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Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

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  • Live
  • Config: greeting with 2 handed weapon now possible without disarming
  • Because we're all going around waving to each other.
  • Engine: Servers with incompatible version marked in the server browser
  • Servers with incompatible versions should be BLACKLISTED OMG!!! THEY'RE NOT FOLLOWING THE RULEZZZZ
  • Engine: The „Player uses modified data“ message is removed from CHAT
  • Design: you can craft splint and fix broken limbs with it
  • Design: players who disconnect when unconscious will die
  • That makes sense, let's take an extremely buggy alpha and make it so players die when they're rendered unconscious... indefinitely..  Really?
  • Design: players who disconnect when restrained will die
  • Yes because that makes so much sense.  Why not leave them restrained, what could they do if they server hop?  Run around hoping someone will kindly unrestrain them? Logic = none.
  • New weapon: Magnum .357 Revolver + ammo
  • No one is going to be playing dress up and surrendering or using handcuffs on anyone, it's going to be just like the mod and everyone is going to kill everyone else on sight.  Until you actually give players a reason to work together, this won't ever change.  This isn't a PvE game, it's a PvP game with zombies.
  • Config: fixed an issue where unshouldering/shouldering weapon while moving forward caused the player to stop
  • And what you actually did was cause the player to keep moving forward AFTER they've stopped moving, while unshouldering/shouldering a weapon.  Nice one.
  • UI: Early Access warning dialogue
  • Engine: Updated rain texture with refraction
  • It's a good thing the rain got updated yet our flashlights still go through every other wall, yet are rendered useless when colliding with objects inside buildings... interesting.


You guys aren't off on the right track.  Bioware and The Old Republic didn't start off on the right track, and they ended up derailed.  You guys need to step up and fix the real issues that are actually preventing game play.


You either need to start hosting OFFICIAL servers, by Bohemia, or stop telling people what to do with their own servers.  I feel bad for anyone that's renting a server, and shelling out the money BOHEMIA should be, and being told they can't even kick people or lock their server down for LEGITIMATE and CONTROLLED testing, or their server will be rendered useless by the hive.  You all want to act like people server hopping around for protection, loot, or whatever you think shouldn't be happening; when you all are the reason they are doing it!  Why would you EVER think that going back to a public hive would be the smart thing to do?  Is that why there are so many public hive servers of the DayZ mod right now compared to Private hives?  Oh wait... Public hives died out as soon as privates came along.  Gee, I wonder why.  I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that a new player couldn't just hop to the server YOU were hosting, that YOU were paying money for, just to disrupt everyone's time.  They'd have to start a new character and start from scratch.  People couldn't just log out somewhere nice, and while you're looting that somewhere nice, suddenly log in behind you.  But hey, that's what you guys decided to go with.  Good one.


Either turn on some simple database saving per server, start hosting official servers that YOU ALL are paying for (out of that nice $5.1 million you made in one day, now $10 million), or get the fuck off your high horses.  You don't release an "alpha test" with NO official servers, and then tell people what they can and can't do with their fucking servers.  If you want to be in such control, stop being so cheap.



Fuck off.



I have been playing DayZ SA for a while now. It seem you have to eat and drink way more than is realistic, is this really intended!?


After eating and drinking like 2 cans of food and drinking 2 full cantines(10 drinks), I am still thirsty and hungry!? Le wut


When you finally get rid of the hunger and thirst, you take 2 steps and the hunger and thirst comes back...


It's not so bad actually. I got ate untill it said "my stomach feels stuffed" (takes like 10+ cans or 3 packs of rice) and I didn't get hungry for the next four hours of playtime. I think it's fairly cool tbh.

Edited by Max Planck
None of that, please.

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10 cans of food and 3 packs of rice.... to get stuffed.. for only 4 hours.. That makes is not realistic at all..



@Mc02: Either you are just trolling or you a just a retard. Try keeping your feedback constructive without raging like total douchbag, you are playing an Alpha. The lights going through buildings will probably never be fixed anyway, cause of this arma 2,5 engine.

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I am making constructive feedback.  If you think you don't run forward after you've stopped pressing W when unshouldering a weapon, maybe you should try it.  Everything I said is spot on, you may not want to hear it, but they certainly need to.  This game is a mess right now, and it isn't the bugs, it's how it's being managed.  Threatening server owners with a removal from the hive, what a joke.  If they really want such a controlled test they need to get 10,000 servers up on their own dime.  Otherwise, the players are going to keep PLAYING DayZ and running into bugs, not TESTING it and playing as they go.


TOR didn't lose all the subscribers it did because of bugs, it was because Bioware didn't listen to the players, and didn't make the changes they NEEDED to FOR the players.  Honestly, with posts like



Additional options for those hosting servers will be rolled out as soon as we can. We want to encourage a "hardcore" mode that will operate on a separate database, featuring things like first person only, no hide body, etc... In addition, we also want to provide passworded servers that will operate on their own shard of the database. This shard could be grouped, so that a group of passworded servers could operate on their own database. Eventually, we would like to see these different communities on their own db running their own variations of DayZ to meet specific communities needs.


Yeah?  Start hosting those servers, for those shards, on your own dime!  Who the hell are you to tell people that they should be conforming to what YOU think the "community" needs for modding and server types?  I guess that's why we only have one version of the Day Z mod, and not a different mod for 20 different maps and versions.

Edited by McG2

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10 cans of food and 3 packs of rice.... to get stuffed.. for only 4 hours.. That makes is not realistic at all..



@Mc02: Either you are just trolling or you a just a retard. Try keeping your feedback constructive without raging like total douchbag, you are playing an Alpha. The lights going through buildings will probably never be fixed anyway, cause of this arma 2,5 engine.




Well, I guess it depends on how you see it. I like to eat up and not carry a lot of food but more tools and ammo with me. In the mod I'd have to carry plenty of food with me all the time :/ Of course some players want to get "right in the action" and will have a hard time doing so because they need to eat first/eat all the time.


As I said, it's rather neat. It might need some tweaking though.

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  • Config: greeting with 2 handed weapon now possible without disarming
  • Because we're all going around waving to each other.
  • Engine: Servers with incompatible version marked in the server browser
  • Servers with incompatible versions should be BLACKLISTED OMG!!! THEY'RE NOT FOLLOWING THE RULEZZZZ
  • Design: players who disconnect when unconscious will die
  • That makes sense, let's take an extremely buggy alpha and make it so players die when they're rendered unconscious... indefinitely..  Really?
  • Design: players who disconnect when restrained will die
  • Yes because that makes so much sense.  Why not leave them restrained, what could they do if they server hop?  Run around hoping someone will kindly 


I do not think you can speak of logic to another user.


"Because we're all going to wave each other around"  - Yes, plenty of players use this to communicate "friendly" and such. Whether or not you use it is a matter of personal preference and so I don't see why you have added it to your "list".


"Servers with incompatible versions should be BLACKLISTED OMG!!! THEY'RE NOT FOLLOWING THE RULEZZZZ" - It did not say anything about blacklisting, did it?


"That makes sense, let's take an extremely buggy alpha and make it so players die when they're rendered unconscious... indefinitely..  Really?" - It did not say that, re-read it.


"Yes because that makes so much sense.  Why not leave them restrained, what could they do if they server hop?  Run around hoping someone will kindly..." - You are failing to understand a lot of things here. This takes it to the more extreme, which is death. If the consequences of disconnecting whilst restrain are more frightening for the player, they are more likely to stay in game. Therefore, the person who is handcuffing will not lose their "prize".



No one is going to be playing dress up and surrendering or using handcuffs on anyone, it's going to be just like the mod and everyone is going to kill everyone else on sight.  Until you actually give players a reason to work together, this won't ever change.  This isn't a PvE game, it's a PvP game with zombies.


I cannot help but feel that you are intentionally acting stupid. Plenty of people are surrendering and using handcuffs; in fact, KoS is slightly less in the Standalone than in the mod. 

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McG2, this game probably isnt for you. Might not want to hear it, but it is the truth :)


That must be why there are so many public hive servers of the Day Z mod :)

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I like how the system works, I just dont like the fact you need to eat so much to get stuffed. Feels like I am playing the "American" version of the game, where ppl usally is fat and obese, :P

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  • Live
  • Config: greeting with 2 handed weapon now possible without disarming
  • Because we're all going around waving to each other.
  • Engine: Servers with incompatible version marked in the server browser
  • Servers with incompatible versions should be BLACKLISTED OMG!!! THEY'RE NOT FOLLOWING THE RULEZZZZ
  • Engine: The „Player uses modified data“ message is removed from CHAT
  • Design: you can craft splint and fix broken limbs with it
  • Design: players who disconnect when unconscious will die
  • That makes sense, let's take an extremely buggy alpha and make it so players die when they're rendered unconscious... indefinitely..  Really?
  • Design: players who disconnect when restrained will die
  • Yes because that makes so much sense.  Why not leave them restrained, what could they do if they server hop?  Run around hoping someone will kindly unrestrain them? Logic = none.
  • New weapon: Magnum .357 Revolver + ammo
  • No one is going to be playing dress up and surrendering or using handcuffs on anyone, it's going to be just like the mod and everyone is going to kill everyone else on sight.  Until you actually give players a reason to work together, this won't ever change.  This isn't a PvE game, it's a PvP game with zombies.
  • Config: fixed an issue where unshouldering/shouldering weapon while moving forward caused the player to stop
  • And what you actually did was cause the player to keep moving forward AFTER they've stopped moving, while unshouldering/shouldering a weapon.  Nice one.
  • UI: Early Access warning dialogue
  • Engine: Updated rain texture with refraction
  • It's a good thing the rain got updated yet our flashlights still go through every other wall, yet are rendered useless when colliding with objects inside buildings... interesting.


You guys aren't off on the right track.  Bioware and The Old Republic didn't start off on the right track, and they ended up derailed.  You guys need to step up and fix the real issues that are actually preventing game play.


You either need to start hosting OFFICIAL servers, by Bohemia, or stop telling people what to do with their own servers.  I feel bad for anyone that's renting a server, and shelling out the money BOHEMIA should be, and being told they can't even kick people or lock their server down for LEGITIMATE and CONTROLLED testing, or their server will be rendered useless by the hive.  You all want to act like people server hopping around for protection, loot, or whatever you think shouldn't be happening; when you all are the reason they are doing it!  Why would you EVER think that going back to a public hive would be the smart thing to do?  Is that why there are so many public hive servers of the DayZ mod right now compared to Private hives?  Oh wait... Public hives died out as soon as privates came along.  Gee, I wonder why.  I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that a new player couldn't just hop to the server YOU were hosting, that YOU were paying money for, just to disrupt everyone's time.  They'd have to start a new character and start from scratch.  People couldn't just log out somewhere nice, and while you're looting that somewhere nice, suddenly log in behind you.  But hey, that's what you guys decided to go with.  Good one.


Either turn on some simple database saving per server, start hosting official servers that YOU ALL are paying for (out of that nice $5.1 million you made in one day, now $10 million), or get the fuck off your high horses.  You don't release an "alpha test" with NO official servers, and then tell people what they can and can't do with their fucking servers.  If you want to be in such control, stop being so cheap.

I'm pretty sure that during testing that they need all servers to do the same, could also called a baseline. If everyone that owns a server did there own thing it would make it very difficult to produce data that can be reproduced across the board, if this was the case perhaps the patches and the beta would take even longer than it has now and the player base would be disadvantaged.


This is the same as the mod, the guys paying for the servers went into the agreement with the knowledge of the rules, if they don't want to do that wait until release and then get a server themselves. Seems that buying into a contract then whinging about it on the forums later is a bit piss weak and to do it WITH CAPS ON just makes you look like a tosser.

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I do not think you can speak of logic to another user.


"Because we're all going to wave each other around"  - Yes, plenty of players use this to communicate "friendly" and such. Whether or not you use it is a matter of personal preference and so I don't see why you have added it to your "list".


Yeah people have really been stopping to wave.


"Servers with incompatible versions should be BLACKLISTED OMG!!! THEY'RE NOT FOLLOWING THE RULEZZZZ" - It did not say anything about blacklisting, did it?


Servers who don't "play by the rules" will be blacklisted, it does say that all over these forums.  Care to have anyone from the actual company make a stickied post on that?


"That makes sense, let's take an extremely buggy alpha and make it so players die when they're rendered unconscious... indefinitely..  Really?" - It did not say that, re-read it.


It may not say that explicitly, but that's what the players are left with.  An unconscious bug that will now kill you because the developers think that's a smart thing to do for testing.


"Yes because that makes so much sense.  Why not leave them restrained, what could they do if they server hop?  Run around hoping someone will kindly..." - You are failing to understand a lot of things here. This takes it to the more extreme, which is death. If the consequences of disconnecting whilst restrain are more frightening for the player, they are more likely to stay in game. Therefore, the person who is handcuffing will not lose their "prize".


You say that, yet that's not going to actually be the case once everyone starts handcuffing players, taking their stuff, and then killing them afterwards.  the Mod didn't start off with everyone KOSing each other either, if you honestly believe that, you're kidding yourself.



I cannot help but feel that you are intentionally acting stupid. Plenty of people are surrendering and using handcuffs; in fact, KoS is slightly less in the Standalone than in the mod. 


Maybe where you've been playing.  Everywhere I've tried to do my testing, people KOS just like they do in the mod.  So yeah..

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Maybe where you've been playing.  Everywhere I've tried to do my testing, people KOS just like they do in the mod.  So yeah..


Could you reply to my other comments please?

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I'm pretty sure that during testing that they need all servers to do the same, could also called a baseline. If everyone that owns a server did there own thing it would make it very difficult to produce data that can be reproduced across the board, if this was the case perhaps the patches and the beta would take even longer than it has now and the player base would be disadvantaged.


This is the same as the mod, the guys paying for the servers went into the agreement with the knowledge of the rules, if they don't want to do that wait until release and then get a server themselves. Seems that buying into a contract then whinging about it on the forums later is a bit piss weak and to do it WITH CAPS ON just makes you look like a tosser.


This is NOT the same as the mod, in the mod, people are free to take each other's pbo mission files, and edit them however they see fit.  That is the exact opposite of what is going on right now.


Anyone who says people owning their own servers, keeping them locked to their friends or clan, would prevent reproduceable bugs, from a public hive database has absolutely no idea what they are talking about.  If the public hive database doesn't have a file signature check for a server connecting to it, that's a major issue.  Kind of like how when clients connect to servers right now, there isn't a file signature check and people can delete items from the world and still load into the game...


But yeah, I have no idea what I'm talking about.

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I like how the system works, I just dont like the fact you need to eat so much to get stuffed. Feels like I am playing the "American" version of the game, where ppl usally is fat and obese, :P


loool, that's one way to put it :D


I have to agree tough, it's idiotic that I have to/can just spamm any pond/well for drinks 20 times in 5 seconds untill I'm fully hydrated. Besides, the human body can't store water for so long. But for food the concept is perfect.


I guess most people stop drinking / eating when the "I'm hungry/thirsty" signs go away, not realizing that their belly is only to 35% full :D



Maybe where you've been playing.  Everywhere I've tried to do my testing, people KOS just like they do in the mod.  So yeah..


