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Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

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* [NEW] Exponent driven probability introduced into visibility calculation

Big win with the new infected targeting methods!

Now I am tweaking values. They will now have the CHANCE to detect you from much further away visually' date=' but this rises and falls based exponentially on how close you are versus how visible you are. So if you are visible at 120m, and at 110m, you have a very low (but still possible) chance that you will be spotted. The longer you stay there the greater the chance of being spotted.


Would it be an option for them to shamble in your direction rather than run at full pelt in such a situation i.e. they've spotted something and want a closer look. Would lead to that, 'uh oh better get out of here feeling' when they all turn an look in your direction! :)

I think this idea is +1...

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My feeling is that it is much better' date=' they spot you much more easily when you expect to be spotted (you're in the open). But they don't spot you as much when you're hidden from them. It's no longer a digital thing, for example being prone in front of an infected doesn't make you invisible. If an infected is close to someone who is in prone, they will eventually see them.


How about when your wearing the ghillie suit? Does it change the values of how far you can be deteced out in the open?

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What would be cool is that when zombies see you when you're sneaking or staying still they would first walk towards you. When they are close enough they would start sprinting and if you run they would immediately run.

But... then you could just walk away when you were seen, and never ever get caught.

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what i personaly like the most will be if someone is shooting the zombies would walk to that direction and not just run towards you.

Because they wont know where sound is coming from but they will asume its coming from the direction you shoot.

So first they will walk towards the direction and if you shoot again and they can see you in there POV they will run to you.

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My feeling is that it is much better' date=' they spot you much more easily when you expect to be spotted (you're in the open). But they don't spot you as much when you're hidden from them. It's no longer a digital thing, for example being prone in front of an infected doesn't make you invisible. If an infected is close to someone who is in prone, they will eventually see them.


That sounds really solid! Very sort of natural, intuitive. My real concern here is CPU load. My gut says if it's probabilistic, this is going to be a lot more CPU-intensive, especially if there are a large number of infected. Is this going to create a noticeable load on game resources?

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Yeah I would like that when they detect you by sound they only walk (maybe faster than normal but not full sprint). After they see you they will charge at you.

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* [FIXED] Inspection of dead bodies does not work (fix only applies with ArmA2 Beta 94033 and above)

Better yet' date=' will dead bodies actually stay were they are for more than 10 seconds? Sometimes its fine, other times it not.


This. I thought the 'Flies' without bodies was a bug that had nothing to do with an actual dead player but I died in Komarovo and tried to retrieve my stuff a few minutes later and all I found in the place was the fly noise and nothing else.

Yes, yesterday I investigated flies on 10 occasions and never found a single body. Does Rocket know about this bug?

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What would be cool is that when zombies see you when you're sneaking or staying still they would first walk towards you. When they are close enough they would start sprinting and if you run they would immediately run.

But... then you could just walk away when you were seen' date=' and never ever get caught.


Thats the point when you are trying to sneak through a town if you are sneaky enough.

Not sure how sensitive the mechanic is but assuming it is sensitive then it is pretty hard not to encounter a zombie everytime you go to loot something.(not saying i don't like hard but maybe it is too hard. well time will tell ofc).

there are zombies in every town and place where there is something to loot. Maybe i would be more suprised when spotted if it was the other way around.

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Yeah my feeling is that zombies should suspect you're there, either through noise or spotted movement, they shuffle their way towards the location where they spotted/heard you if they properly clock you. Cue the running around Benny Hill style

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My feeling is that it is much better' date=' they spot you much more easily when you expect to be spotted (you're in the open). But they don't spot you as much when you're hidden from them. It's no longer a digital thing, for example being prone in front of an infected doesn't make you invisible. If an infected is close to someone who is in prone, they will eventually see them.


Sounds good to me man!

The idea of zombies bolting across a field from 100m off is pretty awesome. If only we could get a more consistent pathing system in so I could actually shoot them reliably from that distance once they start bolting at me.

The way it is now, you've got to have some serious reflexes/luck to bean a zombie running at you from afar. Normally, it's preferable to wait until they're so close that they're dealing damage to you to kill them... Which is silly.

Or, it's preferable to outright kill them before they've spotted you... which has severe consequences if there's anyone in the area.

I think zombies should be far more sensitive, like you've implemented. But they should be easier to kill, as it were, meaning they don't slide/teleport around due to the pathing.

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Hope this doesn't throw the huge performance boost this update originally had out of the window, would be happy to run this game at a constant 30fps

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My feeling is that it is much better' date=' they spot you much more easily when you expect to be spotted (you're in the open). But they don't spot you as much when you're hidden from them. It's no longer a digital thing, for example being prone in front of an infected doesn't make you invisible. If an infected is close to someone who is in prone, they will eventually see them.


