, on the coast with forests around youSolnichy: Most noticeable feature is the singular drum on the edge of townFactory: youll spawn near a factory with six huge silosok once you know were you are use dayzdb (google it) map to find yourself on the map and then plan your route from there, dont forget if your on a 24/7 day server to drop your torch and always rip your shirt into rags. the best places to head for gear is north east airfield, berenzino, elektro, svetlojarsk, chernaya polana, cherno, balota, nwaf, vybor and zelenogorsk.As of 0.46 there have been a few new spawn locations as im aware ones on a hill (klen mountain next to neaf) theres quite a few on or next to the road from krasnostav to dubrovka, some in towns such as svetlojarsk and orlovets and one naked, healthy and under a bridge in vybor (removed in 0.47)1. General tips you have probably already seen.1.You only need 1 canteen if you follow this trick: when entering a town look on the map for the well icon and drink until it you are hydrated then drink 3-5 times after that.2.The estimated amount of food a survivor needs is 6 cans of sardines.or take 2 packs of rice but make sure you have enough water because each pack takes -1000 water.3.Stay away from balota, NWAF, cherno and elektro these areas at classified HIGH RISK areas for bandits and zombies though they do have the best loot, go there but risk your life4. painkillers don't work5. The fireaxe is the best melee weapon in game always take it over other weapons.6.To escape handcuffs use q and e and s keys to struggle until free.7.Always use saline bag IV kits instead of blood if possible. as of the new update they are now giving 500 blood8. Never eat rice if you have no water available. you may get a good amount of energy but lose 1000 water.9. Torches- to use them drag the battery onto the torch in your inventory then click attach, then equip into one of your slots at the bottom then click spacebar and right click and select turn on, I do not suggest use of it because it may light up a small area but it attracts bandits like moths.10. Fighting, you can win against anyone in SA with just your fists by pressing spacebar with nothing in your hands then aiming about a centimetre above there heads and leftclicking this will leave them unconciouse were u can then press tab and take there gear before they wake up, this is very effective against zombies.11. Rags. to make rags to bandage yourself put your tshirt on the ground by dragging it into vicinity then right click and select tear into rags then right click the rags and select use.12. Flipping the bird, to do this go into options, configure, controls, assignments, interaction then scroll down to taunt and click on it then press a key you would like to bind it to then exit out and flip the bird to anyone you like.13. How do I open cans? you can open cans with either: a can opener, any axe, a knife, bayonet or screwdriver to do this drag the opener onto the can and select open can, remember if you do this with anything other than a can opener you will lose food especially if using an axe.14.How do I use a bipod? Simply make sure the bipod is on your gun then right click on it and select deploy.15.How do I open med kits/ammo boxes/storage boxes? To open them either equip them in your hands by putting them in a slot down the bottom of your screen then click the corresponding number then in your inventory look at your hands (below your character) there u can access your storage box/ammo box/med kit. Another quicker but more likely of loosing items is to drop it on the ground and look at it from the vicinity. or you can select display contents by right clicking on it.16. if you have a black and white screen/ blurry or desaturated screen it means you are low on blood/health and need a blood bag, or you could use a saline bag or regenerate health by natural health regen by eating and drinking until energized and hydrated.17. To create a blood bag first you need: 1. a blood bag kit, 2. a IV start kit, 3. a donor, first equip the blood bag kit in your hands, then scroll and select collect blood then drag the IV start kit onto the blood bag to create a transfusion kit then equip in your hands and give to recipient, Note you cannot give yourself a blood bag kit or saline bag.18. use / to type then ENTER to finish or Caps lock to speak.DayZ experimental branch:Dayz experimental branch is for the experienced dayz alpha testers who want to test out the very latest development builds, they often have more features but these features will have bugs,mand therefore likely less stable then the current stable build.To access the exp. ranch for dayz, colse dayz, go to libray right click dayz go to properties, then the betas tab then clifk opt into exp, the patch will then download the exp build, then in search make sure battleeye is no and ping is 0,Hunting, Fishing, Gathering, lumber jacking and mining Hunting:Hunting is a very easy way to gain food in DayZ, if you know were to look, what you need and how to do it. Animals including cows, boars, goats, chickens, elk and rabbits will randomly spawn throughout Chernarus they can be easily killed by 1-2 gun shots or a few swings from a melee weapon. All animals will attempt to run from you when approached as well as running from chasing zombies, to gut an animal after it is dead either a kitchen