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Server hoppers: A renewable resource.

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This problem could easily be fixed by random spawning after you have switched a server more than one.  For those that play in groups and switch servers together, this could be both fun and a thrill.  However, most player would not like this cause they want to camp their "1337 spotZ and horde weps" forgive my leet speak I always hated it and never learned to use it properly.

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For server hopping, you could possibly implement some sort of instanced loot.


Basically when you log in, any loot that is within 100m (or whatever seems appropriate) you cannot see, but other players who were already on that server can.


Instanced loot exists in several games, as does phasing technology.


Just a thought.


I agree

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My girlfriend and I were searching the RTO building last night in a server with about ten people, looking for anything that had been overlooked by the coastal scavengers, when a fully kitted dude logged in beside us.  Startled, we shot him.  When she searched him- we found this.  




He had practically no food or water, just a 35 slot backpack full of 5.56, mags, ammo boxes, and M4 parts.  Oh, and no pants.  Which was...weird.


In the ten minutes we stayed, six people logged in, just in that room.  Four logged back out just as fast as they had appeared, one pulled a gun and was subsequently shot, and the sixth put his hands up, identified himself as friendly, and was rewarded with all the gear he could carry.



I'm sure this is a known and well used tactic, but I'm not going to dart around in a futile search for resources anymore- I'm just going to bonk server hoppers for their loots, and spread the wealth with the less fortunate who happen to come a knockin'.

Wait what your girlfriend plays you lucky man i wish i could get my wife to play she will play battlefieeld but not dayz

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As there is barely any loot on servers that has been up for 1+ hours, no wonder people are server hopping. Only way to get a gun is on a freshly restarted server and to find that hopping is the best alternative. Can't wait until they add respawning loot and zombies.

what are you talking about? I got killed on a full server that was up for 2 hours, re spawned at Balota and combed through the Cherno apartment cars. Got fully camo geared up and got a mosin with Ammo inside of 30 minutes. You people don't look hard enough.

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Only way stopping this would be by making the characters server binded, so each time you join another server you will need to start fresh anyway.

Sounds alot like a private hive....

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My girlfriend and I were searching the RTO building last night in a server with about ten people, looking for anything that had been overlooked by the coastal scavengers, when a fully kitted dude logged in beside us.  Startled, we shot him.  When she searched him- we found this.  




Oh, and no pants.  Which was...weird.


Have my beans.  Give some to your girlfriend as well.


I legitimately lol'd at the no pants part.


Nice work, my friend.

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My idea to curb server hoppers would be to limit the amount of times you can change servers in a day and put a timer before you can connect to another. The timer would be for one hour and begin counting down as soon as you connected to the server.


Example 1: You log in, play for one hour, five minutes. At this point you could leave the server you're on and connect to a new server.


Example 2: You log in and play for twenty minutes. At this point you still have another 40 minutes before you could connect to a new server. (connecting to same server is still immediate.) 


To deter combat loggers: I say put a 30 second cool down where your character is still killable/loot-able after you DC (aka Hit Alt F4). Leaving in the normal fashion  begins a 30 second count down before going to the game menu.

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IMO this really makes the game unplayable.

or at least im not taking it to serious.

It awesome to play the platform and see how things are gonna work out.

These are known issues and im sure Rocket will implement something that will fix this.

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Sounds alot like a private hive....


Private hives saved the game from the horrible public hive system in the classic mod.


It is only when the private hives started to introduce a stupid number of vehicles, military buildings, aircraft and weapons of which then killed the true meaning of the mod.

* What made me love the game was that character locked servers started to appear, no longer can you server hop for gear, no longer can you sneak into a players base and steal vehicles, no longer can you server hop to find a camp base.

* Players finally had to actually travel to find gear or other players!!! What an idea, people playing the game legit?!


White-listed communities started to appear and saved many players from constantly getting hacked, since the DayZ team abandoned the mod for the standalone game.  

* But as it currently stands, history is just repeating it-self.

Edited by Sobieski12
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IMO this really makes the game unplayable.

or at least im not taking it to serious.

It awesome to play the platform and see how things are gonna work out.

These are known issues and im sure Rocket will implement something that will fix this.


Well in all honesty, we are here to test the game. 

* Just keep writing reports on various bugs and issues, but as for game features. Only the DayZ team can decide on that.


