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Server hoppers: A renewable resource.

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My girlfriend and I were searching the RTO building last night in a server with about ten people, looking for anything that had been overlooked by the coastal scavengers, when a fully kitted dude logged in beside us.  Startled, we shot him.  When she searched him- we found this.  




He had practically no food or water, just a 35 slot backpack full of 5.56, mags, ammo boxes, and M4 parts.  Oh, and no pants.  Which was...weird.


In the ten minutes we stayed, six people logged in, just in that room.  Four logged back out just as fast as they had appeared, one pulled a gun and was subsequently shot, and the sixth put his hands up, identified himself as friendly, and was rewarded with all the gear he could carry.



I'm sure this is a known and well used tactic, but I'm not going to dart around in a futile search for resources anymore- I'm just going to bonk server hoppers for their loots, and spread the wealth with the less fortunate who happen to come a knockin'.




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I am surprised their bodies haven't dissapeared.

Like 80% of the players I kill always log after that.. I haven't actually looted anyone in a looooong time because of this.

Edited by Ceallach
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The second guy we shot did vanish.  In the short glimpse I got of his stuff, he too appeared to be a walking ammo dump.  

Sadly, nobody ever brings me mosin ammo.  :-(

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I'm not sure how they're going to curb this. Solve one problem, create ten more. However I must admit I'm guilty of it. I try not to, but when I get throw off a ladder because of a glitch. I dont want to play by the rules :)

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I was at Green Mountain with some friends, in the span of 2 minutes, 3 separate fully geared people logged in, all on the radio tower, and all tried to kill us except for the 2nd which logged immediately.


I really don't see the fun in that playstyle, just server hop and loot or shoot, no point, no experience.  But w/e, I'm sure there will be some fix.

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Me and two of my friends found a guy in a military base. We told him that we were going to take some of his ammo, then let him  go. He instantly DCed, but moved to a different server to change location. He got back in in a different set of barracks, so we shot him. He did the same thing again as we were leaving and shot us all while hiding in a bush. It's ridiculous and it's driven me to shooting anyone I see with a gun.


Maybe adding a delay to disconnect for 20 seconds or something, or putting a wait time to re-connect to a different server. This won't solve the problem, but it'll mitigate it somewhat. 

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As a fresh spawn, I'm just going to beat feet to the airfield prison, wait in a corner, and try to Ali the first hopper that spawns in.


It ain't pretty, but it's effective, and it has the side-benefit of marginally discouraging hoppers.




Know this, well geared kangaroos...  On your next quantum leap, I might be waiting for you, in the corner, nekkid.  

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Server hoppers are my Zombie Apocalypse Home Shopping Network. I just wait for them to show up and see what they brought me.


I sit there with no backpack on and when they go down, I grab theirs. Works most of the time, but some people are pretty quick with that exit button.


I have no way to thank them personally for their loot and delivery service, so I'll make a public one here.


Thank you! I have been able to save hours of running around and caught up on a couple shows on Netflix waiting for your deliveries.


Keep up the good work!

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Only way stopping this would be by making the characters server binded, so each time you join another server you will need to start fresh anyway.

Edited by Shirou
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I was at Green Mountain with some friends, in the span of 2 minutes, 3 separate fully geared people logged in, all on the radio tower, and all tried to kill us except for the 2nd which logged immediately.


I really don't see the fun in that playstyle, just server hop and loot or shoot, no point, no experience.  But w/e, I'm sure there will be some fix.

Heres the improvement: server admins that restart the server when they looted the tents/barracks, untill their fully geared - then pvp - the good thing is i got onto one of those servers yesterday, got full gear now.

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Only way stopping this would be by making the characters server binded, so each time you join another server you will need to start fresh anyway.

Wouldn't you still be able to sit a character in there though and just stock that char on that server? Seem like it would only slow it down a bit..

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Only way stopping this would be by making the characters server binded, so each time you join another server you will need to start fresh anyway.

Actually there is more than just  that but ok. If thats what you want go play the mod again - I hate it  and hope servers will  stay like this and they find another way.

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Right now, the main things causing server hoppers are-


A ) The fact it is so easy to server hop.

You can literally just hit esc, exit, and hop on another server, be in after a few seconds, and loot the place you're at. Or, you can use this to cheat like a huge fucking pussy in a gunfight, or continue to hop several times to clear out large areas of loot so that you can have tons of ammunition you'll probably never use!


B )The loot spawning system.

Sometimes, normal players end up hopping because they find themselves not finding shit in a place after running to it. This can be discouraging, frustrating, and can cause a perfectly legit player to contemplate switching servers to get some stuff. Oh, they can also blame server hoppers for the lack of items on their current lack of items.


C ) There are literally no penalties unless you get shot.

You can server hop one small loot rorom and still benefit massively, finding attachments, ammunition, and more. Its way too easy and can give you an advantage over others easily.