knife, machete, hacksaw or combat knife can be used, the amount of meat and percentage of the meat is determined by the condition of the weapon with pristine weapons yielding higher percentage meats but less of them and badly damaged weapons yielding lower percentage meats but lots more of them, note you can skin and quarter a dead animal multiple times and a boar pelt combined with rope and sticks will yield an improvised leather courier bag which has 25 slots instead of the burlap variant which only has 20. a bow which is good for hunting can be crafted by combining an ash wood stick and rope.Fishing:fishing is an easy way to get meat, to craft a fishing rod you will need an Ashwood stick (found in industrial loot or by cutting down Ashwood trees) rope and a fishing hook as well as a shovel/hoe to dig up worms to use as bait. Once you have collected all the necessary parts craft the fishing rod by combining the ash wood stick and rope (the fishing rod is held in either a 5x1 slot or as a melee weapon) then collect the bait by looking at grass with your shovel/hoe raised and selecting dig up worms, until you do so. then add the worms to the hook and then the hook to the fishing rod, then find your nearest pond or creek and select start fishing once you have started keep selecting the check bait option on the scroll wheel every 10 seconds or so then it will say "I sense movement near the bait" eventually, then "something is cautiously examining the bait", then in red "a fish has taken the bait!", immediately select pull out on the scroll wheel, then if lucky a fish will appear on the ground or a pair of gum boots, or the fish escaped and you have to start again.gathering:in Chernarus there are plenty of berry bushes, apple trees, stone paths and forest floors, all of these are potential life savers in DayZ, berry bushes (the reddy, orange ones) can be searched for berries, the apple trees (commonly seen in the apple plantations of berenzino) can be searched for apples and stone paths can be searched for loose stones to put around your fire or to sharpen blades with and forest floors can be searched for sticks to make a splint, backpack or much much more.Lumber jacking:with any axe whether it be a firemans axe or wood cutters axe you are able to not unly cut up zombies and bandits alike but also you can cut down trees simply by equipping your axe and going up to any tree and selecting chop firewood, keep doing this till the tree falls then firewood should appear at the foot of the fallen treeeeeeeeee. if you cut down an ash wood tree(the white ones with green leaves) you will also get an ash wood stick used to make a fishing rod or improvised bow. bushes can also be cut down for sticks with any knife or sharp one handed weapon.Cooking:cooking can be done of any meat simply by starting a fire (first combine sticks and rags/bandages then place the fireplace kit on the ground then add logs and start fire with matches) then placing the meat in the fire and waiting for it to cook, eating raw or burnt meat will poison you. be careful cooked meat only stays cooked in the fire for 15 seconds before becoming burnt. gas stoves will instantly burn meat therefore useless2. My tipsAlways check cars, you can find mosins, fire axes, maps, food, water and clothing in them.Train stations usually yield press vests and anti stab vests these are great for ballistic protection but only have 6 slots. They also now spawn in police stations and police carIf you lower your field of view to 0 when aiming down sightes you are significantly more zoomed in than with a higher field of view making sniping easy.you can range find a person or zombie with a pso scope by using the rangefinding bar in the bottom left of the scope but it is inaccurate unless your fov setting is between the I and e in field.For NV bring brightness and gamma to full then put clouds on very high.hit -- on the numpad to zoom out yo screencanned peaches are awesome.8. Empty quivers because they take up two slots and carry half of what you could if you used two stacks of bolts instead3. My looting tipsLOOTING MILITARY BUILDINGSBarracks,Alright, before entering a barrack, i always go outside, and check the windows for other players or zombies, If you see a player, i would recommend you, to try to sneak into the bathroom, and close the door. Ok, now you are in the bathroom, go into the shower and peek at the side to get as much cover as possible. When the player walks in, you can either shoot him or, communicate with him. If the player walks in the door, and you fire at him, and he escapes, it is going to be a waiting game.If you see no player, go in with caution and loot every room, and make sure to look under the beds, and on top of the lockers.Prisons,When looting prisons, look through the windows, from the outside, to spot players or zombies. If you see any players, wait downstairs in the prison or outside. When you are clear to go in, make sure to look in the cell, under the stairs and on the second floor. If looting in a group, have a guy guard the stairs. A good tip, is to close the doors you aren't going through, to minimize the chance of getting sniped. Hangars,In hangars, you wanna be quick, because you are very easy to hit, so make sure it is safe to go in, and then check for loot. Loot mostly spawns in the corners, or in the middle of the