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King of kong

Replace TTSKO Jacket/Trousers.

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I'd say keep them, even if Chernaus isn't. It's just another variety of camo/soldier clothing.

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More like add TTsKO camo covers for helmets instead of getting rid of anything. Or actually more camo and uniform variety in general. That goes for different helmets too.

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LOL @ op...honestly.


hey guys, instead of fixing the loot spawn timers and mouse accell and plethora of other important issues...LETS rid of the TTSKO camo because it is not realistic.


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Never said it wasn't realistic. But TTSKO is in use by Russian Federation. CDF use different stuff. Keep it to be canon with ArmA 2's Russia Invades Chernarus story, but make CDF clothing more common

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More likely to be old soviet camo lying around, than british BDUs liek in the mod.

Edited by Shizukage

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Who cares again? oO


Posts like these are the absolute worst. Someone cared enough to post it, others cared enough to respond. Get over yourself.


Also don't feel as if they should remove it, the more variety the better. Don't feel as if they're trying to be historical to the place when it comes to the items, but more of add an interesting spectrum of loot.

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Territorial Concession.

Wholesale Army and Navy Import & Export.

Problem solved.

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Russia doesn't wear TTsKO. It issues Flora.


Ukraine DOES issue TTsKO, which is more green - unlike the Russian browner TTsKO.


http://www.plannedassault.com/images/screenshots/a2_cdf_infantry.jpg << ARMA 2 CDF (this is blatantly ttsko)


http://img2.blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ybi/1/cf/38/rein_desertfox/folder/440172/img_440172_20920836_1?1255538078 A Ukrainian ttsko jacket.


Wow, I went to the effort of joining the forums just to post this.

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If they distance the game from ArmA 2, I'll be severely disappointed. It's like a child pretending his mother doesn't exist.

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Need more clothing options not less. Who's to say the Russians didn't send troops down to Chernarus when the infection started?

They were at war....Besides. You don't just throw your troops in there when something goes wrong.

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Territorial Concession.

Wholesale Army and Navy Import & Export.

Problem solved.



Pretty much In the us you can buy such an outfit for a mere 30 dollars online.


I would imagine it would be much cheaper if it was closer to you. The clothing would make excellent hunting attire.

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They were at war....Besides. You don't just throw your troops in there when something goes wrong.

You clearly don't keep up on world history and current events if you think nations dont just "throw your troops in there when something goes wrong" lol

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Yeah the chernarus forces do wear at least a close counterpart to ttsko so it fits perfectly well!

Also dos anyone know where I can find a ttsko jacket? It's one of 3 things I need till I have everything I could want.

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The CDF don't use them. Chernarus isn't part of the Russian Federation.


But apparently they use the m4 as their standard weapon.


Seriously, things are being added to the game all the time, so this is likely not going to be an issue sometime in the future.

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I don't see a reason to replace anything when you can just add a larger variety of clothes.


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Ah were does it say that Dayz follows the arma 2 story line anyways??? As of yet no official game story has been made for dayz perhaps dayz is set 10 years after arma 2 or is completely seperate from that fictional story...


Who knows what nations would come to aid chernarus hell if it was the source of the outbreak being mainland europe id imagine many nations would aid when the shit hits the fan..... There realy is no official story yet (if ever) i say they add more stuff not remove stuff because its what not cannon to arma 2 LOL this is a STAND ALONE game makes sense it would have its own cannon story.......

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The CDF don't use them. Chernarus isn't part of the Russian Federation.


Russian invaders did use them before zombie infection happened.

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