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About tickle_me_jesus

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  1. Well maybe they could at least restart the four experimental servers that ARE still up. They haven't been restarted in 24 hours or even longer
  2. Nothing about bodies despawning within a minute when they are killed by gunfire? We are aware of this minor nuisance aren't we?
  3. tickle_me_jesus

    So much for a "stable" update

    All this complaining about being vulnerable for 30 seconds? Where do you people log out? In the middle of the runway at NWAF? I always log out somewhere in the woods and try to make damn sure I'm not being followed or watched, e.g. sit still / hidden and wait for a minute while looking around.
  4. tickle_me_jesus

    action cancelled taking a weapon out

    ^This. Lower your weapon (spacebar default) before switching weapons.
  5. tickle_me_jesus

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Thought that was meant by 'Tetris' > items organize themselves to leave no open spaces in between them. But thanks for clearing it up.
  6. tickle_me_jesus

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    As was I. Maybe I misunderstood the 'fix' but items still auto arrange when logging in to a server. No love for OCD
  7. tickle_me_jesus

    Press vest

    I found two of them so far. Both times at the trainstation in Electro. One time it was inside the trainstation and the other time outside.
  8. tickle_me_jesus

    SA in need of private hives

    If I understand it correctly we are all arguing the same thing in here; combat logging and server hopping are a problem in this game. Now some of you seem to think private hives are the be all and end all answer. I'm sorry but I strongly disagree. I know the SA isn't the mod but it's seems as if all the 'private hive' supporters kidnap the combat logging / server hopping issue to advocate their precious little private bubble. The same could be said to you; remember this isn't the mod! So give me one reason why it is impossible to solve both issues (server hopping / combat logging) without resorting to private hives? I believe a lot was said about this also during the early stages of the mod and quite some suggestions that were made then are being made again. They still hold true I think. Timer effecting you changing servers too often (details are debatable)severe punishment when threshold (again, details are debatable) is surpassed. Reset character So what would be needed to implement this is a mechanic to keep track of a character and it's server. if a character changes server this needs to be noticed and a timer put in place. This doesn't need to be huge. For arguments sake let's say; 2 minutes? Now if you change server again within x minutes the waiting penalty increases greatly. Just to be sure; please don't 'counter' argue this mechanic that it's not practical or immersion breaking: "But that means i can't meet up with my friends Bro" / "What if I am on a night server and want to play daytime?" All of those can be easily said about private hives. Even moreso I would say; you can't change servers period. All of your character data is bound to that one single server. How bout that nightime nah brah? Ah yes, You want daytime only? No pvp servers...I see what you did there! One step at a time taking the game into your greasy private hives and changing it to your own liking. Slippery slope mate, slippery slope. Private hives are not the solution to a problem that is within the game right now. In my opinion that's like throwing away something that is, again my opinion, elementary to the game to solve a problem with that game. The persistence of your character throughout the hive is something that should be preserved and not to be thrown overboard when a problem arises. I just think thats flawd reasoning and not logic at all. But maybe we just differ on what we think is elementary to this game, perhaps. Anyway, I am not saying you shouldn't have your private hive and fun. You can have that once the game will support 'mods' of the core game. It is just that the core game (SA) has to be supported all the way and each and every problem encountered solved within the parameters of the game itself. tl;dr Private hives are an ugly solution for the server hopping / combat logging issues Now, you can carry on with your private hive propaganda ;)
  9. tickle_me_jesus

    SA in need of private hives

    This! Private hives are worse than "pony cancer"
  10. tickle_me_jesus

    "Private" gear farming servers are now a thing

    Don't you agree this should be easy to prevent? I mean they could just delete the option to adjust the number of slots from the rcon / control panel. You rent a server with a minimal amount of slots (dictated by SA team) and this can't be lowered, ever. Must be me, but I don't see how this can be hard to prevent.
  11. tickle_me_jesus

    "Private" gear farming servers are now a thing

    Wut? I would go as far as to state that 'private' hive servers ARE the cancer that killed the Mod and will kill the SA if ever allowed. Now, go play with your private p..server. Good day
  12. tickle_me_jesus

    Day Z + Shadowplay?

    I have the exact same issue with shadowplay. Would also like to know if you did any additional tweaking to get it working squirrelx. i5-4670k 16Gb ram 780GTX (Asus DirectCU II) W7 64b Running latest (non-beta) nvidia drivers
  13. tickle_me_jesus

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Well it isn't a devblog update but it's news nonetheless http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/123007-DayZ-Creator-A-Console-Port-is-Almost-Certain
  14. Ok, whenever you get your server back online you could try this; Have a look at your script.txt and make sure you have updated it with the latest one provided at http://code.google.c...se/#git/filters I know Dwarden fixed the script restriction #45 with the last changes to script.txt, but has since then made two other changes to the file. You can follow all the made changes over at http://code.google.c...ist/source/list So, if you have the latest script.txt and are still getting the scipt restriction #21 it means whatever is on the 21st line is getting (innocent?) players kicked. You can change that line, which most probably be 5 createVehicleLocal !"\"createVehicleLocal\"," !"_point = \"Logic\" createVehicleLocal getPosATL _unit;" !"_object = _type createVehicleLocal _position;" !"_fl = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;" !"_lightArea = \"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal (getPosATL _flare);" !"_lightSpark = \"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal (getPosATL _flare);" !"_source = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal getpos (_this select 0);" !"_source = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal _pos;\n_source setParticleParams" !"_smoke = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal _pos;\n_smoke attachto [_v,[0,0,0],\"destructionEffect1\"];" !"_Crater= \"CraterLong\" createvehiclelocal [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0];\n_Crater setdir (_dir + (180 * _i));" The number 5 at the very beginning of the line means it logs AND kicks the player. If you can change that to 1 instead of 5, it will only log and not kick. Be mindfull though that you might be adding a security hole because by setting it to only logging (e.g. 1) you prevent players who are doing naughty things getting kicked. To be honest, these script restrictions (#45, #51, #38, #21, and so on) were introduced with patch and they have been very, VERY, late with adjusting the script.txt file to prevent these false kicks. Hell, it took them over 3 weeks to eventually incorperate a fix for the extremely widespread 'script restriction #45' error. it's just a fact that if you admin a DayZ server there is a lot you have to do yourself and always try to stay informed on problems and the possible fixes.
  15. I am a long time user of Gotcha and I can tell you that SS doesn't keep up to date with all the different filters that are available. They just don't add them to the default directories (e.g. mpeventhandler /addweaponcargo / publicvariableval / publicvariablevar being the ones that have been in use for quite some time now (> 8 weeks) Now if you rent a private hive server you might be able to put the needed files in the right folder yourself. If you are renting an 'official hive' server, like I was (yes, past tense) you have no such option. For all the needed and updated filterfiles go to http://code.google.c...se/#git/filters There you will find all you need (txt files).