floor.Fire stations,Before entering a fire station, look in the tower for players, and listen for footsteps, before entering.It is a good idea to enter from the back door, to keep a low profile. When you are in, check the floor and the shelves. And before going up the stairs, listen again for footsteps. When you are sure it is clear go up. And if you are playing on a server, with 3rd person view available, use it to check, before going up the stairs and around corners.Control towers / Radar stations,Start looking for players up in the tower, when you are clear you can go in. Before going up the stairs, stop and listen! Footsteps is a good way to know, if there is a player around the corner, or upstairs. If you wanna risk going up in the tower, you should make sure, that there is no snipers watching you. You can scan through a little window on the second floor. When you are up in the tower, you gotta be quick, and if you are feeling lucky, you can check outside on the balcony, or even climb up the ladder to the top.Military tentsI don´t have much to tell about military tents. All you gotta do, is to make sure nobody is in there, and then loot it quickly.That was the most general stuff to know, before looting military spawns. If you have any corrections, ideas or techniques. Feel free to share them in the comment section.Military loot: in low pop servers (below five) usually it is safe to check balota and NWAF, a good time to do this is late at night and early in the morning when people are asleep, or on night time servers there are also a few places not many people look:1. green mountain, it has a jail,2. NW of NWAF there is a jail were trader city bash was on epoch3. NEAF, fairly rewarding but often other players like to pay it a visit,4. NW of NEAF there is a compound like the one NW of NWAF,5. Zelenogorsk, on the main journey from balota to NWAF so watchout,6. military compound south east of Vybor, very close to NWAF so watch out.7. Theres a few hidden jails around the map, one in the apatment area closest to balota, one next to nwaf at the old epoch trader site.Colour coded houses for loot:red/orange/white- these often have the best loot spawning good clothes, mosin's and plenty of food and drinkyellow/green-second tier, I've never seen mosin's spawn here but usually spawn good items .brown/black-usually nothing spawns here.Houses to avoid/go for1.Buildings were no loot spawns: barns, the red house with only the second level accessible, log cabins, outhouses, inaccessible train stations, please pm me if anything else comes up.There are a couple of loot spawns to check which not everybody knows about which includes: On top of he school, the military tower with a camo net on it and around and on to of the ATC tower. as well as the fire station tower roof.Best buildings for loot: 1. heli crashes 2.schools and police stations and military tents/barracks, often spawn food and a /mosin at top storey 2.the red café, fire station, military prisons often backpacks, med kits and storage boxes spawn here.Navigationthe best tip for navigation would be to get to know the map but that takes time so here are a few tips:1.The sun rises in the east an sets in the west so if the sun is setting then right would be north and left would be south (roughly).2.You will spawn on the east coast currently so to get to Elektro, Cherno and then Balota you will need to run with the ocean on your left you can tell you reached these two towns because firstly they are the biggest and secondly they have churches.3. Here is a map of chernarus+ : http://dayzdb.com/map.4.to get to berenzino head with the water on your right.Go here for more help: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/162558-land-nav-101/blood types in dayzA new feature of the DayZ Standalone is that every player got his own blood type. It is very important to know your blood type if you want to do a blood transfusion. If you get the wrong blood type you will die.First off all there are three different blood types A, B, AB and O.A got the antigen A, B got the antigen B, AB got antigens A and B and O doesn't have antigens.Important to know is that A has antibodies against the antigen of B, B has antibodies against A, AB doesn't have antibodies and O has antibodies against A and B.That means that A can get A and O, B can get B and O, AB can get everything and O only can get O.So if you give someone with blood type A blood with the blood type B then the blood will clump and the person will die. :oAnd there is the rhesus factor. (That's the + or - after the blood type.) Someone who is plus has an antigen which is called rhesus-antigen and people with a minus don't have this antigen. Now if you give someone who is Rh- blood that is Rh+ the body tries to eliminate the rhesus-antigens and the person will die too.SummarizedRhesus Factor Can Receive Rh+ Rh+ and Rh- Rh- Rh-thanks dayzDB for this: http://dayzdb.com/guide/17-blood-typesHunger and Thirst:DayZ standalone introduces much more complicated hunger and thirst mechanics compared to the mod. Instead of your hunger and thirst being satisfied as soon as you eat or drink anything, each type of food and drink restores varying amounts of energy and can add or remove water. Additionally, your stomach can only hold a limited amount of food and water.Example:When you eat a box of cereal, it restores around 1000 