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Shizukage (DayZ)

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About Shizukage (DayZ)

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    Classified, Norway
  1. Shizukage (DayZ)

    Third person view removal from SA discussion

    Sadly, turd person view is a crutch many people have become dependent on, and any suggestion you make to remove or balance it, they instantly attack you to defend their most valuable crutch mechanic. As you can see in Dslyecxi's video about the subject, it murders immersion and also makes the grounds for firefighting unfair as you can see the enemy, but he can't see you because you're sitting behind a wall or a tree depending 100% on your magical floating camera.
  2. Shizukage (DayZ)

    <<<< [How to] Improve random player killing. >>>>

    Hes not saying to get rid of player killing, his suggestions are to make it a more difficult and hopefully less viable approach to player interaction.
  3. Shizukage (DayZ)

    <<<< [How to] Improve random player killing. >>>>

    I agree on a lot of your points, Bandits need to be a part of the game, but currently there are far too many of them. If we keep going in this direction without any changes, DayZ won't be a zombie-survival game, it will be a Free for all deathmatch with zombies as a nuisance. If I wanted to play Deathmatch I'd play Counter Strike or Battlefield.
  4. Shizukage (DayZ)

    Am i the only one with no performance issues?

    The game struggles to maintain 30 FPS in big cities, yet my CPU is strolling along at 60% load, while my GPU is barely being used at all... the Engine has some severe limitation issues when it comes to how much of your computer it can utilize. MY GPU load rarely exceeds 40%. i7 2600K GTX 780 16GB RAM
  5. Shizukage (DayZ)

    Support for 3GB+ GPUs

    ArmA doesn't even use 2GB cards to the max atm, so enabling 3GB+ card support would make no difference, the VR engine is a CPU hog.
  6. Shizukage (DayZ)

    Is blood regeneration actually working?

    Earlier today my character had no colors, so I stuffed my face and drank a bazillion liters and it gradually returned over 40 minutes. So it would seem blood regen workes for me.
  7. Shizukage (DayZ)

    Replace TTSKO Jacket/Trousers.

    More likely to be old soviet camo lying around, than british BDUs liek in the mod.
  8. Beards, because when you see Gandalf come strolling through the woods, you know you're fucked.
  9. Shizukage (DayZ)

    Character control is awful just like arma 2 movement

    Movement is certainly better than A2, however I feel its still very awkward. I've been spoiled by ArmA 3 I guess :)
  10. Shizukage (DayZ)

    The main thing that sucks right now: The FPS

    80 fps in wilderness, 50+ in big towns with everything on max, if I turn everything to min I get 100 fps in cities. I might be lucky with hardware combinations tho. i7 2600k @ 4.2GHz EVGA GTX 780 16GB 1600MHz Kingston Hyper X
  11. Shizukage (DayZ)

    New Server - Hardcore

    1st person only? count me in.
  12. Shizukage (DayZ)

    Ok i get it.. its alpha.. but this is worse than the mod.

    Astonishing how ignorant some people are... You were duely warned and chose to buy it anyway, you can come with constructive critisism, but just bitching about how it sucks is pathetic and useless. 0/10 would not read again.
  13. Shizukage (DayZ)


    I haven't fallen unconcious once yet, but my friend has multiple times, the difference? He runs EVERYWHERE while I walk, there might be a bug present, but for now. Less running, more walking. Seems to me like its intended, to prevent people from running everywhere without pause.
  14. Shizukage (DayZ)

    First Player Encounter in DayZ

    Spawned in Kamenka, ran towards the town trying to figure out the controls when I got charged by a crazy bitch trying to fist fight me. She chased me through the whole town until I saw another player up ahead and asked for help over VON, He then pulled out a crowbar and started running towards the crazy bitch, she then turned 180* and ran with a sandwich between her legs. Didn't see her after that. Encountered 13 players so far, 10 were friendly and 2 even helped me. So my faith in humanity has been a little restored ATM I'm armed to the teeth with an M4, so when I meet other players, I approach them with my gun lowered and ask if they need anything, if they try to pull something I just aim my M4 at them and they usually surrender. Haven't killed anyone yet, and hope I never have to.