Edited by Insane Aradia
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A public hive is a good thing.  If I meet someone on the forums or teamspeak or w/e and we want to play, I don't think either of us wants to spawn fresh with the other is geared, and leave behind our main character.  Beyond that, if it was all private hive servers, what happens when the server is full?  How about if it goes down?  Connection gets bad?  Server database gets wiped for one reason or another?  Do you really want to start a new character every time one of those or other things happens?


Shutting down the hive isn't the only answer, some basic things like limiting the number of hops in x amount of time or a log out timer, can deter or stop this sort of server hopping.  I'm sure the devs are aware of the issue and have a fix in mind.  However, this is alpha phase, and they probably have more important things to work on atm.

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I see your using the anti-hop method too, stamps down on server hoppers and tops off your supplies aswell, Fairgame i say.

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B )The loot spawning system.

Sometimes, normal players end up hopping because they find themselves not finding shit in a place after running to it. This can be discouraging, frustrating, and can cause a perfectly legit player to contemplate switching servers to get some stuff. Oh, they can also blame server hoppers for the lack of items on their current lack of items.



course, we will increase the number of spawn loots and make the game a whole lot easier ....
The game is already ridiculously easy, where in aguns minutes you are already equipped ..... so we both PVP .....
The game should be difficult, with a 70% reduced loots it makes you think twice before getting into a shootout and lose your stuff ....
The game you returned from another attraction not to be left killing players, ROCKET hopefully be smart enough to see what the game will become something if it's not done.
sorry my english
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LOL me and four friends were trekking from NW airfield to Balota. We were in the middle of nowhere, nothing was nearby but grass and trees. This guy suddenly spawns in the middle of the field. We shot him. I'm sure he was upset. I would have felt safe spawning there. It was just terrible timing on his part. Sorry  :|  spawn in the bushes next time

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Pro tip: Drop off your own backpack and pick theirs up as soon as they are dead. You'll usually have enough time if you are close enough.

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A public hive is a good thing.  If I meet someone on the forums or teamspeak or w/e and we want to play, I don't think either of us wants to spawn fresh with the other is geared, and leave behind our main character.  Beyond that, if it was all private hive servers, what happens when the server is full?  How about if it goes down?  Connection gets bad?  Server database gets wiped for one reason or another?  Do you really want to start a new character every time one of those or other things happens?


Shutting down the hive isn't the only answer, some basic things like limiting the number of hops in x amount of time or a log out timer, can deter or stop this sort of server hopping.  I'm sure the devs are aware of the issue and have a fix in mind.  However, this is alpha phase, and they probably have more important things to work on atm.


Honestly, I'd rather risk that stuff (bad connections or downed servers) in order to stop or mitigate server hopping for gear.. especially since Rocket has confirmed that some of the best/most rare equipment will be limited to maybe 50 total across every server. If that's the case you'll have people booking it to the nearest military base and server hopping to the least populated ones over and over and over and over again in order to try and get some NVGs or a military grade sniper rifle or some shit.


Perhaps limiting characters to specific servers isn't the answer but there has to be SOME sort of answer. Perhaps you can't join more than 2 servers in any given amount of time? say 24 hours? maybe even more. That way you'll have a backup server if your primary goes down but it at least stops it so someone can join 50 different servers over the course of an hour. /shrug


There's gotta be a good way to combat this.

Edited by serenityrick
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Awesome, I'm going to try this some time. My only worry is that I think some people might spawn-in in the corner I choose to camp, which might be a bit annoying if they clip into me and shoot me.

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Kill em all....



As far as one character per server, I say no.



Just implement timers that increment based on how fast you change servers.  More than one server change in 120 seconds should lock you to that server for 15 minutes minimum.

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The second guy we shot did vanish.  In the short glimpse I got of his stuff, he too appeared to be a walking ammo dump.  

Sadly, nobody ever brings me mosin ammo.  :-(

I found once in a guy about 90 rounds of mosin ammo. he died, i ran up to him and took away his backpack before he would vanish.

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A public hive is a good thing.  If I meet someone on the forums or teamspeak or w/e and we want to play, I don't think either of us wants to spawn fresh with the other is geared, and leave behind our main character.  Beyond that, if it was all private hive servers, what happens when the server is full?  How about if it goes down?  Connection gets bad?  Server database gets wiped for one reason or another?  Do you really want to start a new character every time one of those or other things happens?


Shutting down the hive isn't the only answer, some basic things like limiting the number of hops in x amount of time or a log out timer, can deter or stop this sort of server hopping.  I'm sure the devs are aware of the issue and have a fix in mind.  However, this is alpha phase, and they probably have more important things to work on atm.


Actually the public hive as just been a source of various problems.

* Server Hopping 

* Ghosting 


Are the two biggest problems that game currently faces.


As for playing with your friends, the suggested idea in keeping your character locked to a specific server does nothing but make you start over on the beach. 

* Have you heard of the term, "Don't get attached to your gear". 

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