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These noobs.

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I run up on 3 people with nothing but an axe, on my back even.  2 people with M4's who immediately start shooting.  I axe one and he bitches, his buddy kills me.  I respawn, Balota.  I run to the tents again and knock the conscious one out with my fist, he begins to bitch as well.  I take his gun and shoot him.  A new guy runs up and axes me in the back. They proceed to argue that they are better, and playing the game properly by killing people on sight.  That I'm the noob.  I cannot see the logic. I down 2 people and they are better for killing a guy who only spawned 5 mins ago? Not in the world of Dayz.



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Not better but smarter. If you're not killing on sight.. well enjoy your constant gear farming.

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While you were not a potential threat and you knew it, in the climax of meeting with someone others may think anything about you. Now saying that they play the game better than anyone is sort of wrong. You play the game however you want and there are no 'good' or 'bad' ways to play it, that's the good thing about sandboxes.


Anyways welcome to dayz, where you might be shot even if naked, or not. Also note that balota IS a dangerous place and most people kill each other for the loot. I do agree with moving those tents and barracks away.

Edited by LouisK

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why must they remove those barracks/tents away i find it almost funny people complaining abot KOS in a place like that everyone knows it has good loot and is easy to get to as such it has bandits and surviours who kill on sight as well the pure KOSers want the kill the survivour wants the guns there and if some one esle gets them then you have none.


When you go into a place like that you have to expect being shot, risk reward everyone asks for it and well balota ia prime example of just that. (im not advocating KOS) but honestly in some situations it is infact the proper play style and at balota is one of those. I give you points for bravey and then strip them away for stupidity come on unarmed charging back to kill 2 armed guys 1 your a different person old you just died you respawn new person 2 tell me honestly in a real life situation you would charge armed men with just your fists or even an axe (maybe im a coward but i would have moved away from the spot lived to fight another day when odds better placed or a more suitable spot where they may (doubtfull) be more inclined to talk or just walk by (although once you have back pack your a target to people seeking loot and always a target for pure KOS players.

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I run up on 3 people with nothing but an axe, on my back even...They proceed to argue that they are better, and playing the game properly by killing people on sight.




My thoughts are you seriously just "ran up" to 3 strangers with an axe and you're apparently complaining that they tried to "KoS" you?


Here's a protip: Don't fucking run up to me and my buddies with an axe. I will shoot you every. Single. Time.


I mean good work killing them but you were definitely playing stupid and recklessly. Why would you run up to them? What did you expect to happen? Might as well just suicide.

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While you were not a potential threat and you knew it, in the climax of meeting with someone others may think anything about you. Now saying that they play the game better than anyone is sort of wrong. You play the game however you want and there are no 'good' or 'bad' ways to play it, that's the good thing about sandboxes.


Anyways welcome to dayz, where you might be shot even if naked, or not. Also note that balota IS a dangerous place and most people kill each other for the loot. I do agree with moving those tents and barracks away.


I've been playin DayZ since July 2012, not everyone was KoS then.


While you were not a potential threat and you knew it, in the climax of meeting with someone others may think anything about you. Now saying that they play the game better than anyone is sort of wrong. You play the game however you want and there are no 'good' or 'bad' ways to play it, that's the good thing about sandboxes.


Anyways welcome to dayz, where you might be shot even if naked, or not. Also note that balota IS a dangerous place and most people kill each other for the loot. I do agree with moving those tents and barracks away.


Balota may be a high loot place, but I loot there and leave inland.  Not hang around and shoot new spawns like a total douche.


My thoughts are you seriously just "ran up" to 3 strangers with an axe and you're apparently complaining that they tried to "KoS" you?


Here's a protip: Don't fucking run up to me and my buddies with an axe. I will shoot you every. Single. Time.


I mean good work killing them but you were definitely playing stupid and recklessly. Why would you run up to them? What did you expect to happen? Might as well just suicide.


1: Axe was on my back.


2: I didn't know they were there till they started shooting at me point blank.

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If you don't have a KoS mentality you can have a "survival" mentality where you avoid stupid situations that could get you killed.

i.e. walking up to an armed squad.

Edit: Or going to highly populated locations to loot...

Edited by Beck
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COME ON GUYS leave the new comers alone, they are having a hard enough time as it is ;)


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I'm not a new comer.  -_- I just can't stand all these idiot CoD fags.  I yelled on direct that I'm a friendly and a newspawn and they responded with "I don't care, we're gonna kill you anyway." 


