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DayZ 1.7.8 "Choose Spawn", Thoughts?

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I am really happy they put this in, but It's going to make Chero and elektro even more of a death match than before. Maybe give some of the other spawn points some better loot around them.

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I think it is a good idea so long as it doesn't over populate certain spawn and make another obsolete. Also, it shouldn't make it any spawn more accessible to loot than another.

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i dont like it. Basically it means when you in a battle you can expect the guy back at his body in 1min flat.


is this patch ever going to be released? I mean why is it taking so fucking long when it was submitted for review in July. At this rate we wont get the patch this year so why are we even bitching about the spawns.

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I don't understand all this concern over "Someone gets killed, they can respawn right next to their body, loot it, and take revenge!!1!1one!11!"


I mean.. the logic just seems faulty.  If you get killed and respawn in the same area, the only thing you're going to accomplish is getting your ass killed *again*.  What, you think they're going to leave your body there and run away so you can have all your stuff back?  That they're not going to loot you of anything useful?  That they're not going to camp your body if they think you'll be back in the near future?  And what was YOUR plan?  To fend off the person who killed you (not to mention potential zombie spawns) with... a bottle of painkillers and a bandage?


If you want to cite travel time between your spawn location and other people you want to team up with as an issue, then fine, whatever.  Some people enjoy the whole "running simulator" aspect of the game.  But really, pretending these things called "spawn campers" don't exist?  Come on.

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i dont like it. Basically it means when you in a battle you can expect the guy back at his body in 1min flat.


is this patch ever going to be released? I mean why is it taking so fucking long when it was submitted for review in July. At this rate we wont get the patch this year so why are we even bitching about the spawns.


It was submitted but we never got any response so we kept building. We now have a new system in place it should allow more direct access to Dean to pass change logs and get stuff out faster.

Expected due date is the 14th the final change log will be sent to dean/community on the 9th.


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I think choosing spawns only promotes "spawn killing". I say this because after awhile, players will start to spawn in the most common areas and the new players who start off will end up not surviving very long as intended.


Personally, I'd rather have it just random like it is now. If it's not broken, don't fix it.

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The whole 1.8 update was awesome but I dont really know how I feel about being able to pick spawns, I like the idea of now having to walk to a big city after you die so you can regear and continue with your game but I also think that it takes away from the DayZ feel and the feeling that you are not going to know where you spawn when you click that respawn button, with being able to pick the spawn it completely takes that away. It would also cause players to come back to their body and try to kill the person that just killed them which could be very annoying and not very realistic. Atleast with the random spawns you could get lucky and spawn right where you body was and run back to it but now every time you can pick a spawn. I am really on the fence with the idea, I could take it or leave it.

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The whole 1.8 update was awesome but I dont really know how I feel about being able to pick spawns, I like the idea of now having to walk to a big city after you die so you can regear and continue with your game but I also think that it takes away from the DayZ feel and the feeling that you are not going to know where you spawn when you click that respawn button, with being able to pick the spawn it completely takes that away. It would also cause players to come back to their body and try to kill the person that just killed them which could be very annoying and not very realistic. Atleast with the random spawns you could get lucky and spawn right where you body was and run back to it but now every time you can pick a spawn. I am really on the fence with the idea, I could take it or leave it.




For a start I think the amount of people spawning in Cherno and Elektro to play deathmatchZ will be beyond ridiculous. I don't doubt that there will be a lot of people that don't set foot outside of the two main cities unless they're feeling suave and decide to spawn in Komorovo to hit Balota before heading in to Cherno.


I also feel like this it sending out the message that it's okay to loot your own body, which I don't think should be possible; nevermind encouraged.


On the other hand I think we'll see more people using Berezino and the east coast in general, which is cool. And I like that I'd be able to pick my favourite spawn point in Kamenka and head up north through Zel every time

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For a start I think the amount of people spawning in Cherno and Elektro to play deathmatchZ will be beyond ridiculous. I don't doubt that there will be a lot of people that don't set foot outside of the two main cities unless they're feeling suave and decide to spawn in Komorovo to hit Balota before heading in to Cherno.


That's my exact thought when I saw this. 


I'll be spawning in the most remote east-side places possible. Hopefully, up near Krasnitov(?). I can never get those names right.

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Well.. I was thinking all it really helps with is getting back to your body quicker, or getting back to where and who ever killed you and seeking revenge.


but people just commit suicide to achieve the same result so don't think it changes things a whole lot, just makes it quicker and easier

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Can't wait to try it out. All the new features sound great, but I hadn't had any time to play recently.

Hope it will be great:)

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Call me old fashioned, but I am a firm believer in the time-honored tradition of washing up on the beach somewhere between Kamenka and Solnywherever with no idea where you are or how you got there.  Like all the other noobspawns, you hug the coast rather than get hopelessly lost in the wilderness until you maybe pick up a weapon in Balota or wander into the Twin Cities of Death (Cherno and Electro). Once you have actually survived long enough to find enough gear to actually navigate, defend yourself and not starve to death, then you earn the right to make your way up north to places like NWAF, Stary, Bernezino and all the various points of interest in between. 

Edited by bfisher

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Will make the game a lot more MMO style I think, easier to group up.. Possible spawn camping also... but i think it will make the game a lot more playable for a lot more people.

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I like the change a lot.  Saves me from having to run from Kamenka if I've died at the NEAF.  Also stops the suicides for better spawn locations.  I'm not sure if the anti-abuse system that was discussed is in place, but that would prevent people from spawning in the exact area where they died.

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