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Real life zombie apocalypse

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This game has really changed my idea of what a real-life zombie apocalypse would look like.  I never put too much thought into having to fear OTHER LIVING PEOPLE.  


My question is, do you think this game is (will be) an accurate representation of what a real-life zombie apocalypse would be like?  If society fell, and a large portion of the population was dead or undead, would people really get that selfish and heartless to KOS just for loot and an easier life?  Wouldn't it pay off more in real life to work together with others.


What are your thoughts?

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Well if the zombie apocalypse was in the exact state of the game now, people would have to team up to survive otherwise when they go to sleep a zombie would phase through the wall and eat them if someone wasn't watching over them

I think when it's in it's final most version with more zombies which are improved, it will be pretty close

Just remember though a large amount of the worlds population don't play video games, so my thoughts are the people playing want to shoot stuff or expect it as it's a game, there are so many other factors in real life that no one could predict it

But I think the final version in 2028 will be close to what it is likely to be in real life

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior
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I think it would depend on the relative threat of other people. If zombies were a larger threat than other people I think that people would band together to aggressively combat them (safety in numbers).


Also there is the consideration that in the game other players aren't too useful but in reality having a couple of good allies around would be very useful.

Perhaps then it would be quite similar but instead of just individual there would likely be a lot of groups.



You also have to bear in mind that survival of the fittest is not in play in the game as any and every one can re spawn. In reality this would have a massive effect and its hard to tell what mindsets would be the most useful.

But I imagine fighting with every other person you see would result too many risks to be sustainable. ie they could kill you, zombies would be drawn to you and could kill you, even a small wound could cause death if not treated correctly.

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all great zombie movie have common element


zombie is bad thing for fear :|


but other human is worse :o

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i would say if the government doesn't nuke the world 1st then it would be maybe 50/50 some would be nice others would be ass holes for the reason that they can and there isnt anything someone could do other then kill them and one thing if something like that happened you would want to get out of a city asap because cities are death traps in zombie apocalypses that and the military would try to "prevent" the spread.


and before people say "op is an idiot it would never happen" or anything like that let me ask you HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT THERE ISNT SOMETHING OUT THERE IN THE WORLD THAT COULD TURN A HUMAN INTO A ZOMBIE OR ZOMBIE LIKE STATE

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At first everyone bands together till food and resources are being depleted all over the world and then sh!t really hits the fan.

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First, let's briefly speak about if this is even possible at all. Yes, in theory it is. A "zombie apocalypse" could happen in certain ways, either "natural" or artificial (engineered). Natural meaning some virus mutates (they tend to do that) and artificial being a creation through science and so on. What kind could it be? There are some possibilities. I personally dislike the "undead" variant because nature and physics still apply. Any "infected" variant sounds more realistic, if we were to try to think about something realistic in this scenario anyway. It could be some mutated super rabies thing or some spores perhaps.


Possible outcome


Depending on how severe it is and how responses will be, it could lead to major loss of life or even (worst case as seen in many movies) total collapse of the first or global society as we know it. But fact is: The game isn't really a good indicator for a real scenario as there are many things to keep in mind. Simple: It's just a game.


As society collapses there simply would be people that may take advantage of it or try to. Out of desperation or desire. But let's face it: If it were like DayZ then humanity would be gone in no time.


In reality not everyone has weapons (firearms), can use them, is a "badass" or whatever. Not everyone can do anything. People would band together and form some sort of communities or groups to survive. They have to, must, if they want to get through. Loners can only do so much unless you expect all to suddenly turn into hermits or so. It's like in reality or pre-apoc: You rely on people with certain skills. You are sick? You go to a doctor, to name an example.


In short


It'll probably be nasty. But regarding interaction, it won't be your average DayZ  server experience. At least not everywhere and most of the time.


I personally hope nothing like this happens any time soon, even after I'm dead. It must be mind shattering to see this take place on a global scale until it reaches your own area. But same for any similar disaster, of course.

Edited by Combine
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I'd have to guess that in an actual zombie apocalypse there would be fewer people running directly at me with some sort of melee weapon in their hands screaming 'Friendly!'


Other than that, yeah, I'd say it's pretty good.

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We would all think we could be heroes or bandits but i reckon 99.99% of us would be zombie food within a week.

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I suspect you would have far less to fear from other people in a real zombie apocalypse than you do in game. I would imagine people would be far more inclined to commit crimes (theft/murder/rape) than they currently are in society but also people would be far more vigilante than they currently are too.

I think people would band together significantly more than people do in game.

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I don't think this is even close to reality. I'm thinking that in real life people would group up and start building. They would build walls and start farming and so on. It would be mostly like in the 19th century apart from all the modern guns and such.


Nobody would kill for lulz. I really don't think KoS would exist. People would either stay away from each other or seek confrontation. The people who seek confrontation would of course be the bandits, but even though they're bandits, they would still talk to other people. They wouldn't just be lying in a bush killing everyone who passes them.

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 Head to the bush because the cities are gonna be hell holes.

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 Head to the bush because the cities are gonna be hell holes.


Cities now, without Zombies are hell holes, imagine adding the same people to them, only a Zombie version.

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No, I don't think it is nor will it be an accurate representation. For one, when you die you die there's no respawns in real life, which means people would generally be a lot more afraid of the consequences of their actions. 