I mean really? What fun is that?  If they want TDM, go up north, not sit on the coast and kill new spawns.

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This is why coastal spawns are terrible.


Fact that you could spawn and re engage them so quickly is a flaw in the game.

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I'm not a new comer.  -_- I just can't stand all these idiot CoD fags.  I yelled on direct that I'm a friendly and a newspawn and they responded with "I don't care, we're gonna kill you anyway." 


I mean really? What fun is that?  If they want TDM, go up north, not sit on the coast and kill new spawns.

Referring to your story ;) Not personal mate

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This is why coastal spawns are terrible.


Fact that you could spawn and re engage them so quickly is a flaw in the game.


I completely agree.  After the incident 10 minutes later the guy I killed ran up on me in the tents and tried to box me.  I kicked his ass easily being as we were on a level playing field.


I understand this is an alpha, I don't bitch about the bugs.  When I get a bug, I report it.


My issue here is just people sitting in coastal spawns trolling damn near defenseless players instead of exploring or venturing.

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You ran up to people holding an axe, to the point where you were apparently able to hit them when they started firing. Ye, you threw the first stone, accept your fate.

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I down 2 people and they are better for killing a guy who only spawned 5 mins ago? Not in the world of Dayz.



Why do you care about what they say and what they think about you?

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Again i do not advocate KOS but lets get real here your a new spawn great not much of a physical threat (although you proved that wrong by almost tagging them all) But you in a high value loot area (usually stripped bare ) your a threat to them finding high value loot there and in super close proximity so are a threat punches work to well in many cases , so no if buts maybes i would shoot you to and not feel bad about it at all. Bad luck in a bad spot you say if they want a death match why not go up north maybe they were going to maybe they were fresh to and were looking for gear ammo to head up north to tag some worthy foes.


You got unlucky then went back for more WHAT is your complaint they killed you when it is viable and as i stated preferable to even non KOS players in that situation screaming friendly means shit i have been shot/stabbed/punched before by guys calling friendly you should have turned run at top speed for cover not moved in going hey friendly sorry just no( they may have been asshats they may have been reasonable players but in the situation you were in most of the time your going to get shot!

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If someone decides to shoot you and you didn't shoot first... sucks for you. The to KoS or not to KoS discussion is irrelevant. This is a sandbox. People can do as they please. If their style doesn't happen to suit you then too bad.

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Could have left the axe on your back, most people seem to be on the bus with this one.  In the mod, the equivalent was holding a torch.


Maybe n00b calls n00b, usually the case ;)

Edited by RN_Max

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Some people seem to misunderstand "sandbox" with the squared sand-pit they built castles in, just a few years ago...


Sandbox is about changing game-styles, not finding one, sticking to it and pretending that that's all there is. That's just narrow-minded.

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COME ON GUYS leave the new comers alone, they are having a hard enough time as it is ;)


dude. your taking my beans every single time. stahp. i need to eat something.

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Some people seem to misunderstand "sandbox" with the squared sand-pit they built castles in, just a few years ago...


Sandbox is about changing game-styles, not finding one, sticking to it and pretending that that's all there is. That's just narrow-minded.




And impeccable taste in rare guns too :thumbsup:

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Before another person posts that I had my axe out.... If you read all the posts, I've repeatedly said the axe was on my back. I was able to get it out and tag one before dying from the other. All this happened at point blank range. I did not know they were there untill I was literally within arms reach since I was looking with free look in a different direction when I ran into them.


I also yelled friendly and that I was a new spawn before I removed the axe from my back while under fire.


To clarify why I went back.  Since I spawned so close after being new spawned troll killed before that while they were laying in an armory with all the doors closed waiting for some bambi to walk in and just unload on them, I figured I'm come back and make them lose their gear, which judging my direct chat...  They were pretty upset.


I never told them they were playing it wrong,  I told them they were playing it like douche bags and need to TDM off the coast where players there have no defense against guns.

Edited by Snipesrock

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i will kill anyone on sight, noob or not a noob if i am at army bases, fire stations and other high value loot places. these places are no mans lands, i am there for the best gear so if someone gets it before me i will challenge them if i feel like they have something i need. no time to negotiate in those places, shoot and move and collect all, then in the woods u can be friendly with the noobs if you want 

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I only open fire like that if they don't respond to direct chat.  It's there, so I use it.  Up north is where it should be dangerous, since normally to head up there you're already geared up to some extent.

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