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Gamescom opens 21st august

Edited by Insomnia Slayer
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Gamescom opens 21st august

Thank you, person I may never hear from again!

The game will be playable as a released version on the 21st, but I am certain it will be released shortly before.

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Thank you, person I may never hear from again!

The game will be playable as a released version on the 21st, but I am certain it will be released shortly before.

It was also playable at E3... It means nothing that it will be playable at Gamecom. Why would they release a game before Gamescom that they are publicizing will be playable at Gamescom. It wouldn't even make sense to bring it to Gamescom as a playable game if it's already released.

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Indeed, I don't think it will be released on or before August 21st.


Don't get me wrong, the dev team have made a lot of progress, but I don't think they're at the point of having decided on a date yet.

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Dood, you are a true dumbass. Your HERO Dean also said that he will update the community weekly on progress for the development. Why do you think he hasn’t said anything in the past month ? Simple reason is there is shitty progress on the development. In this week’s devblog we probably going to get something like "oh we added tampons and now when you bleed you can stick one up your asshole to stop the bleeding". There won’t be much more progress since E3 so get over yourself and prepare for next year release if we lucky.


Dean isn't my 'hero', I do however have the utmost respect for someone that deals with thousands of tools like you on a daily basis. You're merely another one of those 'conspiracy' nuts that thrives on knocking the game and its progress. I honestly don't care about all the devblogs and news from rocket, because that means the game is getting worked on. I wouldn't care if the standalone isn't released till next year either, because I'm a loyal and patient member of the DayZ community who values content over selfishness. You sound like you need to take a break from DayZ, and go simmer down somewhere else before you have a stroke from all your hissy fits. I love how you magically know what is actually happening with the development with the game, and when it will not be released.  I'm sure we're going to be looking at a 2015 release date, that has to be on the top ten list of stupidest things that were said with seriousness I have heard on this forum, and there have been some REAL fuckin idiots on here.


Hello there


Please be respectful towards other forum members.





It's okay lok, it's not to hard to keep cool around tools that are intent on using harsh language and bright text to get their points across. GF four letter words.

Edited by OfficerRaymond

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It was also playable at E3... It means nothing that it will be playable at Gamecom. Why would they release a game before Gamescom that they are publicizing will be playable at Gamescom. It wouldn't even make sense to bring it to Gamescom as a playable game if it's already released.



Indeed, I don't think it will be released on or before August 21st.


Don't get me wrong, the dev team have made a lot of progress, but I don't think they're at the point of having decided on a date yet.


You're both forgetting that this is a business, and all the days it hasn't beeen released means lost money for Dean. On the other side, of course, releasing too quickly might give the game a bad reputation, which also means lost money in the end, especially by the type of reviewers that want their games to look like some 13 year old, ADHD kid's dream, like Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.


Enough time has passed. If the game isn't very soon released then Dean is losing more money than he'd earn. You simply cannot keep people's hope up for very long when there's other games out there.







Yes, there is. They want you to think there isn't.

Yes, there is. They want you to think there isn't.

Yes, there is. They want you to think there isn't.

Yes, there is. They want you to think there isn't.

Yes, there is. They want you to think there isn't.

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You're both forgetting that this is a business, and all the days it hasn't beeen released means lost money for Dean. On the other side, of course, releasing too quickly might give the game a bad reputation, which also means lost money in the end, especially by the type of reviewers that want their games to look like some 13 year old, ADHD kid's dream, like Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.


Enough time has passed. If the game isn't very soon released then Dean is losing more money than he'd earn. You simply cannot keep people's hope up for very long when there's other games out there.



Yes, there is. They want you to think there isn't.

Hello there


An internal agreed "goalpost" may exist, it has nowt to do (at this stage) with any official release.


Depending on circumstances "goalposts" can and are moved.


There still is no "release date". Even if you say there is. :)





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Hello there


An internal agreed "goalpost" may exist, it has nowt to do (at this stage) with any official release.


Depending on circumstances "goalposts" can and are moved.


There still is no "release date". Even if you say there is. :)





I want to know when you think it will be released. Join us, LoK. You are one of us.

One of us.

One of us.

One of us!

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I want to know when you think it will be released. Join us, LoK. You are one of us.

One of us.

One of us.

One of us!

I *am* one of you :)


When do *I* think the game will be released?


*takes moderator hat off*




When it's ready, I guess.


