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Hicks_206 (DayZ)

Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

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Regular is also carebear, players avoid you while you run to NWAF and server-hop-loot, hardcore is you spwan on the coast and 5 naked guys start stabbing you with shovels immediately.

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2. Why Battle-Eye?


Why have one anticheat when you can have two? BattlEye is better integrated than VAC, especially for keeping track of SQF code being executed clientside.

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Regular is also carebear, players avoid you while you run to NWAF and server-hop-loot, hardcore is you spwan on the coast and 5 naked guys start stabbing you with shovels immediately.




You must be the biggest child on here 

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Rubber banding now worse than pre-patch on 113953 servers, you can be sitting looting and suddenly slide through a wall and continue through 3 houses and come to rest 200m away from where you were. Inventory does seem more responsive, however.

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I got killed because of that some many times i am tired. Player teleporting through walls and dies when u are on stairs or second floor. It happens so often i cant even go into building which have more than one floor.

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yeh, it is now unplayable for me. I can't move without moving twice as much 20seconds later. I think I'll wait for hotfix tomorrow before playing again

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Add tents on next update. I think tents little decerase ghosting.

Edited by michatbg
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DayZ Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953: * Server: BattlEye Anti-Cheat (Client as well)

{i step to shadows with evil grin on face watching the sea of cheater tears filling up}


Hurray!!!! Finally first wave of cheaters will die B) (I hope...)

Edited by silent

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Battleye server so empty. Even funny. :) 

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Add tents on next update. I think tents little decerase ghosting.


tents will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever (10 million evers later) decrease ghosting.


Ghosting is while combat logging going onto another server to gain an advantage over the opposition then logging back into said server just to kill the poor player. 


Tents on the other had is a good idea but what am I going to put in these tents more M4s?


Edit: better idea then the tents put stuff under ground but the loot degrades over time. Say it takes a week to get stuff from pristine to ruined.

Edited by Sleeping Tobi

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I was under the impression that 'inventory tetris' was when the items in your backpack would be in random positions upon leaving and rejoining a server?

I like to put my food/water/meds in different rows.  If this patch was meant to fix items moving around in the backpack upon joining a server, then it's not working :S

Yes, I'm joining updated servers.  Tried 2 different ones to make sure :(

As was I. Maybe I misunderstood the 'fix' but items still auto arrange when logging in to a server. No love for OCD

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Hicks is the only guy at work until monday. 


You expect one man to fix everything in the game in 2 weeks during christmas holiday?


These guys worked their asses off to get us the game by the end of the year, be patient FFS.


Totally agree with this one. People need to be more patient. For starters, I believe most of the team were relaxing for a few days here. This is good, because i'm sure they know they have one hell of a work load set out for them for the next year, so I really hope they enjoyed the break. Secondly, they received more revenue than they had anticipated. This is a great thing! Give them some time to plan and improve the roadmap for the game updates with the new resources. I'm sure that once they have everything discussed and planned out that they will start cranking things out more quickly. 


They are trying to do it right, everyone! It takes time. I wish people would have more patience.

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Anyone else not a fan of private hives at all? I found the dayz community in the mod became extremely fragmented, most servers on mods/private hives etc.  Granted hacking was a problem so this was a way to battle it.


I just don't know :(  From what I understand the official community will be divided on normal/hardcore servers, so i don't like the way this is looking.


Meh, it's probably just me.  

not every private hive likes hackers.. i would just like have the option to mod my own server, and able to have full control of banning hackers and being able to put tags to see who is who since pubs dont have it.. then dividen is was made dayz mod popular with all the different types of dayz's you can play, people enjoy different things you can stick to pubs if you dont like it they will be made by the devs

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Soooo, what exactly did this "patch" other than add the BattleEye, which kicked me off the server just to accept it? (why doesn't it ask before joining a game?)


Rubberbanding - still happening. Funny thing is, it wasn't there few days ago, so even if fixed, it's just patching some new bug.

Item delay - counted 21s for items to po up after being dropped. Nothing fixed there.

Inventory tetris - what was this supposed to fix? The mess in my backpak everytime I log in? Still there.


It's like nothing was deployed, honestly. Not bitching, I'm havin fun regardless, just feeding back.

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