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Damage Models Stepping Backwards

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Gews, you know the damage degrades over distance. If you're saying "sniper" due to the distance he was at then it must have been long range shots. Thus lowered damage. With all the knowledge you have about weapons in this and Arma did you forget or something? Either that or they were just glancing shots to legs/arms thus lowered damage. Or it was desynch.


I'm really confused.


Of course I'm aware. I suspect he was only maybe 300-400 meters away since the sound doesn't travel very far at the moment.


Thing is, that doesn't matter - if I had been shot 2-3 times in real life, I wouldn't be jogging several kilometers taking out zombies with a fire axe and then totally fine 15-20 minutes later, so that felt pretty unrealistic to me.

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Anyone know how detailed the damage model and hitboxes are in Arma  / dayz ?


Are are there hitboxes for the heart, for the abdomen, for the jaw, the brain ?

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Anyone know how detailed the damage model and hitboxes are in Arma  / dayz ?


Are are there hitboxes for the heart, for the abdomen, for the jaw, the brain ?




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I believe are the only hitboxes in this game but you also have glancing shots.

Edited by CDriVe1335
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Of course I'm aware. I suspect he was only maybe 300-400 meters away since the sound doesn't travel very far at the moment.


Thing is, that doesn't matter - if I had been shot 2-3 times in real life, I wouldn't be jogging several kilometers taking out zombies with a fire axe and then totally fine 15-20 minutes later, so that felt pretty unrealistic to me.

Ok and I was actually confused by your post :) Wasn't trying to be argumentative or anything.


But I think secondary effects would really fix this issue instead of increasing the damage.

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I feel that less powerful weapons add to the pile of things that make it much more dangerous to hold people up and in some situations to try and be friendly to others. The other things -right now- are internet lag, server performance lag, framerate and clunky controls. For example if you have your weapon aimed at someone after coming up from behind, there isn't a lot stopping the guy from just turning around and taking you with him. By the time his mouse movements are transmitted through the internet the trigger is being pulled...

Edited by Thane

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If anything it needs to be increased, my character got shot 2-3 times by some sniper with an M4 and he was totally fine. He shouldn't be totally fine.

As stated before: This.

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Please no BF or COD style game were i have to shoot someone with 5 or 6 bullets maybe more before getting a kill.


a guy wearing a t shirt and jeans is not realistly going to survive 1 or 2 5.56 rounds plugged in him(excluding arm and other non vital hits and this is were the secondary effects would be good eg shot in leg you aint walking on it lol) or if he does he is going to be in a world of hurt needing very serious medical treatment ( not just a rag wrapped around it) i am all for secondary effects  would add great realisim but dont lower damage so everyone becomes a juggernaut for the love of dayz just dont lol.

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I would like to have to get out my tweezers and dig the bullet out, making lots of noise while my character groans in pain. Then bandage, and the bandage stays on your character model until say 3-5 ingame days pass, then a message pops up saying my 'wounds look excellent' and then you have the option to take the bandage off. I know gunshot wounds don't take that amount of time to heal, just it would be annoying to wait weeks before taking off the bandage. If you leave the wound as it is, your player will be forced to move slower due to the pain, screen shakes rapidly, make groans when doing actions that require that part of the body, and have severely low morale (do things slower, maybe even sob occasionally). I know Russians are tough bastards and don't feel pain, but it would be so awesome if while you are in pain, you could have a pained expression, and survivors would see that and would perhaps want to help you more (or they could just put you out of your misery).

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M4's damage should be set at 1000-1500 depending on the closeness.. and the Mosin be reduced to 2500 damage and needs to be have its effective range reduced to 600-700 with a scope to give breathing room to higher-tier sniper rifles.


What do you think?


So you would prefer combat, where you can withstand around 12 rounds of 5,56x45 into the torso?

I am sorry, but your avatar is not a robocop.


Also you use DayZ mod as refferece, don't you remember 5,56x45 causing around 3500 dmg, 7,62x39  4500dmg and 7,62x51 around 7000dmg?

I remember them nerfing Lee Enfield from 12K to around 8K, but that's about it.


Also I would not want to live through embarrassing firefights where dude puts 10+ pistol rounds to your body, yet you manage to hatchet him and walk away.


I respect your opinion but I disagree completely.


edit: fixed typos

Edited by Hombre
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I think we need to see a more in depth damage model something other than just Dead and not dead.


The incapacitation model in game right now is far too inconsistent to be used reliably.


Something like this would open the doors substantially for taking hostages, different player encounters and such.


Weapon damage if anything should be increased but the problem right now is the complete lack of consistency no idea if an m4 will kill in 1 shot or if it will take 10 due to the bad clothing absorbing damage mechanic.






This right here would fix the pvp in alot of ways.


It would make weapons such as the .22 lr more relevant would allow for taking hostages, allow for banditry without necessarily having to kill a person.


Generally would make for gunfights to be a whole lot more fun especially when in groups imagine having your buddy take a sniper shot to the chest being incapacitated then using the ragdoll to drag the player to safety where you then begin to revive him and stop the bleeding and calm down the pain to bring him back .


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I believe are the only hitboxes in this game but you also have glancing shots.


Here is the hit boxes from arma 2 to arma 3. I wish Dayz standalone had arma 3s model that way we could model heart shots and various organs in.


Arma 2 = what stand alone probably has



Arma 3


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For those who played DayZ mod prior to v1.62 you might remember the situation PVP found itself in. Every gun had realistic damage values and it made for quick and almost one-sided combat. The common Lee Enfield and M1911 were the kings of player killing, dealing 12000 and 4000 damage respectively when players only had 12000 blood. Those among a long list of other weapons received massive damage decreases which allowed for the PVP we are familiar with today in the DayZmod. 


As it stands weapons just do too much damage in the SA. The M4 two(three)-shots, and the Mosin one-shots. With the addition of scope customizability you can basically make these weapons better or equal to the best weapons DayZ mod had to offer at a fraction of the rarity. The FN Fal was the only assault rifle to offer two-shot potential and most players who didn't put their lives into the game probably never got to fire one, and 1 shot snipers like the AS50 were almost unheard of post private hives if not banned completely due to its one-shot capabilities.


Once more weapons come out and loot tiers are introduced it will almost seem like a moot point with current damage models as with the proper equipment everything you need can be found on the coast. This needs to change. With the introduction of the SKS which is basically a semi-auto Mosin we can also assume this weapon will have one-shot potential. It's just too much!


Either increase health to it's original values or nerf weapon damage dramatically - we need to be able to react to aggression. I'm all for realism but dying immediately even at long ranges just losses its fun factor after the umpteenth time.


M4's damage should be set at 1000-1500 depending on the closeness.. and the Mosin be reduced to 2500 damage and needs to be have its effective range reduced to 600-700 with a scope to give breathing room to higher-tier sniper rifles.


What do you think?


Not that I agree with you, but I do believe characters die to easily in this game. I think its stupid for guns to deal numeric damage meaning for example 1 bullet from a mosin takes away 5000 blood in 1 shot.


I think this system should completely change, a bullet shouldn't take blood of you, it should create an injury with a set of values: blood lose per second, pain and movement restrictions. If pain of all your wounds is too much causes you a shock and you may fall unconscious and eventually die of blood lose or a heart attack unless you recieve immediate assistance (and depending on the injury maybe not saving you at all), but no immediate death. And assistance should include field surgery with a medic sewing kit, morphine dosis to stand pain and shock, ephinefrine and movement restrictions for a long periods of time (hours) maybe permanent some of them.


The only exceptions to this rule should be a straight bullet to the heart or brain (and notice I didnt say chest or head), causing you an immediate death.


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No, I'm satisfied with the damage models in DayZ. The faster folks drop, the better. Three-shot kills should be the norm.


I don't want to be pumping mags into folks a la BF or Halo. I got the jump on you, I shot you, you shouldn't be alive.


EDIT - As others have said, having "injuries" would be preferable. But that, to me, is distinct from a traditional "damage model."

Edited by Katana67

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No, I'm satisfied with the damage models in DayZ. The faster folks drop, the better. Three-shot kills should be the norm.


I don't want to be pumping mags into folks a la BF or Halo. I got the jump on you, I shot you, you shouldn't be alive.


EDIT - As others have said, having "injuries" would be preferable. But that, to me, is distinct from a traditional "damage model."


Thats the thing .


The damage model in dayz is really inconsistent sometimes it takes 1 shot to kill sometimes it takes 10.


The clothing absorbing rifle rounds and helmets absorbing rounds mechanic needs to go.


Clothing should only differ in inventory space and aesthetics not in damage absorbing ability.

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I think that buffing the shock damage that guns inflict would solve a lot of problems.

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maybe stop running down the middle of the road holding a sparkler and you wont get killed so easily.


I have yet to be sniped.. been sniped at.. but not hit.

pretty much this!! i alwas run snake lines!




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I'd like to mention that .45 ACP and .357 have the same damage value AND do more damage than 5.56.

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the M4 is only going to spawn at crash sites from now on with the AKM taking it's place, so that might reduce your rarity issue; but I think once more realistic dispersal and weapons are fine tuned they might require a bit more skill to aim and land those shots properly.

Edited by AgentNe0

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