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Melee Weapon Quick Switch Help/Advice

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I would prefer #2 or a version of #1 where you can move while changing weapons.

Or maybe just a shorter animation.

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I also vote for option 1. 

Version 2 brings back painful memories of Counterstrike AWP/DE comboers.


Any chance to up the speed of the animation to say, 3 seconds? 

4 seconds of sitting still is a tad too long to leave oneself vulnerable.


But either way...a welcome fix that'll avoid the dreaded inventory gear shuffle. Have a bean

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Because of the zombie claustrophobia exploit that exists in the mod (thanks arma), I feel it would be more balanced to have a longer holster/draw sequence. This, coupled with the less than perfect pathinding of the infected gives players more than enough time to draw a melee weapon.

We should be punished with a couple of smacks to the face if we decide to draw our melee weapon out of frustration while being chased.

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No brainer for me, option one animation all the way.


Quick switch for one looks shite and two is way too OP and would make zombies even more easy than they currently are.

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 i think number 2 but with a slight delay like real life,, otherwise it would be like COD and we will see quickscoping.   

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I'm voting for the 1st option, the secon one is unrealistic and too fast for PvP combat imho.

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Animation - even if you can't move, it's still superior to no animation. You can't pull out an axe that quickly in real life anyways.




If the length of time is a problem, perhaps the animation could be speeded up mildly, but changes without animations look really jarring.

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I vote for #1.  While I wish you could at least walk during this animation, the second one is just too counter-strike.  Believe it or not, it can be difficult to sling a rifle and pull out a hatchet in real life, especially while running.  It wouldn't happen instantly.

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I don't think anyone really wants an instant switch. But due to the engine, these are the only two choices?

If a slight delay, animated or not, could be added to the movement while switching option, that would be the best route. As a simulator, arma should have been built with that in mind. I loathe so much the current weapon switching, either with melee or secondary. But an instantaneous switch is ridiculous, as this isn't battlefield or CoD.

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definitely not the first one, it was one of the annoying things in the mod that u can´t switch under movment

and to be honest the animation is not that fancy that i want to see it a few thousand time in the next few years :)

especially when i cant do anything else when its going on.


so when movement + animation is no option

i would try the second one and maybe add a little attackspeed slow down for the first 3-4 hits

and /or a little less accuracy for the first few hits

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I don't see why you cant just allow the melee weapons in the pistol slot but I like the second choice better.

Edited by Burt_Reynolds

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Hello there


Im going to be difficult.


I loathe the way Arma "stops" you doing anything whilst changing over equipment (binocs are the worst offender) and so I tilt towards the insta change system, but is there a way you could implement a delay in time depending on what one is equipping?







CHANGE THE GODDAMN ANIMATIONS TO GESTURES INSTEAD OF MOVEMENTS! I'm not an expert on the ArmA Engine. I mean, I'm not Rocket's team of superstars after all. But you can mess with configs and then set "Custom action 17" and "18" to swap-to-sidearm/swap-to-whatever and do the swap while moving.

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I'd vote like this


1) If possible have the insta-swap, but don't have a quick key to do this. You'd still have to open your bag, then insta swap it, like ACE.


2) Insta swap with 2-4 second delay


3) animation swap


4) insta swap that you guys are using now


Also, are we going to be able to hold 2 primaries, or is this swap only for Melee/Primary?

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After watching the video, the animation is not to bad tbh. Is switching tied to a hotkey though or do you need to open your inventory and click on the button to switch because that is also going to add time.

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Animated RUNNING version and we can all be happy!

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Animated for sure, anything else would be fail.

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1st one with the animation.


2nd one is just to "CS".


Anyway, nice work R4ZOR :)

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I like the first one the because I don't like instaswitch. The fact that you have to stand still while doing it is maybe a bit annoying, but then again getting a weapon out while on the run might not be the easiest thing to do.


Just to be absolutely certain: This means that the rifle no longer takes up space in the backpack, right? That one bothered me far more than the lack of quick action.

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The first one, beacuse with the second it would be too easy

I hate that reasoning!


Easy or hard should not be even something to consider. It should only be realism oder plausibility. Is it possible to switch weapons while running in real life? If so, then make the game likewise.


NEVER EVER put annoying stuff in just to make things more difficult! That will only piss off the player and the only way to smooth that out is for it to be realistic or plausible.


Back in the day there was true quickswitching in Counterstrike. Nobody who was able to utilize that complained. Only the lamers and noobs did. But those are a lot. So a delay in weapon switching was implemented. I hated it at first, but it's plausible, so no big deal.


But beeing glued to the ground while chased by Zeds or Bandits is not only really annoying, it's also unrealistic. So double piss off. Please don't!

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