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Hotfix Build Rolling Update

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1. Stealth has become a method Of survival again (mostly)

This. What i noticed is: There are 'visibility-spikes'. Sometimes for no apparent reason visibility goes up to max. This holds for some areas in buildings as well when starting to climb a ladder. Kinda awkward when on the other hand i can prone with zero visibility on the parking lot of the supermarket of Zeleno.

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Great update! Some bugs my group of friends and I ran into today were the following:

- closing doors on yourself can hurt you tremendously, possibly dying or the minimum breaking your legs and knocking you out. (specifically inside barracks and other tight buildings)

- When hiding old bodies, on 2 or more story buildings, can possibly fall through the floor and crush you on the next floor. Crush meaning, you'll die and/or get knocked out.

- Zeds walking through doors even if they are not aggro'd, also Zeds walking through fences not aggro'd.

- certain buildings with Zed spawns will aggro if you're too close to the door or the wall.

- hatchet movement to toobelt was awesome, but still too large for an item possibly make it smaller.


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The stealth would be perfect if it was possible crouch run behind cover without being heard. You would have a mixture of crouch running when behind cover and crouch walking and crawling for when your to close. You could use them all.

As of now crouch running is very risky.

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The stealth would be perfect if it was possible crouch run behind cover without being heard. You would have a mixture of crouch running when behind cover and crouch walking and crawling for when your to close. You could use them all.

As of now crouch running is very risky.

Plus, I'm wearing the hardest soled shoes ever. Clunk clunk clunk.

Rubber soled boots much?

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Morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine, morphine.

I am NOT a drug addict!

Ps. How does morphine cure broken bones, anyways? :-)

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The stealth would be perfect if it was possible crouch run behind cover without being heard. You would have a mixture of crouch running when behind cover and crouch walking and crawling for when your to close. You could use them all.

As of now crouch running is very risky.

Plus' date=' I'm wearing the hardest soled shoes ever. Clunk clunk clunk.

Rubber soled boots much?


Very loud boots indeed, the actual sound clip of walking is very loud in ARMA II.

As far as being heard through concrete walls I have just resorted to crawling through towns, holding down the forward key and browsing forums on my laptop. Kind of takes you out of the game.

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In every server i log in i loose cconsciousness on respawn

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-Crawling over objects causes you to stand up

This is a real bugbear for me.

This and crawling down steps killing you makes things feel pretty unfair sometimes.

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Ps. How does morphine cure broken bones' date=' anyways? :-)


Maybe it doesn't. The lack of pain just makes you think so :)

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Still having a little problem.

After around 20-30 Minutes of playing, the game starts to stutter at intervalls. Its like 25-30 Seconds fine with high fps (50-60) and suddenly it freezes (fps 0) for around 1-2 seconds, before it works fine again for 30 seconds. Disconnecting and reconnecting helps for about 20 minutes. Not sure if its ArmA 2 or dayZ related but Singleplayer works fine for me. Didnt have a chance to test ArmA2 multiplayer yet. Once i've done that ill add the result to this post.

Edit: Happens on ArmA 2 Multiplayer also. So its not dayZ related. But since i have no problems in Single Player it might be a problem with battleye maybe?

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Bug and issues.

-several zombies (1/10 ? mb less) will never give up in chasing you (i left him like 2 km away and he find me anyway)

-Crouching (even crouchwalking) seems to pay a lil too much attention from Zed's (srsly, just SLIGHTLY reduceing it and should be perfect)

-Get eated by a zombie from a wall - still happen sometimes.

-When i drop Lee enfield i drop all stanag magazines too (arma issue ?)

-Getin food from animal is a way too easy ... to many of them now, if u dont want u dont have to risk by going to town for food.

-SPAWN : check it again, sometimes spawned in stary sobor under the floor of open red building.


Great job rocket, game is soo balanced now : ) just a lil too much food and water everywhere, kinda easy : )

Ow, and zeds dont represent any danger in building, not too easy ?

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You know, I always avoided the torrent files here because I thought they'd be slow, but that just downloaded at 5.5mbps.

... nice.

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Bug and issues.

-several zombies (1/10 ? mb less) will never give up in chasing you (i left him like 2 km away and he find me anyway)

-Crouching (even crouchwalking) seems to pay a lil too much attention from Zed's (srsly' date=' just SLIGHTLY reduceing it and should be perfect)

-Get eated by a zombie from a wall - still happen sometimes.

-When i drop Lee enfield i drop all stanag magazines too (arma issue ?)

-Getin food from animal is a way too easy ... to many of them now, if u dont want u dont have to risk by going to town for food.

-SPAWN : check it again, sometimes spawned in stary sobor under the floor of open red building.


Great job rocket, game is soo balanced now : ) just a lil too much food and water everywhere, kinda easy : )

Ow, and zeds dont represent any danger in building, not too easy ?


easy for players who's been playing for a while already.

New spawn don't come with food and drinks now. and you say gutting animal is easy. first you have to find a knife then match boxes. that takes luck.

and with the insane super zombie aggro that's going on now you need that food to get blood back since unrealistically it doesn't regenerate

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ISSUE, WHEN I changed servers or log back in thirst and hunger reset. no need to eat

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Just noticed when i logged in then a strange green line next to some items in my inventory, is this normal?


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ammo count :) arma 2 beta addon.

ahhh, thats what i get for not reading the changelog, thanks. :)

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Loving the version. Awesome job!

The only bugs I've encountered are these:

-The first time I logged in after updating, I spawned 100 meters above the spot on the ground where I had logged out from... and fell to my death.

-Been through most of the coastal city's and can't seem to find a single hunting knife (Found around 30 watches though)

-For some reason I had the GPS function on my map for 2 hours last night.

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Zeds still spawn a bit too fast. I was at Rog and killed the three zombies there while I was on the ground floor of the main building. I walked outside to begin to leave Rog and all 3 zombies had spawned again already in about 30 seconds.

The noise/visibility ratings could do with a bit of tweaking I think, some are a bit too excessive. Annoying that prone still gives you 1 noise rating, but I guess we can't crawl around invisible everywhere.

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Ammo count? So you can now see which mags have got less in and drop them in deference to full magazines you find? Fricking awesome. Long may these Beta patches continue to roll out and improve things.

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Annoying that prone still gives you 1 noise rating' date=' but I guess we can't crawl around invisible everywhere.


I kinda like this, seemed too easy when you could crawl right past a zombie in daylight across a road or in plain sight.

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-Been through most of the coastal city's and can't seem to find a single hunting knife (Found around 30 watches though)

Don't go through most of the coastal cities

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playd like 10 min on new charakter found alice pack... got agro from zombie run away and noticed my alice pack was desapeared O.O

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Annoying that prone still gives you 1 noise rating' date=' but I guess we can't crawl around invisible everywhere.


I kinda like this, seemed too easy when you could crawl right past a zombie in daylight across a road or in plain sight.

If throwing cans works as intended then I don't see a problem with being visible prone!

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