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What was your highest ever Fps on DayZ?

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Hey guys, what was your highest fps ever on dayz?

Currently mine is about 9 but i only have a rubbish laptop at the minute.

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I got in the mid-40s once when I looked directly at the ground.

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I sometimes get ~70fps when I look up at the sky.

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Hello there

I dont see how this will help but I get around 20-25.



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I've just noticed your sig. I *must* remember that people can see what I type.



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It's about time. I've been wondering if you've noticed it yet. I figured you just ignored it. It made me laugh, so I threw it in my sig. I hope you don't mind.

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60 on max settings.

20-30 in cherno and electro

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About 30 running around the city (as far as legitimate play)

5 staring at the sky/ocean

34-35 staring at the floor

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Average 70 - 80

50 - 60 in big cities.

I'm running a bit of a beast of a rig though.

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Average 70 - 80

50 - 60 in big cities.

I'm running a bit of a beast of a rig though.

Edit: This is running on the highest settings available.

Also, sorry about the double post, i was using my phone at the time and it kinda wigged out on me.

Edited by dancros

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160 with lowest settings and staring at the ground.

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When DayZ was first released i was getting around 55-60 fps everywhere now with all the other mods and extra stuff on the servers i push 30 fps. But tbh playing trinity im getting around 45

Bear in mind im running DayZ on a 5400rpm HDD

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160 with lowest settings and staring at the ground.

I can beat that! Fraps registers 450+ while loading in to a server :P

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Around 15 - 20, running on a laptop at moment but on my PC it's around 30 - 40.

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A few days ago I topped 150 fps on a DayZ Overwatch server. It's quite understandable considering the server only had two people on it besides me and the mod has all of the roadblocks/objects removed.

Normally, I average around 35 in big cities and 45-55 in forests.

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Mine averages from 70-80 right after a restart and 40 in towns

But once the server has been running for an hour or so I get about 40-50 and then 25-35 in towns

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I make 32 FPS today in the woods. :|

usualy I stay inside elektro for PvP but there my best maxmum ever is 24 >:(

My pc is new but very cheep kind, so I will need to think for a new one. my Dad say if I get a job this year and clear out garage he will put money towards. :thumbsup:

Cool Dad B)

Edited by KoS
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In large cities about 29+ (ok with me)

Just walking around or driving, id say 50 to a 100

Im running a real good custom rig so me getting 29 in the city suprises me.

This is all on the absolute max settings

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One time when I pressed Alt+Tab, my Desktop was running with over 9000 FPS!

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When in large cities, I get 15-20, but in fields and woods I get 30-45. However, in regular Arma 2, I hover at a constant 70-80.

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