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Why is "side chat" prohibited?

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The server I'm playing in does not allow talking in side chat.  They say you will be banned if you use audio side chat.  I'm wondering why they have this rule, because side chat is useful to avoid KOS encounters. 


It's one of the servers starting with "US###"

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troll...??? its fucking annoying

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Audio side chat is prohibited so 2 year olds do not pout that they died and make noise. I just hope side chat is prohibited alltogether on all servers. ;) 

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It's frowned upon because it's feckin' rude.

Folks might be happy enough talking away on sidechat to one another, but there's ~20/40/60 other people who don't want to hear it.


Direct comms should be used to talk your way out of a fight, if need be. Not sidechat.



On a more gameplay-oriented note. People who are looking for an immersive experience will obviously have that spoiled by being inexplicably linked to a psychic party-line 24/7.

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it also adds to server loading, by having extra data being sent to every player that is frankly unecc.


not to mention EVERYTIME there is "ok to use" side chat, its full of asshats being idiots..

Edited by Siberian
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Because side is mostly used for drama, that and say your in the middle of nowhere and all of a sudden you hear someone yell, "Friendly, Friendly, Dude friendly, dude Im in the firehouse I'm friendly Dude don't shoot FUCK MAN STOP SHOOTING" Player has died "YOU (long string of F words, one of which is prohibited on these forums)"  Voip also causes a little bit of lag (or at least that's one of the excuses used, don't know for sure).

And if you really want to know the reason, ask the admins of that server.  Just don't sound uppity about it ('y u gais ban sidechat? dat so gay!'), or press the issue, likely to get a kick.

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Just be in the direct-channel at all times to avoid KOS (have not seen a server where that is not functional, more "realistic" anyway)

And yes I am aware of the distance issue, so only a partial solution. Better than nothing I guess...

Edited by DayZisMySandbox

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Their is a time an place for everything. Side chat can be cool on little private hive servers where everyone knows everyone, but it is very annoying on a server that has 20+ people that are all bandits. Like you think you here something in the woods next to you, and then someone just starts chatting away. Then you can't hear anything but that, and someone pops out and kills you. Side chat is not cool most of the time.

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The server I'm playing in does not allow talking in side chat.  They say you will be banned if you use audio side chat.  I'm wondering why they have this rule, because side chat is useful to avoid KOS encounters. 


It's one of the servers starting with "US###"

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why would someone need side-chat to avoid kos? Calling ppl in side-chat that u ar friendly will make you wanted to be kossed rather than avoiding possible kos cases. If you wanna avoid kos by talking, use direct channel like the rest of the community as it supposed to be like.


I think side-channels must be banned from all the servers for good. I hate kiddies talking nonsense while I try to play as a survivor in an apocalypse.. It is just above weird to magically listen to some kiddies crying all day/everyday.

Edited by SoulHunter
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people with just 2 speakers would rather hear if there is a zed around them or someone walking on a road than hear a bunch of mates communicating, thats what teamspeak and other voip is for, also try using direct communication instead of global,side and others i cant remember. use the / key and then the up and down arrows to change side chat stations.

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It ruins the immersion. Just think of a real zombie apocalypse. You would be alone, in the middle of 10,000 zombies and desperately trying to find out whether there are still humans out there. Then you find a radio, hear other survivors, team up and be happy.

And now think of a zombie apocalypse where you have a radio all the time and hear children asking their mum for dinner, hear people micspam terrible songs and hear idiots raging about getting sniped while checking their gear on top of the firestation.

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I do not think anyone wishes to have music blared into their ears whilst they are in a firefight.

Edited by Inception.
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Because hearing kids who sound like they should still be playing Call of Duty is annoying when you are trying to relax and get into the game. 

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It's annoying and cheating.

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 thats what teamspeak and other voip is for, 


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sometimes it is good because some people give away there positions!  

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uhm yeah...I just learned that I didn't understand the definition of side chat.  I thought side chat was "direct communication".  Had the two confused.....so this whole time I thought the direct chat was prohibited which made no sense to me.  I fully agree that side chat should not be used (now that I know what it actually is).  Thanks for all the responses!!!!  This is a great forum. 


I am (very slowly) learning the game.  It has a somewhat steep learning curve.  Today I finally learned to light a fire and cook meat.

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side chat is good, cos you can meet friendly people hell one of my best friends i play with now i met from side chat

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it really isnt cheating, just a form of communicating with your buddies. chernarus is 225 km so how is talikg among friends cheating?  further more scripting is cheating and just plain lame.  surviving and finding your military grade weapons is much more rewarding to me. i love the rush of starting in elektro new spawn nearly full capacity server and sneaking around everyone. but as far as having an outside chat, i dont know how that would even come close to cheating and how it would help to give any relevant info on other players where about. Most servers have teamspeaks. there are more harsh cheats out there like spawn every player to middle earth and watch a huge gun fight pursue. that i have victim of and that my friend is cheating/hacking at its worst.

Edited by bravo2

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