If the game is getting frustrating for you, then I would suggest taking a break from it till rocket actually implements a couple solid patches to fix the massive gaps of which is killing this game.

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agreed, and i don't see it getting any better unless Private Hives are added back in. i would go into a Public Hive and in less then an hour all sorts of hacks would show up.


private hives, and the game is actually fun, there becomes a sense of community and not a CoD Zombie Mod. And rarely any hacks, glitchers, server jumpers, ghosters. the game became what it was designed to do


Private hives saved the game from the horrible public hive system in the classic mod.


It is only when the private hives started to introduce a stupid number of vehicles, military buildings, aircraft and weapons of which then killed the true meaning of the mod.

* What made me love the game was that character locked servers started to appear, no longer can you server hop for gear, no longer can you sneak into a players base and steal vehicles, no longer can you server hop to find a camp base.

* Players finally had to actually travel to find gear or other players!!! What an idea, people playing the game legit?!


White-listed communities started to appear and saved many players from constantly getting hacked, since the DayZ team abandoned the mod for the standalone game.  

* But as it currently stands, history is just repeating it-self.

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server hoppers were in the mod Majorly also, and loot respawned every 15 minutes at LEAST.


Hoppers hop because they want everything as quickly as possible, the only way they would not hop is if you gave them a full loadout when they spawned in.


I honestly think that a big part of why people are hopping so much is the fact that loot does not re-spawn. The meta-game right now is based around server restarts, and the availability of loot being directly linked with server pop, and server up time.  

If loot actually respawned, instead of thinking about all that stuff, everyone could just log onto a full server and start exploring the map.

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After meeting 2 friendlies in a good run, I was killed today by a server hopper who just happened to come out the closed door of a jailhouse right after server restart. I lost it. I am so tired of this shit. Someone suggested areas or zones were you cant log out. I love it. You should have to go find a nice patch of trees to log out at. 


You cant log out in real life so the realism excuse wont cut it. The only people that would not want to have to logout in the woods are people who love to use this exploit. Spawn timer or not people will continue to do this shit. 

Edited by VictorM

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what are you talking about? I got killed on a full server that was up for 2 hours, re spawned at Balota and combed through the Cherno apartment cars. Got fully camo geared up and got a mosin with Ammo inside of 30 minutes. You people don't look hard enough.


Yeah that server was either empty or full of people who didn't know better on how to look for equipment.



Picking a direction to go and stopping by every house on the way is the best way to play the game..


Evidently not, since you're forced to server hop to gear up. 


Just gotta fix the respawning of equipment.  That'll fix all the server hopping, and also like somebody else mentioned, areas with respawning equipment ought to be a No Log Zone.

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Only way stopping this would be by making the characters server binded, so each time you join another server you will need to start fresh anyway.

I totally agree, it seriously needs fixing.

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1. Your character remains on a server for 30 seconds after logging off, regardless of if you were in combat or not, and you cannot join another server during that time.

2. If you leave a server, and join another one within 15 minutes, you have a 30minute timer before you can rejoin the server you just left.

3. If you log off inside a building, and join a DIFFERENT server, you will spawn outside of the building, if you join the same server within 15 minutes, you spawn where you logged off, after 15 and you spawn outside.

4. If you log off a server you get a "hop" timer attached, if you log off with a hop timer, it gets multiplied by X, and you cannot join a server within that time frame(this is actually what Rocket hinted at doing)


Quickly about the "hop" timer:

Lets say when the timer gets attached, it is 30 seconds, if you see point 1, you'll note they can't join another server within 30 seconds anyway, however, you still get the hop timer added.

When you log off again, the timer gets multiplied by lets say, 2 for now, so you have to wait 60 seconds to be able to join another server now, log off again, it gets multiplied, now you have to wait 2 minutes, then 4, then 8, then 16 etc.

The reason I suggested multiplying by "X"(rather then just doubling), is because if the system needs tweaking, you adjust not only the starting timer, but also the multiplier.

For example:

30sec, 2x : 30 seconds -> 1 minute  -> 2 minutes -> 4 minutes

30sec, 4x : 30 seconds -> 2 minutes -> 8 minutes -> 32 minutes

30sec, 8x : 30 seconds -> 4 minutes -> 32 minutes -> 4 hours 16 minutes


I prefer the middle ground myself, though the 8x is a more extreme example.



With all of these systems, if you rejoin the server you were on, or the server you were on crashed while you were on it, it won't add any penalties.

Heck, for point 1, if you log off, then within 30 seconds, you log back on to the same server(ie, game crashed or your internet dropped or whatever), you will be where you were and take control of the "dummy" again as it was when you logged back in.

So if you log off a server, and someone shoots at the "dummy" of you, and causes them to be unconscious, or handcuffs them, within the 30 second timer, if you don't get back on before your character is ready to disappear, it will be killed as per the existing rules added in the patch, though if it happens and you log back on to the same server within that time, you will log in unconscious or handcuffed.

That and loot respawn will do a lot to stop server hoppers, yes, there will still be the odd person doing it, as in the mod, however, this will prevent it from being an effective means of getting loot during a play session.


As for "single character per server", I hate that idea, I hate private hives, I will enjoy my public hives where I can change servers(though at the moment, its really hard to see what server you were just on, it needs a proper history saying when/how long you were playing on a server), the public hive is one of the things I love about DayZ.

Also to note is, once base building and vehicles are in the game, that will keep people returning to a single server, because that server is where their "base" is, but it still lets you branch out to other players who choose not to play on your server, you do however have to leave your vehicles behind...


Fear not though, as much as I hate private hives, they have been confirmed by the devs, they will be coming, and there you can have your own little fantasy land without server hoppers or ghosters etc, the public hive will never go away, it's the driving force behind DayZ for me and a lot of people.

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I'm not sure how they're going to curb this. Solve one problem, create ten more. However I must admit I'm guilty of it. I try not to, but when I get throw off a ladder because of a glitch. I dont want to play by the rules :)

How to solve server hoppers:

More private hive servers.

Logout time. You can leave the server instantly but your body stays behind for 30 seconds.

Relog cooldown. You cannot join a new server after being in another server for 15 minutes.

Loot spawns. Make them more random, stop respawning instantly after server reset, and have them spawn after a certain amount of time

More loot locations.

So in reality to stop server hoppers we just need to wait for the game to get more features.

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Only way stopping this would be by making the characters server binded, so each time you join another server you will need to start fresh anyway.

this, please do this

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How to solve server hoppers:

More private hive servers.

Logout time. You can leave the server instantly but your body stays behind for 30 seconds.

Relog cooldown. You cannot join a new server after being in another server for 15 minutes.

Loot spawns. Make them more random, stop respawning instantly after server reset, and have them spawn after a certain amount of time

More loot locations.

So in reality to stop server hoppers we just need to wait for the game to get more features.

Sorry, nobody is going to wait 15 minutes to rejoin their favorite server especially playing with friends. If the mod was any lesson, kicks happen frequently and for various reasons. The SA will probably not be any different or at least until many of the bugs are sorted, but never eliminated.

I'm interested to see what course the team takes to resolve the issue. The recurring theme among users here on possible fixes include some sort of time delay. Adding more delays and restrictions is a sure fire way to induce frustration for legit players whos time is better spent playing than watching a countdown timer. 




private hives, and the game is actually fun, there becomes a sense of community and not a CoD Zombie Mod. And rarely any hacks, glitchers, server jumpers, ghosters. the game became what it was designed to do

Yeah, I'm gonna have to disagree on the "rarely any hacks and glitchers". There is no doubting the public hives for the mod were a disaster and with no way for the admin to fix the mess directly, you were basically screwed. The private hives for the mod were no better despite having the ability to rollback. If your server was even remotely popular, you'd get hit all day long.


There's no easy answer and am sure the team is well aware of these issues and the best course of action. Only time will tell if they're able to deal with it in a manner that's effective, but isn't overbearing to the point of not wanting to even bother playing.

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Rocket isn't going to restrict a single character to a single server.


Just use your head.  Obviously what will be implemented is logout time.  Also they'll tweak loot respawns.  It won't stop server hopping, but right now, it's the only way to get properly geared up. 


So it'll cut down on some of it.

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I used to camp them to until i stopped gaining ammo becuase they logged. Pretty fun if you have 3 people, one to guard each room in the dorm, which i did for awhile. We got 7 in 5 minutes once, all of which logged after death.

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It would not fix the problem, players would just log once they see or hear the threat in the area.


Here is how most server hoppers react to a threat.


Now THAT is funny!  Good job catching that on video.

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