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About Horseyspc

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    Chilling in a sedan
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  1. Horseyspc

    quick question

    I need help again well do i need to delete my disk version of arma 2 and arma 2oa for the steam version to work with the mods or will it just work on it's own? and will dayz commander just be my installer for mods like taviana and etc?
  2. thank you all so much :D
  3. so now i have to buy fucking arma 2 combine ops again wowowowowowo
  4. okay so i been having a problem , a big one in fact. i got this version of arma combine ops on disk so no steam dayz commander can't verfiy were arma 2 and arma 2ao. i tryed reinstall tryed to set the right path still doesn't work but the strangest thing is that it trys to verfiy on steam which it isn't a steam version and yet i let it set there for at least an hour just set there 0% 1 out 1 valdating files doesn't move , this is really bothering me and i really want to play overpoch taviana SO PLZ HELP
  5. Great Server with the even bandits and heroes on it and awesome Ai missions that give u good amount of loot and also the snap building script feature epic because it makes it easier to build and to place objects down. Many Other Awesome Feature Aswell!!!! I would rate this Epic Epoch Server 10/10
  6. Horseyspc

    PKM belt?

    Of course u are right , YOUR MORGAN FREEMAN
  7. Horseyspc

    5-10 FPS HELP!

    it's the server you are playing on , change servers
  8. The game should only cost about 20 $ no higher than that , i think it should
  9. Horseyspc

    Why isn't DayZCommander loading for me?

    like not downloading mods or not loading servers up to see?
  10. Horseyspc

    make loot stop spawning and also zombies

    no but that will be happen in the sa , only loot will spawn on restart and can't spawn untill the restart happens
  11. Horseyspc

    Favorite server gone!

    type in vanilla if u want something with not so crazy loot and 20+
  12. Horseyspc

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    put everything to low and you are fine ;)
  13. Horseyspc

    I'll trade Bizon SD

    lol nice story