DemonGroover 8836 Posted August 12, 2013 that was actually Statik :)ahh....i should learn to read. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16190 Posted August 12, 2013 Hello there Change is always difficult, but I dont think the guys have just thrown this in without though and preparation, lets see how it pans out. The great thing is we can give feedback to the devs so quickly. Rgds LoK 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fluxley 2228 Posted August 12, 2013 The one thing I request is a "Random" button that spawns you the same as we spawn now. Fear not, there is a random option. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hetstaine 10852 Posted August 13, 2013 Random = Kamenka ;) 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted August 13, 2013 I really like it but it's going to make regearing at camp way easier. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fluxley 2228 Posted August 13, 2013 There already is a spawn selection option, its called suicide, I suppose at least this way there wont be hundreds of bodies littering the coast. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fonebook 126 Posted August 13, 2013 (edited) I can understand why some people will not like this. The random element adds to the intensity of the mod in general. Despite this loss of the feeling of washing up on the shore randomly, I heavily support this. When I started playing DayZ with my friends, who are less patient people than I wish they were, we would spend hours trying to meet up. Sometimes within a two hour game session we couldn't get together. Now that I am much more familiar with the game in general, it is easier for me to figure out where they are and meet up. However, when you just want to meet up and play with your friends, who may have jobs and lives and reasons to go to bed, the current spawn system is a hindrance. With this new spawn system playing with your friends will not be the chore it was before. I can understand why people feel that the current system is fine and that the work of finding your friends makes it much more valuable when you finally do. This is a stance that heavily benefits seasoned players. Part of the reason I have always been against MMOs is the way character leveling and item hoarding gives people with the most time a very large advantage over the uninitiated. I understand that no matter what experienced players will still have an advantage, but it will be because of what they know, not an arbitrary player level number, skill level, etc. With this new system at least new players will be able to gather their friends and allies more easily to face the cruel world. Being able to get into the game with your friends in a reasonable amount of time will make the mod much more accessible to new users, and will make it easier for me to get my friends into this game. Kudos for the devs for being willing to try this out. It can always be removed if it is determined to be a bad thing. Though I think it will be appreciated by most and will likely stay. It can be tweaked as needed going forward. EDIT: completed an incomplete idea. Edited August 13, 2013 by Fonebook 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted August 13, 2013 So how about letting server admins decide ? ie mission side option to enable disable spawn selection? I am against this due to many different reasons with the hive but yea other community devs feel it would help if we allow admins to decide. Whats your thoughts Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wild_man 4442 Posted August 13, 2013 Hello all. So ive been quite excited about this change for some time and im quite glad to see it finally make a appearance in the mod. I really like the change, the way its going to work (From what i remember) is that you wont spawn exactly at the location given, but within like 1-1.5 k for the location you selected, this could be a nice way to stop coast spawn death-matching for the people who don't want to be caught up in the death-match, now you have the option to spawn in places like Solnichniy and Kamenka, to avoid the fire fights. Im also quite happy to see that Berezino has been added to the spawn list, as i think its kind of an unused town. Also from a server Admin perspective i like this change, this means less server lag from people throwing themselves of buildings and adding bodies to the server. What are your thoughts on the change? Link to the original changelog thread and image of the Choose Spawn screen: this system make me spawn everytime elektro? is make my fucking day :thumbsup: :D I don't give fucks if I don't see fucking kamenka or balota bullshit no more ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SoulHunter (DayZ) 233 Posted August 13, 2013 (edited) I'd support this idea only if the spawn locations would be defined as "north, south, west, east" instead of giving out specific place names. Wanna spawn close to your friend instead of having to have a chance that you could spawn in the furthest place regarding your friend's position? Okie.. Where is your friend ?A:"Cherno.." Alright.. then choose "SOUTH" geezz.. Being able to spawn where you lastly died just after you died is a very abuseable power no matter which perspective you would look at it.. Edited August 13, 2013 by SoulHunter 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tandwan 250 Posted August 13, 2013 (edited) Give a player a % chance to spawn anywhere on the map, anywhere at all. Northwest Airfield, Berezino, Skulka, Khelm, all of those would be viable spawn options and would give players the feel that their character is one of the many survivors in the world trying to survive. Origins always, ALWAYS felt like deathmatch to me with spawn location choices unless you went random. Instead of giving the player a choice, just spawn them in as usual but put them in a different place. I get a bit tired of spawning on the coast because I know the map. I can look around and say, ok, i'm here. And this is without even looking at the out of game map. Giving me a random spawn chance to appear in various places on the map allows me to work to find out where I am. It adds confusion to the game. It ALSO may stop people from treating Cherno and Elektro as FPS areas and just MAYBE force bambi campers to get out of the coast towns. Just my two cents. Edit : Oh, and add female ghilli suits / hero skin / camo to the game. Come on, we can add razor blades and toilet paper to the game but not female clothing? Seriously? Edited August 13, 2013 by Tandwan Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r4z0r49 4761 Posted August 13, 2013 I'd support this idea only if the spawn locations would be defined as "north, south, west, east" instead of giving out specific place names. Wanna spawn close to your friend instead of having to have a chance that you could spawn in the furthest place regarding your friend's position? Okie.. Where is your friend ?A:"Cherno.." Alright.. then choose "SOUTH" geezz.. Being able to spawn where you lastly died just after you died is a very abuseable power no matter which perspective you would look at it..You cant choose your last spawn. Its part of the limits 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rn_max 202 Posted August 13, 2013 I honestly couldn't say for sure about letting server admins decide. They don't tend to mess things up much settings wise on the public hive, but then there isn't that much to mess with anyway. Private hives are a non-issue of course and they tend to modify what they don't like regardless. As for the actual spawn locations, please don't ruin Berezino with any. Solichniy is far enough. Reaching the fair city of the north east should be a reward, not a starting gift. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SoulHunter (DayZ) 233 Posted August 13, 2013 You cant choose your last spawn. Its part of the limitsNice way to go. But still I'd like to go with my poor humble direction idea instead of being able to spawn near specific places. Your friends got into a clan firefight? But half of the clan is with you looting a specific area... Your friends call you cus they got more than enough gear with them. You guys then kill eachother and spawn near the area where the firefight goes on. Millions of assumptions on the case that this implementation being abusable somehow can be directed. I'd really not like to see an option where I can directly spawn near "cherno" or "berezino".. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JustThatEpic 72 Posted August 13, 2013 I love the gear menu. It's much better than the dull and boring one that Rocket's showcasing for the standalone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BwobBwub 660 Posted August 13, 2013 I dislike the idea. It should not be easy for players to loot quickly! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpudmanWP 27 Posted August 13, 2013 (edited) There was a mod (can't remember which) where you spawn by being parachuted out of a plane.... Mix this with location choice (or randomness with no location text). How about spawning from a random car crash which would explain your loss of memory (how did I get here again?) btw, where did "" come from? Wouldn't this be I guess it could be 1.7.8. Edited August 13, 2013 by SpudmanWP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bludy 324 Posted August 15, 2013 this is the kind of idea which gives players some window to exploit..but what doesn't?to loot/find friends quickly you have to be a bit lucky anyway..sometimes you find everything you need to go north in a single cornershop run..sometimes you need to see any building in cherno to get a makarov and an this change will modify these factors only partially..i'd stay on the coast at spawn since starting from stary with a bandage and a pain killer could be tough..going north is a kind of level progression: big dogs are in the can know the map as you want, but when you are in elektro, snipers and bandits can be behind any corner.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MOS182 63 Posted August 15, 2013 Great being able to select your spawn. Now I can actually go and play with friends on DayZ pretty much straight away! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rooniedoo 68 Posted August 15, 2013 I'd like this idea cause it'd make it easier to play with friends, that spawn like 20km away from you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mentalrage 0 Posted August 16, 2013 (edited) My real problem is people respawning immediately in an area they just died in. Blocking people from choosing the same starting zone only partially fixes it, it doesn't in cases where a bandit spawns in kamenka and dies in cherno because they can just respawn there instantly one time. If it was possible I would rather have a system where it detected where you died and forced you to spawn in adjacent city.Create zones with coordinates that cover the city and a bit outside the surrounding area (otherwise you get cases where a long distance sniper is killing