energy, and drains 250 water. Eating sardines only restores 333 energy, but adds close to 100 water. Drinking a can of soda restores a bit less than 150 energy and adds over 300 water, while drinking from a canteen doesn't give any energy, but adds 1000 water.Effects:When you have less than 100 energy, you start losing health and blood. However, when you have a ton of energy and plenty of water (3500 and 3000 respectively), you start regenerating blood. Once your blood is refilled, you regenerate health instead.Dehydration is much more dangerous than starvation: you lose five times as much health and twice as much blood. Once you accumulate a water deficit, it can be difficult to recover from it if you wait too long.Messages:While they don't tell you exactly what's going on with your character, the status messages that pop up can still help you figure out what you need to get yourself healthy again. Keep in mind that there are other effects that share some of the same messages, so this is by no means a conclusive way of diagnosing yourself.Hunger:When you're hungry, you see the following messages:"my stomach grumbles" "i'm feeling hungry" "I want to eat something" "i'm hungry"When you're very hungry, you see these messages:"i'm extremely hungry" "my stomach grumbles violently" "i'm starving"When you're starving, you see:"i'm dying of starvation"Thirst:When you're thirsty, you see these messages:"I'm thirsty" "I feel thirst" "i need a drink" "i feel like having a drink" "i want to drink something"When you're dehydrated, you see:"i really need to drink"When you're badly dehydrated, you see:"I'm dying of dehydration"thanks dayzDB for this: http://dayzdb.com/guide/1-hunger-and-thirstStatus effectsThe Hunger and Thirst guide detailed just three of the possible statuses that can affect your character in DayZ standalone. They're just the beginning though - there are many more afflictions you might encounter. In fact, this guide only lists statuses that should currently be in the game; there's several more that are partially implemented and probably coming soon.The BasicsStatus effects, or modifiers as the scripts call them, usually have multiple stages that become increasingly more dire. An example of this is hunger, where you go from hungry to very hungry, and then to starving. You don't start losing health or blood until your starving, so the earlier stages serve as warnings.Your character's health is described by several variables, which the status effects modify over time. When you spawn, you start with the following default values:Health 5000 Blood 5000 Energy 1000 Water 1800 Stomach 1000 Hunger 0 Thirst 0Bleeding only has a single stage, but the amount of blood you lose is still based on how badly you're bleeding - that gets tracked separately.The CureBandaging.HungerHunger goes through three stages: hungry, very hungry, and starving.The CureEating food, or for smaller gains, drinking soda.Hungry Cause Energy below 600 Symptoms "My stomach grumbles" "I'm feeling hungry" "I want to eat something" "I feel hungry" Status text hungry Very Hungry Cause Energy below 300 Symptoms "I'm extremely hungry" "My stomach grumbled violently" "I'm starving" Status text hungry Starving Cause Energy below 100 Symptoms "I'm dying of starvation" Effects -1 Health/sec-0.5% Blood/sec Status text starvingThirstThirst goes through three stages of dehydration: light, medium, and heavy. It's worth noting that when you spawn, you're already in light dehydration, so one of your top priorities should be finding water. Unlike hunger, the status text in your inventory doesn't change when you reach the worst stage, so be sure to pay attention to the symptoms in your chat.The CureDrinking+or soda.Light Dehydration Cause Water below 2000 Symptoms "I feel thirsty" "I'm thirsty" "I need a drink" "I feel like having a drink" "I want to drink something" Status text thirsty Medium Dehydration Cause Water below 1000 Symptoms "I really need to drink" Status text thirsty Heavy Dehydration Cause Water below 0 Symptoms "I'm dying of dehydration" Effects -5 Health/sec-1% Blood/sec Status text thirstyHealingWhen you're fully fed and watered, you gain a healing status. There are three stages of healing: light regeneration, full regeneration, and healing. In the regeneration stages, you only regenerate blood, while in the healing stage, you regain health.The Cure Finish regenerating to full blood and health.Light Regeneration Cause Energy above 3500 and Water above 3000 Effects +1 Blood/sec Full Regeneration Cause Energy above 5000 and Water above 2500 Effects +3 Blood/sec Healing Cause Energy above 5000, Water above 2500, and Blood at 5000 Effects +3 Health/sec Status text healingBest way to heal is to eat a packet of rice or two and then drink till full.StuffedBeing stuffed is caused by eating or drinking more than your stomach can hold. There's three stages: stuffed, fully stuffed, and... vomiting.The CureWait for your stomach contents to be digested at a rate of 1 per second, or force yourself to vomit.Stuffed Cause Stomach above 2500 Symptoms "My stomach feels stuffed" "I feel really full" "My stomach feels completely full" Fully Stuffed Cause Stomach above 3500 Symptoms "My stomach feels absolutely stuffed" "I feel over-fed" "My stomach feels much more full then it's normal" Vomiting Cause Stomach above 3900 Symptoms "I am close to