*mod hat back on*


The dev time has been *so* short so far, but the dev team are a clever lot of bunnies so I wouldn't put anything past them.

Keep your eyes on Dean and the team's Tweets, some today give hints as to what is going on behind the scenes for eg. 


What do those tweets hint towards in terms of SA dev? who knows?


Wait for a Press Release I says.





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lol its confusing right now, some people say next year, some people say 21 august, some say just around august :/

Here's the honest truth. No one knows, not even those creating the game. I'm confident that one day in the future there will be a game called DayZ. 

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No, I do not agree. A year has already passed and the game will definitely be out on the 21st of August or before.

This is why people get confused. I can't help but find it comical as the alternative is so disheartening. 


But hell why not, AUGUST 21ST IT IS!!!!!!!!!

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How about we stop talking about it, Do something to occupy yourself. No good will come from sitting around speculating a release date. 

Edited by DanielTy88

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Aug. 14th is DayZ anniversary. THIS will be the release date, hands down!

#DayZ Standalone

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Aug. 14th is DayZ anniversary. THIS will be the release date, hands down!

#DayZ Standalone

Back under your bridge little troll. No billy goats here.

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Aug. 14th is DayZ anniversary. THIS will be the release date, hands down!

#DayZ Standalone


The mod released (alpha) on April 13th though :/

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it'll be the 18th August.


My birthday.




*massive hint*

I need a new 8 button mouse, mines dead. And a gfx card to replace my 460 pl0x.


oh and I *need* assorted other prezzies.


/*massive hint*

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Dean isn't my 'hero', I do however have the utmost respect for someone that deals with thousands of tools like you on a daily basis. You're merely another one of those 'conspiracy' nuts that thrives on knocking the game and its progress. I honestly don't care about all the devblogs and news from rocket, because that means the game is getting worked on. I wouldn't care if the standalone isn't released till next year either, because I'm a loyal and patient member of the DayZ community who values content over selfishness. You sound like you need to take a break from DayZ, and go simmer down somewhere else before you have a stroke from all your hissy fits. I love how you magically know what is actually happening with the development with the game, and when it will not be released.  I'm sure we're going to be looking at a 2015 release date, that has to be on the top ten list of stupidest things that were said with seriousness I have heard on this forum, and there have been some REAL fuckin idiots on here.


It's okay lok, it's not to hard to keep cool around tools that are intent on using harsh language and bright text to get their points across. GF four letter words.

Here. grab a nody badge and shove it up your ass.


thank god for loyal supporters like you. i never dished the game, i gave my prediction on the release date which is more accurate than the crap you talking.

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The mod released (alpha) on April 13th though :/

Shhhh.. You're giving too much information away! :D

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Here. grab a nody badge and shove it up your ass.


thank god for loyal supporters like you. i never dished the game, i gave my prediction on the release date which is more accurate than the crap you talking.

More accurate than the crap I am talking? Please, refresh me. what exactly am I predicting? Fact of the matter is that I haven't made a single prediction, and you're pulling half-minded garbage from your rear. I don't understand where you are being more accurate than me when I haven't even given my opinion yet. You wanna know my opinion? Here you go:


  Standalone will be released when it's released. (nice and bright so you can read it)


The 'crap ' I'm talking is helpful to the community, whereas the crap you're talking is the stuff of a pompous twit that is upset for some reason. Go pout somewhere else.

Edited by OfficerRaymond

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  Standalone will be released when it's released

When your math teacher asks you to give the variable A its value as is necessitated by an equation he presents on his whiteboard, you better not say that A's value is A's value.

While it obviously is true, that A is equal to A, defining or reasoning for it like that makes it circular.


#21st of August. Dean ought to do it

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When your math teacher asks you to give the variable A its value as is necessitated by an equation he presents on his whiteboard, you better not say that A's value is A's value.

While it obviously is true, that A is equal to A, defining or reasoning for it like that makes it circular.


#21st of August. Dean ought to do it

21st of August, not going to happen. No matter how much 'logic' you throw at it.

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21st of August, not going to happen. No matter how much 'logic' you throw at it.

I say holiday season 2014. Once they decide to switch to the ARMA 3 engine that should give them plenty of time. 

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I say holiday season 2014. Once they decide to switch to the ARMA 3 engine that should give them plenty of time. 

Delaying the progress of a game for 2 years is too much. It's unacceptable. It's also senseless to delay it so much.

If money is why you made the game--which it ought to be--then you are going to get plenty of it by releasing it now.

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