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December Round-up: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE SA

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I definitely like the spooky aspect of DayZ, well, DayZ before it got tainted (1000 car servers, full loadouts, pay-to-win, self-bloodbag, 24/7 daytime, etc.) That and before people really were used to the sights, sounds, and activities of DayZ.


I remember folks talking about the "Hatchet man" at the Vybor bridge as well, that creeped me out. Same thing with the random "ghost" characters that would follow people around and I also remember seeing some screens of someone who found some randomly spawned priests in the woods.


Again, this is another thing that might be cheapened by cross-server characters (noticing a theme here?).


Imagine finding a note saying "Watched the bridge at Vybor for a few hours from afar. Noticed an odd fellow hiding underneath with nothing but a hatchet and a creepy mask on. Some other survivors went past and he followed them, never saw the other two again. But later, the man with the hatchet returned to his spot under the bridge. Beware." If that note was fixed to the server, along with your character, it'd be relevant to you. Rather than with cross-server characters, you can say "Oh, hatchet man's on US 4550, let's not log on there". Or, "Oh, hatchet man's on US 4550, let's log out of this server and check it out... or camp the spot with M249s and kill the sumbitch".


When I wrote the "Myshkino Lights" story way back last year, it was plausible (at least to me, being patently false, hence why it's in the "Urban Legends" thread) because there were so many unknowns in DayZ.


I'd love to see some rare "odd happenings" being implemented in-game later on in addition to the natural craziness of having a lot of player freedom. Nothing too over the top, no ghosts in sheets or vampires. I dunno, maybe like some objects mysteriously move on their own. Odd bells chiming in towns which are supposedly abandoned. Loud unexplainable moans and howls echoing across the fields of Chernarus. Menacing black dogs that stay just at the horizon tracking you. Some of this stuff sounds a bit artificial, but it could help buttress the already robust creepiness in interacting with other players. I always felt DayZ was more stressful than it was outright creepy or scary, if that makes any sense.


This sort of goes along with my discussion way back about making the game more atmospheric. A lot of it has to do with the weather as well, looking forward to seeing if the ARMA 3 fog is doable.



105% agree.  Adding some creepy pasta SOLELY with the intent on tapping into the immense imaginations on the player base.   One of my personal favorite urban legend ideas is that of a white stag that lurks in the darkest parts of Chernarus.  It is no more dangerous than a regular deer, but it would be super rare and cause all kinds of havoc if spotted.  



I would love it.  People would start seeing Yeti's, bloodsuckers, and all sorts of other creatures just because someone saw a white stag and it got their brain working  B)

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Was the forums just down?



They were broked.


Not habbeininginginsings

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^oh, god.

I played dead space is that scary?

I played it and didn't find it scary, it actually got a bit pathetic at times how it was consistently trying to have jump scares or suicide scenes from survivors.

I suppose though with dayZ if it is a extreme rarity it won't take me out of the game so much, but rather give me that feeling I get when I'm alone in a forest full of dead trees and not the feeling I get when I'm trying to shoot the laughing lady pulling a gun on herself and then after I can't shoot her I just stomp her legs off instead.

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Was the forums just down?


Yep. There was an error caused during a database dump, it's been fixed now though,


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cant believe people gave beans for that :lol:


waits for dean farting in next video !

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*hype* *hype* *hype* *hype*


monday, SA? :D :D :D :D :D :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:


choo choo choooooooooooooooo

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cant believe people gave beans for that :lol:


waits for dean farting in next video !


It's a funny clip, no shame in giving beans to it. If you don't think it's funny, don't give beans, but don't get all snobby hipster about it. :P


Also, when there's no real news (besides #ITSHABBENINGICANFEELIT or #stewpidrocketnevergonnarelease), trying to keep the spirits high must be a good thing, no?

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Hm -.- didn't get the joke.

Edited by Wayze

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You might say... Tonights the night.




I wouldn't get excited 'til I start seeing the servers get the latest build.

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I wouldn't get excited 'til I start seeing the servers get the latest build.

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fake or what?

Edited by joe_mcentire
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fake or what?


Image seem fake, but.. THE TWEET?



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Unbelievably fake.

The name of the game running (DayZBuildTEST) is not the name currently used.

The username used by Hicks is also incorrect.

why would someone do this?

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