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Muzzle flash!

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Those last 2 pictures use hollywood aspects. FPS Russia is a completely fake show. It's been proven time and time again.


They get those effects from real footage... lol!

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MilspecZombie confirmed for trolling:

Image 1. Flash Enhancer

Image 2. Vanessa Hudgens, firing blanks from a .50bmg on a soundstage for the movie Sucker Punch.

Image 3. Caption from original image: "the muzzle blast on the Spike's dynacomp is pretty insane."


5/10 Troll. I replied.

Edited by dut
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They get those effects from real footage... lol!


Ok, so judging by your sources (which all use some sort of method to enhance the muzzle flash), I take it that your insinuation that you've been in combat and experienced this yourself is completely fake (surprise!).


Watching your credibility run to the ground has been fairly entertaining, I was sure you were 13 years old from your first hyper-reactive post, but now it has been confirmed. 

Next time you go on the internet randomly insulting people like a rabid dog please try to create your argument in a way that wont make you look like a fool.

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Again, at night, you can spot a pretty good muzzle flash. However during the day time they're basically invisible as the sun sun is out and a typical muzzle flash happens so instantaneously that your eye often won't even detect it. Also flash hiders and suppressors would reduce this flash to basically nothing. 

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Those last 2 pictures use hollywood aspects. FPS Russia is a completely fake show. It's been proven time and time again.

Dont be hating on kyle!!! I think that guy is very entertaining, he may embellish a bit, but he can shoot!!! So what if his accent is fake :rolleyes: 

(i mean i notice, that he can be a lil liberal with his ranges etc, for instance the .338 AR, wasnt 1000m, quite a bit less than a seconds flight time(should be a bit longer than a second), closer to say 600m... but still, putting three rounds through the jug before it empties is good shooting, no two ways about it.)


 And yea, those muzzle flashes from the screen shots are a bit ludicrous. I like arma threes muzzle flash, as good as any game, frame rates will always make em more noticeable than irl. 

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Awkward first post but it's almost 4 am and i was just perusing but...


Standard issue M4's don't use flash hiders at all they're compensators and even at night the muzzle flash for an m4 is no where near as prominent as in game.

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Blatantly laughed my ass off reading the topic. How can people pick such a huge fight over muzzle flash?

I do say it's big, but come on.. Everyone here really been to Afghanistan?

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You sure it's not a Star Wars MOD? lol

Never noticed the laser beams.....but I hope it will become realistic.

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I do say it's big, but come on.. Everyone here really been to Afghanistan?


I wasn't aware firearms were exclusive to Afghanistan.

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Haven't been to Afghanistan but spent some time in E Africa and have a pretty decent working knowledge of AR and AK variants.

Re muzzle flash, it's a Video game ferchrissakes. Is it a bit exaggerated? Sure. Does it bother me? Not at all. As it stands there are FAR too few consequences to firing a weapon in SA. Anything that ameliorates that is fine by me.

I'm getting a distinct "Waahhh, I miss my semi auto silenced no recoil invisible and weightless AS50" vibe from this.

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Awkward first post but it's almost 4 am and i was just perusing but...


Standard issue M4's don't use flash hiders at all they're compensators and even at night the muzzle flash for an m4 is no where near as prominent as in game.

I mean this as constructive correction, but I think you are confused. The US Army issue M4 comes with a birdcage flash hider, not a brake. Everything else you said was correct.

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Haven't been to Afghanistan but spent some time in E Africa and have a pretty decent working knowledge of AR and AK variants.

Re muzzle flash, it's a Video game ferchrissakes. Is it a bit exaggerated? Sure. Does it bother me? Not at all. As it stands there are FAR too few consequences to firing a weapon in SA. Anything that ameliorates that is fine by me.

I'm getting a distinct "Waahhh, I miss my semi auto silenced no recoil invisible and weightless AS50" vibe from this.

Im getting a "more realistic is better than more arcadey vibe from this".. Arma 3 is from the same company, even has people who have/are working on both games, and a good following of people who are more into the less arcadey games this company publishes... Arma 3 weapons handling at this date, is vastly superior to SA. But it is a full released game also. If i wanted arcadey Z survival, id buy warz or what ever the hell they are calling it now.


 As to consequences to firing, that will come when Z numbers are lifted, and behavior is refined.  Artificial shit to try and force behavior/play styles, is just that,  shit.

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Even 6 months later, I am amused by this thread. :) *munches popcorn*

Edited by dayzjarhead
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Either way it needs to go before beta!


I feel its exactly the sort of thing that should be addressed, in beta.


It's got no real impact on functionality right now, and as much as it might suck just like all the weapon handling shit, that's the sort of thing they're most likely saving to fix in beta.

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Granted it's probably a little exaggerated when the models for the guns have flash hiders on, but without them attached, its pretty spot on.  Perhaps they intend to add them as separate attachments later that will reduce the current flash.  Flash suppressors are not just a downgrade from the suppressors you see in modern shooters...  They are nigh essential at night so you don't completely blind yourself when firing.

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EDIT: I just realized this was like a super necro-thread, but still.

Edited by Merrick362

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These still photos don't change the fact the current muzzle flash is way overdone. You can just look at it and say "that looks wrong".

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EDIT: I just realized this was like a super necro-thread, but still.

 AW shit son, here we go again.


The original images are as follows:


1 A tubular muzzle flash, about 6 feet long, from the muzzle of an AR-15 with a 16 inch barrel. In broad daylight.

2 A lenticular muzzle flash, about a 2 feet long,  from the muzzle of an AR-15 with a 16 inch barrel. In the early afternoon. On a rooftop.


Your images are as follows:


1 A 3 foot long lenticular muzzle flash, from a 14" barrel, at twilight.

2 A 2 foot long conical muzzle flash, from a 14" barrel, at night.

3 A 2 foot long conical muzzle flash, from a 14" barrel, indoors.

4 A 2 foot long conical muzzle flash, from a Mosin carbine, in a shaded woods.

5 A (gorgeous) 4 foot long conical muzzle flash, from a Mosin carbine, at dusk.


Before I make any assumptions, are you an adult, with a basic understanding of the operating principles of firearms and/or the difference between light and dark? 

Edited by 032125

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I'mma bump this again 'cos it's still an issue. This is supposed to be a .380 from a 6" barrel?



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I think most people are missing the point of a flash suppressor. They are not for hiding the muzzle flash of your weapon from other people, rather to suppress the flash from the shooters eyes. Fire an m-16 variant with no flash suppressor even at dusk, let alone night time and try to look around. Your gonna see bright spots for a minute or more

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I think the muzzle flash is fine.




Totally joking. It's been too long since someone posted a disingenuous photo. The flash in this game is pretty absurd.

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