vomiting" "I think I'm going to vomit..." "I'm going to vomit..." Effects Vomiting:-500 Stomach-600 Energy (minimum of 100)-1000 Water Status text sickFoot InjuryA foot injury is caused by running without shoes. While moving around, you cause damage to your feet based on the terrain you're moving on, and how fast you're moving. While wearing shoes, that damage is absorbed by lowering their condition.The CureNo known cure at this time, but also no known negative impact yet.Sore Symptoms "My feet hurt" "My feet are sore" Injured Symptoms "My feet are badly damaged" "My feet are bleeding" "My feet are hurting badly"UnconsciousUnconsciousness only has one stage, which causes loss of control of your character. It can be caused either by shock, or lack of blood. Shock comes from damage to the head, and can be reduced by protective helmets. Epinephrine resets your shock level, which would revive you unless your blood is too low.The Cure If due to shock, epinephrine will revive you. If it's due to blood, a transfusion or saline bag. You can't easily tell if you passed out to due to shock or blood loss, but if your screen wasn't gray when you passed out, it's probably shock. If no one is around to help you, your shock level decreases at 30 per second, so it is still possible to revive on your own.Unconscious Cause Shock above Blood orBlood below 500Food PoisoningFood poisoning has up to six stages, depending on the severity of the poisoning. The most likely source of poisoning is from eating rotten fruit, which has a 50% chance of minor poisoning, and a 5% chance of moderate poisoning. Alcohol tinctures have a 75% and 20% chance for minor and moderate food poisoning as well.The CureEating charcoal tablets will immediately remove minor or moderate food poisoning.Stage One Symptoms "I have a funny taste in my mouth" "My mouth tastes funny" "I notice a weird taste" "My mouth tastes weird" Stage Two Symptoms Minor"I feel nauseous" "I feel queasy" "I feel like throwing up"Moderate/Severe"I feel nauseous" "I feel queasy" "I feel like throwing up" Effects Minor: -13.3% Water/secModerate: -13.6% Water/sec, -0.2% Blood/secSevere: -19.5% Water/sec, -0.3% Blood/sec Status text sick Stage Three Symptoms Minor"I feel dizzy" "I feel light-headed" "I feel faint" "I feel unsteady"Moderate/Severe"I am close to vomiting" "I think I'm going to vomit..." "I'm going to vomit..." Effects Minor: -13.6% Water/sec, -0.1% Blood/secModerate/Severe: Vomiting: -500 Stomach, -600 Energy, -1000 Water Status text sick Stage Four Symptoms Moderate"I feel dizzy" "I feel light-headed" "I feel faint" "I feel unsteady"Severe"I feel cramps in my stomach" Effects Moderate: -14.3% Water/sec, -0.1% Blood/secSevere: -26% Water/sec, -0.2% Blood/sec Status text sick Stage Five Symptoms Moderate"I feel tired" "I feel run-down" "I feel worn-out"Severe"I am close to vomiting" "I think I'm going to vomit..." "I'm going to vomit..." Effects Severe: Vomiting: -500 Stomach, -600 Energy, -1000 Water Stage Six Symptoms Severe"I feel exhausted" "I feel extremely tired" Effects Severe: -19.5% Water/sec Status text Severe: sickChemical PoisoningChemical poisoning is comparable to severe food poisoning. It has six stages, and is very likely to be fatal. It's normally caused by drinking disinfectant spray, which is really a bad idea.The CureNo known cure at this time.Stage One Symptoms "I have a funny taste in my mouth" "My mouth tastes funny" "I notice a weird taste" "My mouth tastes weird" Stage Two Symptoms "I feel nauseous" "I feel queasy" "I feel like throwing up" Effects -26% Water/sec, -0.5% Blood/sec, -0.5% Health Status text sick Stage Three Symptoms "I am close to vomiting" "I think I'm going to vomit..." "I'm going to vomit..." Effects Vomiting: -500 Stomach, -600 Energy, -1000 Water Status text sick Stage Four Symptoms "I feel cramps in my stomach" Effects -39% Water/sec, -0.3% Blood/sec, -0.3% Health/sec Status text sick Stage Five Symptoms "I am close to vomiting" "I think I'm going to vomit..." "I'm going to vomit..." Effects Vomiting: -500 Stomach, -600 Energy, -1000 Water Status text sick Stage Six Symptoms "I feel exhausted" "I feel extremely tired" Effects -26% Water/sec, -0.1% Blood/sec Status text sickHemolytic ReactionA hemolytic reaction is caused by receiving a blood transfusion with incompatible blood types. A blood transfusion only adds 1000 blood, while a saline IV sets you back to 5000, so a transfusion should only be used in emergencies, or after confirming compatibility - because a hemolytic reaction is going to kill you.The CureNo known cure at this time.Stage One Effects -10% Blood/sec Status text sick Stage Two Effects -20% Blood/sec Status text sick Stage Three Effects -25% Blood/sec Status text sick Stage Four Effects -5000 Blood Status text sickInfected WoundZombies have a 20% chance to give you an infected wound when they damage you. This infection is pretty dangerous, so cleaning your wounds with an alcohol tincture is important.The CureClean your wounds with an alcohol tincture, or consuming tetracycline antibiotics.Stage One Symptoms "My wounds are itchy" "I have itchy wounds" Effects -13.6% Water/sec Status text sick Stage Two Symptoms "My wounds are infected" "I have infected wounds" Effects -16.9% Water/sec, -0.3% Blood/sec, -0.1% Health/sec Status text sick Stage Three Symptoms "My wounds are seriously infected" "I