timedance 120 Posted September 23, 2013 For my opinion the loot-tables of 1.8 are totally crap. they consist of: 80% food10% tools10% trash also zombies are too overpowered and spawn too much. thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mitor 176 Posted September 23, 2013 (edited) False. Thanks. Edited September 23, 2013 by Mitor 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colekern 1364 Posted September 23, 2013 Please make better posts in the future. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted September 23, 2013 Hello there False. Thanks.We dont like minimalist posts. If you disagree then please post why. Rgds LoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fluxley 2228 Posted September 23, 2013 I agree there's too much food, everything else seems pretty good to me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
geryon 180 Posted September 23, 2013 In my opinion there is enough food. That's because animals seem rarer and sometimes you can't gut them. Thinking positively it balances out though not intuitively. By the way I'm exclusively on a chip, cake and coke diet. There should be a mal-nutrition patch. :) Scurvies! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr.Duff 211 Posted September 23, 2013 There definately is way too much food. The barracks seem to spawn way too many M4 rifles too. As for the zeds, I like the amount and their aggression levels. Once again they have become a danger to be thought about and not ignored. After all this is a zombie survival game. Well, when it isn't a hiking sim. The new patch has really breathed life into the mod in my personal opinion. However I would lke to see a reduction in the food and weapon spawns. Not to mention a fix for the SVD / SVD Camo. I miss my swamp gun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brew78 27 Posted September 23, 2013 I haven't found any weapons or ammo yet in my hunting stand excursions.Been avoiding towns for now and focusing on woodland survival. So far I've found a few cans of beans, a few cans of soda, and a roll of toilet paper. And maybe some random junk, like empty cans.Everything else I have is from the prior patch. I also haven't played for very long at a time yet with the new patch, so there's probably not enough data points to draw any real conclusions. Then again, I've never really had much luck finding weapons in hunting stands so I guess its working as intended? Other observations - zombies seem to spawn near power lines now. And are very aggressive and seem a bit faster than before. But are still befuddled by hills and are easy to kill if you have the higher ground. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Razorblade2609 13 Posted September 23, 2013 Like others have said the only thing I see wrong with the loot is the food....I have more food than I can eat in 3 weeks already and it's still everywhere I go About the Zombies being to hard lol that's funny because to me that seem easy now but I understand everyone doesn't think that. Maybe make 35%food...15%Tools and 50% trash like Im sure would be laying around if zombies did pop up out of nowhere. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GrumpyGat (DayZ) 497 Posted September 23, 2013 (edited) I agree that zombies are a threat, but not so much due to their new level of spawning or aggression as much as its their glitchy and unpredictable movement.its a shame that nothing can be done about their ability to hit through walls and swipe at you from 10 feet away. Fingers crossed that the standalone will be able to concur this issue. Edited September 23, 2013 by GrumpyGat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DayzForumer 284 Posted September 23, 2013 For my opinion the loot-tables of 1.8 are totally crap. they consist of: 80% food10% tools10% trash also zombies are too overpowered and spawn too much. thanks33% food.33% tools.33% trash.Also zombies are nerfed, they do 100 less damage per hit and the infection chance is reduced, the only thing bad is that the bleed chance is greater. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr.Duff 211 Posted September 23, 2013 (edited) I haven't found any weapons or ammo yet in my hunting stand excursions.Been avoiding towns for now and focusing on woodland survival. So far I've found a few cans of beans, a few cans of soda, and a roll of toilet paper. And maybe some random junk, like empty cans.Everything else I have is from the prior patch. I also haven't played for very long at a time yet with the new patch, so there's probably not enough data points to draw any real conclusions. Then again, I've never really had much luck finding weapons in hunting stands so I guess its working as intended? Other observations - zombies seem to spawn near power lines now. And are very aggressive and seem a bit faster than before. But are still befuddled by hills and are easy to kill if you have the higher ground. That's because loot now spawns at the bottom of power lines. Not sure why, but whatever. Loot also spawns more frequently in the back of cars, underneath stuff etc. Also, those trash piles with the black and blue bags in, also spawn loot. I would suggest hitting up an airfield barracks at some point when it's quiet, just to get yourself armed. 33% food.33% tools.33% trash.Also zombies are nerfed, they do 100 less damage per hit and the infection chance is reduced, the only thing bad is that the bleed chance is greater. That is actually incorrect. Zombies do WAY more damage now. they can do anything from 200 per hit up to 6000. The chance of infection is lowered as they can only have a chance to infect you if they break a bone or make you bleed. I have been hit hard enough to bleed about 3-4 times and am yet to suffer infection. Regarding the percentages, I have listed below what I feel would be a better pratio: Food 25%Tools 15%Trash 60% Edited September 23, 2013 by Dr.Duff Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie Jesus 723 Posted September 23, 2013 Have not played the new patch too much but in an hour long session last night I found way too much food and was unable to find a single civilian weapon. Stopped at two pubs, three markets, two apartment buildings, a deer stand (waste of time), and around 10 houses. Not a single pistol, shotgun or rifle until I finally stumbled across a CZ (score) in a barn north of Zeleno. I love the new menus and really like this patch, but the food is a little ridiculous and weapon spawns were poor. Maybe it was just luck of the draw but I should have found at least one civilian weapon before my arrival at Zelenogorsk considering I ran from Cherno (skipped the firestation due to danger) and hit up plenty of civilian buildings. I can't complain too much though, that CZ led to a squad wipe for the three unlucky souls I caught at the NWAF. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mitor 176 Posted September 23, 2013 (edited) Hello there We dont like minimalist posts. If you disagree then please post why. Rgds LoK It wasn't a minimalist post, it was a response to an OP which is a complete nonsense and which is based on false facts: Loot is not 10& trash 10% tools nor 80% food. Weapons spawn a lot and scarcity of ammo is very well balanced. And no, zeds are not overpowered, they are starting to achieve what zombies should have been in the first place. And I repeat, they are not overpowered. There, is your why. Edited September 23, 2013 by Mitor 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Capo 323 Posted September 24, 2013 (edited) i agree with too much food, zombie apocalypse and going to the supermarket is almost exactly the same as before. also I think military gear is a bit too much, civilian/farm etc is pretty good as far as guns go, i've been playing for days and still haven't found an m1911 or a makarov. zombies are fine, but they should lower damage slightly and make bleed occur more often. Edited September 24, 2013 by Capo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
monoking 22 Posted September 24, 2013 (edited) Before, Everyone was complaining there was no loot on and now its the opposite? They could atleast make food rarer, The loot spawn on was bullsh1t. You run through few towns and theres only few piles spawned due to new spawn conditions. I don't really care about Military Spawns or ghilli, I just want to get a Compass, Map, Hatchet etc. Basic items to survive in the wild before i leave the town. on i could barely find them and had to force the loot piles to be spawned and that was tedious.The military spawn is good in cities. The game isn't made to be played on empty servers... You risk going to military buildings to get good loot, but hey. The game is dead and there you have it. No thrill to loot them to get good stuff. Lets feed the noops with easy gameplay or we don't have anyone to PVP with. Making the game harder just will make the population drop even more like now already. I want to pvp more cod kids. Edited September 24, 2013 by monoking Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toxicsludge 406 Posted September 24, 2013 How about...wait for it...no food!Imagine the whining :) Seriously, the first thing that disappears in an emergency is food. You want food? Hunt for it! Don't expect to find cans of food sitting on the supermarket shelves! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted September 24, 2013 It wasn't a minimalist post, it was a response to an OP which is a complete nonsense and which is based on false facts: Loot is not 10& trash 10% tools nor 80% food. Weapons spawn a lot and scarcity of ammo is very well balanced. And no, zeds are not overpowered, they are starting to achieve what zombies should have been in the first place. And I repeat, they are not overpowered. There, is your why. Hello there Splendid. I actually thought my response in retrospect was a little curt. All we ask for is a bit more of a response be it "right" or "wrong" Thanks for taking the time to reply. I adore debate, (a mass debate is better) but we need to steer away from single word/short replies or memes to get our points across. It great to challenge the norm. I'm neither a fanboi or a detractor, rather a game player. I've had a "go" at rocket in the past and think its great to be constructively critical. But it does help ones case to explain ones point of view. Rgds L Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted September 24, 2013 Food should only spawn once at server restart and then it is hunting for everyone. ;) 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted September 24, 2013 Food should only spawn once at server restart and then it is hunting for everyone. ;)I agree. In fact everything should spawn once and that's it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Capo 323 Posted September 24, 2013 Before, Everyone was complaining there was no loot on and now its the opposite? They could atleast make food rarer, The loot spawn on was bullsh1t. You run through few towns and theres only few piles spawned due to new spawn conditions. I don't really care about Military Spawns or ghilli, I just want to get a Compass, Map, Hatchet etc. Basic items to survive in the wild before i leave the town. on i could barely find them and had to force the loot piles to be spawned and that was tedious.The military spawn is good in cities. The game isn't made to be played on empty servers... You risk going to military buildings to get good loot, but hey. The game is dead and there you have it. No thrill to loot them to get good stuff. Lets feed the noops with easy gameplay or we don't have anyone to PVP with. Making the game harder just will make the population drop even more like now already. I want to pvp more cod kids. i found the complaining in was because nothing was spawning, not because loot was particularly rare, but because the game bugged so every second town neither zombies nor loot spawned. when the loot actually spawned it was much easier than it is now in terms of most things, it's way better now, just food needs to be turned down is all. i think in regards to military spawns, in a barracks or what have you, there are too many weapons. as far as military spawn locations are concerned they're fine when the server owner doesn't fuck with them and add 2 barracks and a firestation into every town. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
toxicsludge 406 Posted September 24, 2013 Food should only spawn once at server restart and then it is hunting for everyone. ;)that is a great.fucking.idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
need matches 84 Posted September 24, 2013 OK. My take on food: 1. There is seemingly too much food for hunger purposes.2. If trying to raise a blood level, there actually isn't enough. No matter how much I eat, even protein items, I can't get my blood to regenerate at all. Are there numbers for blood regen with all the items including new (milk, stew, pork, etc.)? I'd like to see the numbers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tsandrey 379 Posted September 24, 2013 33% food.33% tools.33% trash.Also zombies are nerfed, they do 100 less damage per hit and the infection chance is reduced, the only thing bad is that the bleed chance is greater.That doesn't make sense. How can a punch from a zombie make you bleed so much? It would be more logical if zombies knocked you down or out more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
timedance 120 Posted September 24, 2013 for me patch was ideal. The amount of food was right. Now you can´t survive outside in the wild, because there are no animals for hunting :/ Regarding the zombies: They are running faster than I - thats crap... sorry. I sprinted and became a hit from a zombie in the back of me ? Slow it 10% down... thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites