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More animals that react to players behavior

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So for a long time i have been wondering if DayZ will add new animals to the game, such as Bears, foxes, wolfs, cougars, mt. lions, etc... and aswell as the same animals. but this time i'd like for them to react to your actions. Like a bear will attack you if you get within a certain distance from it or startle it, or it will try to run away and make noises that nearby players and zombies will hear. i'd also like to make the sheep shaveable so you can make tents from its wool. Another thing i had an idea of is baby animals, a mother fox traveling with baby foxes and the mother will defend it no matter what cost. Last thing is breeding, if for whatever reason DayZ SA will include house building then make a farm and get one of the 5 basic farm animals (Sheep, cow, goat, pig, and chicken) and make a pen for them to breed over time. If they were to add anything of what i said in this thread, Dayz will be a bit more challenging than ever and i'll also change your mind about wandering around the forest.  B) 

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yes , mountain lions that live in the northern hemisphere in the world. you never knew that? they look similar to a cougar.

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Well dayz is set in the Czech republic so I don't think you will be seeing any mountain lions there as the devs want the game to be as authentic as possible. But any way I agree they needs to be smarter animals and dangerous ones too. Like if you think about it dayz is a survival game in I believe a country with a abundance of large animals right and if you watch any documentary or tv show that has anything to do with man in the wild like Yukon men or bear grylls they all have to interact with animals for food or danger even assistance, like I even saw bear grylls try to tame a fucking wild horse before with some vines so he could get from point A to B faster lol. So I believe having no animals in dayz wouldn't affect the game so much in a negative way since its main focus is zombies but my god it would be disappointing as I think a majority of people who play dayz don't care so much about the zombies but there the best reason for a hardcore survival game to ecoure and appeal to a mass audience and so the devs can make profit as zombie games since they sell like hotcakes and also have a reason to survive. like when I first played dayz I couldn't give a shit about the zombies I thought it was cool as hell to find tents, commoed clothing, maps, compasses and that you could die from thirst and hunger and get lost in the huge map with weapons with zeroing and realistic bullet drops and that 1 bullet could end my life if I was hit in the right place it was fucking awesome! But ofc it got stale because there wasn't enough to do in terms of challenge trekking about in the forests. I think after that zombie AI and base building has some features they should focus more on animals and try to do something that has never been done before in a game something NEXT GEN, I made a post ages ago called clever animals just suggesting some new features for animals i have never seen in a game before which I think if it intertwined with dayz could be amazing for those people interested in more survival then banditry imo here is a link to it. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/127772-clever-animals/

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Hopefully, after SA is fully released, they start to work on some expansion packs or at least dlc you can get for free. One I hope to see one day is realistic animals. At a bare minimum I assume the animals they have already mentioned will be killable for food but I hope they add in reactive behavior. At the very least I want them to flee from people. How cool would it be to see a deer take off on another hill or a few birds go flying off from a bush and know that someone was near. Or you hear something, your heart starts pounding, you see birds fly away so you creep around some bushes looking for the kill and come face to face with a bear. It would definitely add a new dimension to the game and even more immersion.

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If it's free it's not DLC or an Expansion, its a patch.

You can have free DLC's and expansions.

But I think in DayZ's case you would call it a patch/ update as it would most likely be non-optional.

Edited by AP_Norris

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animals are fine.

as long as i dont see 5 bears, 13 deer, 8 rabbits, and a raccoon in between ele and cherno.

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The idea is good and all but the interaction with the animals should be more than just action: shave animal or action: gut animal and of course creating a tent out of wool should be a lengthy process ( ever heard of spinning wool? an activity many people under 30 don't know because they are supplied with large amounts of let me call it "pre chewed meals" nowadays by pressing a button on their iphone )  and btw. modern day tents are usually made out of plastics...

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animals are fine.

as long as i dont see 5 bears, 13 deer, 8 rabbits, and a raccoon in between ele and cherno.

It is said that a hunter gatherer required 10 square kilometers to provide for a family.

Or is it 10 by 10? Either way, no friggin deers every fifty metres, maybe a rabbit every fifty metres those things can be common as hell.

Rabbits should be seen out most often at dawn/ sunset and hang out in little packs in the late day sun near dirt burrows.

Things like deer that provide a proper bit of food and would be a bigger target should spawn in at small amounts, ten or so at any given time? They are like zombies and should roam the forests running from players and zombies but also sniffing out bits of food to eat and old tin cans etc etc.

Bears and mountain lions should be damn rare if added at all, the bear should be less dangerous as it's more known to be defensive, a mountain lion however is one of those predators that's happy to eat a person and even walk the suburban streets.

They should be the the equivalent to bloodsuckers from Namalsk, very stealthy, very scary, very dangerous and they never friggin give up till their dead.

Not too sure what the actual wildlife in the lovely chernarussain bit of land is, but I'd really like to see rabbits, deer, mountain lions, bears, boars (which need to be a bit more aggressive in comparison to the mod) and the odd bit of lifestock. But lifestock should be almost as rare as deer because they are domesticated, and most would be in a fenced paddock with a zombies moving in crawling under fences and running at them untill they drop from exhaustion, it would make sense to have a few escapees to be around for whatever reason.

