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Where are all the devblogs?

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Sorry Soul, gotta disagree with you.


"Let it go" is a huge problem of society today, it creates a sense of entitlement where people don't believe they are wrong for feeling like they "Owed" something for nothing.  Sure I enjoy free as much as the next guy.  But if something that I am looking forward too is delayed, I don't go raging on about it, especially if I have no personal stake in it.  How would you feel if you were working hard on a project, ran into some snags, things that needed to be changed to improve the overall project, and all you hear is people yelling and complaining that they don't understand what the hell you're doing when they have no personal stake in the project in the first place.  


It would be different if they had taken pre-orders and sold founders packages or something.  At least then people would have a reason to feel slighted.  


There is a difference between a consumer and a forum goer.  The consumer has actually purchased something, has anyone here paid for the game yet?

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Sorry Soul, gotta disagree with you.


"Let it go" is a huge problem of society today, it creates a sense of entitlement where people don't believe they are wrong for feeling like they "Owed" something for nothing.  Sure I enjoy free as much as the next guy.  But if something that I am looking forward too is delayed, I don't go raging on about it, especially if I have no personal stake in it.  How would you feel if you were working hard on a project, ran into some snags, things that needed to be changed to improve the overall project, and all you hear is people yelling and complaining that they don't understand what the hell you're doing when they have no personal stake in the project in the first place.  


It would be different if they had taken pre-orders and sold founders packages or something.  At least then people would have a reason to feel slighted.  


There is a difference between a consumer and a forum goer.  The consumer has actually purchased something, has anyone here paid for the game yet?

I paid with love and compassion!!!! one day i will take dean with me on a boat...he'll be my sea-bride

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I post on the forums whilst at work. It prevents me from both going insane, and from doing anything constructive.

Suck it, and thank you very much.


edit; 4 London Prides@ lunch = multiple edits.

You lost that one, son ;)

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You lost that one, son ;)

but what if he has fun spending time in here? i have fun reading and posting in here, it is a "weird" hobby i guess but whatever floats your boat ;).

Edited by joe_mcentire

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It's a trap! it was all along


:beans:  indeed


yes YES let the hate flow through you!!! 





Ok i'll have to say, if this is cynism, then well played Mr. Hall, but otherwise this now really seems to be fucked up... He really shouldn't say anything anymore by now. He knows what happens everytime and he knows that he causes this rage from certain parts of the community. so i really have to ask myself what is it, he wants to get at??

kill the hype in whatever f***in way? or is he plain and simple naive? i don't know man...he has seen some things man...good god learn from ypur mistakes ;)


really i don't know what to think of his statements....he does himself no good.


edit: i really feel like Ruwed beneath has described it, but i can now somehow understand why some feel conned :/ ...i ..i just feel love!



I think you need to lay off Dean's back. From the start, Dean has had a very close relationship with the people from the forum and elsewhere. He has invited us, almost at least, home to him, offered us food, and now some of us, in spite of this unprofessional approach of his, are starting to throw his food back at him, and shout profanities at him, even in spite all he has offered us.


It just ain't right, man. It just ain't right.

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Okay it is Friday


lets see this "dev blog" dean

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You may have your own ideas and I much appreciate it. To talk about the way that you think people should behave;


Sorry Soul, gotta disagree with you...
...if something that I am looking forward too is delayed, I don't go raging on about it, especially if I have no personal stake in it.  How would you feel if you were working hard on a project, ran into some snags, things that needed to be changed to improve the overall project, and all you hear is people yelling and complaining that they don't understand what the hell you're doing when they have no personal stake in the project in the first place...

And as you can see, I agree with you on this case;


...which does not mean that people should go in rage mode and point their fingers at someone who just tries to do the best of hims (imo).

I did not like the way it sounded as well, but why would they want to delay everything they want to achieve ? It would not help them at all.. Maybe they had some issues in the progress ? Maybe something unexpected happened ? Everything is possible man.. No need to go on the guy more and more who made everything you see here possible now.

...However this would not solve anything nor help them to make the blog faster...



As for the consumer-being fact;

Sorry Soul, gotta disagree with you...


"Let it go" is a huge problem of society today, it creates a sense of entitlement where people don't believe they are wrong for feeling like they "Owed" something for nothing.


It would be different if they had taken pre-orders and sold founders packages or something.  At least then people would have a reason to feel slighted.  


There is a difference between a consumer and a forum goer.  The consumer has actually purchased something, has anyone here paid for the game yet?

It is imo purely open to discuss.. But tbh, I personally did not pay so much attention to the saying of him seeing himself as a consumer (we could say maybe a "future/possible" consumer) and would not care less either..


Though he bought ArmA2 CO and the mod (even though its free) and is in the official forums of the mod (Bohemia Interactive). Everyone may have different thoughts on this subject, which is imo worthless.


People may get mad if they would think that something they seem to be promised would not happen.. It is a common sense and humor of being human. That is imo why this is one of the biggest problems of the gaming society nowadays (for a long time imo).


And I 100% agree with you on this case as well. This is imo (as mentioned up there) a problem as well. I wonder what is it you disagree with me though. I agree that people should not go mad at someone who they have generally no idea about for something that they again have no idea about.


In this small planet, everything can happen anytime. Therefore imo nobody should judge other people before going to the ground of the issues and investigate them by themselves in the first place.




Best Regards

Edited by SoulHunter

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I think you need to lay off Dean's back. From the start, Dean has had a very close relationship with the people from the forum and elsewhere. He has invited us, almost at least, home to him, offered us food, and now some of us, in spite of this unprofessional approach of his, are starting to throw his food back at him, and shout profanities at him, even in spite all he has offered us.


