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December Round-up: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE SA

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Hype much ? What does this mean ? Is IT HABBENING ?



It's always been like that -_-

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True story - Rossums prefers Skype chats about SA than SA.

People don't tie me up and beat me with shovels on Skype :(

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If it doesn't release today then I genuinely think it's a bit of a pisstake by Rocket and Co. 


Well, did he announce anything? Maybe it's just a bunch of reddit trolls?

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Is it too late for a name suggestion?

How about DayZ - Stand Together...Or DayZ - Die Alone.

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Well, did he announce anything? Maybe it's just a bunch of reddit trolls?


I just think the whole thing with Rocket/Matt and many mods being on an empty stream is a bit odd, so if it doesn't come out it begs the question of "Why be so cruel?". 

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I just think the whole thing with Rocket/Matt and many mods being on an empty stream is a bit odd, so if it doesn't come out it begs the question of "Why be so cruel?". 


agreed. Well I heard rumours about an incomming stream, so that might be it. Other said I already missed it. who knows. In the end he will just announce a showstopper bug LOL ;)

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that twitch chat just went completly crazy :huh: .

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Lol I hate all those stupid SA spammers.  AND I know someone reading this is one of them!!!   <_<


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give SA

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This is why we can't have nice things.  lol


I guess we killed it, not happening :D


bahahaha its back 

Edited by Victus Mortuus

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Nvm it went crazy again..


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE SA Edited by raynor009
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And its on again on twitch :lol: .Unbelivable ^^.

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So proud of 3 consecutive minutes of ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give SA


New build 113705 on test server :3 #DATHYPE

Edited by Snister101
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