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I do agree that bears & mnt lions should be rare to encounter, i also agree that you can you parts of the animals to your advantage. Like the game from red dead redemption where if you kill an animal and gut it, you should get its meat, its fur, and a little less common item such as a bears tooth that you can make tools out of. last thing i thought of was how well do you receive the meat, if you use a hunting rifle like the CZ and hit it center mass you should get 7/9 or 8/9 pieces of meat (using a bear as an example of the quantities of meat it contains) but if you use a shot gun then you may only get 3/9 pieces of meat because all of the bullets and gunpowder going into the animal destroyed a majority of the meat it contains ( cause who wants to eat turkey on thanksgiving when they turkey has 6 fucking bullets in it). 

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i'd like to see a family of ducks, mum and dad with a few kids walking around the ponds in a train like formation hopping into the water from time to time to cool down from the sun.

all birds should fly south for winter though except robins who should stay hidden until Christmas time then they should become visible and maybe land on your vehicle.

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You can have free DLC's and expansions.

But I think in DayZ's case you would call it a patch/ update as it would most likely be non-optional.


Yeah people tend to relate DLC to pay for content that we removed from the game so we can rip you off later. I hope BIS won't go this way again. The chaos with OA and all other contents was well more or less a chaos although you could play the content for free with less resolution.

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horses. full stop #hypetrain2013

Steal red dead horse animations and behaviour.

That game is bloody brilliant.

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I do agree that bears & mnt lions should be rare to encounter, i also agree that you can you parts of the animals to your advantage. Like the game from red dead redemption where if you kill an animal and gut it, you should get its meat, its fur, and a little less common item such as a bears tooth that you can make tools out of. last thing i thought of was how well do you receive the meat, if you use a hunting rifle like the CZ and hit it center mass you should get 7/9 or 8/9 pieces of meat (using a bear as an example of the quantities of meat it contains) but if you use a shot gun then you may only get 3/9 pieces of meat because all of the bullets and gunpowder going into the animal destroyed a majority of the meat it contains ( cause who wants to eat turkey on thanksgiving when they turkey has 6 fucking bullets in it).

Good idea, I wouldn't mind bear heads to stick on myself as a lovely cap.

Or bull horns to put on a car.

Lucky rabbits foot.

Deer antlers.

wrap lion skin over the frame and handlebars of your bike and put the head on the end to give your bike +1 intimidation tactics.

Shotguns pellets are lowest meat yield.

Followed by low penetrating guns like SMGs and handguns.

Small rifle rounds next.

Then full rifle rounds are the best, unless you're shooting small animals.

Heart shots are good if you wanna pretty much grantee a kill and have a good go at the meat.

Head shots are best but you risk missing.

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I'd just be happy (and also scared shitless) to see/hear foxes in the standalone. They're really an atmosphere booster with their haunting calls, perfect for moonlit night forests.

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well seing as (hopefully) cars will be abundant but screwed and need fuel i hope they add horses they're f**king awesome like in the last of us or red dead and very suited in a zombie apocalypse as a mode of transport.



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i do wish they add horses to the game seeing that cars are hard to find and rebuild, but you need required items to tame a horse, like a saddle (when you kill a cow you get leather and use other tools to make it a saddle) and a few pieces of food (fruits/vegetables) to show the horse that you are not threatening, but after you tame the horse you need to feed it, care for it, and give it water, which it might be a little bit tougher than owning a car.

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i do wish they add horses to the game seeing that cars are hard to find and rebuild, but you need required items to tame a horse, like a saddle (when you kill a cow you get leather and use other tools to make it a saddle) and a few pieces of food (fruits/vegetables) to show the horse that you are not threatening



That's some sweet Minecraft logic right there.



No, but seriously. Horses seems a bit too much. I'd just love to see a little bit more varied wildlife.

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Well dayz is set in the Czech republic so I don't think you will be seeing any mountain lions there as the devs want the game to be as authentic as possible. But any way I agree they needs to be smarter animals and dangerous ones too. Like if you think about it dayz is a survival game in I believe a country with a abundance of large animals right and if you watch any documentary or tv show that has anything to do with man in the wild like Yukon men or bear grylls they all have to interact with animals for food or danger even assistance, like I even saw bear grylls try to tame a fucking wild horse before with some vines so he could get from point A to B faster lol. So I believe having no animals in dayz wouldn't affect the game so much in a negative way since its main focus is zombies but my god it would be disappointing as I think a majority of people who play dayz don't care so much about the zombies but there the best reason for a hardcore survival game to ecoure and appeal to a mass audience and so the devs can make profit as zombie games since they sell like hotcakes and also have a reason to survive. like when I first played dayz I couldn't give a shit about the zombies I thought it was cool as hell to find tents, commoed clothing, maps, compasses and that you could die from thirst and hunger and get lost in the huge map with weapons with zeroing and realistic bullet drops and that 1 bullet could end my life if I was hit in the right place it was fucking awesome! But ofc it got stale because there wasn't enough to do in terms of challenge trekking about in the forests. I think after that zombie AI and base building has some features they should focus more on animals and try to do something that has never been done before in a game something NEXT GEN, I made a post ages ago called clever animals just suggesting some new features for animals i have never seen in a game before which I think if it intertwined with dayz could be amazing for those people interested in more survival then banditry imo here is a link to it. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/127772-clever-animals/

It. Is. Not. The. Fucking. Czech. Republic. Chernarus. Is. A. Country.

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why not? they don't need fuel, there companions and they are damn sexy

they do need 'fuel' and a horse that hasn't been domesticated is gonna mess you up if you try.

Edited by Lady Kyrah

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It. Is. Not. The. Fucking. Czech. Republic. Chernarus. Is. A. Country.

Chernarus is a fictional country based off parts of the Czech Republic, using real-world data. And im not going to use a fictional country as a source why there isn't any mountain lions in dayz lol...

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