It just ain't right, man. It just ain't right.

you know sometimes i can take a step back and try to empathize with these ppl. although i cannot understand their direct motives i can see that they have a problem with deans communication policy. and if you have a quick look into the past: dean does himself no good, especially when you look at the recent statements and the ones today on reddit. it is fuel for the ones who're trying to start the fire. That's why i can understand their reaction although i can not understand their overall motives...well sounds weard doesn't it?

Edited by joe_mcentire

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you know sometimes i can take a step back and try to empathize with these ppl. although i cannot understand their direct motives i can see that they have a problem with deans communication policy. and if you have a quick look into the past: dean does himself no good, especially when you look at the recent statements and the ones today on reddit. it is fuel for the ones who're trying to start the fire. That's why i can understand their reaction although i can not understand their overall motives...well sounds weard doesn't it?

I myself find it odd behavior - understood in the sense that I personally cannot reason for why anyone would do like that - and whenever I find myself in a preasured situation, I never bow down or show anger, even to those I know personally.

Some people take themselves too seriously, I think, which makes them unable to accept when they are rejected, insulted, etc.


I think Dean should be less open and more professional about his fans. Instead of being friendly and sharing his ideas, etc., I think he should just completely stop doing so and only say what is necessary for his revenue gains--maybe that IS what he's been doing all along.

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but what if he has fun spending time in here? i have fun reading and posting in here, it is a "weird" hobby i guess but whatever floats your boat ;).

What? It was not me who said the people should take off time from the forum, maybe you should read the actuall conversation my post is based on, huh?

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Honestly I start to think that dayz will never be released at all. By the time they will be ready to release an alpha lots of dayz-like games will be on the market and dayz will be outdated. The Mod was great, now it´s bullshit. They are implementing things which are not ready. They should take their time with the mod before they release changes, and they should announce changes in both games or what is going on. But after telling everyone a release date in december, than changing it, and after that telling people 'it´s ready when it´s ready' you can never ever ever ever! Tell the same community that you´ll post information about the game next week and then tell them that information are comming when their comming! Do not fuck with the Community if you want your game to be succesful! The Community decides if the game will be played!

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I myself find it odd behavior - understood in the sense that I personally cannot reason for why anyone would do like that - and whenever I find myself in a preasured situation, I never bow down or show anger, even to those I know personally.

Some people take themselves too seriously, I think, which makes them unable to accept when they are rejected, insulted, etc.


I think Dean should be less open and more professional about his fans. Instead of being friendly and sharing his ideas, etc., I think he should just completely stop doing so and only say what is necessary for his revenue gains--maybe that IS what he's been doing all along.

z28.gif absolutely how i feel

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Did we buy the game? no, but without us, Dayz would be nothing, u can't make a game if you don't have players to play it. so we did something much more then giving a few bucks, and every single person who played dayz or still plays, helped out the dev team and rocket, in more ways than just one. you can't be a star without fans.


people need to get a grip, it's not even in alpha let alone beta, and you all are getting your panties all bunched up


Rocket, needs to stop using words like maybe and possible and the phrase Theres a chance!. just stop


Wow that just cleared the air on a shit ton of issues

Edited by =DiG= Zgraphz
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at end of the day


if they didint have a studio backing them we would be playing it now buggy alpha or not but...


they do have a big studio backing the project so they can take time and have money behind it. so there is no need to rush to a point but obviously you want to keep the hype up and hit the sales periods when it will sell best.


if you cantt release in these periods then you either wait or generate hype to sell the game.



i dont mind waiting for aslong as it takes its the sales speech or politician type wordplay that irritates as you know bsically before the lips move that you wont here what you want to hear but i do understand that but obviosuly not all do ;)

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I am the only one who still thinks we'll get the dev blog by the end of the week?  :huh:


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I am the only one who still thinks we'll get the dev blog by the end of the week?  :huh:

wait for the milestone of the review of the milestone then it should be nearly ready hope that clears it up.... or just viist reddit as it will be on there first probably .

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I am the only one who still thinks we'll get the dev blog by the end of the week?  :huh:

well i can see chances at 50%!

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well i can see chances at 50%!


Because it's 7pm on a Friday evening? IIRC previous devblogs have been released close to and after midnight both on Fridays and Sundays in the past.. 


It's quite obvious that some people are never going to be happy though. The same people that are convinced the devblog isn't going to come will find something in it to bitch about when it does.. 

Edited by CapricornOne

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Hi, can you use the PM function to sort issues like this instead of compounding the issue by making more off topic posts, thanks.


When a post is hidden you're supposed to receive an automatic notification, I think it's having some issues since the hack though.  Should be fixed soon.


TBH I don't understand your problem.  You seem to be hinting at the fact you've been censored.  You made a post asking about the Take on Mars release date on a DayZ thread and it got hidden for being off topic.  It's the only post you've had hidden on this thread.   You don't see other off topic posts being hidden because they are........hidden!

Not they are not lol. This entire forum is off topic :D

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every forum is off topic

Edited by dgeesio
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Not they are not lol. This entire forum is off topic :D

He said;


Hi, can you use the PM function to sort issues like this instead of compounding the issue by making more off topic posts, thanks.

So you should have written that;


Not they are not lol. This entire forum is off topic :D

^in a PM (imo).

Edited by SoulHunter
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Not they are not lol. This entire forum is off topic :D

Offs, can you PM me about it if you're still concerned as I suggested before (twice now).  It was a post asking about Take on Mars on a thread about a DayZ devblog, it got removed, the end.

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Dean, if you are reading this - we love you, and we're here for you, and we don't judge you, and we just want you to know that you're fine the way you are.


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