people in cherno from the forest but isn't detected as dying in the city because he's just slightly over the border) If they die in that area then they have to pick an adjacent starting zone. Edit: I suppose you could simplify this by just adding a single point in each zone and determining which one you died closer to but you would have to add a cutoff distance to that of x kilometers so people dying in NWAF won't suddenly be blocked from balota because that is the closest spawn. I guess in cases like this you can just allow them to spawn anywhere again because they are so far out it doesn't matter anymore If you really want add some chance to it I suppose you can make random still have the possibility of spawning there but that could lead to people suiciding again to get the correct spawn. Although I still kinda like the idea of rolling the dice and possibly being able to get my loot back/killing my attacker vs getting sent off to some far away starting zone that I normally wouldn't pick. I admit that it's probably a lot harder to implement this than just blocking the last zone you picked but I'd like to think it solves my issue a lot better. I personally don't care about people choosing the same starting zone over and over as long as its decently far from where they keep dying. In the end suiciding is still a significant problem in both systems. You can just choose a new zone, suicide, and immediately go back to the original zone. The only thing I can think of is timers that block each zone from being picked for x minutes after its chosen. I guess you could end up blocking yourself from all the zones being forced to totally wait it out but the only reasonably way I see that happening is someone deliberately trying to cheat the game. In the end you have a system where you can't spawn in the last place you died + all areas where you spawned in within the last 15-20(?) minutes or so. Edited August 16, 2013 by mentalrage Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
live2reap 0 Posted August 16, 2013 Is it just me or is everyone misunderstanding how the spawn system would work and just freaking out because you can choose your spawn? If you die in an area you CANNOT choose to spawn there or any neighboring spawn points for a set amount of time. No number of suicides will change this. There would also be a timer(server admin adjustable) to prevent multiple people from being able to spawn in the same area so if you want to spawn in cherno and someone else just did you must wait x amount of time before you can do so.If that is how the system would work and it is my understanding, that is the case. The only problem I see here is the obvious being able to choose your spawn at all for the nay sayers, but for everyone else this at least sounds like a pretty well thought out system. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
benny1994 3 Posted August 18, 2013 People mainly spawns near the beatch if we're talking about the Chernarus, they could make more spawns so people would spawn for example near the airport or Novy Sobor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trizzo 632 Posted August 18, 2013 (edited) Fuck and no. (yes i read the OP post and the anwser is still the same) More random inland spawns perhaps...some of the small outlying towns, maybe even the big ones but to choose a spawn? No, no, no and no. So bad an idea it makes me sick to think of the impact it could would have on DayZ.... I'd like this idea cause it'd make it easier to play with friends, that spawn like 20km away from you. And i didn't even need to check the whole thread to find someone willing to give you all a perfect reason why it sucks. So how about letting server admins decide ? ie mission side option to enable disable spawn selection? I am against this due to many different reasons with the hive but yea other community devs feel it would help if we allow admins to decide. Whats your thoughts Sure, hopeully someone won't use it. If Vanilla DayZ doesn't implement this system we could all be happy. have an authentic experience in lack of player control and avoid your a-typical video game mechanics BUT looks like we are again capitulating to a whiny mob want to have a super fun time with their friends instead of a playing a survival game OR it could be great...but the ability to plan ahead seems fraught with danger Edited August 18, 2013 by Trizzo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
What's new in Cherno? 0 Posted August 18, 2013 (edited) Personally, I don't like it. I always hear the argument that "well, people are just going to kill themselves anyway.." That's true. However, by adding this feature you're not just giving those people the option, but everyone else as well. So instead of just a handful of players spawning where they want, now the entire server can spawn where they want. DayZ already has a bad case of people playing it as a deathmatch shooter.. this, I feel, is only going to make it worse by encouraging people to pick the best spawn so they can get right back into the fight. I'd imagine there are better ways of addressing the issue. Like, for example, when you spawn you're locked to that region for 30 minutes or so and can't spawn at a new region unless you're murdered. Which, admittedly, this is probably a bad idea.. but if there's no way of addressing the issue then I'd rather just deal with it then making the game "easier" for everyone. Edited August 18, 2013 by What's new in Cherno? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites