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Where are all the devblogs?

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  On 7/28/2013 at 11:28 AM, Fraggle said:

Unless I'm missing something they aren't waiting for a greenlight from Rocket for the mod ATM.  They had to wait a bit for the last one due to E3 etc (about a month ago) but since that was OK'd and released I think they've just been working hard on the next one.

Well, I hope you heard this time on the Community.. Many people complained that it is too hard to play right now, and it often gets frustating, even for me.. I´ve been playing Arma 2, Arma 3 and Dayz for a while and I know how hard it can get, but the actual mod state is ridiculous.. It was a little bit tone down with the reduced zed damage, but still the infection rate is too high and antibiotics are too rare.. As a fresh spawn with two dayz beginners, without military high tier weapons it´s nearly impossible to survive long enough to even make it away from the coast.. and the biggest problem is, that one of my proteges has a very bad pc and can´t afford a good one right now, and this causes him to be slower than running zeds, which hit him while he tries to get away so we need to help him and often get infected ourselves..

I would personally say, that if you would increase the infection chance by other things, like a cold or when you start bleeding because you´ve been hit by a zed with a low chance of infection, that would be great, because trying to help dayz beginners isn´t fun when everyone is infected after 5 mins..


authentic is an undefined term, so everyone can define it like they want, but still the dev teams need to know what the community wants, just because some people complain, that dayz is too easy, it doesn´t mean that everyone agrees if you make it harder, almost impossible to survive.

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That's cool but waaaay off topic for this thread.  No offence but this thread is regarding the SA not the mod.


If you want the community devs to read your concerns you need to post here:  http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/140121-dayz-mod-1771-hotfix/page-29#entry1417049

Edited by Fraggle

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I don't know many games where the devs release constant DevBlogs TBH, most just do a few interviews here and there, show some footage at a game expo or two and then eventually announce a release date. I really can't understand why people get so frustrated about DayZ. :S

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I think it's just because they said there would be weekly devblogs and then didn't really follow up on that.  If they'd have just said at the start we'd get one once a month or even less then peeps wouldn't have been sitting there every Friday waiting for news.  I know it was a while ago now and things have changed but I swear some peeps still think that every time a week passes without a blog it means the devs have let them down again :/


Some peeps are still hung up on the December 2012 release date even though that's been explained to hell and back and see every week that passes as another week that the game's been delayed even though most of us know that's not a true representation of the actual situation..

Edited by Fraggle

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  On 7/28/2013 at 12:08 PM, Fraggle said:


I swear some peeps are still hung up on the December 2012 release date even though that's been explained to hell and back and see every week that passes as another week that the game's been delayed even though most of us know that's not a true representation of the actual situation..


Scrapping that deadline was the best decision Rocket and co ever made, just wish people would realise that.

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Wait a second, is there still an internal release date or is the "2 months deadline" dead?

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I still love this current Dayz mod so much, but im excited about the SA of course...


Dont rush...thats never a good thing

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  On 7/28/2013 at 11:51 AM, ToastiMan said:

Well, I hope you heard this time on the Community.. Many people complained that it is too hard to play right now, and it often gets frustating, even for me.. I´ve been playing Arma 2, Arma 3 and Dayz for a while and I know how hard it can get, but the actual mod state is ridiculous.. It was a little bit tone down with the reduced zed damage, but still the infection rate is too high and antibiotics are too rare.. As a fresh spawn with two dayz beginners, without military high tier weapons it´s nearly impossible to survive long enough to even make it away from the coast.. and the biggest problem is, that one of my proteges has a very bad pc and can´t afford a good one right now, and this causes him to be slower than running zeds, which hit him while he tries to get away so we need to help him and often get infected ourselves..

I would personally say, that if you would increase the infection chance by other things, like a cold or when you start bleeding because you´ve been hit by a zed with a low chance of infection, that would be great, because trying to help dayz beginners isn´t fun when everyone is infected after 5 mins..


authentic is an undefined term, so everyone can define it like they want, but still the dev teams need to know what the community wants, just because some people complain, that dayz is too easy, it doesn´t mean that everyone agrees if you make it harder, almost impossible to survive.


Immune system feature anyone ? immune system gets too low your infection chance increases...your immune system is affected by your current health and weather etc :)

Edited by Massicor
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  On 7/28/2013 at 12:49 PM, Wayze said:

Wait a second, is there still an internal release date or is the "2 months deadline" dead?