have seriously infected wounds" "I'm feeling hot" "It's really warm" Effects -19.5% Water/sec, -0.1% Blood/sec, -0.3% Health/sec Status text sick Stage Four Symptoms "My wounds hurt less" "My wounds look cleaner" Effects -16.9% Water/sec Status text sickBrain FluBrain flu is a most likely fatal disease that zombies have a 1% chance of infecting you with on hit. The final stage will never go away on its own until you die. One oddity is that it applies negative shock values, which seems like it would be a good thing - you go unconscious when your shock is higher than your blood.The CureNo known cure at this time.Minor Sickness Symptoms "I cough" "I sneeze" Effects -13% Water/sec Status text sick Sickness Symptoms "I cough" "I sneeze" "I feel my nose dripping" "My nose feels congested" "I have a runny nose" "My throat is sore" "I feel sore throat" "My throat hurts" Effects -26% Water/sec, -0.3% Blood/sec, -0.1% Health/sec Status text sick Fever Symptoms "I'm feeling hot" "I'm burning up" "I'm slick with sweat" "My clothes are soaking with sweat" "I feel cold" "I start to shiver" "I feel shivery" "I'm shivering" Effects -26% Water/sec, -0.5% Blood/sec, -1 Health/sec, -1 Shock/sec Status text fever Terminal Symptoms "I'm feeling hot" "I'm burning up" "I'm slick with sweat" "My clothes are soaking with sweat" "I feel cold" "I start to shiver" "I feel shivery" "I'm shivering" Effects -52% Water/sec, -1% Blood/sec, -5 Health/sec, -5 Shock/sec Status text feverthank dayzDB for this: http://dayzdb.com/guide/11-standalone-status-effectsHYDRATED AND ENERGIZEDWhen you have a good amount of energy and water in your stomach, i beleive about 3000+ this indicates you are close to healing as well.Aiming (zeroing and bullet drop)aiming in dayz is very different to games like COD, in this game there is zeroing, bullet drop and eventually wind resistance1. bullet drop, bullets drop in dayz like in real life because gravity affects them, so the longer the bullet travels the further it drops, which is were zeroing comes in, zeroing on your gun means were the middle dot on your scope is, is were the bullet will hit if the zeroing is set to the correct distance, Eg if i aim at a bandit's head 300m away then press page up until the number at the top right displays 300 then aim and fire my bullet will hit the exact spot were my middle dot is.2. many guns in real life that are not currently in DayZ have scopes with milldots they tell u that if u aim at the target the bullet will hit here if there a certain distance away instead of in the middle if you don't use zeroing.Item DegradationAll items in dayz standalone have item degradation, which can be split into 5 different sections: Pristine, Worn, Damaged, Badly damaged and Ruined. Some items in game will not work or preform poorly the worse condition they getScopes:all scopes are effected by item degradation except long range scopes but i beleive it affects the accuracy of the gun, when scopes get beyond worn u will start to see cracks in the scope until it is unuseable.other items:All items change texture when ruined, they get patches of grey and look generally fucked up, and ugly, always make sure to check the condition of items incase it is in better condition than your current item ruined items cannot be used.food and drink:you can no longer eat and drink ruined food and drink.unconfirmed:many people say that condition affects gun accuracy, running speed and effectiveness of medical supplies though this cannot be confirmed.Movement, avoiding zombies and what makes/affects noise.there are many different ways of movement in standalone which include standing, crouched, and prone/crawling, with either weapon/fists lowered or raised then theres running or walking or jogging. these all create attention to yourself in different ways both from players and zombies, EG. a player crawling will be harder spotted by a player and a zombie whereas a player running would be easily spotted by both parties.to avoid zombies, either crawl around cities, take them out with a weapon or outrun them, there is currently no way to lose them by line of sight, remember currently zombies run through walls and up stairs so be careful.noise is louder on different surfaces and materials, for instance you can easilt hear someone walking up metal stairs wereas someone walking on grass is much harder to hear, another tip is that when u spawn in the reloading sound plays, all players near you can hear this so be aware. currently all actions such as reloading, eating and drinking and performing medical actions make noise so keep that in mind.CraftingCrafting is an ability all players can perform in Dayz in which they may combine or transform one or multiple items to produce a new item or change a state of one.Crafting can be performed by right clicking an item, or dragging an item over another, in which case a menu will appear showing possible actions. An orange colour around an item being dragged ontop of another indicates that they can be combined in some way.Crafting listAmunition - different amounts of cartridges of the same caliber can be combined into one set with a maximum number of rounds per set to save space. Can be easily reversed.Shirts, bandanas and some jackets - when not equipped, they can be turned into rags to make splints (along with wooden sticks), along with the main functionality