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GrumpyGat (DayZ)

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About GrumpyGat (DayZ)

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    Vancouver, BC
  1. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Private X-Mas Party - Friendly Meeting

    Looks like bushels of fun
  2. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    What has been your biggest "I'm done" moment?

    Just about any time I have gotta killed by a hacking 12 year old.
  3. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Inspired by my shortest, and most frustrating death in DayZ.

    I have missed you so dearly.
  4. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    The True Story, Of a True Hero.

    Today, I had an experience that changed my impression of this game. It showed me that there are; however few it seems, good people in the world. And their goodness transcends in-game. This afternoon, after a shoot-out with a handful of coastal bandits, I found myself laying in a field, broken and bleeding, waiting for the grey vale of death to recess upon me. In my one last fleeting attempt to find a cloth to bandage myself, I crawled across a young man in a red coat. I yelled out to him, hoping, that maybe, he would feel compassion for me. Expecting the worst, I watched as he approached me, and to my astonishment he began to bandage me. When the profuse bleeding had stopped, he not only bequeath me with the few rations of food and supplies he had stuffed into his pockets, but he offered me his coat for warmth. He vowed to head north in search of a splint or morphine, to help me walk again. I was shocked; how is this possible? Why would someone help me? Slithering around, bleeding, wearing nothing but my undergarments, exposing myself to certain death? Dumbfounded, I started to crawl towards my scattered gear, hoping to protect it while I wait for the stranger to get back. I turn and see him run towards me. He finds the pile of gear, including my fully loaded M4. I watch him put on my backpack, and pick up the gun. I lay in waiting, expecting him to raise the barrel, and end my life. Shockingly, with my life in his hands, he takes off the backpack, and instructs me to put it on, and that he will find his own. He asks respectively, if he can borrow my weapon to protect himself on his quest to find me medicine. I agree and he prepares to venture forth. At that moment, I decided that I did not want to be a burden to this man. I asked him to please, take my gear and end my suffering gracefully. He once again, gives me his word that he will stay in that very spot, and await my return. He takes the shot, and my screen goes black. I find myself back on the coast near Berezino. I start my timely trek south to the factory. I arrive 10 minutes later, expecting nothing but my old shell of a body, laying lifeless in the grass. But to my disbelief, I find him once again, standing there, awaiting my return. He offers me the gear, and asks to keep nothing. I say to him "Never have I seen anyone go to such length to help a complete stranger. You could have left, you could have killed me, and you would remain unpunished, and unaffected by your actions. Instead you offered what little you had and were willing to risk your life to save mine. The gear belongs to you now, safe travels." and just like that I took off, never to see him again. Your character is not measured by your in-game skin, or the clothing on your back. It is measured by the actions you take, when the moral compass is in your hand. The true story, of a true hero.
  5. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Chris Angel Plays DayZ

    Magic, That's How.
  6. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    I made the 3D printed logo of TMW

    That's one way to spend $2300 I guess. The Makerbot is not bad but hell, that's a lot of cash to drop.
  7. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    In desperate need of some help :(

    That's pretty much it, if you continue to bluescreen, likely your CPU or GPU may be damaged. There is no telling if the previous owner had tried overclocking said components and perhaps set the voltage too high, causing irreparable damage. Hard to when buying used. Good luck, I hope it all works out.
  8. Removing fall damage would destroy the game. Its the best way to suicide at the moment.
  9. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Riot shields and improv shields

    According to wiki:"Some riot shields are designed to bebullet resistant against low velocity handgun and shotgun ammunition." I agree that most are not and they wouldn't stop a high velocity round at close range, but they do prevent the shooter from seeing your body, thus creating the possibility of them hitting a non vital organ. Also, they could be ballistic shields, which do stop some type of ammunition, and also protect against shrapnel from explosives.
  10. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Riot shields and improv shields

    I have never play COD so I wouldn't know, all i know is if this is my only tool to avoiding being sniped while I try to make it to the balota hangers, then I would much rather have it than not.
  11. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Riot shields and improv shields

    I would like to discuss a suggestion that I have been pondering a while now. Some may see it as cheap, but I think with the correct level or rarity, and a fair amount of restrictive properties, I think a riot shield would be a fantastic idea. Imagine getting yourself pinned down on an airfield, or in a building, and using the shield to protect yourself. movement would be greatly reduced, and the shield would take the slot of your backpack. You would need to crouch walk to keep your whole body behind it, although your feet would not be fully protected. You would not be able to shoot from behind the shield with anything other than a small caliber pistol like the FNX. Rough proof of concept: These could be found in police station, as that would be a realistically accurate place for this kind of gear. I welcome all input so please tell me what you think. (edited to remove anything anyone didn't like.)
  12. GrumpyGat (DayZ)

    Power Plant (map suggestion)

    This would be amazing. The map needs a city in the northern central area of the map.