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Selling the Alpha for $30 just seems like a "screw those guys I'm going to grab all I can, who cares" money grab. I thought Rocket was better than that. I'd have bought in for as high as $20, but $30 for the Alpha phase? No. What's it going to be for release, $70? Screw that.

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i dropped 30 dollars on this without hesitation and i dont even have a computer that runs it!!



Good man.

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$30 seems like a fair price to me considering most games cost $60 at release.

And they have close to full team working on the game now -- I can easily see it going up to $50-$60 at some point. 

man power isn't free, though it may be dedicated. 

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What about his earlier reasons for "liking the Minecraft model"? Is getting his fans in there and having them spread the word no longer important? Is he gonna price it at $90 for the full release to keep the "scum" out?

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Why does this game cost 30 dollars to get into the alpha.  When the standalone was announced he said it would be cheap to buy and it would be like minecraft where you payed very little at early stages and the price went up as the game progressed.  30 dollars is too expensive.

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Look at what happened to Planetary Annihilation. I think the price will plummet once full release hits... Why? The sales will decrease... Why? Because most of the hardcore fans already bought the game whilst it's still in alpha. This game will not get tons of people playing especially not at $60. Called it, just saying.

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Why wouldn't they charge $30? DayZ fans were going to pay anything.


It doesn't matter that's it's an Alpha. You sell MORE copies if your game is called an Alpha because people expect more later. Don't kid yourself, either. They want you to buy the game now, not when it's supposedly finished two years from now. The "WARNING" is the fine print, it's a necessary disclaimer to shield themselves from any criticism.

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Why wouldn't they charge $30? DayZ fans were going to pay anything.



Right there is the problem. At the development rate of this game it's going to take over a year or two to complete. By then it will be dead, and they know that. Look at the mod, it's STILL in alpha after years of development. They may have a team now but by the time they finish a better quality game will be released by someone else.

Edited by Pplaliens

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Wasn't Minecraft the same price? :-/

I bought Minecraft in beta 1.2.5 for £16.99

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I'm okay with the price. Of course I wouldn't have minded for it to be 5-10€ less, but it's not unreasonable as it is.


And no, I wouldn't have paid any price. In fact, I wouldn't have bought the game (as an alpha) for anything above 30€ as a matter of principle, regardless of how much of a "fan" I am.


Also, I do like the fact the "Supporter Edition" (i.e. Collector's/Special Edition) doesn't contain special in-game items, but (apart from supporting the devs) some other digital goodies. I do hope this "no special in-game items"-policy is here to stay.

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O well they took an extra year to develop it further so a couple of extra Euro's/Dollars is only reasonable. Devs need to eat aswell.

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Selling the Alpha for $30 just seems like a "screw those guys I'm going to grab all I can, who cares" money grab. I thought Rocket was better than that. I'd have bought in for as high as $20, but $30 for the Alpha phase? No. What's it going to be for release, $70? Screw that.


Why so many retarded? It's £20 for the game, you're not just buying a test. If you want to wait till it's more complete go ahead

Edited by haarp

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30 dollars (twenty quid in bonnie Scotland) to get early access to the greatest game that's ever going to be made? People should be celebrating the price, not complaining about it. Theres no game comes anywhere near it for many reasons, so shaddup and get those hands into your wallets and do the right thing by giving Rocket and the boys some of your hard earned for their hard work, that's what I preach!


I don't get paid until next week, so looks like I am going to have to scavenge around for a twenty pound note so I can get this tomorrow.

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Oh Dayz is much better than infestation. Last time I had an infestation? I had to shave off my hair. Playing Dayz is much more fun.

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£20 for UK.


UK - 1

USA - 0


In all seriousness you expect a discount to be able to partaketh in the supping the sweet sticky nectar of rocket's hard work? How dare you suggest such a thing, the price should really be £420 because yoloswagprobono.



20 British Pound Sterling equals 32.59 US Dollar
Math- 1
Person who doesn't know value of own money- 0
And yeah he definitely said multiple times this would only cost 10-15$ when it first came out. Now they doubled that price and the game is only like 15% done compared to the mod? I'm thinking I'm just going to skip this and get Arma 3. They've already made their money on the millions of copies of Arma 2 and Arrowhead they sold when the mod got popular (ARMA 2 only had maybe 50K sales before that) which was 100% free money for them off something they didn't even make.
And from what I've been reading they apparently did no testing because there are glaringly obvious game breaking bugs that pretty much everyone is reporting. This game wasn't even ready for alpha testing nevermind 30$ pricetag.
Edited by Weedz

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I'm going to be That Guy and wait for the finished game.


Will you even remember about the game at that point?  The Steam page specifically says they expect it to take more than a year from the current stage just to reach the beta.  The full version might not even be out until 2015.

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it's good business, and i'm pretty sure rocket doesn't sit down with a calculator and decide how much his game is worth, it's probably not up to him. $30 for a game i'm 90% sure i'm going to sink at least 200 hours into over the next year, Well shit, i pay $20 for a cab ride home, doesn't seem so bad when it's in perspective. 

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Rocket also said at some point that he no longer thinks the Minecraft Model would be the best for DayZ and that he's been trying to get BIS to make it more expensive. He even said he would rather have it be like Planetary Annihilation and have it cost 90$ so only the ones that really want this game get it and you won't get the kind of people that buy it because it's cheap and then complain about it being buggy and unfinished.


So I guess the guys complaining are lucky Rocket didn't get his way.

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Why would you not buy the alpha at $30?  Even if I don't play it for six months, it's still a good investment.

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