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"wunderbar" he cried, with great relish!!!




EDIT: Whats the variety like with the servers? Any FPV only ones?

Edited by Hoik
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Thought exactly that when I saw it on steam today.^^ Was a bit startled about the 24 EUR, but it took me only 10 sec. being back to:





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This is a special day, I'm wearing my finest shirt, smoking jacket and bow-tie and lucky underwear. 

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This is a special day, I'm wearing my finest shirt, smoking jacket and bow-tie and lucky underwear. 


You still need your mask:




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Still waiting for my skynet to fire up. Been updating win8, 30mins now. Wonder what in the world it is doing for all this time.

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Can anyone confirm? No 3rd person view?

Or could I Not find the bloody key?

Installed and ran for ten mins, night time play deflated me as I was hoping for a daytime look around.

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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Toggle view key in binds.

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For anyone that has played can you say just how stable it is. 


I only played for an hour but it seemed framerates were smoother than the mod. Although only played in pitch black night and avoided big cities. Did not have any crashes, logging on to a server was quicker than the mod.

Started with 4 players on the server by the time I left there were over 30. I didn't notice any difference or lag with more players.

I was honestly expecting unplayable bugs and crashes every five minutes but it ran beautifully for 50 minutes that I played. It's not a long sample of play but I'm pretty impressed with the stability.

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OMG OMG its out YEAAA oh wait whats this, its $29.99  ?  what the fuck hapend to $15 or $20 ? where the FUCK is the discount ??????

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Lol, so since SA came out, i want to teamup with someone! :D

Just add me on skype, and we can survive together, i guess.. ^^, ;; SpyChickenn < my name indeed

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