Most people don't know shit about injuries, definitely not how to treat stab wounds, bullet wounds... using a bandage? Yeah right, not very likely when you've just had your gut punctured by a blade or a bullet. And taking myself as an example, I couldn't fix a car if my life depended on it - I can change a tire and that's about it, I've never had any interest in mechanics or motor vehicles of any kind. So obviously that's a person I'd want with me, just hoping that someone would find someone with knowledge in chemistry beneficial... most people haven't skinned an animal either, or gutted it or know what the hell to do with it once it's dead and skinned (this is after all a time where you wouldn't want to waste anything, the hide from the animal could become very useful). I know everyone likes to believe that they're in special forces, the best surgeons in the world, can hit an apple three hundred kilometres away with an arrow (well you get the picture) - however, most people aren't and even if you're good at one thing you probably suck at something else that could be vital for survival.


That being said, of course there will be groups of people who wouldn't be friendly at all, just take a look around in this world of ours and it's not that hard to see that of course these groups of people will exist, because they exist even now. The only thing that's stopping them now is the fact that there is a society and within that society we have laws, rules and regulations. But someone just laying in a window or on top of a building waiting for someone to shoot? No, it doesn't sound very likely. Just as KOS is probably not very likely either, not without a dialogue first.

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Given that the human being is the most dangerous and destructive creature on earth, I think an apocalypse will not change that and if anything, will make it worse.

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If the supply chains and order were to break down in (big) cities you'd basically be fucked, yes.


The majority (or up to all) people in big cities rely on grocery stores, services, power, water, the whole infrastructure. If you take it away completely or only leave a little of it intact you'd face severe problems as a city inhabitant. I'd go as far and say that the average household in a big city has food for a few days up to a week or a bit more on average. Sometimes more, sometimes less. That is just a guess. Maybe half a month if you like. Now remove anything out of the reserves that requires power and / or water. Either to keep it from getting spoiled or to actually make it into something you can eat. What is left minus water and so on? Probably candy and canned goods.


If no new food comes into cities you are fucked. And by that I don't necessarily mean grocery stores, that could also go for any relief camps or so in case of disaster to supply the populace. Also, without any order, either by citizens being relatively calm and helping each other or a clear police / military / government presence and aid, things may also seem bleak. There's also another funny thing: If no one would maintain waste disposal and so on, shit would literally, eventually, hit the fan because it could come back into your house eventually unless there's some sort of "closing valve" you can enable.


In short: You are fucked in a city with a broken / destroyed infrastructure. Smaller towns or rural areas might be better off. Easier to manage, food to grow, etc. Figuratively and literally, they are closer to nature and have certain skills to make it. And people probably know each other more than in a city. Social aspects also play a role.


E: I guess what I want to say is: Without help, your average 1st world / western citizen would perish in such a scenario, given some and depending on the severity of the disaster. People with certain skills or training have a higher survival expectancy. For example farmers, soldiers, preppers, etc.

Edited by Combine

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This game has really changed my idea of what a real-life zombie apocalypse would look like.  I never put too much thought into having to fear OTHER LIVING PEOPLE.  


My question is, do you think this game is (will be) an accurate representation of what a real-life zombie apocalypse would be like?  If society fell, and a large portion of the population was dead or undead, would people really get that selfish and heartless to KOS just for loot and an easier life?  Wouldn't it pay off more in real life to work together with others.


What are your thoughts?

The main thin I fear now is "other living people"


If it happened in reality? I wouldnt give much for my chances over a month.



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My thoughts are that it does not really give that good of a sense of how it really would be with other people. In real life people have somesort of sense of... humanity. They have compassion and feelings. But when you go to internet humans are turned into monsters that yell at each other about the most simplest things. And this is what happens in the game too.

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my Ushanka arrived today from Russia, I have an axe. I am ready.

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This game has really changed my idea of what a real-life zombie apocalypse would look like.  I never put too much thought into having to fear OTHER LIVING PEOPLE.  


My question is, do you think this game is (will be) an accurate representation of what a real-life zombie apocalypse would be like?  If society fell, and a large portion of the population was dead or undead, would people really get that selfish and heartless to KOS just for loot and an easier life?  Wouldn't it pay off more in real life to work together with others.


What are your thoughts?


You bet it. If you'd like a real-life example, google what happened during long blackouts in large cities or what was happening during some natural disasters in the South America. People murdered, raped, robbed eachother. It was put to the end very fast, thanks to the armed forces and the police, but now imagine - there's no government left. Welcome, to the apocalypse.

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This game has really changed my idea of what a real-life zombie apocalypse would look like.  I never put too much thought into having to fear OTHER LIVING PEOPLE.  


My question is, do you think this game is (will be) an accurate representation of what a real-life zombie apocalypse would be like?  If society fell, and a large portion of the population was dead or undead, would people really get that selfish and heartless to KOS just for loot and an easier life?  Wouldn't it pay off more in real life to work together with others.


What are your thoughts?



they would kill people for food and supplies, they wouldn't kill people for lolz like 80% of dayz players

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You bet it. If you'd like a real-life example, google what happened during long blackouts in large cities or what was happening during some natural disasters in the South America. People murdered, raped, robbed eachother. It was put to the end very fast, thanks to the armed forces and the police, but now imagine - there's no government left. Welcome, to the apocalypse.


it's not the same as a zombie apocalypse

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it's not the same as a zombie apocalypse


Yeah. When you realise you won't EVER be punished for your actions, it would be probably even worse.

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