of serving as an improvised bandage. The quantity acquired depends on the size occuped by the item used to make the rags.Magazines - can remove the rounds of a magazine or fill them.Alkaline battery 9V - can be combined with a flashlight, weapon flashlight, headtorch or a defibrillator to be used.Canned goods - can be opened with a can opener. Can also be done with sharp objects like a kitchen knife, screw driver, wrench, fire axe, etc., resulting in spilling some of the contents of the can.Gas canisters - can be combined with a portable gas lamp to create a large, mobile light source or a portable gas stove which, once set on ground, cooking pot may be placed on.wooden splint - Used to fix broken legs, can be crafted with wooden sticks and rags.map - Pieces of maps can be combined together to form a bigger, or complete, map. (ex: North with South, East with West. West and North will not combine together)to craft a backpack add rope to a burlap sack, to make it bigger add sticks.Crafting recipesShirts, bandanas and some hoodies = Tear into rags (amount acquired depends on the size of the item that is used)can opener + canned item = edible itemrags X 3/bandages x1 + Wooden Stick x1 = wooden splintgas canisters + portable gas stove = portable gas stovegas canisters + portable gas lamp = portable gas lampsaline bag/filled blood bag + IV start kit = saline bag IV/ blood transfusion kitportable gas stove + cooking pot = ???rope + burlap sack +sticks = improvised backpackspray can + mosin = painted mosin also works with sks, blaze 95, helmets and axesVideo settings:ultra settings: (game looks best but your frames will drop)overall quality: customrendering resolution: fit to your monitor but 200% is bestbrightness and gamma: no effectvsync: disabledtextures:vide memory: autotexture detail and filtering: very highobjects: everything on very highrendering:anti aliasing: very highalpha to coverage: i could only get disabled for some reason but get lowest option on listedge smoothing: SMAA very highHDR quality: very high or lowest option on listambient occlusion: enabledpost process quality: very highbloom and rotation blur: does not effect fpslow settings: (game looks worst but is playable!)overall quality: customrendering resolution: fit to your monitor but 200% is bestbrightness and gamma: no effectvsync: disabledtextures:vide memory: autotexture detail and filtering: very lowobjects: everything on very lowclouds: disabledshadows: disabledrendering:anti aliasing: very lowalpha to coverage: i could only get disabled for some reason but get highest option on listedge smoothing: FXAA high or lowerHDR quality: very low or lowest option on listambient occlusion: disabledpost process quality: very lowbloom and rotation blur: does not effect fpsglitches/bugs/things that are useless/not workingthings that are not working:duct tapeusing gas cookercooking ricegas burnerstools such as wrenches, hammers and pliers(inform me of anything else)glitches/bugs:rubberbandingsome places have no lootroom glitch at neafCrossbow is glitchyloot spawns in walls or floatingplayers spawn in buildings after rejoiningwall glitchingSometimes it randomly kills you for joining a serverRabbits make zombie noisesServer side zombie and soda can noisesWhen u kill someone pretty much everything becomes ruinedLots of clothing meshes glitch through othersSometimes buildings disappear while your in themSilencer, bayonet does nothingWhen emptying a mag ammo will sometimes disappearZombies/players can sometimes go through wallsZombie aggro is ridiculousClothing is glued to your feet until you perform an actionMuch much more(inform me of any others)Hope you have enjoyed my guide to being a survivor and i hope it was helpful for you.If you have further questions here are my contact details:Skype: ella.mcclare :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:REMEMBER THE GAME IS IN EARLY ACCESS ALPHA SO SOME THINGS MIGHT BE BUGS/GLITCHES. Edited August 28, 2014 by DropBearChick 80 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hogscraper 328 Posted January 6, 2014 Pretentious calling it the best ever as its missing oh, 99% of the information a player could use. Good information actually in your list, though. props for that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DropBearChick 1217 Posted January 6, 2014 well I doubt i'm missing that much but you could help me out by telling me what to add, I also wanted to add unique information to make it different from most guides 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted January 6, 2014 Just saying, the best SA guide would have correct grammar, punctuation and spelling. 10 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DropBearChick 1217 Posted January 6, 2014 (edited) added new content (flipping the bird, torches, rags, bipods, storage boxes and opening cans) inception: I agree but I have only enough time to write it and hardly any time for editing, plus I am only 15 still not finished high school so u can hardly blame me. -EDIT- added full stops and fixed a bit of grammar and spelling as well as adding capitals for inceptions sake. Edited January 6, 2014 by spartan54820 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MystoganXIX 78 Posted January 6, 2014 On 1/6/2014 at 4:24 AM, spartan54820 said: added new content (flipping the bird, torches, rags, bipods, storage boxes and opening cans) inception: I agree but I have only enough time to write it and hardly any time for editing, plus I am only 15 still not finished high school so u can hardly blame me. -EDIT- added full stops and fixed a bit of grammar and spelling as well as adding capitals for inceptions sake.3 years from becoming (legally) an independent adult is not an excuse for poor spelling and grammar. Since you're on the internet, laziness is a valid excuse for this though. Just go with that next time. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ynneead 20 Posted January 6, 2014 On 1/6/2014 at 4:17 AM, spartan54820 said: well I doubt i'm missing that much That moment you don't have: blood, health, energy, water, stomach, sickness, cures, blood bag info, aiming in dayz, getting stuck in a wall, item conditions, item degradation, weapon damages, animals, wells how do they work, ponds, multifunctional items, what color is devil castle, protection, shock, bleeding, zombies, bandits, kos, looting, switching items, food values, "healing", black and white screen, blurry screen, and navigation here in your best guide best guide. :lol: why is rice bad? it is the best source of energy in the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DropBearChick 1217 Posted January 6, 2014 rice takes -1000 water Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bruce of Wayne 81 Posted January 6, 2014 I think you owe him an apology for being a power-drunk jerk, Inception. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ynneead 20 Posted January 6, 2014 (edited) it is also equal to 8 cans of food opened with a can opener, which only requires 2 inventory spots might i add. Also a canteen will give 1000 water so one canteen and one bag of rice = 4 slots, still less than 8 Edited January 6, 2014 by Ynneead Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ynneead 20 Posted January 6, 2014 is it just me or did he right the hunger and thirst bit black on black? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bruce of Wayne 81 Posted January 6, 2014 On 1/6/2014 at 5:19 AM, Ynneead said: is it just me or did he right the hunger and thirst bit black on black?Thinks it's you bro Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DropBearChick 1217 Posted January 6, 2014 UPDATED DRAMATICALLY DUE TO THE WHINY PEOPLE ON THIS FORUM 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ynneead 20 Posted January 6, 2014 Hey hey hey not whiny, Your title is "BEST SA GUIDE EVER" not only are you saying it is the best guide you are also saying by putting "ever" at the end that no other guide will trump it inside its entirety. I'm just making sure it gets there :P 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DropBearChick 1217 Posted January 6, 2014 ok, sorry but i got a bit annoyed when u mentioned things in your list like zombies when its alpha and they pose no threat if u have an axe oh and aiming in dayz, i mean really??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ynneead 20 Posted January 6, 2014 (edited) yaa i just like being nit picky to make a bigger list! but aiming is important pretty sure most people that bought the game for the hype don't realize there is bullet drop or zeroing. But that's my opinion i guess Edited January 6, 2014 by Ynneead Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RestlessLegs 15 Posted January 6, 2014 new, liked it, GG Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DropBearChick 1217 Posted January 6, 2014 On 1/6/2014 at 5:30 AM, Ynneead said: yaa i just like being nit picky to make a bigger list! but aiming is important pretty sure most people that bought the game for the hype don't realize there is bullet drop or zeroing. But that's my opinion i guessoh i'm such a derp i did not put zeroing and bullet drop together with aiming srry didn't even think about that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ynneead 20 Posted January 6, 2014 Are you copy pasting from other guides or are you typing that? Because you must be typing really fast. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DropBearChick 1217 Posted January 6, 2014 no joke typing, i have dual monitor so i can read and type, i took typing class middle of last year, i also use youtube videos, guides on internet and so on but no copy and paste Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ynneead 20 Posted January 6, 2014 (edited) how do you make things red i want it not like this. The red clicky stuff on your status effect Edited January 6, 2014 by Ynneead Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DropBearChick 1217 Posted January 6, 2014 that is just the red i get yolo, no its a different red above the bright one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DropBearChick 1217 Posted January 6, 2014 btw do u think i did the aiming justice? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BelMarduk 169 Posted January 6, 2014 On 1/6/2014 at 5:40 AM, spartan54820 said: oh i'm such a derp i did not put zeroing and bullet drop together with aiming srry didn't even think about that.well, a cursory mention that weapon accuracy is total crap without looted 'replacement' parts and add-ons for the weapons e.g. bi-pod, scopes etc... and that bi-pod what ever the weapon added only helps when prone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites