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About monoking

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  1. monoking

    How Many People Were Killed By You?

    I haven't had much time to play but i've killed around 2-4 server hoppers in balota and it felt finger licking good.
  2. monoking

    Is Optimization Ever Going To Happen?

    Already tried that. Won't do much since this game engine thread seems to be working only on 1 or 2 cores. 25% usage here, no matter what i do. but 50% with HT off but no impact on FPS. Many games these days suffer from this problem that don't choose to program the engine with parallelism in mind like skyrim. So far i'm heavily cpu limited on my 4770k @ 4.5. Outside cities the fps is good sometimes drop to 50. But it seems settings that increase object details has more impact on the cpu then gpu, and resolution for weird reason as well. I play on 2560x1080 100% but if i lower it the fps skyrockets. 600$ on 780TI and my gpu is just sleeping. I don't think the devs will spend tons of their resources and timeto build the engine from the ground up as it would have to be multithreaded coded. Or some magic has to be done to offer proper parallelism to the main thread. They could optimize on minor things like zombies. They did already a good job, but what if they increase the zombie count. Maybe the building polygons could be toned down to decrease cpu usage.
  3. The mouse acceleration is really annoying in DayZ. Coming from some one that still plays quake since back in the days it feels really unnatural to me like theres some kind of delay and slime under my mouse. If you compare movements from quake and counterstrike the mouse movements move instantly and not sluggish as in dayz. Personally in my opinion it should not be removed as it gives the game that genuine dayz feeling.
  4. monoking

    I cant find any people

    People who come to high pop servers are there for PVP most of the time so be careful, you won't find many regulars there as i go to high pop servers myself for PVP. Everyone is busying hiding, sniping all over the place. If you want to find people go to low-med pop servers.
  5. monoking

    Low CPU usage

    The cpu usage is normal. I have 4770k at 4.5GHZ and got a 780TI recently. And the gpu usage dwindles on 60-70% and the cpu will stay stuck on 25%. my fps is around 40-50 at the apartment complex near Elektro. Putting the graphics on low or high will not increase the FPS at all as i'm clearly cpu limited here, But decreasing the resolution does give a less strain on the CPU and Object details wich gives me more FPS. More cores will not help at all as how the engine is designed, only single thread raw clock speed As rocket has commented about it here http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1q7bcs/teased_tormented_abusedcome_on_rocket_and_co_give/ I don't know about BF4 but their engine is probably built from the ground up with multiple cores/tread probably also since they're partnered with AMD. The game uses 90-100% here on my cpu in 64 battles. Use gpu monitoring tool like msi afterburner. If the gpu usage is not around 90-100%. Then you are clearly cpu limited.
  6. monoking

    60+ frames eludes me

    It's impossible to have constant 60+ frames in Arma 3. My 4770k at 4.8GHZ. drops to 40-50fps in towns but no way above 60fps constantly. I can lower the settings or put on max but the gpu usage will never hit the ceiling. I got myself a 290X for BF4 but pretty useless for this game since its heavily cpu limited so midrange will do fine. If you want 60 FPS constantly, overclock i5/i7 to 6.0ghz and before u do that, ur chip already die from overvolting. I don't think this game is not bad optimized, Just not developed with mulithreading in mind. this game would just use only 2 threads on my cpu. This engine is just very old and would have to be programmed from scratch for that or devs lack knowledge in doing so. Good solid build. swap the cpu for a 4670k, 2$ difference and will give you 2-5% speed improvements and swap the motherboard too for 1550 socket. Don't go for I7. I went from I5 and theres no improvements in performance at all in games. I would only see a good reason to use i7 for BF4 64 man server and thats it. Solid states will improve performance for some people. But it did not in my case. The loading times did make it alot more pleasant though.
  7. monoking

    Whats your theory

    First i see where i spawn. Not near Elektro/Cherno? Find a zombie or jump off a cliff to get a better spawn. Then run to the nearest city. Go through houses and supermarket to find some decent loot and run fast through the firestation then go north.
  8. monoking

    Day Z for Xbox One?

    I don't think xbone would able to handle DayZ if they can't even make the game use all cores properly yet now and they even neglected it for arma3. The cpu is clocked at 1.75ghz and we all know arma 2 isn't properly multithreaded it will probably a slideshow. Unless they are willing to put lots of time and money to rewrite the engine from scratch to use the full power of the xbone. Why not the Ps3? It has less obstacles from Microsoft and the gpu is somewhat more powerful.
  9. monoking

    DayZ 1.8 Feedback

    The low amount of loot now is normal because everyone was complaining that were too much loot everywhere in 1.8.0 so it got reduced again. So, theres just few piles around the city and buildings i don't think it will be fixed at all. This will just encourage loot farming even more to be honest. but oh well, hard to keep both sides happy.
  10. When i was hosting a public hive server, I could see where the vehicles are spawning. Not directly though like on a private high. This was a half year ago, can't really say if you still can do that now.
  11. I never managed to keep a helicopter for long for few days on low pop servers. It doesn't matter how good you hide them, some kid with a maphack will find them anyway. Just don't get attached to your vehicles.
  12. monoking

    Very laggy but why? How to fix?

    Sorry, It's not good enough for DayZ. The game needs atleast a midrange rig to run it comfortably.
  13. monoking

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    I had the Q9550. Awesome cpu for it time and it overclocks like a beast. I7 are indeed better, my friend had a 2630QM i7 on 2.0ghz, and it performed better then my q9550 overclocked. How IPC can make a huge difference.
  14. monoking

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    650TI Low/Normal on Full HD. Towns 40FPS minimum, generally above 60FPS+ outside town. A wild guess since a GTX 660 runs best on Normal. You want to play games on your laptop? You gotta burn alot of money for a midrange gpu like the 760M or higher. a 780m doesn't even run total war on ULTRA. Laptop gpu are like 2/3x more expensive then the equivalent speed of the desktop variant. Expect to burn around 1200+USD for a laptop with a good gpu. You want to enjoy gaming on laptop? Then get a 8970/780M with i5/i7 but they aren't sure cheap.
  15. monoking

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Lies? As i said unless lucky. Run prime95/Intelburn for 10/20mins then make a conslusion how hot it will get. Consider yourself to have a lucky chip. I'm running h100i here and i'm reaching temps around 80C on 4.5/4.6ghz and that cooler blasts the hyper212 evo away. My chip 4770k is average. Some chip need lower voltage to overclock then others. It's a draw of luck. 10/20FPS is horrendous unplayable. Now i know why people are horrible in PVP.