Maybe if you weren't so rude people wouldn't KoS so much.


"The grumpier you are, the more assholes you'll meet." -unknown

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Could you reply to my other comments please?


They're all there in bold, one line under your response to mine.


Yeah people have really been stopping to wave.


Servers who don't "play by the rules" will be blacklisted, it does say that all over these forums.  Care to have anyone from the actual company make a stickied post on that?  Players apparently can't lock their own servers, or kick people they don't want playing there without the fear of being removed from the public hive all together.


It may not say that explicitly, but that's what the players are left with.  An unconscious bug that will now kill you because the developers think that's a smart thing to do for testing.


You say that, yet that's not going to actually be the case once everyone starts handcuffing players, taking their stuff, and then killing them afterwards.  the Mod didn't start off with everyone KOSing each other either, if you honestly believe that, you're kidding yourself.



I didn't buy Standalone, during the alpha testing period, to play the Day Z mod with better graphics.  I came here to test.  If myself or my friends and I want to spend money to have a controlled testing environment, without other players around, why the hell is that a problem?  We'd be spending money the company should and wouldn't have to, to get testing done.  Isn't that what alpha tests are for?  Finding bugs, reproducing them, and reporting them?

Or are we just here to play the mod with better graphics and a new inventory system?

Edited by McG2

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Maybe if you weren't so rude people wouldn't KoS so much.


"The grumpier you are, the more assholes you'll meet." -unknown


Interesting, I haven't attacked or shot at a single player on Standalone yet.  Nice try though.

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Interesting, I haven't attacked or shot at a single player on Standalone yet.  Nice try though.


Never said you did.

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I have not met 1 guy who have KOS'ed yet though. I have been talking with ppl through mic and gotten bloodtransfusion even from a random guy. Maybe you should just change your approch, not waving your baseball bat while walking toward them or something :P


Try to not to maul down everyone who post something here, just because you want to yell at the developers about how much the alpha isnt a finished game.. which is why it is an alpha?

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Maybe where you've been playing.  Everywhere I've tried to do my testing, people KOS just like they do in the mod.  So yeah..


Oh, sorry, I missed it.


Yeah people have really been stopping to wave.


They have, yes.


Servers who don't "play by the rules" will be blacklisted, it does say that all over these forums.  Care to have anyone from the actual company make a stickied post on that?


Being incompatible does not necessarily mean that the server is breaking the rules. The original post says they will be marked---perhaps for players to know which servers are incompatible?


You say that, yet that's not going to actually be the case once everyone starts handcuffing players, taking their stuff, and then killing them afterwards.  the Mod didn't start off with everyone KOSing each other either, if you honestly believe that, you're kidding yourself.


Neither you nor myself know whether or not it will be the same as the mod. The Standalone has different features and, so, it may be different in the long run.


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Honestly, no trolling and no shit talking, I admire your optimism.  I wish the game had more of a Walking Dead feel to it, so that survivors wouldn't be so inclined just to freaking off each other.  But I'm just being honest, this game turned into "it's going to be you or me", and it's going to stay that way unless something drastically new is introduced.


Without the incentive of, oh, this guy is a freaking surgical doctor, he can heal us up and blah blah blah for less, with less, etc.  Why not off a stranger?  It's one more mouth to feed and someone you don't know to shoot you in the back later.  We've all been shot in the back by a random before, and I'm sure we've all met a nice stranger before.  Fact is a few bad apples is enough to ruin anyone, and I just don't think a restraining system with the other issues going on, should have been added before other things were fixed and/or added.

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I have not met 1 guy who have KOS'ed yet though. I have been talking with ppl through mic and gotten bloodtransfusion even from a random guy. Maybe you should just change your approch, not waving your baseball bat while walking toward them or something :P


Try to not to maul down everyone who post something here, just because you want to yell at the developers about how much the alpha isnt a finished game.. which is why it is an alpha?


If you think my response to the patch update is because this game is an alpha and not a finished game, you clearly didn't read my post.  Whenever someone is testing something, especially with multiple steps or pieces, there's a priority list for fixes and bugs.  It's not about what isn't working or what I think should be fixed first, the direction they're going in right now is NOT a good sign.


Rain being fixed or redone, now matter how easy, quick, or simple compared to fixing the flashlight bug, is a joke.  The flashlight needs to be fixed, yesterday.

Edited by McG2

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  • Live

  • Config: greeting with 2 handed weapon now possible without disarming
  • Because we're all going around waving to each other.
  • Engine: Servers with incompatible version marked in the server browser
  • Servers with incompatible versions should be BLACKLISTED OMG!!! THEY'RE NOT FOLLOWING THE RULEZZZZ
  • Engine: The „Player uses modified data“ message is removed from CHAT
  • Design: you can craft splint and fix broken limbs with it
  • Design: players who disconnect when unconscious will die
  • That makes sense, let's take an extremely buggy alpha and make it so players die when they're rendered unconscious... indefinitely..  Really?
  • Design: players who disconnect when restrained will die
  • Yes because that makes so much sense.  Why not leave them restrained, what could they do if they server hop?  Run around hoping someone will kindly unrestrain them? Logic = none.
  • New weapon: Magnum .357 Revolver + ammo

  • No one is going to be playing dress up and surrendering or using handcuffs on anyone, it's going to be just like the mod and everyone is going to kill everyone else on sight.  Until you actually give players a reason to work together, this won't ever change.  This isn't a PvE game, it's a PvP game with zombies.
  • Config: fixed an issue where unshouldering/shouldering weapon while moving forward caused the player to stop
  • And what you actually did was cause the player to keep moving forward AFTER they've stopped moving, while unshouldering/shouldering a weapon.  Nice one.
  • UI: Early Access warning dialogue
  • Engine: Updated rain texture with refraction
  • It's a good thing the rain got updated yet our flashlights still go through every other wall, yet are rendered useless when colliding with objects inside buildings... interesting.

You guys aren't off on the right track.  Bioware and The Old Republic didn't start off on the right track, and they ended up derailed.  You guys need to step up and fix the real issues that are actually preventing game play.


You either need to start hosting OFFICIAL servers, by Bohemia, or stop telling people what to do with their own servers.  I feel bad for anyone that's renting a server, and shelling out the money BOHEMIA should be, and being told they can't even kick people or lock their server down for LEGITIMATE and CONTROLLED testing, or their server will be rendered useless by the hive.  You all want to act like people server hopping around for protection, loot, or whatever you think shouldn't be happening; when you all are the reason they are doing it!  Why would you EVER think that going back to a public hive would be the smart thing to do?  Is that why there are so many public hive servers of the DayZ mod right now compared to Private hives?  Oh wait... Public hives died out as soon as privates came along.  Gee, I wonder why.  I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that a new player couldn't just hop to the server YOU were hosting, that YOU were paying money for, just to disrupt everyone's time.  They'd have to start a new character and start from scratch.  People couldn't just log out somewhere nice, and while you're looting that somewhere nice, suddenly log in behind you.  But hey, that's what you guys decided to go with.  Good one.


Either turn on some simple database saving per server, start hosting official servers that YOU ALL are paying for (out of that nice $5.1 million you made in one day, now $10 million), or get the fuck off your high horses.  You don't release an "alpha test" with NO official servers, and then tell people what they can and can't do with their fucking servers.  If you want to be in such control, stop being so cheap.

How obnoxious can a post get?

What makes you think you know anything about game development? Stop acting so high and mighty because the devs don't owe you anything. You paid money to get early access to a very raw project that may or may not turn into a great game. Constructive criticism is welcome and that'll help improve the game for sure, but that doesn't give you the right to come here and insult the devs for every decision they make. Get over yourself. If you think you know how to design a game so well, go make your own. Good luck with that!

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How obnoxious can a post get?

What makes you think you know anything about game development? Stop acting so high and mighty because the devs don't owe you anything. You paid money to get early access to a very raw project that may or may not turn into a great game. Constructive criticism is welcome and that'll help improve the game for sure, but that doesn't give you the right to come here and insult the devs for every decision they make. Get over yourself. If you think you know how to design a game so well, go make your own. Good luck with that!


Oh how wrong could you be.  The devs wouldn't owe anyone anything if they put out the test client for free, they didn't do that did they?  I've paid for my access to test this game and to comment on it on the appropriate forums.  If you don't think the devs being called out on changing the rain graphics and not evening mentioning the bugged out flashlights isn't constructive, you need to get your head out of their asses and stop brown-nosing.


If I was designing my own game, and had done several months of private in-house testing, I sure as fuck wouldn't release it to the public with buildings that don't cause a light collision, that's about as amateur as it gets, I also wouldn't revert to an archaic database structure that has been done away with and left in the dust for months.  Which mod of DayZ ever used a shared hive?  None of them. 


Whoever was responsible for making sure that the flashlight either A) stops at walls or B] the walls stop the flashlight should be fired.  It hasn't been fixed by now and it should never have been implemented in its current state.  Sorry but that's called being accountable for the job you've been hired to do.  If you think that developers shouldn't be criticized over the decisions they make, you should go look at the wildly successful examples of games/MMOs that have taken that line of thought and run with it... straight into the ground with less than 50% of subscribers that they had at peak.  This game may not be running off of subscriptions or P2Play models, but they won't be doing very good if 50% of the people who bought the game, at any point, want their money back, because the dev team decided they wanted to be too controlling over what started off as a community based game.  There's a reason there's such a huge modding community to the ArmA community, it's such an amazing game to mod and work with.  Taking all of that away without an actual MMO infrastructure from the company running things, is going to be a disaster.


Everything about the direction and ideas for this alpha has been heading in the wrong direction, public hives, penalizing players for possibly losing their connection while being restrained or unconscious, it's just dumb.  It's a good thing that during the ALPHA TEST, where everything is buggy and glitchy, that we're going to implement an END GAME feature concerning automatic death.  Yeah no.  You wanting to make it so players "commit suicide" because they're changing servers to see if they can wake up from the INDEFINITE UNCONSCIOUS bug, or having players get killed off if their internet or power goes out when some friendly bandits want to restrain them, is just stupid.


If the game was more polished than it was, I wouldn't say anything about those features.  When you have people sitting unconscious for two hours, that's clearly a pretty big bug.  If you're unconscious, that means you'll eventually wake back up, if you're fucking dead, you're dead.  They're two completely different things.  Either the ambiguous "You've gone unconscious" screen needs to actually represent whether you're really just knocked out or DEAD, or features like I responded to above, shouldn't be implemented yet.  Note the keyword there, yet. 


I don't think they're bad features, however, I'm pretty sure the unconscious causing death is a really bad bandaid to a current exploit, allowing players who go unconscious to switch servers and regain consciousness.  Making it so someone kills themselves by logging out, losing their connection, the server going crashing or restarting, or they exit the server because they are currently restrained, is pretty dumb either way, polished or not. 


If someone gets restrained and they switch servers, they'd still be restrained.  They'll die from starvation if no one lets them out, that'd be even better of a punishment, now wouldn't it?  Instead of being instantly freed and ready to play again, you'd have to sit there and wait for certain death or go running into it.  Explain to me how that wouldn't be realistic and wouldn't work in the game over simply offing a player's character instantly.

Edited by McG2

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I agree with some of your points but put away the Stick and try a Carrot.

If i was a Dev I would read one of your posts consider it rude and ill phrased and no longer read anymore of your posts.


Alas I am not a Dev though :)

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