That sounds really solid! Very sort of natural, intuitive. My real concern here is CPU load. My gut says if it's probabilistic, this is going to be a lot more CPU-intensive, especially if there are a large number of infected. Is this going to create a noticeable load on game resources?

This is my concern as well, but I'm also concerned about the balance of new unarmed survivors being able to get away from zombies anymore. If they LOS you from 100m by chance, how could you possibly shake them in the bushes when they are 5m away. It was already nearly impossible before.

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My feeling is that it is much better' date=' they spot you much more easily when you expect to be spotted (you're in the open). But they don't spot you as much when you're hidden from them. It's no longer a digital thing, for example being prone in front of an infected doesn't make you invisible. If an infected is close to someone who is in prone, they will eventually see them.


Great.. what i hate more in fact it is that you sometime go prone (standing, walking or even run) in front of a zed, when you're clearly visible to another "human", but they don't see you like they are blind.

I also like the idea (some posts above) of having the zeds WALKING (not running) into you direction when they "thinks" to have spotted you at long distance (ie: 60 meters or more). So if they sees you they start to heading towards your direction walking, but when they are sure it's a survivor (ie: the alert prolonged enough) they are finally sure and will start to run like now.

The above we'll lead us into thrilling a new exciting situations, like: "he's coming into this direction.. did he see me? Should i move and potentially be spotted better? Or should i stay here hidden? WTF i do [...crying...]" ... and shit like this.. what u expect to see in a "film". :)

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My feeling is that it is much better' date=' they spot you much more easily when you expect to be spotted (you're in the open). But they don't spot you as much when you're hidden from them. It's no longer a digital thing, for example being prone in front of an infected doesn't make you invisible. If an infected is close to someone who is in prone, they will eventually see them.[/quote']

Not sure whether this is taken into account Rocket, but the default Arma II AI tends to spot things in situations that would seem unrealistic to a human player.

"I'm being shot at and I'm not sure from where" is the closest thing Arma II has to a catchphrase.

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I dont really care about the fancy new stuff I just hope the lagg is fixed in this version. Its only with DayZ I get this annoying lagg, I can play on normal servers without any lagg and everything maxed out. Though I noticed it's not on all servers its only on those that dont restart every six hours, and if its been five hours since their last restart I can notice by the framerate I get aswell. Good servers are like the Chicago ones and the SE ones.

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My feeling is that it is much better' date=' they spot you much more easily when you expect to be spotted (you're in the open). But they don't spot you as much when you're hidden from them. It's no longer a digital thing, for example being prone in front of an infected doesn't make you invisible. If an infected is close to someone who is in prone, they will eventually see them.


But the directional spotting by body is still in?

Also in some situations you have to shoot a zombie. they spawn so damn quick that they will keep coming due noise of the gunshots leading into a spawn-shoot loop sometimes. Not sure if intended..

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My feeling is that it is much better' date=' they spot you much more easily when you expect to be spotted (you're in the open). But they don't spot you as much when you're hidden from them. It's no longer a digital thing, for example being prone in front of an infected doesn't make you invisible. If an infected is close to someone who is in prone, they will eventually see them.


Great.. what i hate more in fact it is that you sometime go prone (standing, walking or even run) in front of a zed, when you're clearly visible to another "human", but they don't see you like they are blind.

I also like the idea (some posts above) of having the zeds WALKING (not running) into you direction when they "thinks" to have spotted you at long distance (ie: 60 meters or more). So if they sees you they start to heading towards your direction walking, but when they are sure it's a survivor (ie: the alert prolonged enough) they are finally sure and will start to run like now.

The above we'll lead us into thrilling a new exciting situations, like: "he's coming into this direction.. did he see me? Should i move and potentially be spotted better? Or should i stay here hidden? WTF i do [...crying...]" ... and shit like this.. what u expect to see in a "film". :)

Exactly! Spot on.

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My feeling is that it is much better' date=' they spot you much more easily when you expect to be spotted (you're in the open). But they don't spot you as much when you're hidden from them. It's no longer a digital thing, for example being prone in front of an infected doesn't make you invisible. If an infected is close to someone who is in prone, they will eventually see them.


Great.. what i hate more in fact it is that you sometime go prone (standing, walking or even run) in front of a zed, when you're clearly visible to another "human", but they don't see you like they are blind.

I also like the idea (some posts above) of having the zeds WALKING (not running) into you direction when they "thinks" to have spotted you at long distance (ie: 60 meters or more). So if they sees you they start to heading towards your direction walking, but when they are sure it's a survivor (ie: the alert prolonged enough) they are finally sure and will start to run like now.

The above we'll lead us into thrilling a new exciting situations, like: "he's coming into this direction.. did he see me? Should i move and potentially be spotted better? Or should i stay here hidden? WTF i do [...crying...]" ... and shit like this.. what u expect to see in a "film". :)

Exactly! Spot on.


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