The next devblog will tell you what you need to know.  *braces for tears*

Edited by Fraggle

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Anyone that believes the vaporware game DayZ standalone will be there before Christmas 2018 is either very dumb or very naive.


Even IF it gets released it's way too late, the hype is already over anyway.


Every month you'll see a rocket topic where he asks himself the question Why the lack of information? Answer: Because they're not doing anything.

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Of course it didnt come out yet. Rocket is too busy partying and climbing mountains. And his devteam of noobs doesnt help much either.

Edited by Jeroen128

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I remember the days when all servers where occupied 50/50, the good old days....


DayZ right now, is as dead as a person that just got ran over by a 600 tons cargo train in the middle of a hot desert surrounded by Jihad warriors.


How can people still support this disrespecting clown that doen't give a shit about his supporting community? All the community asks is just every now and then some information about the progress and all we get is "We are working on it", that's it. For almost year....


Biggest problem of all is that this community is getting smaller and smaller and the hype we had one year ago is completly gone. No one gives a shit about DayZ anymore and the people that do give a shit are tired of this endless list of bugs, superannoying zombies, lack of information and almost no progress.


For me there is just one reason why there is almost no information: there is simply no progress. If they would make progress then this game would have been released half a year ago and it makes sense: how can you develop a game when all you do is travelling? If DayZ would be once of BI's biggest names they would certainly post more info but no... nothing from BI, almost nothing from Rocket himself.

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  On 7/28/2013 at 12:51 PM, John69 said:

I still love this current Dayz mod so much, but im excited about the SA of course...


Dont rush...thats never a good thing


Don't rush?


I just hope Rocket doesn't read this, it might delay the standalone for another 3 decades.

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  On 7/28/2013 at 1:40 PM, GeneralMelchett said:

I remember the days when all servers where occupied 50/50, the good old days....


DayZ right now, is as dead as a person that just got ran over by a 600 tons cargo train in the middle of a hot desert surrounded by Jihad warriors.


How can people still support this disrespecting clown that doen't give a shit about his supporting community? All the community asks is just every now and then some information about the progress and all we get is "We are working on it", that's it. For almost year....


Biggest problem of all is that this community is getting smaller and smaller and the hype we had one year ago is completly gone. No one gives a shit about DayZ anymore and the people that do give a shit are tired of this endless list of bugs, superannoying zombies, lack of information and almost no progress.


For me there is just one reason why there is almost no information: there is simply no progress. If they would make progress then this game would have been released half a year ago and it makes sense: how can you develop a game when all you do is travelling? If DayZ would be once of BI's biggest names they would certainly post more info but no... nothing from BI, almost nothing from Rocket himself.


Well that is a cretinous way of thinking, either you have genuinely missed any info Dean has posted, or you are chatting out your arse, They are progressing and changing things quite quickly, so if they were to devblog, it would be redundant soon after because they changed/removed components, like this bubble feature they're adding, That takes some doing. If you really want to see what they're doing, go download the leaked copy of DayZ standalone, see how buggy it is, how drastically unplayable it is, how far they've come from the last big games/press junket. Instead of pissing snot out of your nose, either go away, or wait. It's simple.

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Well those of us that are testing it can clearly see it's not vapourware and are are also very aware of how hard the team work on it.  Looking at it from my position comments like the above just look silly.  Really though as I said before, only time will prove the naysayers wrong and in that regard all we can do is wait.


Rest assured though that time will make comments like the above look rather stupid.  For now we just have to suck it up.
Edited by Fraggle
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  On 7/28/2013 at 12:51 PM, John69 said:

I still love this current Dayz mod so much, but im excited about the SA of course...


Dont rush...thats never a good thing



 I really must agree, there are so many mods, and new things that you can never get board.....

thanks to everyone who is working so hard to make the mods, and the game, you get 10 points each from me,

rocket, you can have 11, because I like you, 




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  On 7/28/2013 at 1:18 PM, Fraggle said:

The next devblog will tell you what you need to know.  *braces for tears*

Delayed for another 5 years while dx11 is implimented.

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  On 7/28/2013 at 1:50 PM, Fraggle said:


Well those of us that are testing it can clearly see it's not vapourware and are are also very aware of how hard the team work on it.  Looking at it from my position comments like the above just look silly.  Really though as I said before, only time will prove the naysayers wrong and in that regard all we can do is wait.
Rest assured though that time will make comments like the above look rather stupid.  For now we just have to suck it up.


i thought the build was fucked?

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  On 7/28/2013 at 7:33 AM, Private Evans said:

in this case... I really hope Rocket will implement all the flight controls, start sequences and stuff from ToH which would drive hopefully more players like you away from playing this game


Honestly, I don't care what Rocket does since I only planned to purchase the game when I thought it was going to be, at most, $10 USD for the alpha.  Although, I doubt Rocket wants to drive too many players away from the game since I think DayZ SA is consistently losing followers as it is.

Edited by Zero3ffect

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  On 7/28/2013 at 1:57 PM, nicefish said:

i thought the build was fucked?

Temporarily, that's what happens with early dev builds.  They introduce something new, it fucks up the build then they fix it.  It's pretty standard for game development.

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  On 7/28/2013 at 1:40 PM, GeneralMelchett said:
How can people still support this disrespecting clown that doen't give a shit about his supporting community? All the community asks is just every now and then some information about the progress and all we get is "We are working on it", that's it. For almost year....


Haha, this made me laugh. "Why isn't the game out yet, it has been in development for almost a whole year???". We do get information about the progress every now and then. We actually get more than that. We have screenshots, videos, we know what they're working on now. The only thing that we don't know is the release date, because there isn't one yet and rocket himself doesn't know it either. The "community" getting smaller because the game isn't being rushed is probably a good thing for the game in the long run.

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  On 7/28/2013 at 2:10 PM, Rista said:

Haha, this made me laugh. "Why isn't the game out yet, it has been in development for almost a whole year???". We do get information about the progress every now and then. We actually get more than that. We have screenshots, videos, we know what they're working on now. The only thing that we don't know is the release date, because there isn't one yet and rocket himself doesn't know it either. The "community" getting smaller because the game isn't being rushed is probably a good thing for the game in the long run.

No its because the game was supposed to be out last december. Instead of telling the community early that it wouldnt be released he just ignored the fact and said nothing. Rocket or BI should of released a small statement. Then he says, it will be out withing 2 months then backtracks on that.


Anyone who says he didnt say that i suggest you look it up. but rocket himself twisted that the other day when i asked him about it and said sorry again.


Honestly, he shouldnt say anything unless its concrete.


Releasing this devblog will cause more anger than anything positive if theres no release date.


he should hold it off until theres a release date, then release a devblog.

Edited by nicefish

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  On 7/28/2013 at 2:34 PM, nicefish said:

No its because the game was supposed to be out last december. Instead of telling the community early that it would be released he just ignored the fact and said nothing. Rocket or BI should of released a small statement. Then he says, it will be out withing 2 months then backtracks on that.


Anyone who says he didnt say that i suggest you look it up. but rocket himself twisted that the other day when i asked him about it and said sorry again.


Honestly, he shouldnt say anything unless its concrete.


Releasing this devblog will cause more anger than anything positive if theres no release date.


he should hold it off until theres a release, then release a devblog.



So... you don't want him to release information about what they've been doing for a few months? Unless they say when they will release it to Alpha? Yeah, most of the people in this topic would disagree heavily. As for the whole Rocket setting times and then not meeting them. Welcome to the games industry. Where deadlines are not often met. Where games are push back weeks, months, years beyond the initial announced release date. Look at Duke Nukem Forever for fucks sake. 12 years. TWELVE YEARS! And you're crying because a game that has been in development for 1 year is not released? I suggest you do research on most of the popular games and their development times, and any changes in release date. Hell, just look at every Valve game, they push games back months at a time to make the game better. Either nut up or shut up.

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  On 7/28/2013 at 2:10 PM, Rista said:

Haha, this made me laugh. "Why isn't the game out yet, it has been in development for almost a whole year???". We do get information about the progress every now and then. We actually get more than that. We have screenshots, videos, we know what they're working on now. The only thing that we don't know is the release date, because there isn't one yet and rocket himself doesn't know it either. The "community" getting smaller because the game isn't being rushed is probably a good thing for the game in the long run.


I also find it quite funny (or sad) that whilst everyone is suggesting that the "hype"/zombie craze is dead and fading, WarZ just released figures claiming to have amassed over 1 million players. The fact of the matter is, regardless of your personal opinions of Dean, once the alpha hits it'll be everywhere... I find it quite hard to get away from mis-quoted news articles as it is, and there are often DayZ related topics on various forums that I frequent. To those that are acting like you "don't give a fuck anymore" and that you're not going to buy the game, unless Dean has gone and slung too many "Your Mama" jokes your way, grow the hell up.


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