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Dean is rounding up SA client for release

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I dare you to find a single place where I did as you said I did. I dare you. I double damn dare you. I triple twister dare you. I quadruple duple dare you.


The post that I quoted?

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Brace yourselves, "Ohh its coming in October, omglolYolo" posts are coming...

Edited by BAHADIR

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Seriously tho y r people saying october a date wasnt mentioned for all we know it can mean december

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same here my girl will leave me lol but who cares hopefully ill have the standalone


Takes "Standalone" to an entirely different (i.e. real-world) level. :)

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Lol hopefully it does come out in oct my 5 yr ann is oct 26th rather play sa ne ways it will initially save me money lol

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It's fun to speculate, I'm glad they aren't announcing any dates because then people will just moan when they push it back. It's smart because we are coming up with these dates so we will only be disappointing ourselves if it's not out for Halloween, impossible to pin the blame on the dev team.

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ill just leave this here...


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I know, i feel ashamed, I was playing RO2.



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I know, i feel ashamed, I was playing RO2.




It's okay, we don't mind.


So, October confirmed then?

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If it comes out on my birthday can it be free for me and delivered by Rocket popping out of a cake with 2 bikini babes and a fresh coldsore on top of a lamborghini?

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If it comes out on my birthday can it be free for me and delivered by Rocket popping out of a cake with 2 bikini babes and a fresh coldsore on top of a lamborghini?

Implying Rocket isn't a bikini babe

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Ah fuck...here we go again...speculating the release date...

cant we just be happy when its released?

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So, you made a Topic about Rocket not updating his Twitter.

Rocket then makes a Tweet in answer to the world, stating the reasons why he has taken a break from posting on different sites, Forums, reedit and such.


From this you have managed to extract the release date of the SA DayZ !


This is the proof that the interwebZ is a complete and utter Derp.

I think we can kiss goodbye to any more "news" in the near future.

Well played.


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